Experiments: how do we know what single motors do? Optical tweezers Fgrad 12 p E E 2 Optical trapping • Is simply a TM-00 (Gausian cross section) laser beam focussed to a diffraction-limited spot. • Can use it to grab, and manipulate, small dielectric objects • Vesicles, lipid droplets, cell membranes, small glass or plastic spheres are all small dielectric objects Optical trap • Can position beads anywhere • Easy to see motor-microtubule binding events How much force can the motor exert: Optical tweezers as a spring Methods For Force calibration in Optical Tweezers (If interested, please see Dr. Yonggun Jun who has just spent a lot of time thinking about OT calibration!!) Equipartition Theorem Equipartition Theorem 40 P=72 mW P=170mW P=260mW x (nm) 20 0 -20 -40 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Time (s) 0.8 1.0 1 10 100 1000 Histogram Stalling Force measurements How far can a single motor move a cargo? • Vesicle transport motors such as kinesin and Myosin-V are “processive” enzymes • Processive: go through repeated complete enzymatic cycles, while remaining bound to the substrate (in this case the MT or AF) Use of Optical trap to characterize kinesin 12 Microtubule motors are unidirectional Single Kinesin motor moving a bead in vitro A single motor moves ~ 1 m Single motor bead assays: processivity Histogram Individual Traces Does it take discrete steps, or move continuously? If steps, what size? • MT built of repeating subunits (dimers). Each dimer is 8 nm in length • If moves along a single protofilament, expect steps that are some multiple of 8nm. If lateral steps possible, could take smaller steps. Single-molecule driven beads move in Single-molecule steps are 8[ATP], nm at low [ATP], load 8 nm steps at low low low load Distance (nm) a 8 nm 1 Time (s) 0.02 b Power Number 0.6 3 0.4 5 7 c 0.01 0.2 0 8 16 24 32 Distance (nm) 40 48 0.00 0.000 0.125 0.250 0.375 -1 Spatial Frequency (nm ) Extraction of Step size from displacement records Position Pairwise Distance Function analysis Step Size ? Time You expect to see regular peaks in a histogram of such pairwise distance at multiples of the Step size Step Detection Techniques—individual rapid steps Feedback Force Clamp AOD Halogen Lamp L5 980nm IR Laser M1 PSD DM1 BFPC L1 Condenser NA=1.4 XYZ Piezo-Stage x High Sampling 100x Objective NA=1.3 BFPO L2 DM2 M2 L3 L6 L4 CCD camera M3 Chi-squared Minimization Method B.C. Carter, et al “A Comparison of Step-Detection Methods: How Well Can You Do?” Biophys. J., 94(1):306-19, (2008) 18 Step Size Measurements Kinesin 0.10 Kinesin-EXPT Detected Steps Position (nm) 128 112 96 80 64 48 32 16 0 -16 AOD Feedback Normalized Kinesin 0.05 0.00 0.0 0.1 0.2 -32 0.3 Time (sec) Position (nm) 96 Counts (Normalized) Kinesin Simulation Detected Steps 112 80 64 48 32 16 0 0.0 0.1 Time (sec) 0.2 -16 0 16 Step Size (nm) 32 48 EXPT_Kinesin Sim_+8nm only Residual 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -32 -16 0 16 32 Step Size (nm) 48 Label one head Selvin, Science Tracks: Distribution of steps: The average step-size is 17.3 ±3.3 nm; uncertanty of mean (SEM) is 0.27 nm Three families of molecular motors Kinesin Myosin-V Dynein Cargo Cargo KLC Pi KR1 Dynactin binding KR2 MR2 Ca2+ Pi KAPP KR3 MR1 Head (ATPase) Stalk 2 1 c 3 6 4 5 Lever (?) KHC Head (ATPase) MT binding Processivity: porters vs rowers Processive (porter) Non-processive (rower) Images: MCRI Molecular motors group Kinesin is Processive; Myosin II (muscle) is not. Why? • A processive motor doesn’t let go of the substrate (MT or AF) so the cargo doesn’t diffuse away • Many processive motors could get in each others way--all bound to the filament at the same time • A non-processive motor lets go of the filament at some point in its enzymatic cycle. Thus, multiple motors don’t get in each others way--not active at exactly the same time • The ‘duty ratio’ is the ratio of (time bound to substrate)/(complete time for enzymatic cycle) • Duty ratio=1 for processive motor Summary of single-molecule experiments Motor proteins: Are uni-directional, and move along straight filaments Exert 1-6 pN force Typically go ~ 1m before detaching Kinesin motors take 8 nm steps, Dynein takes a variety of step sizes, Myosins take 36 nm steps Move between 0.1 and 2 m/s Is this how transport functions inside cells? How do we go from singlemolecule characterization to in vivo function? Herpes virus in cultured neuron Why do cargos need multiple motors? Many intercellular distances are longer than 1 micron Motion in cells is different from what might be expected based on single-molecule properties Cargos can move long distances Maybe multiple motors? Bead moved by multiple kinesin motors So, multiple motors can move a cargo long distances. Now, lets look more carefully… Start to build complexity in a controlled environment, i.e. in vitro, and understand how motors work together Poisson statistics: Getting down to the single molecule limit… • Catch Dynein- or kinesin-coated beads, bring in contact with MT • Find probability for Binding/motion (Bind fraction) • Repeat at different motor:Bead ratios • Plot the Bind fraction Vs motor:Bead ratio • Stay where probability for “doubles” is negligible For single motor, use Binding/moving fraction ≤ 0.3 Motor - polystyrene bead assays Kinesin I: single motor 30% or less of beads bind to MTs Run Length (Processivity) Decay constant ± SEM : 1.46±0.16 µm Force production Peak center ± SEM : 4.8±0.06 pN Poisson statistics: Getting down to the single molecule limit…and then back to multiple motors • Catch motor-coated beads, bring in contact with MT • Find probability for Binding/motion (Bind fraction) • Repeat at different motor:Bead ratios • Plot the Bind fraction Vs motor:Bead ratio • Now, use concentration where probability for “doubles” is high: mixed population Mixed bead population--> How do we know how many motors are moving a specific bead? What we think is going on Bf~0.3 Bf~0.7 Bf~1.0 Increasing Kinesins per bead Bf~1.0 Evolution of force production with increasing kinesins per bead Single motor (Bf ~0.3) 1-2 motor Mostly single motor (Bf ~1) Conclusion: for multiple-motor driven transport, binding fraction cannot tell you how many motors engaged. Stalling forces are additive at low motor number; use this as a readout of the number of instantaneously engaged motors Motor - polystyrene bead assays Kinesin I: ~two motors driving polystyrene bead Force production Run Length Summary for ~2 engaged Kinesins: * Velocities unchanged (not shown) * Stall forces ~ additive * Cargo travel lengths very long, but this is not really correct (see next) >> Similar results for cytoplasmic dynein (see Mallik et al, Curr. Bio, 2005) More: see website bioweb.bio.uci.edu/sgross Conclusion: motion in cells is different from what might be expected based on single-molecule properties We have three ‘systems’ level questions to understand: Cargos can move long distances Cargos can reverse course, move bi-directionally Cargo transport can be regulated What single-molecule properties are particularly important for how multiple motors function together? Cartoon of processive motion of a cargo moved by two motors From cartoon… On-rate Off-rate Overall number of motors Back of the envelope calculation for how far 2 motors will go on average…. Assume single-motor processivity of 1200 nm, velocity of 800 nm/sec, on rate of 5/sec 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. First motor detaches at t0 . How long to rebind? T(rebind) ~ 1/Kon =1/5 sec. Does second motor detach before first rebinds? What is off rate? Processivity (mean travel): 1200 nm, vel 800 nm/sec avg duration of run: 1200 nm/800 nm/sec=1.5 sec Off rate: 1/avg duration = Koff= 1/1.5 Prob of second motor detaching is Koff*(rebinding time)=(1/1.5)*(1/5)= 0.1333 i.e. ~13% chance of failing to make it though cycle. Adjust this to 26% (ignored second motor detaching right before first motor) On avg make it through ~ 4 cycles. Regulation: how? From expression <X>= ½*(D/N)*(Kon/Koff)N-1 Kon: On-rate, i.e. rate at which single motor binds MT Koff: Off-rate in time, i.e. rate at which single motor detaches from MT D=processivity, i.e. mean travel (distance) before detaching. Note that Koff and D are NOT independent: Koff = V/D V=Motor velocity can tune mean travel by altering N, Kon, or Koff (V or D, or both). Analytic Mean-field theory of average cargo travel carried by two motors p: binding rate (1/s) e: unbinding rate (1/s) d=v*(1/ ev/ e Velocity: crucial initial condition Klumpp and Lipowsky, PNAS, 2005 Experiment: established for single-motor study Valentine et al., Nat. Cell Bio., 2006 Experiment: established for single-motor study Valentine et al., Nat. Cell Bio., 2006 Experiment: difficult to interpret for more motors ? Experiment: difficult to interpret for more motors ? Experiment: difficult to interpret for more motors ? Experiment: difficult to interpret for more motors ? Experiment: modify surface chemistry for two-motor Experiment: modify surface chemistry for two-motor Position Position Experiment: force to further require two-motor Time Time Experiment: clean one- vs. two-motor system! d D Goal: Test Strategy: reduce ATP to slow down motor 10M ATP 20M ATP 1mM ATP Experiment: one-motor travel d 30 30 15 15 0 0 16 16 8 8 0 0 60 60 30 30 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Velocity (m/s) 0 0 2 4 6 Travel (m) 8 10M ATP 20M ATP 1mM ATP Experiment: two-motor travel D 16 20 8 10 0 0 20 14 10 7 0 0 12 12 6 6 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Velocity (m/s) 0 0 2 4 6 Travel (m) 8 30 30 15 15 D 1mM ATP 1mM ATP d 0 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 2 4 6 8 Velocity (m/s) Travel (m) 16 20 8 10 0 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 2 4 6 8 Velocity (m/s) Travel (m) D=1.7d Rogers et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 2009 Velocity tunes travel distance for two-motor system 0 0 16 16 8 8 0 60 0 60 30 30 0 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 2 4 6 8 Velocity (m/s) Travel (m) 1mM ATP 15 16 20 8 10 0 0 20M ATP 15 D 20 14 10 7 0 10M ATP 1mM ATP 30 10M ATP 30 20M ATP d 12 0 12 6 6 0 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 2 4 6 8 Velocity (m/s) Travel (m) Motors work in small ensemble in cells We establish velocity as a control for ensemble travel May be particularly important, as beautiful work by Joanny (Campas, et al, Biophys. J. , 2008) suggests a limited number of motors (~ 9 max) can be active. Hw #2 : Model two kinesin motors functioning together, and then investigate velocity effects. In Hw #1 you developed a simulation for 1 motor. Here, stick two such motors together. Assume initially that the motors here have the same properties as in the previous hw. The main goal here is to get the simulation working, and compare its results for a few different choices of ‘on’ rates and ‘off’ rates to the order-of-magnitude theory developed in class. How similar are the two sets of predictions? For a single motor with processivity of 1.2 microns, what is your prediction for the mean travel of a cargo with two such motors, assuming an ‘on’ rate of 2/sec or 5/sec. Do this assuming a velocity of 800 nm/sec, and a velocity of 100 nm/sec. Velocity: the link between temporal and spatial of individual motor unbinding from microtubule Slower velocity buys more time for additional motor to bind before the current bound one detaches. (see Xu et al, Traffic, 2012)