East Tennessee State University

HDAL 4137/5137
East Tennessee State University
Department of Human Development and Learning
HDAL 4137/ 5137 Youth Violence-Intervention to Prevention
Jamie Branam Kridler, Ph.D.
Dr Kridler has an extensive background in youth violence prevention programs. Her role as a
Tennessee evaluator of the National Funding Collaborative on Violence Prevention (NFCVP)
has given her access to a large body of research and training on the topic. She developed and
implemented a program for sixth grade children in three East Tennessee counties on Dating
Violence Awareness and Prevention, created “Looking Glass Players,” a theatre program for
four-eight year old at risk children teaching conflict resolution and anger management, and
serves on the steering committee of the Governor’s Community Prevention Initiative (GCPI)
Task program. Her research and creative efforts along with years of teaching sociology, child
and family studies, and human services courses make this a natural and beneficial way to share
OFFICE: 428 Warf-Pickel Clemmer College of Education
OFFICE HOURS: 2 hours a week will be announced on the NEWS section of D2L when Dr.
Kridler will be available to chat online or to talk on the phone. She will also be happy to arrange
other times via e-mail communication.
423-439-7667 (office) or 423-237-2308 (cell) for emergencies
CREDIT HOURS: 3 credit hours
PRE-REQUISITES: Senior standing for undergraduates or permission of instructor and
Graduate standing for graduate course
Youth Violence-Intervention to Prevention is designed to inform and train individuals in a
variety of fields that deal with children in society, evaluating current research in the field, and
looking at practical strategies for developing protective factors for youth. Students will view
various media representations of violence patterns and solutions, review current literature, and
listen to some brief lecture material. The majority of time will be spent on student interaction
with each other and the instructor. The course utilizes a web enhanced format allowing the
students to use technology to work on appropriate aspects of the course on-line through D2L
while also setting aside time for face-to-face time with the instructor and fellow students for indepth discussions.
HDAL 4137/5137
Human Development and Human Services programs are designed to enhance individual and
family well-being. The Families Studies coursework prepares students for their careers
supporting families and children in their environment. There is no single issue in today’s society
threatening the welfare of children and their families more than youth violence. Course work
focusing on at-risk and underserved youth is a natural progression of the discipline. This course
is designed to enhance the knowledge of current majors as well as service to other disciplines
and professions.
Readings & video production will be provided by instructor on-line through D2L..
The student will:
1. Research current events and challenges related to youth violence and the role they play in our
2. Develop a working definition for violence, violation, prevention, and the role they play in our
3. Evaluate risk and protective factors informing the development of protective strategies for
youth through on-line and on-ground assignments.
4. Learn to value individual differences and practice tolerance techniques.
1. Annotated Bibliography:
Students will review literature relevant to the topic of youth violence and community
cohesion/connection. Students will also give citation for each item with a short paragraph
summarizing the content included for each item.
Print media and on-line sources may be reviewed. Proper citation methods
will be used (APA or MLA style). This assignment will be evaluated on quality and
quantity, i.e. 15= maximum grade of C, 20= maximum grade of B. 25= maximum grade of A
Additional credit will be given for including electronic copies of the articles with the
annotation. The completed annotations will be placed in the DropBox on the D2L site.
2. Subject and Popular Media Journal Entries
The class will utilize journal entries for each subject and video covered in lieu of exams.
a) Students will complete reaction entries for each video viewed. Each of these entries
should summarize the video and document their reactions and reflections. The student
should enter their information on the Discussion Board on D2L under the proper
HDAL 4137/5137
heading. Class participation will be determined by you interaction with class member.
Students are expected to reply to at least 1-2 other students’ entries but may feel free to
respond an unlimited number of entries.
b) In addition, each student should view a television newscast, a movie, a TV program, or
read a newspaper daily for the duration of the course and write a short summary of any
violence represented or discussed in the media for at least 15 of the viewings. This
summary should include the date, source of the media and student’s reaction and
reflection to what they heard, saw, and/or read (15 outside class entries, 1-2 paragraphs
each). The entries will be placed in the proper section of the discussion Board on D2L.
Students may feel free to reply to the entries of the other students but are not required to
3. Interview/Site Visit Report
Choose one of the following:
Visit Juvenile Court
Visit a Youth Detention Center
Interview a Prosecutor
Interview a Criminal Defense Attorney
Interview a Juvenile Judge
Interview a Child Protective Services Worker
Other-work out with instructor
Students will need to choose a topic and have it cleared with Dr. Kridler. The topic should
be submitted to the D2L site during the first week of class under Site visit Approval. The
instructor realizes these are time consuming activities, and students need to determine their
site and have it approved during the first week in order to have time to complete the visit.
The final report will be placed in the DropBox in the proper section. The class may decide to
share their reports and if this is approved by the class member a Discussion Board will be set
up to submit the reports and open the door for dialog by the class members.
Graduate students
A graduate project will be completed evaluating the relationship between community
connection and youth violence. The project should be presented orally and summarized in a
DropBox submission on D2L. The student should provide a reference list for the instructor.
It will be expected that the Graduate Student will share the project with the other class
members and therefore should view the report as a teaching tool. Additional details will be
discussed with the instructor.
Class assignments are weighted according to the following percentages:
25% Annotated Bibliography
35% Journal Entries for Videos
10% Journal Entries for Popular Media
20% Annotated Bibliography
30% Journal Entries for Videos
10% Journal Entries for
HDAL 4137/5137
Interview/Site Visit Oral Report
Class participation and cooperation
Popular Media
Interview/Site Visit Oral
Class participation and
Graduate project
A = 94%-100%
A- = 90%-93%
B+ = 87%-89%
B = 83%-86%
B- = 80%-82%
C+ = 77%-79%
C = 73%-76%
C- = 70%-72%
D+ = 66%-69%
D = 60%-65%
F = 59% or below
a) Students are expected to participate on D2L Discussion Board on a regular basis.
Completing multiple discussion boards late in the course does not allow students to
benefit from course interaction. Regular entries will be used as one of the ways to
determine class participation.
b) The student is expected to complete all assignments as scheduled and participate in D2L
discussions on a regular basis.
c) Students will meet on ground with the instructor for 2 – three hour sessions. The
times will be announced on Goldlink when the student enrolls for the course.
The Culture of Violence
The Role of Family Violence and Child Abuse
Evaluation of Prevention Programs and Sports Violence
Teen Dating Violence
Gang Related Violence
The Role of Guns
Children Killing Children
Violence in Rural America
Prevention vs. Intervention
Lowering Risk/Increasing Protective Factors/Dealing with Resiliency Factors
HDAL 4137/5137
(sample – additional list will be placed on D2L as class begins)
Canada, G. (1995). Fist Stick Knife Gun: A personal History of Violence in America. Boston:
Beacon Press
Canada, G. (1998). Reaching for Manhood: Transforming the Lives of Boys in America.
Boston: Beacon Press
Edelman, M.W. (1992). The Measure of our Success: A Letter to My Children and Yours.
Boston: Beacon Press.
Elkind, D. (1981). The Hurried Child: Growing Up too Fast and Too Soon. Reading, MA:
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
Forward, S. (1989). Toxic Parents. NY: Bandam Books.
Goble, C.B. and Bomba, A.K. (1995). A Parent Meeting: Young Children and Firearm Safety.
Young Children (50)2.81
Golden, B. and Muncie, J. (2006) . Youth Crime and Justice. London: Sage Publications
Kersey, K. (1986). Helping Your Child Handle Stress: The Parent’s Guide to Solving
Childhood Problems. Washington, DC: Acropolis Books
Kirsh, S.J. (2006). Children, Adolescents and Media Violence: A Critical Look at the Research.
London: Sage Publications
Malley-Morrison, K., Hines, D.A. (2004). Family Violence in a Cultural Perspective: Defining,
Understanding, and Combating Abuse.
Miller-Perrin, C.L., Perrin, R.D., Barrett, O. (2005). Family Violence Across the Lifespan.
London: Sage Publications
Tough, Paul (2008). Whatever It Takes: Geoffrey Canada’s Quest to Change Harlem and
America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company
HDAL 4137/5137
Butterfield, F. (1996). All God’s Children: The Bosket Family and the American Tradition of
Violence. New York: Harper-Collins Publishers
Children’s Defense Fund
Stand for Children-CDF affiliate
Highlander Research and Education Center
National Funding Collaborative on Violence Prevention
Community Institute for Peace
Harlem Children’s Zone
Rheeland Center – New York City
Southern Poverty Law Center
Department of Juvenile Justice U.S. Government
National Crime Council
Critical Resistance
Carter Center
Stop the Violence
Community House Cooperative, Inc.
Global Village School for Peace and Diversity Studies
“Students who have special needs as a result of a disability should contact the Director of
Disability Services, D.P. Culp University Center, at 423-439-8346 (or 423-439-8370 for those
who are hearing impaired).”
ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT: ETSU policy #3.13, October 1, 1979
All students in attendance at East Tennessee State University are expected to be honorable.
Academic misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action. Any act of dishonesty in academic
work constitutes academic misconduct. This includes plagiarism, the changing or falsifying of
any academic documents or materials, cheating, and the giving or receiving or unauthorized aid
in tests, examination, or other assigned school work. Penalties for academic misconduct will
vary with the seriousness of the offense and may include, but are not limited to: a grade of “F” in
the work in question, ad grade of “F” for the course, reprimand, probation, suspension, and
expulsion. For a second offense the penalty is permanent exclusion.
HDAL 4137/5137
Tentative 3 Week Schedule
Dating Violence
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Sports Violence
Day 7
Children Killing
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Children killing
Class Discussion
Children Killing
Programs that work
Day 12
Programs that work
Day 13
Early Indicators
Day 14
Girls and violence
Day 15
School shootings
Shadow of Hate Video View
On-Ground Meeting
Dating Violence Video View
Handouts from Class meeting
Dating Video View
Investigating Reports-History
Video View
Investigating Reports-Inside
Investigating Reports-Handguns
Gun Given way Video View
Prison Gangs video view
History Geoff CDF video view
Major video view
Children and Parents video view
Submit site visit for approval
Vice city video view
Virginia Tech video view
American History video view
On-Ground meeting
Children behind bars video view
Prison university video view
Teen on target video view
What can we do video view
Charlie Rose-Geoff video view
Harlem Children video view
Max Security Education video
On the outs video view
Stop Snitchin video view
Girlhood video view
On-ground meeting
Bowling for Columbine video
Site visit write up due in D2L
Annotated Bibio- due in D2L
* Each video has a corresponding discussion board. Students will have entry for each video.