Living Word Bookstore - Victory Family Church


I have read and understand the Handbook for the Living Word Bookstore and agree to abide by the policies and procedures contained therein. I have also read the Information

Security Policy and understand that violation of this policy could be grounds for dismissal from the Bookstore Ministry.




Name (Print)




Living Word Bookstore

Team Member Handbook


Vision, Mission, Goals, Ministry….…………………………………………… 4

General Qualifications and Guidelines for Conduct…………………...…….. 6

Dress, Appearance & Grooming- 7

Scheduling- 7

Confidentiality- 7

Team Member Role and Responsibilities- 7

Additional Guidelines for Floor Workers- 9

Personal Development- 9

Information Security Policy…………………………………………………….10

Operational Policies and Procedures………………………….……………….11

Store Hours- 11

Return Policy- 11

Lay-Away, Holds and Reserves- 11

Ministry Support- 12

Healing Team Ministry Curriculum (12)

Prayer Partners Continuing Education (12)

The “Red Book” (13)

Ryan’s Testimony (13)

Visiting Ministries (13)

Decision Packets (14)

Free Teaching Materials (14)

Cash Register Guidelines- 15

Handling Currency (15)

Processing Discount Coupons (15)

Processing Victory-Produced Items (16)

Bookstore Team Member Discounts (16)

Staff Discount (16)

Service CDs (17)

Punch Cards (18)

Gift Certificates (18)

“Cheat Sheet” for Cash Register Processing (19)

Miscellaneous Customer Helps………………………………………………….21

Bibles- 21

Music, DVDs and the Listening Station- 22

Special Orders…………………………………………………………………...23


Vendor Summary- 23

Gifts and Related Vendors- 24

Items We Do Not Carry- 24

Appendix A: Victory Family Church Statement of Faith……………………25

Appendix B: Personal Conduct Policy………………………………………...26

Appendix C: Recommendations for Various Needs………………………….27


Living Word Bookstore

Team Member Handbook

Vision: The Living Word Bookstore works in concert with the vision of Pastor John and Michelle Nuzzo for Victory Family Church to reach a generation for Christ and to equip others to do the work of the ministry.

Mission: The mission of The Living Word Bookstore is to support the ministry of

Victory Family Church, equipping others to do the work of the ministry by:

 providing products and materials which support outreach and promote spiritual growth;

 providing an environment of work style and decision making which empowers the

Bookstore team to minister to the customers and support the ministerial staff of



Equip the Bookstore team to equip others to do the work of the ministry through regular training and communication, including a team member handbook, team meetings and written updates.

Provide policies and procedures which will support the long-term viability of the

Bookstore, and position the Bookstore ministry for sustainability as Victory Family

Church grows.

Recruit and train a minimum of 5 new team members; identify and train 1-2 additional supervisors.

Develop and implement and new Frequent Buyer Program.

Develop and implement plastic gift certificate program

Introduce new line of merchandise bags

Expand inventory to include logo “wearables” and other items that promote Victory

Family Church.


Thank you for responding to the call of God upon your life to join the Bookstore

Ministry. We want you to experience the joy of serving God and sharing His love as you participate in this ministry.


The Bookstore Ministry is unique, requiring both a heart to serve as well as the skill set and dedication of a Bookstore employee in the retail industry. Serving requires functional tasks such as running a cash register and restocking inventory as well as ministry tasks such as helping a customer find just the right Bible. All must be done with the mindset that we are stewards of our time, talents, God’s money (i.e., the money we handle in the Bookstore), Bookstore resources (e.g., products), and people (e.g., customers and our fellow team members).

I Peter 4:9 (AMP) states:

Practice hospitality to one another—that is those of the household of faith. (Be hospitable, that is lover of strangers, with brotherly affection for the unknown guests, the foreigners, the poor and all others who come your way who are Christ’s body). And (in each instance) do it ungrudgingly—cordially and graciously without complaining (but as representing Him).

Thus, we are always conscious of how we present ourselves to others as we represent

Pastor John and Michelle, Victory Family Church, and most importantly Jesus Christ. It involves not only our appearance, but our demeanor and our spirit.

You serve a range of customers, including first-time visitors to our pastoral staff, from the unsaved to spiritually mature. You will encounter broken people looking for material to help them through a difficult challenge. Be ready to serve them and treat all equally.

Customers of the Bookstore will likely not view you as “just a volunteer.” Rather, they will have natural expectations that we all desire when we enter a retail store: workers with product knowledge, cheerfulness and attentiveness, proficiency in processing the purchase and so forth.


General Qualifications

Christians who are in places of responsibility in the church are required to be examples in faith, conduct and business affairs. Maintaining a high standard for workers is one of the best ways to present Christ to the people of our community. As stated in the Ministry of

Helps application, the following general guidelines are required:

Be a member of Victory.

Adhere to the Word of God, the Statement of Faith of Victory Family Church, and understand and agree with the mission of Victory Family Church.

Be able to make a minimum six-month commitment.

Be faithful to your assigned position.

Live a separated Christian life.

Attend ministry team and training sessions.

Be faithful to attend regular church services.

Be neat in your appearance.

Keep your home life in order.

Give thirty (30) days’ notice when resigning.

Be available thirty (30) minutes before and after scheduled services.

Guidelines for Conduct

Team members must be flexible and willing to learn. You should avail yourself to continuous improvement and be open to instruction.

We maintain a spirit of unity and handle issues according to biblical principles.

Team members must give evidence of a genuine experience of salvation and living a consistent Christian life.

Team members must maintain a proper prayer and devotional life. Consistent fellowship with the Father is essential in remaining sensitive to the needs of people.

Dress, Appearance & Grooming


As a representative of Victory Family Church, you should always observe good hygiene, neat appearance and proper dress, and common courtesy as you serve.

Appropriate dress for working in the Bookstore is business casual.

Women- dress pants are acceptable. Skirts should be at or below the knee with no slits in the front. Tight or revealing clothing is not appropriate. Neatly pressed jeans are fine for mid-week services. Do not wear shorts, T-shirts, or casual tennis shoes.

Men- dress shirts, turtlenecks, or collarless shirts are acceptable. Suits or sport coats are optional; ties are not required. Neatly pressed jeans are fine for midweek services. Do not wear shorts, T-shirts, casual tennis shoes or sandals.


All team members should plan to work a minimum of twice per month. You will be asked for your preferred dates to work prior to each month’s schedule. Once you receive your schedule for the month, you should review the schedule and notify the scheduler of any schedule conflicts.

You should retain a contact list of workers who generally work the same services you do.

If you are unable to work as scheduled, please refer to the contact list and find a replacement. Contact your Service Supervisor and advise them of the schedule change.


The contact information for Bookstore team members is available for designated teams working the same services. This information is to remain confidential, and can be used only for contacting other members should you be unable to work your scheduled service. Should you resign, you must return the contact list to the

Bookstore Manager.

Any information you receive from a customer you minister to must be kept confidential.

Team Member Role and Responsibilities

Arrive on time and be prepared to begin working at your scheduled service time.

The store opens 30 minutes prior to the service.

Workers must be on time and ready to work when their shift begins. Allow additional time to take care of personal needs and ensure you are current on any procedural updates before you begin working.

E-mail updates are sent to workers to inform of procedural changes, sales and promotions, new items and more. You should be familiar with all updates when you arrive to work.


Weekly memos for the Information Desk workers are also retained in the

Bookstore for your reference.

Wear your name badge while working.

Leave the service following the pastor’s invitation and prayer and before the announcements begin to allow time to re-open the store and be in position when the store opens.

Remain in the store throughout the duration of your scheduled time to work, or until excused by your supervisor.

Wait until the store closes or your shift ends to do your personal shopping.

Customers should be served first.

Keep the work area neat, and the back counter clear of drink cups. Purses, coats and other personal items should be stored in the Manager’s Office.

Keep the office door slightly ajar so that customers do not see into the office. (Do not close the door, as it will lock.)

The supervisor will assign team members to either work the floor or run the cash registers.

Customer Service is paramount. Treat all customers cheerfully, respectfully and promptly. Stay attentive, make eye contact and smile! Your personal concerns must be put aside in order to focus on your ministry.

Everyone should be greeted as they enter the store and thanked as they leave.

Keep conversation with co-workers to a minimum when customers are in the store. Do not “huddle” around the front counter. (The store is small, and conversation carries throughout the store.)

The Bookstore provides a ministry to help people find materials that will address spiritual needs, find the right Bible, or a special gift that will minister to someone. Be knowledgeable of the location and general nature of the majority of the books in the store. (This does not mean that you need to have read every book. However, you should be utilizing the Lending Library located in the Bookstore office to help familiarize you with key books and authors.)

Store policies are designed to give our team consistency and structure in serving customers. If necessary, politely explain policies to customers to give them context.

However, workers have discretion to make judgments that you feel are reasonable for both the store and the customer. While we should always be good stewards of the

Bookstore (e.g., monies and inventory) to which we are entrusted, we should also stay attentive to the customer. Consult your supervisor if you are unsure about how to handle a situation. If a customer becomes disruptive or begins to bully you, signal your supervisor or another worker to notify security.


Depending on your length of experience and training, you should strive to be able to perform the following:

Assist customers in the selection and purchase of Bibles, using Bible Translation sales tools

Place special orders

Provide feedback to the Manager regarding materials that may potentially be added to the inventory

Assist customers in selecting appropriate materials for various life issues using the “Recommendations for Various Needs,” Appendix C.

Proficiency with the Bookstore POS system, including how to locate items within the store, processing purchases accurately, and handling cash

Additional Guidelines for Floor Workers

Greet all customers as they enter the store and acknowledge them as they leave with a

“Thank you!” Move around the store and check with customers to see if they need assistance before making your way back toward the entrance.

Refrain from excessive conversation with customers coming into the store. Keep an eye on other customers and excuse yourself from the conversation if necessary in order to assist a customer.

Personal Development

Skills Development

Team members minister in the Bookstore “as unto the Lord.” Your God-given talents are exercised by understanding the technical aspects of assisting the customer (e.g., operating the cash registers, familiarity with Bookstore inventory), and adhering to Bookstore policies and procedures. You must stay current with developments in the Bookstore through training sessions and written updates and any other required reading.

Spiritual Growth

You should consistently avail yourself to church attendance, adult classes and other ministries which will promote your spiritual growth. The Lending Library contains foundational teachings of the ministry at Victory. This collection allows you cost-free access to materials which will contribute to your spiritual growth, as well as familiarize you with many of our materials so that you can better assist our customers. Please access the Lending Library materials on a regular basis, and make it a personal goal to read or listen to at least 1 item per month.


Information Security Policy

The Information Security Policy set forth by Living Word Bookstore of Victory Family

Church details the understanding and importance of sensitive data, especially that of cardholder data and the measures we will take to protect all such information.

Basic daily operational security procedures for the workers of Living Word Bookstore include:

Passwords will be assigned by the Bookstore Manager and should not be written down or shared.

All documents containing any element of cardholder data or customer bank account information will be maintained in a locked, secured fashion with limited

 access.

Access to systems and cardholder data information of Living Word Bookstore will be given based strictly on job function.

Upon dismissal, a worker’s access to all operations and data storage will be

 immediately revoked.

Workers are made aware of Living Word Bookstore’s security policy during initial training and at least once a year thereafter. Workers will formally acknowledge the policy in writing.


Operational Policies and Procedures

Store Hours

The Bookstore opens 30 minutes prior to the service and closes when the service begins.

It reopens after the service and closes 30 minutes after the service ends.

Return Policy

A receipt dated within 30 days is required for all returns and exchanges.

All returns and exchanges must be new, unused, and contain all original packaging.

CDs, DVDs and software cannot be returned if opened. CDs, DVDs, and CD series may be exchanged for an in-kind item if damaged.

To process a return, see Cash Register Guidelines, page 7.

Lay-away, Holds and Reserves

The Bookstore does not provide lay-away services.

Items may not be placed on hold.

Customers may reserve an item that is temporarily out of stock if the customer pre-pays for the item.


Ministry Support

Healing Team Ministry Curriculum

Healing Team Training is a 10-week training session held at various times throughout the year. The Bookstore supplies the majority of the required materials. You should be familiar with the location of these materials in the Bookstore. Materials are subject to change. A copy of the current syllabus is retained in the Resource Binder.

To download materials:

Our Redemption: A Settled Fact and Importance of Your Belief System by Pastor

John can be downloaded from free of charge. They can be purchased on CD for $3 each. A limited supply will be retained in the Bookstore for this purpose.

Pastor John’s series,

Crowned with Dignity and Worth and Understanding

Healing can be purchased at the Bookstore, or downloaded from

 Keith Moore’s material can either be downloaded from his ministry website

(, or participants can order the CDs (also free of charge) by calling his ministry (417.334.9233)

 You’ve Already Got It

CD series by Andrew Wommack can either be purchased in the Bookstore or downloaded (

Prayer Partners Continuing Education

Similar to the Healing Team Training program, we also supply materials for the 5week Prayer Partner Training program. Materials are subject to change, so refer to the current syllabus:

Our Redemption: A Settled Fact and Importance of Your Belief System by Pastor

John can be downloaded from free of charge. They can be purchased on CD for $3 each. A limited supply will be retained in the Bookstore for this purpose.

How to Receive from God - Kenneth E. Hagin (a CD series, located in the Faith section)

 You’ve Already Got It

- Andrew Wommack (can be downloaded from his website, or CD series can be purchased in the Bookstore, located in the Faith section)

Authority of the Believer - Kenneth E. Hagin (located in Faith)

Mastering the Silence - Doug Jones (located in Personal Development)

Positioning Yourself to Receive Healing - Doug Jones (Located in Healing section)


The following are mini-books, located on the spinner:

The New Birth , Why Tongues , The Bible Way to Receive the Holy Spirit (all by

Kenneth E. Hagin); You Are Valuable - Billy Joe Daugherty

Person of the Holy Spirit This will be a new free CD available at the front counter display available July 1

Knowing God and the Significance of Saying by Keith Moore must be downloaded from his ministry website.

The “Red Book”

The red binder is located in the right drawer of the front counter, and is used to track charges made by staff members to their respective ministries. Many staff members write down their charges themselves, but it is good customer service to offer assistance.

During special services at the church, our pastoral staff often directs pastors to come into the Bookstore to select items and charge them to “Ministry” or some other account. In this case, please be sure the items they take are documented and charged accordingly.

Required information includes:

Date item was taken

Title or Name of Item (Either write in the space provided or identify by the UPC label.)


Price (Peel off the UPC price tag or the price sticker. For items such as greeting cards, simply write down the price of the item.)

Department Charged (as identified by the staff member)

Frequently used codes: 200 for Counseling, 12 for Personal

Ryan’s Testimony

Ryan’s Testimony

is a CD series about Ryan Nuzzo’s healing of autism. It is generally distributed by our pastoral staff. Copies are available upon request; sets are kept under the cash register counter and in the Tape Room. They can be purchased for $12 and should not be taxed. There is a bar code label for this item on the scanning cards next to the registers, or you can process the sale under Department 28: 1200/28.

Visiting Ministries

We defer sales to visiting ministries who set up merchandise tables with items we stock in the store. You should direct customers to make their purchases at their merchandise tables rather than our Bookstore when we are selling the same items. Should the supply


at the merchandise table be depleted, you will receive instruction about whether to release inventory in the store.

Decision Packets

The God’s Creative Power Will Work for You mini-book is available to individuals who have taken “decision packets” at our kiosks. They can pick up this additional book at either the Information Desks, or from the Bookstore. The book is free, but you must collect the coupon located at the back of the “I Have Decided” booklet. You should document the date received and sign the coupon.

Free teaching materials

Free CDs and brochures are kept at the front counter. Topics include baptism of the Holy

Spirit, healing-related scriptures and so forth. These materials are intended for individuals only and should not be taken in quantities for distribution for individuals’ personal ministries. Additional quantities are located in the cabinets under the CD display.

Teaching material on water baptism is located at the Information Desks.


Cash Register Guidelines

Log into POS using your confidential access code, assigned by the Bookstore Manager.

Do not share another worker’s code. (See

Information Security Policy .)

A UPC label card is located at each register for scanning Service CDs and Tapes, Praise and Worship CDs, small novelties and Spiritual Growth Plans.

Handling Currency

Make sure that bills are facing in the same direction when you put them into the cash drawer. This will help to prevent errors when accepting money and giving out change.

Do not provide change for bills over $20 unless the customer is making a purchase in the


Checks should be made out to Victory, and you should input the check number when processing. Do not accept two-party checks.

The name on the credit card should match the name on the signature and the signature on the receipt should resemble the signature on the back of the card. Retain the signed copy of the credit card receipt and leave it in the bottom of the cash drawer.

Processing Discount Coupons

From time to time, Victory will distribute discount coupons. For information on specific discounts and promotions, refer to current updates or ask your supervisor.

Discounts do not apply to Pastor John’s series, and Praise and Worship CDs, and cannot be combined with other sale items or punch cards.

For processing discount coupons, input the amount of the discount on Screen 1, and “In-

Store Coupon” as the type. If the coupon is a discount for a single item, it is fine to apply the discount to the most expensive item. Follow any special instructions for specific coupons. For example, discounts covered by Victory ministries must be documented on the coupon.

Put coupons into the slot under the cash drawer.


Processing Victory-produced Items

It is imperative that these items be processed under their designated departments to ensure proper credit is received in the respective ministry departments.

 Pastor John’s Series- If the UPC label has faded and will not scan, input the price and ring up under Department 28. For example, if the series is

$24, input 2400/28.

CD cases are $4 each. Process 400/28.

Victory Praise and Worship CDs and DVDs- Process these purchases by scanning the UPC label, or under Department 27. Because quantities are sometimes limited, customers may order CDs when we sell out of them.

To place a CD on reserve, customers must pre-pay for the CDs.

Bookstore Team Member Discount

You receive a 20% discount on items you are purchasing for yourself or as a gift as long as you are working in the Bookstore. The discount is not transferable to other family members. You may also use the “punch cards.”

Discounts should not be combined with sale discounts, and do not apply to Pastor John’s series, Praise and Worship CDs, Victory note-keepers and candy.

If there is only one left of the item you wish to purchase, and you do not need the item immediately, please write the name of the item and quantity you wish to purchase on a special order form.

To process these discounts, double-click on the item after it has been scanned in Field 1, and input .20 in the discount field.

Staff Discount

Staff members receive a 40% discount on items they are purchasing for themselves or as a gift. The discount is not transferable to family members. (Exception: Family members of the pastoral staff also receive the staff discount.) Staff cannot use frequent buyer discount cards, such as the “punch card.”

Discounts should not be combined with sale discounts and do not apply to Pastor John’s series, Praise and Worship CDs, Victory note-keepers and candy.

To process the discounts, double-click on the item after it has been scanned in Field 1, and input .40 in the discount field.


Service CDs

With the exception of Healing School on Thursday mornings, people wishing to purchase service CDs should be directed to the Media & Events Center. As a convenience to the customer who is making purchases in the Bookstore, you may process an order for a service CD by completing the order form and collecting their payment. Instruct customers to pick up their CDs at the Media & Events Center.

Should you wish to purchase a service CD during your scheduled time to work, you may pay for the CD in the Bookstore. You may obtain the service CDs from the worker in the

Duplication Room, or take your receipt to the Media & Events Center and pick up your



Punch Cards

The Punch Card is a frequent buyer program that provides a $15 discount on any purchase once the card is fully used. (In essence, the customer receives a $15 credit toward their next purchase after they spend $90.) The card is punched once for every $15 dollars spent, minus sales tax. The punch card should not be applied for purchases made on sale items and cannot be applied to purchases of Pastor John’s series or Praise and

Worship CDs. The punch card must be used on a purchase AFTER the punch card is filled. The customer should not accumulate receipts and bring them to the store to have a punch card filled.

Redeeming the Punch Card- The customer must present their punch card in order to receive the $15 discount. The punch card can only be processed for purchases of $15 or more BEFORE sales tax.

Input 1500 in the Payment Amount Field. Select Sub TI$ Disc as the Payment Type and

Enter. Use “Frequent Buyer” as the Coupon Type. The new balance will appear in the

Payment Amount Field. Select payment type and process as usual.

Gift Certificates

Gift certificates cannot be used to purchase Pastor John’s series, Praise and Worship CDs or other materials produced by Victory Family Church.

Selling- Enter the amount of the gift certificate and select Department 66. Enter the name of the person who will receive the gift certificate. Process sale as usual.

If the certificate will be charged to a ministry, write the information in the “red book.” Gift certificates are located in the cabinet behind the left hand register.

Fill out the gray paper certificate with the amount, date of sale, expiration date

(allow 6 months from date of sale), and sign your name. Include an envelope, located in the cabinet behind the registers.

Redeeming- After scanning the purchases, enter the amount of the gift certificate as Payment Type. Do not include items that not allowed for purchase with a gift certificate (Pastor series and Victory Worship CDs). Process these sales separately.

If a balance remains on the gift certificate, write that amount on the certificate and initial. Do not give cash.


“Cheat Sheet” for Cash Register Processing

Price Discrepancy

If an item scans at a higher price than the sticker price, give the customer the lower price.

To change the price, highlight the item and double click on it. On the pop-up screen, in the box marked Discount Each, type in the amount the item should be discounted. For example, if the item scans at $8.95 and the sticker price is $7.95, type in 1.00 and hit OK.

(Leave a note regarding the discrepancy so that the correction can be made in the system database.)

Voiding a Transaction

Type in “VOID” in the field “Item#/Price/Discount.” A screen will pop up and you will type in the transaction # you are voiding. (The transaction # is on the receipt.) Do this to void a transaction, not to process a refund.

To Give a Refund

Type in the negative number in the Quantity field, and scan the item. For example, if a person is returning one book, type in -1, then scan the item. If other items are being purchased at the same time, process these items as usual; the item being returned will be credited to the purchase. Otherwise, proceed with processing the refund, providing the refund in the same form that payment was made (cash for cash or check, credit to credit card if charged). (Confirm customer has receipt dated within 30 days, and that the qualifications for returning the item are met, per our refund/exchange policy).

The register will generate a return slip for the customer to sign. Retain the signed copy in the cash drawer.

Punch Cards

For details on punch card policy, see “Punch Cards” under Cash Register Guidelines.

When processing punch cards for payment, type in 1500 in the Payment Amount Field.

Select Sub TI $ Discount, and Enter. For reason, use “Frequent Buyer.” The new balance will appear in the Payment Amount Field. Select payment type and process as usual.

Note also: AFTER the punch card is filled, it must be redeemed on the NEXT purchase.

Gift Certificates

For details on gift certificates, see “Gift Certificates” under Cash Register Guidelines.

When accepting payment with a gift certificate, use the OLDGIFTCERT option, and enter the amount of the gift certificate.

To sell a gift certificate, enter the amount of the certificate and select Department 66.

Enter the name of the person who will receive the gift certificate. Process sale as usual.


When an Item Will Not Scan

If a price tag is damaged or otherwise will not scan, click on the “?” next to the

“Item#/Price/Disc.” field. You can pull up the item from the inventory database by typing in the title of the book, etc. or typing in key words. Once you locate the item in the database, click on “Transfer” at the bottom of the page to transfer the information into


Conversely, if you cannot locate the item in inventory, type in the price and click on

PgUpNoItem#, located at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to the list of departments. Type in the Department Number at the top of the screen and Enter. Then process as usual.

For Pastor John’s CD series, type in the price and use Dept. 28. For example, if the price is $24, type in 2400/28.

Worker and Staff Discounts

For details on worker and staff discount policies, see “Bookstore Team Member

Discounts” and “Staff Member Discounts” under

Cash Register Guidelines.

When processing discounts for the workers or staff, highlight the item eligible for a discount. In the pop-up screen, input .20 (or .40) in the discount field and OK. For reason, use Employee. The discount will show next to the original price on your screen.


Miscellaneous Customer Helps

Extra gift items and boxes are generally located in the cabinets under or adjacent to the displays. Additional empty boxes are kept in the cabinets behind the registers. Larger boxes are kept in the manager’s office.

If you see that someone is purchasing a gift, ask if they need a gift bag and/or greeting card. These items are excellent quality, and prices are very competitive with other retailers.

Extra envelopes for greeting cards are kept in the Manager’s Office.

Surplus inventory is limited. However, any additional inventory on hand is located on the shelves in Manager’s office. Additional copies of Pastor John’s CDs are located in the cabinets below the CD counter.

Mini-books are a great ministry tool and are organized on the spinner by topic (salvation and baptism of the Spirit, Healing, Finances, and so forth.) Additional stock can be found in the cabinets under the CD counter. They are alphabetized by title.

A Recommended Reading List (See Appendix C.) is retained in the Bookstore Handbook as an aid when assisting customers.

Exercise good judgment when recommending materials. Your personal taste for authors should not dictate what you recommend to customers. Help guide customers to make their choices, asking questions that will help you to locate what their needs are: What kinds of concerns are you wanting to address? Is this purchase for you or someone else?

What is the age of the person for whom they are buying? Is this person a new Christian?

Does this person attend Victory? Are they open to Spirit-filled materials?


A Bible Translation Guide is retained in the Resource Binder. This guide is useful for helping customers understand the differences between translations so that they can determine the translation that is best for them. For example, the aid shows the customer how John 3:16 reads in each type of translation, and helps to differentiate between a translation and a paraphrase. It is better to refer to these materials when assisting customers, rather than offering an opinion about what you personally like.

As with other materials, ask questions that will help guide the decision-making process.

Is the purchase for you or someone else? Is this person a new Christian? What is the age group of the person? Do they prefer a translation or a contemporary paraphrase?

While we carry an assortment of Bibles, we can generally order Bibles to fit the options desired by the customer:


 type of cover (e.g., genuine or bonded leather, hard or soft covers, “designer” options)

 study aids and many other options, including red-letter, tabs, concordance

Many Bibles can be special ordered for the customer. Note on the special order form options desired, including translation, type of cover, and any other special requests. Note their name and phone number on the order form so that we can follow-up with them on price, etc.

We offer a 15% discount on Bible covers, good for 1 year after the purchase of the Bible.

This discount applies for Bible covers in stock as well as special orders. Bible covers extend the life of the Bible. If the customer does not purchase the Bible cover at the same time as he purchases the Bible, the customer can retain the receipt, or you can give them a paper gift certificate good for 15% off any Bible cover, which expires in 1 year.

Music, DVDs and the Listening Station

We carry a limited selection of music and DVDs, including Best-sellers, Praise and

Worship, Children, and music by our own worship team.

The Listening Station allows customers to preview the music we have in stock (scan the

CD in front of the reader to pull up the item and listen to the CD), or search for music by title, artist or other category.

Most items can be special-ordered and received by next day or within a week, depending on the distributor.

Opened DVDs and CDs cannot be returned unless they are defective and can only be exchanged for the same item.


Special Orders

While we strive to maintain a wide selection of inventory, our limited space requires that we are prudent regarding what items will sell within a reasonable period of time and best support the ministry at Victory.

Many items which we do not carry can be special-ordered for the customer. Pre-payment is not required but is preferred if the retail price is known.

Complete a special order form for each item ordered, and mark it “paid,” if applicable.

Include the customer’s name and phone number and item information details sufficient to identify what the item is that needs to be ordered. The title of the book is generally sufficient, unless the customer is uncertain of the title. The author/artist or other information may be helpful. Write your name in the section labeled “Salesperson.”

Vendor Summary

We have a number of vendors available to fulfill special orders. If the item is not found on any of the listed sites, advise the customer that we will research the item and followup with them.

Frequently used vendors include:

Anchor Distributors:

The customer can generally pick up their order by the next service if the item is in stock at Anchor.

Books, Audio books, and CDs: You can look up a book title, music CD or other item at using the Advanced Search link. Verify that the item is in stock and identify the price.

Bibles- Anchor is our primary distributor for Bibles. If time permits, do a look-up for available options on the website, and let the customer choose the item desired.

Otherwise, include translation and other features desired on the special order form, and let the customer know we will follow-up with additional information.

Faith Library Publications

Kenneth Hagin books are generally purchased through Faith Library Publications.

(See the catalog for retail prices.) Allow 1-2 weeks for most special orders.

Harrison House:

Books not found on the Anchor website may be available through Harrison

House. Consult this website as a back-up.


Gifts and Related Vendors

Various catalogs are available for reference should a customer inquire about special orders. Note that minimum orders and shipping costs may apply.

Tapestries and Totes- Manual Woodworkers and Weavers

Photo Albums, Boxed Cards and Stationary- Dayspring

Jewelry- Bob Siemon

Bible Covers- Anchor Distributors, Bob Siemon

Life of Faith Dolls- Mission City Press

Items We Do Not Carry

Bookstore inventory is based upon direction by our pastoral staff. Some materials are not carried because the teaching conflicts with that of Victory Family Church, or because the pastoral staff feels that a ministry’s conduct may be such that carrying their material may reflect negatively on the ministry at Victory.

The following are not carried in the Bookstore, but may be special ordered upon request, assuming we can obtain the material through one of our vendors:

Materials by Gloria and Kenneth Copeland

Materials by Creflo and Taffi Dollar

Materials by Joseph Prince

Personal Evangelism by E. W. Kenyon


APPENDIX A: Victory Family Church Statement of Faith

We Believe . . .

. . . that the Bible is the inspired and only infallible authoritative Word of God.

-(II Tim. 3:16)

. . . in one God, Maker of all things who eternally exists in Trinity as three persons:

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

-( I John 5:4-7; John 1:1-14 )

. . . in the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles,

His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory.

(I Cor. 15:3; I Peter 2:23-24; John 3:16)

. . . that for salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.

(Rom. 3:21-30; Gal. 4:4-7)

. . . that the full consummation of the baptism of believers in the Holy Ghost is evidenced by the initial physical sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance, and by the subsequent manifestation of spiritual power in public service.

(Acts 1:8; 2:42-43; 10:44-46; 19:2-6; Matt. 3:11)

. . . in the resurrection of both the saved and lost; those who are saved unto the resurrection of life and those who are lost unto damnation. (John 5:24-29)

. . . that deliverance from sickness is provided for in the atonement, and is the privilege of all believers.

(Isaiah 53:4; Matt. 8:16-17; Mark 16:18)

. . . in the imminent return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

(I Thess. 4:16-18; Rev. 22:20)


APPENDIX B: Personal Conduct Policy

It is the desire of the pastoral staff of Victory Family Church that all volunteers live an exemplary life before God and their fellow man. With that goal in mind, we ask that everyone involved in ministry adhere to the guidelines below:

1. Refrain from the purchase and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

2. Refrain from any sexual relationships outside of the marriage covenant.

3. Refrain from viewing any pornographic material.

4. Refrain from the use of tobacco.

A detailed explanation of the policy is available on the Personal Conduct Policy audiotape that you can request from the office if you wish.


Appendix C: Recommendations for Various Needs


How to Bring God’s Increase

- Pastor John Nuzzo

Total Money Makeover - Dave Ramsey

Family Finances - Joe McGee

Heaven’s Wealth Food

- scripture readings by Larry Hutton

God’s Creative Power for Finances

- Charles Capps


Positioning Yourself to Receive Healing - Doug Jones

Christ the Healer - F.F. Bosworth

Heaven’s Health Food

- Dr. Larry Hutton

Healing Belongs to Us - Kenneth E. Hagin

Healed of Cancer - Dodie Osteen

Understanding Healing - Pastor John Nuzzo

Spirit-Led Living and Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Why Tongues?

- Kenneth E. Hagin (a mini-book)

The Bible Way to Receive the Holy Spirit - Kenneth E. Hagin (a mini-book)

Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room - Kenneth E. Hagin

How to Be Led by the Spirit of God - Kenneth E. Hagin

Free CDs taught by Pastor Craig, located at the front counter

Divorce and Contemplating Divorce

The Walk-Out Woman - Dr. Steve Stephens & Alice Gray

Relationships in Crisis - Pastor John Nuzzo

Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage - Kenneth E. Hagin

New Christian

The New You - Andrew Womack

Prayers that Avail Much for New Believers- Germaine Copeland (a mini-book)

Scripture Confessions for New BelieversHarrison House Publications

Abusive Past/ Destructive Relationships

Beauty for Ashes - Joyce Meyer

Root of Rejection - Joyce Meyer

The Search for Significance - Robert S. McGee

Boundaries- Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

Safe People- Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend


Spiritual Growth

Starved - Pastor John Nuzzo

Growing Up Spiritually - Kenneth E. Hagin

Grace: The Power to Change - James Richards

Taking Your Place in Christ - Mark Hankins

The Power of Identification with Christ - Mark Hankins

Internal Affairs: Emotional Stability in an Unstable World - Dr. Larry Hutton

The Effects of Praise - Andrew Womack

Mastering the Silence - Doug Jones

Sparkling Gems - Rick Renner

The Bait of Satan - John Bevere


Have a New Kid by Friday - Dr. Kevin Leman

The New Strong-Willed Child- Dr. James Dobson

Boundaries with Kids- Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr, John Townsend

Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter Vicki Courtney

For Parents Only Shaunti Feldhahn

You Have What It Takes- John Eldredge

*Parenting: From Surviving to Thriving Charles R. Swindoll

Preparing for Adolescence- Dr. James Dobson

Age of Opportunity- Paul David Tripp

The Five Love Languages of Teenagers- Gary D. Chapman

*I'm Not Your Friend, I'm Your Parent E. D. Hill

*Withhold Not Correction- Bruce Ray

*Be The Parent- Kendra Smiley

*Good Discipline, Great Teens Ray Guarendi

*Taming the Spirited Child Michael H. Popkin

* Recommended by Pastor Nathan Hurst, but not carried in the Bookstore

Marriage and Blended Families

Marriage on the Rock- Jimmy and Karen Evans

Love and Respect Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Cracking the Communication Code Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

The Act of Marriage and The Act of Marriage after 40 Tim and Beverly La Haye

Blended Families: A Fresh Start - Joe McGee



Bible Prayer Study Course- Kenneth E. Hagin

Secrets to Powerful Prayer Lynne Hammond and Patsy Cameneti

Extreme Prayer Makeover Pastor Joe Cameneti

The Master is Calling Lynne Hammond

Any Prayers that Avail Much series- Germaine Copeland

Life Purpose

Live the Dream- Pastor John


Appendix D: Supervisor Role and Responsibilities

Each supervisor is assigned to a designated service to weekly oversee the Bookstore for that particular service. The supervisor ensures the Bookstore is opened and operational for their service and assists team members scheduled to work.

Supervisors model outstanding customer service and assist in communicating timely information to their team members. Supervisors are empowered to make decisions as needed to maintain quality customer service and protect the integrity of the Bookstore operations.

Should a supervisor be unable to attend his or her designated service, it is your responsibility to contact one of the other supervisors or the manager.

Supervisor Service Assignments:

Saturday, 6 p.m. - Debbie Madden

Sunday, 9 a.m. - Janet Sybert

Sunday, 11a.m. - Joyce Saunders

Wednesday 7 p.m. - Jennifer Eckels

Store Opening Procedure:

Turn on the lights over the counter.

Boot up cash registers and log into Bookstore Manager. (Password should be kept confidential.)

Ensure registers have adequate change and exchange currency from the safe. (Only supervisors should access the safe.)

Walk through the store and straighten merchandise as needed; restock candy if needed.

Once store is ready, prop open all four doors. Position the gondolas outside the store.

Ensure that all workers have read the current Bookstore updates and answer any questions. Coach as needed regarding prompt arrival, register operations, policies and procedures, and customer service.

Assign workers to floor or cash registers and oversee their work.

Once new workers have met with the Bookstore Manager and received orientation and initial training, supervisors will provide their “on the job training.”


Store Closing Procedure (approximately 35 minutes after the service ends):

The Sunday 9a.m. Supervisor should remain until closing for the 11 a.m. service, or as needed.

Workers should work until the end of the shift, unless customer volume is low, and you choose to release them early.

Assist any remaining customers in the store and gently let them know the store will be closing.

Bring the gondolas into the store and position them so that displays are visible from the outside. Lock the doors while you are closing.

For all services, except the 9 a.m. Sunday service, follow the cash register close-out procedure.

Exit POS

Run SLTL: Total All Registers (Print Tapes)

Run SLIV: Print to Screen, then Print and Print to Brother printer (in Manager’s


Run SLCC: Run settlement and print to Brother printer

Run SLTP: Print and clear Cash Receipt Tapes

Notify Manager (via notes, voice mail (x328) or e-mail) with any questions/concerns that occurred during your service.

Turn off the 3 lights over the counter.

Make sure Security locks the doors before you leave.



Linda Choiniere- Bookstore Manager

724.502.4123 (home)

724.799.1061 (mobile)

Kathy Spencer- Office Manager (in Linda’s absence)

724.452.3160 (home)

724.601.7171 (mobile)

IT issues:

In most cases, cash register issues are corrected if rebooted. If not, have Security locate the IT representative on duty: Bob Kaleta or Stephen Lipp.

