
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Activity Training
Hands-on Activities:
Carleigh Samson
TeachEngineering Editor
University of Colorado Boulder
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
General Advice
• Be prepared! Do each activity beforehand
• Make sure all materials are available
• Keep students on task
• Follow the time frame
• Be flexible
• Have Fun!!
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Watercraft
Activity Source
• Description:
o Students design, build and test a boat, using minimal materials, able to float
and support weight. They apply knowledge of buoyancy and Archimedes’
principle in their design.
• Engineering focus:
o Full Engineering Design Process: brainstorm, design,
test, evaluate, redesign, etc.
• Learning objectives:
o Design and build a boat out of straws and plastic
wrap that can hold 25 pennies for at least ten
seconds before sinking.
o Complete all the steps in the engineering design
process, focusing on evaluation and redesign to
optimize a design.
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Watercraft
• Suggested time: 50 minutes
• Suggested group size: 2-3 students/group
• Materials:
o Each group needs:
• access to a container filled with water (bucket,
sink, or plastic tub; 1 container for every 3
groups of students is recommended)
• 1 foot of duct tape
• 2 paper cup (8 oz or larger)
• 10 inch strip of plastic wrap
• 10 straws
• 25 pennies (or alternatively, 15 washers)
• stopwatch (optional)
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Watercraft
Engineering Connection (Real World Application):
• NAVSEA (The Naval Sea Systems Command) engineers, builds and supports
the U.S. Navy's fleet of ships. Many engineers, such as mechanical,
electrical, nuclear, systems, computer, aerospace, ocean, chemical,
environmental and industrial, are hired by NAVSEA, and many engineers
work on actually designing, building, and testing the ships.
• NAVSEA engineers use science and math knowledge, as well as creativity
and ingenuity to create the best ships possible.
• In this activity, tell your students that they will be working as engineers for
NAVSEA! A current challenge in many areas of technology is to use
minimal materials (reducing costs) to construct effective products. In this
challenge, students have access to very few materials and must build a
boat that can support weight and stay afloat.
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Watercraft
Engineering Connection (Real World Application):
• In this activity, students act as real engineers by
following the full engineering design process.
• The engineering design process is a series of steps
that engineering teams use to guide them as they
solve problems. The design process is cyclical,
meaning that engineers repeat the steps as many
times as needed, making improvements along the
• Two key themes of the engineering design process
are teamwork and design. Encourage students to
follow the steps of the design process to strengthen
their understanding of open-ended design and
emphasize creativity and practicality.
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Watercraft
The upward force exerted on an object by a fluid
opposing the weight of the object. This force is caused
by differences in pressure at different depths in a liquid
due to the weight of the liquid.
The force on an object due to gravity; a downward
Mass per unit volume (mass/volume)
“Any object, wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, is
buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid
displaced by the object.”
In other words:
Buoyancy = weight of displaced fluid
*Note: An object whose density is greater than that of the fluid tends
to sink. If the object is either less dense than the liquid or is
shaped appropriately (as in a boat), the force can keep the
object afloat.
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Watercraft
o Begin by telling students the challenge:
• Design and build a boat out of straws and plastic wrap that can hold
25 pennies for at least ten seconds before sinking.
o Ask students:
• If you take two empty, capped soda bottles—one big and one small—
and push them underwater, which one will be harder to keep down?
(Answer: The big one)
• Why? (Answer: Both bottles displace some water. The displaced water
pushes back on the bottles. The upward push of the water on an object
gets bigger as more water is displaced. The big bottle displaces more
water than the small one does. So there’s more force pushing it up, and
it floats better.)
o Tell students that buoyancy is the term for describing the force pushing
back up on the bottle. The more buoyancy something has, the higher it
floats in the water. Discuss other vocabulary on the last slide.
o Ask students:
• How can you make a boat that’s very buoyant? (Answer: Make sure it
displaces a lot of water.)
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Watercraft
• Brainstorm and Design:
o Show students the materials and ask:
• What kind of boats can you make using these materials?
• How can you design them to carry a heavy load?
• How will you make a boat that floats well enough to support a
heavy load without sinking?
• Should your boat be a platform (raft, barge) or an open boat
(rowboat, canoe)?
• What’s the best way to make your boat waterproof?
• How big do you need to make your boat to hold 25 pennies?
o Have students brainstorm in small groups (2-3 students) and then ask
students to share ideas as a class. After a few minutes, have students
sketch their designs on a piece of paper or in their design notebooks.
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Watercraft
• Build, Test, Evaluate & Redesign:
o Build: Pass out materials to each group of students. Have students begin
building their first boat design and test it in the container of water (sink,
bucket, plastic tub).
o Testing: Students should first place their boat in the water to see if it floats.
Then they should add one penny at a time. If the boat is still afloat after
the 25th penny is added, students should time how long their boat stays
afloat (up to 1 minute). Remember the goal is for the boat to stay floating
at least 10 seconds before sinking!
o Evaluate: Students’ boats may not work as they hoped, especially during
the first test! Encourage them to try to identify the problem (the boat
leaks, doesn’t float, tips over, etc.).
o Redesign: Once students identify a problem with their first design, have
them redesign, rebuild, and retest their boat. Even if their boat meets the
challenge, encourage students to build a better boat (for example: one
that holds 50 pennies, one that uses half the materials as the first, or have
a challenge for which boat stays afloat the longest with 25 pennies)
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Watercraft
• Troubleshooting Tips:
o Common Issues and suggestions for students:
• Sinks easily: Increase buoyancy by making its interior space bigger
(for example, making a very wide boat with high sides) or trap a lot of
air in the straws, cups or frame used to build the boat.
• The boat leaks: See if the straws are filling with water. If so, use tape to
seal them. Also, check the plastic wrap. Press it tightly or use tape to
form a watertight barrier.
• The boat tips and takes on water: Make sure the weight is well
distributed – spread it evenly across the bottom. Also, a boat can tip
when the load is up high. Place the pennies in the lowest part of the
boat. Or build a boat with a V-shaped (triangular) hull, which is
generally a more stable design than a flat-bottomed boat.
• The boat can’t support 25 pennies: Increase its buoyancy by
increasing its size and depth.
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Watercraft
• Wrap-up Discussion:
o Have students talk about their designs and how they solved any
problems that came up. Emphasize key themes in this challenge –
buoyancy, designing ships and what real engineers at NAVSEA must
go through, and the engineering design process.
o Sample questions to lead the discussion:
• What are some things that all the boats have in common? (Answer: They float by
displacing water, are waterproof, stay upright when floating, and carry a load.)
• Which held more pennies, a platform raft or a boat built over a frame? (Answer:
Generally, a boat built over a frame will hold more pennies than a similar-sized
platform of straw. Its hull displaces more water before starting to sink; it is therefore
more buoyant.)
• How did knowing about buoyancy influence the design of your boat? (Answer: In
general, the more water that a boat displaces, the more weight it can support.)
• Why do you think engineers use the engineering design process? (Answer: An
iterative process of evaluating a design, learning from testing and redesigning
allows for engineers to optimize the performance of their designs.)
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Watercraft
• Questions??
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Action-Reaction Rockets
Activity Source
• Description:
o Students construct a rocket from a balloon propelled along a guide string. They use
this model to learn about Newton's three laws of motion, examining the effect of
different forces on the motion of the rocket.
• Engineering focus:
o Engineering Analysis: making predictions, taking
measurements, making calculations, interpreting
• Learning objectives:
o Explain practical applications of Newton’s Laws of
o Use the model of the balloon to understand the
different forces that act on the rocket
o Collect data from the experiment and graph the
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Action-Reaction Rockets
• Suggested time: 45 minutes
• Suggested group size: 4 students/group
• Materials:
o Each group needs:
• Plastic drinking straw
• Plastic bag, about the size of an inflated
• Paper streamers
• 25 ft. of fishing line (20-25g weight) or string
(nylon, slippery works best)
• Long, tube-shaped balloon
• Tape measure or meter stick
• Action-Reaction Worksheet! (shown on next
two slides)
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Action-Reaction Rockets
Engineering Connection (Real World Application):
• Rockets and rocket-propelled flight has been in use for more than 2,000 years.
People in ancient China used gunpowder to make fireworks and rockets. In the
past 300 years, people have gained a scientific understanding of how rockets
• Now, aerospace engineers use their understanding to make rockets fly farther,
faster, higher and more accurately. Our understanding of how rockets work
arises from Sir Isaac Newton's three laws of motion. It is important for engineers
to understand Newton's laws because they not only describe how rockets work,
they explain how everything that moves or stays still works!
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Action-Reaction Rockets
Engineering Connection (Real World Application):
• NAVSEA aerospace engineers design, build and test rockets that can be
used by the US Navy. In order to do so, they must understand Newton’s
Laws, as well as other science and math concepts, and work together as a
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Action-Reaction Rockets
Vocabulary Terms
Newton’s First
Objects at rest will stay at rest, and objects in motion will stay in motion in a straight line
unless they are acted on by an unbalanced force. Also known as the “law of inertia”.
Newton’s Second
The total force acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its
acceleration. (F = ma)
Newton’s Third
For every action, there is always an opposite and equal reaction.
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Action-Reaction Rockets
• Introduction:
o Start with an in-class demonstration:
• For example, have a student or the teacher stand on a skateboard
and throw objects of various mass. Start with something very light
(perhaps a paper ball), then a little heavier (maybe a basketball). If
available, throw something even heavier, such as a medicine ball
(Note: this could be dangerous; be very careful not to fall and don’t
do this if you don’t feel comfortable!). What happens?
• (Answer: The student or teacher rolls backwards on the skateboard.
In fact, the person and the skateboard should roll back further if the
mass of the object thrown increases. Note that this also depends on
how hard the person is throwing the object.)
• An alternate approach to this demonstration is to stand on a
skateboard and push against the wall. Show how you are pushing
forwards, but end up rolling backwards.
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Action-Reaction Rockets
• Procedure:
o Have students vote on which of Newton’s three laws of motion applies to
the flight of rockets. Count the votes. (Answer: Trick question! All three laws
apply!) Hand out a worksheet to each student.
o Have each group of students do the following: Tape a drinking straw along
the side of a plastic bag. Tape streamers along the open edge of the plastic
bag. Thread the string through the straw. Tie each end of the string to a
chair, and pull the chairs apart so that the string is taut. Position the bag at
one end of the string, with the open end of the bag facing the chair. (see
diagram below)
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Action-Reaction Rockets
• Procedure:
o Testing the rocket: Students blow up the balloon, put it into the bag,
holding the balloon closed. Count down to zero and let go of the
balloon… ZOOMM!
o Have students decide on lengths for the blown up balloon that
represent a “small”, a “medium” and a “large” balloon. Have them
predict how far each size balloon will travel. Then have them test each
size balloon three times, measuring the distance their balloon rocket
traveled on the string.
o Once they’ve finished testing, have students complete the worksheet,
which includes answering questions about Newton’s Laws and
graphing their collecting data from testing the rockets.
o While waiting for other students to finish their worksheets, students with
completed worksheets should compare their answers with their peers.
o Once everyone is finished, review and discuss the worksheet answers
with students.
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Action-Reaction Rockets
• Troubleshooting Tips:
o Be sure that students blow up their balloons to different sizes – small, medium
and large – to compare the different magnitudes of reaction forces that are
o Thicker fishing line (20-50g) works best for this activity. Next best is nylon string.
Rough string or twine creates too much friction for the balloon to travel as far.
o The string should be pulled taut for the balloon rocket launch. A slack string
does not allow the balloon to travel as far.
o This activity can also be done without the plastic bag by taping the straw
directly to the balloon. In this case, use large round balloons instead of long
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Action-Reaction Rockets
• Optional Activity Extensions:
o Have the students fill up their balloons with water and repeat the experiment. Ask
them why the balloon moved so slowly (if at all) and why. (Answer: Because the
water is heavy, it takes more force to move water than air, and the water spills out
of the balloon slowly (compared to air), therefore the reaction force is equally as
slow as the action force.) Note: This is messy! It’s best if this is one outside.
o Tape pennies to the outside of the rocket to increase the mass. How does
increased mass affect the flight of the rocket? (Answer: Because of Newton's
second law, the same force exerted upon a larger mass will result in a lower
acceleration – the rocket will not go as far!)
o Have students re-engineer their balloon rockets again, adding extra features to
make the balloon go further. Allow them to use more straw and tape, and more
than one balloon. Conduct a race to see which engineering team built the best
balloon rocket. Ask that team to explain why their design worked as it did, in terms
of Newton's three laws of motion.
o Ask students to write a journal entry on how the balloon rocket experiment could
relate to something else they've encountered. Why are Newton's laws of motion
so important in our world?
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity: Action-Reaction Rockets
• Optional Post-Assessment Questions:
What is inertia? (Answer: When an object is at rest or in a constant state of motion.)
How are action and reaction forces related? (Answer: They are equal.)
If acceleration = 6 m/s2 and mass = 6,254 g what is the force? (Answer: 37,524 Newtons
What would happen if you changed the direction of the force (i.e., the balloon blew
out toward the floor)? Would the balloon travel a shorter distance, longer distance or
the same? (Answer: The balloon would travel a shorter distance if it moves at all, because it would
not be able to travel in the direction opposite the force.)
According to Newton's third law, how do you know that the action and reaction forces
on the balloon are equal? (Answer: Because for every action there is an equal and opposite
What vocabulary word would best describe your experience when you are a "couch
potato"? (Answer: Inertia.)
If an equal forces is applied to a Mini Cooper and a semi trailer truck, which will have
greater acceleration? (Answer: A Mini Cooper, due to its smaller mass.)
What does acceleration depend on? (Answer: Mass and force.)
If you kick two balls that weigh the same, which ball will go further? (Answer: The ball that
you kick harder.)
10. Does air have mass? (Answer: Yes. It can be measured on a scale.)
11. Does Newton's third law work horizontally? (Answer: No. Try it.)
12. When mass is multiplied by acceleration, what results? (Answer: Force.)
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Activity Takeaways
• Teambuilding skills
o Making decisions, sharing tasks and materials
• Engineering skills
o Engineering Design Process: design, build, test, evaluate, redesign, etc.
o Engineering Analysis: making predictions, taking measurements, making
calculations, interpreting results
• Math/analysis skills
o Finding averages
o Relating numeric results with changes in design
• Encouragement to be creative
o Both activities encourage creativity in the design
• Motivation through having fun
o Introduce activities as fun learning experiences!
SHPE Foundation
2014 Noche de Ciencias
Hands-On Activity Training
Contact Information
Carleigh Samson, TeachEngineering Editor
o 303.492.6950
o over 1,200 standards-based engineering lessons and activities
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