WAREHOUSE CONFIGURATION Configuration of a new Zone 4 (Warehouse Layout) The DC already exists and is functional in WM. The requirement is to create a new Zone in an existing DC. A new Zone is usually created as a result of expansion or introduction of a new customer line. Here, we plan to create a new Zone 4 and mainly 3 areas in the Zone 4. 2 of these 3 areas will cater to orders from Wal-Mart and Dollar General. The third area will cater to other customers. Creation of a new Zone 4 Create Put Away zones 400 – 402 WM Option: Putaway Zone Maintenance (DSSYST00 – 599) Create determination zones C40 C41 C42 for other customers for Wal-Mart for Dollar General WM Option: Determination Zone Maintenance DSSYST00 – 705) Create assignment zones C40 C41 C42 for other customers for Wal-Mart for Dollar General WM Option: Assignment Zone Maintenance DSSYST00 - 657 Create pick location determination priorities Detr Type Priority Determination Zone OTH 10.00 C40 CASE PICK ZONE 4 PW OTH 20.00 C41 CASE PICK ZONE 4 PW OTH 30.00 C42 CASE PICK ZONE 4 PW WLM DGN 10.00 C41 CASE PICK ZONE 4 PW 10.00 C42 CASE PICK ZONE 4 PW WM Option: Pick Locn Detr Priority – PLDETR00 Create Work Groups and Work Areas VNA4/VR01…VNA4/VR20 CPL4/CPL4 WM Option: Work Area – WALOCN00 Reserve locations are created in each Aisle. Usually for each Aisle, a single work group and a work area per Aisle is defined. In Zone 4, the DC plans to put up 20 Aisles, hence we need to configure a work group and 20 work areas, one per Aisle. As it is a very narrow Aisle, we name is VNA and as it is in Zone 4, we will call it VNA4 (Very Narrow Aisle in Zone 4): For an entire case pick area, we will defined 1 work group and 1 aisle: For every work area, the location co-ordinates are defined which are used to search for locations during put-away and picking. They are not required for a case pick work area. Work Area X Y VR01 VR02 VR03 VR04 VR05 VR06 VR07 VR08 VR09 VR10 VR11 VR12 VR13 VR14 VR15 VR16 VR17 VR18 VR19 VR20 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 12400 4300 4500 4700 4900 5100 5300 5500 5700 5900 6100 6300 6500 6700 6900 7100 7300 7500 7700 7900 8100 Create a new location type VA4 WM Option: Location Type - LPLOCN00 Create Reserve Locations WM Option: Create Reserve Location Records - ILLOCN00 The reserve locations need to be created for each of the 20 Aisles. While creating the same, we also need to categorize them in each of the 3 put away zones (400, 401 and 402), assign a location type and each of the work group and work area. Area Aisle Bay Level Area Aisle Bay Level Putaway Zone 04 04 001 010 001 001 B B Thru Thru 04 04 009 016 072 072 F F 400 401 04 04 017 017 001 001 B B Thru Thru 04 04 017 017 072 072 F F 401 402 04 018 001 B Thru 04 020 072 F 402 (Aisle 17 odd side only) (Aisle 17 even side only) **Set all these locations with the following profile: Loc. Type VA4 Work Group/Area VNA4/VR01 … VNA4/VR20 (Sequentially by aisle) Allow Resv. Inv Move Y Sku Dedication Type T Area Aisle Bay Level 04 001 B 001 Area Thru 04 Aisle Bay 009 072 Level F Putaway Zone 400 Check if the locations are properly created using WM Option ‘Maintain Reserve locations’: Similarly, create the other reserve locations for Aisles 10-20 specifying proper put away zone and location type. There may be a requirement to do any bulk updates on these locations which cannot be maintained by this PKMS option. For example, after the locations are created, user may request to lock all the locations until the Zone 4 is a kick-off in the warehouse. Many times, in older versions in PKMS it happens, that ILLOCN00 (Reserve location) file has triggers and SQL are not allowed. This process can be followed to remove the triggers temporarily and add them back again: >DSPFD FILE(*LIBL/ILLOCN00) TYPE(*TRG) OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) FILEATR(*PF) OUTFILE(WMSUP16/QAFDTRG) Output file QAFDTRG created in library WMSUP16. Member QAFDTRG added to output file QAFDTRG in library WMSUP16. 3 records added to member QAFDTRG in file QAFDTRG in WMSUP16. >RMVPFTRG FILE(*LIBL/ILLOCN00) Trigger removed from file. >STRSQL (Run the SQL listed below) SQL to update the 017 Aisle even bays for put-away zone as 402: UPDATE ILLOCN00 SET ILPTZN='402' WHERE ILWHSE='PW' AND ILAREA='04' AND ILAISL='017' AND MOD(DEC(ILBAY),2)= 0 UPDATE ILLOCN00 SET ILLCK='Y' WHERE ILWHSE='PW' AND ILAREA='04’ >OVRDBF FILE(QAFDTRG) TOFILE(WMSUP16/QAFDTRG) >CALL PGM(PC38P6CL) >DLTOVR FILE(QAFDTRG Create Case-Pick Locations WM Option: Create Reserve Location Records - ACLOCN00 (RT 2) Note that both active and case pick locations are stored in ACLOCN00 file. Active locations have record type as 1 and case pick locations have record type as 2. Use WM Option ‘Generate Case-pick Locn Records’ for creating case pick locations: For case pick location, specify the put-away types, determination and assignment zones based on the customer SKU that need to be stored there. Update the work group and area WM Option: Work Area Use WM Option ‘Update Work Group/Area’ to update the work group and area on reserve or active/case pick locations: Area 400: ‘Update’ Putaway types and priorities for reserve locations Update the Putaway priorities for the new put away zones to put away type PLT: ‘Create’ Putaway types and priorities for case pick locations Putwy Type Pty C40 10.00 C40 20.00 C40 30.00 C40 40.00 C40 C40 C40 C40 C40 C40 C41 C41 C41 C41 C41 C41 C41 C41 C41 C41 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 Destination Replenish Ca Specific Loc Specific Loc Specific Loc Putaway Zone C40 CASE PICK ZO 400 Reserve Loca 401 Reserve Loca 402 Reserve Loca Add all putaway zones from zone 2 Add all putaway zones from zone 5 Add all putaway zones from zone 8 Add all putaway zones from zone 1 Add all putaway zones from zone 7 Add all putaway zones from zone 9 06 Replenish Ca 01 Specific Loc 01 Specific Loc 01 Specific Loc C41 CASE PICK ZO 401 Reserve Loca 402 Reserve Loca 400 Reserve Loca Add all putaway zones from zone 2 Add all putaway zones from zone 5 Add all putaway zones from zone 8 Add all putaway zones from zone 1 Add all putaway zones from zone 7 Add all putaway zones from zone 9 06 01 01 01 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 06 Replenish Ca 01 Specific Loc 01 Specific Loc 01 Specific Loc C42 CASE PICK ZO 402 Reserve Loca 401 Reserve Loca 400 Reserve Loca Add all putaway zones from zone 2 Add all putaway zones from zone 5 Add all putaway zones from zone 8 Add all putaway zones from zone 1 Add all putaway zones from zone 7 Add all putaway zones from zone 9 To copy the priorities from other zones, copy those records to a QTEMP file, update the Putaway type top C40 and copy (*Add) those records back to WTLOCN00 file Update the work group and area WM Option: Work Area Create Task groups WM Option: Tasking Group – TGTASK00 Create eligibility criteria WM Option: Tasking Group (Opt 6) - TWLOCN00 It describes valid work areas and groups for each INT. We had used R11 to execute the put away tasks in during Receiving. Here, we add our new work group VNA4 to this tasking group: If work area is ‘*’, means the tasking group is applied for all work areas in that work group. Define the WG/WA CPL4/CPL4 for tasking group H41 for INT 9 (Case Pick location Replenishment): Create INT (Inventory need type) paths WM Option: INT Path Definition – RPLOCN00 We need to define the paths for guiding the users to take the goods to destination location upon completion of the task. When goods are in dock door location, upon execution of the put away task (INT 11 – R11), the system will guide the user to VNA4 locations based on priority table: For Receiving VNA4 is the destination work group and for picking it is the current/source work group: Case Studies (Zone 4): 1] Replenish a case pick and a put-away location Search for 2 pallets with cases in status 30 (Putaway) with inventory available in dock door locations. Use WM Option ‘Work with cases’ to find such pallets: Cases: Pallets: SKUs: Make sure the 2 SKU’s on the pallets are not slotted to any case pick location. This can be checked by using the WM Option ‘Work with Inventories’: B841FFUW 00 4502XL 841BT UW 00 0003S Use WM Option ‘UW Dir Plt Putaway’ for the 2 pallets I0820500 and I0820510: This option can direct the user to any nearest available reserve location: Let’s assume these SKU do not belong to Wal-Mart or Dollar General. Hence, they need to be slotted to any case pick location with put-away type as C40. Slot these 2 SKU in any case pick location in Zone 4. Use WM option ‘Maintain case pick location’ and option 2(edit) to slot these 2 SKU: Make sure the locations have put away type as C40 (Other Customers): Use option 2 (edit) and update the 2 SKU on these 2 locations. Specify the inner pack quantity (case quantity from item master) and min/max units and cases: The 2 SKU are slotted to the 2 case pick locations we newly created in Zone 4: Note that for the first SKU, system had suggested a reserve location from Zone 4 itself. Lock the second location 4001006A in which second SKU exists: Now, scan the 2 pallets again using WM Option ‘UW Dir Plt Putaway’. Note that these are not the only cases on the pallet. Each pallet has 2 cases of same SKU of quantity 24 each. Now, it shows the case pick location for put-away: Scan the location barcode: There was another case on that pallet, hence the act inventory for the case location now shows 48: Use WM Option ‘Work with Inventories’ on that SKU and it will show this quantity as case pick: Note that for the second SKU, we have slotted it to a case pick location but the location was kept locked: It neither suggests the location it did for Zone 01 nor it suggest the case pick location we slotted it in. It suggests the reserve location from Zone 4. Thus, we have managed to get it directed to the reserve location in Zone 4. The idea is to slot the SKU’s required in Zone 4 in case pick locations there. Scan the reserve location barcode: The priority of the Putaway type has first determined the case pick location for put-away. But, as it was locked, system went ahead and determined the next available reserve location in Zone 400: The inventory in the case pick location remains unchanged: The reserve location holds the 2 cases now on the pallet I0820510: Use WM option ‘SKU/Location Inventory Inquiry by SKU’ to check SKU inventory at different locations: 2] Wave a customer order, allocate inventory from reserve and case pick locations in Zone 4 We need to find a pick-ticket which is in status 00 or 10. Its SKU should be slotted in a case pick location and have inventory available in any reserve location. Our second SKU 841BT UW 00 0003S can be used: It is slotted in a Zone 4 case pick location 4001-0-06A: Unlock the location: It has inventory in a Zone 4 reserve location 04001-001C: Pick-ticket UUX9XT80 is in ‘Unselected’ status and has the SKU with ordered quantity 24: Pick determination type OTH was defined for the case pick determination zones C40, C41 and C42: So, we will wave this order with a pick wave rule setup to use Pick Determination type OTH: Maintain Selection Criteria to select the single pick-ticket UUX9XT80: Run the wave over-riding with the OTH pick determination type: The pick-ticket is now waved and goes in ‘Printed Status’: Check the carton details: Check the pick wave number from the pick-ticket header: Check the wave and make sure that there are no shortages: Approve the wave: Check the tasks created on the wave: The priority of the task determines which task to run first. Here, the task to replenish the case pick locations should run before the items can be picked from case pick locations The system has thus suggested to first replenish the case pick location from the reserve location and then pick from the case pick locations to fulfill the order: Option 5 here will display the task details: Tasking Groups: Use WM Option ‘Work with Tasks’ to see the tasking groups. First, we check the task to replenish the case pick location from reserve location: The destination WA/WG is CPL4/CPL4 which we had configured in Work Area: WA/WG CPL4/CPL4 encompasses all case pick locations in Zone 4 as we had configured during update: We had also configured the INT Paths for task group H41: Note that in the DC there is a different set of people and equipment to do these 2 different types of tasks. The tasking groups starting with H denote that these are High Reach Tasks (Get cases from reserve locations) and use High reach trucks. Eligibility Criteria for TG H41 had the WA/WG CPL4/CPL4 configured: For INT 9, the paths from VNA4 (VR01-VR20) locations to CPL4/CPL4 locations was also configured: As the necessary tasking group H41 is properly configured for INT 9, it shows up as an option to execute the task: The DC user/picker with his high reach truck will execute this task to take out the case from the reserve location and replenish it in the case pick location as will be suggested by the system. RF Pull the case from the reserve location The DC Picker will get the task list or he can use option to ‘Select Task’: The system will show the task and allow DC user to pull the case from reserve location to a case pick location. The user to go to the reserve location and scan the case there: The status of the task changes to ‘Being Pulled’: Scan the case pick location and replenish it: Note that replenishment tasks are not created only pertaining for the customer order. These tasks are created to scan all the cases from a reserve location to a case pick location (maximum cases) those are allowed on it. System will prompt to scan all the cases for that reserve location and then only mark the task list as complete: Only then the task moves to Verified status, otherwise it remains in ‘partially‘ status: The case pick location now shows the actual inventory for that SKU (2 cases of 24 each): Now, we are ready to pick from the case pick location to fulfil the order, however only quantity of 24 is required. Use the regular option of picking to execute the second picking task: Scan any blind outbound pallet to put the cases on for packing: It will now ask the DC user to scan the case pick location to pick the case from. Note that now the case has transformed itself into a carton as it is now outbound on a customer order! Both tasks are now verified (completed): The pick-ticket is now in ‘Packed’ status: The actual inventory on the case pick location is reduced from 48 to 24 as one of the cases got consumed: The case BH5606120 is now in ‘consumed’ status indicating no longer available with the inventory: The case history can be used to investigate the options run on the case right from replenishment to pick: Recall Case (Transfers) To inspect quality issues (Return to Vendor): To inspect a case, the Quality Inspection manager pulls the cases to the Quality Inspection area from reserve using the option “Recall Case” to select cases for the desired SKU that have lock code “QA” . This option allows the manager to specify the number of cases to pull. There may be many cases in reserve for a SKU, but he may only want to inspect a few of these. If the case is inspected and PASSES inspection, the inspection manager uses the WM option “Unlock Cases by Selection” to remove the QA lock code. The case is then palletized using “Palletize Cases” and returned to inventory. If the case is inspected and FAILS inspection, the inspection manager will use “Unlock Cntr” to remove the QA lock code and apply the QH lock code. The QH lock code signifies that the case is on hold because of an issue. Warehouse Transfers: This requires to pull the cases to a transfer lane. The pick-tickets those drop to service the destination DC are waved using the transfer rules (INT T2) which allocates the inventory from transfer lanes. But, first we need to get the pallet/cases from reserve location to the transfer lane and WM Option ‘Recall Case’ helps us to do that. Find a pallet with cases in status 30 (Putaway) of SKU with inventory available in reserve location in Zone 4: There is only 1 SKU found in a reserve location in Zone 4: Use WM Option ‘Work with cases’ to determine the cases(on a pallet) in a reserve location in Zone 4: The Pallet is I0837143 and location is 04001-001B Use WM Option ‘Recall Case’ with INT T2 and selection criteria WMPW-TRF: Select advanced selection criteria: The pull task is created: Details show the reserve location and cases those will be pulled to the transfer location: Tasking Groups: RF: Use H41 as the task group to execute the task: Take the pallet to the transfer lane and scan the barcode: The task is now verified (completed): The cases are now in transfer lane: The pick-tickets required for transfer have order type as ‘TR’. All orders with this type are waved together with wave master setup to look for transfer lane locations and allocate the inventory for such pick-tickets from transfer lane locations.