Daily Geography Week 26

Daily Geography #26
1. What large lake is shared by the countries of Peru and Bolivia?
2. The following five (5) rivers are some of the longest in the world -- to which continent does
each belong?
Huang He
3. Which desert lies along the southwest coast of Africa?
4. The large region around the lake mentioned in question #1 is called the Altiplano. What kind of
landform(s) make(s) up the Altiplano?
5. A globe is the only accurate representation of the earth. All of the flat maps and projections
distort at least one of the following properties: distance (scale), shape, size, and __________.
(Hint: see Atlas, p. 106-107 for map projection info)
6. Name three different map projections; which one greatly distorts the shapes and sizes of land
areas near the poles?
7. Which part of the United States has higher elevations, the southeast or the northwest?
8. A bay is an arm of an ocean, sea, or lake extending into land. Name an example of a bay on the
North American continent.
9. Mystery Country (20° S, 30° E)
a. Name
b. Capital
c. Neighbors
d. Continent
e. Hemispheres
10. Mystery Picture:
a. Name
b. Country
c. Continent
d. Hemispheres
e. Interesting Fact:
Mystery Flag:
Bonus: (+3 pts)
You are on vacation in Peru, and it is
8:00 AM. You would like to call your
family back home in San Francisco.
Should you call now or wait until later?
What if your home were in New York?
Would it be OK to call now? Explain