R E Q U I R E D R E A D I N G S , L L E D 4 0 2
Anderson, L. H. (2005). Thank You, Sarah: The Woman Who Saved Thanksgiving. New York:
Aladdin. ISBN13: 9780689851438
Bang, M. (2000). Picture this: How pictures work. New York: SeaStar. ISBN-13: 978-1587170300
Boose, S. (2008). Will I run loose? Voices From the Middle. Mar 1999; 6.3, 18. (Angel).
Bruchac, J. (2004). Hidden roots. New York: Scholastic.
Bryan, J., & Hosler, D. (2006) . The Different Dragon. Ambler, PA: Two Lives. ISBN13:
Curtis, C. P. (2007). Elijah of Buxton. New York: Scholastic. ISBN13: 9780439023443
Estes, E. (1945). The hundred dresses.
Flynn, Reader’s theatre (article, Angel).
Frasier, D. (1991). On the Day You Were Born. New York: Harcourt. ISBN13: 9780152579951
Frazee, M. (2008). A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever. New York: Harcourt. ISBN13:
Gaiman, N. (2006). Coraline. New York: Harper. ISBN13: 9780061139376
Graff, G., & Birkenstein, C. (2005). They say, I say. New York: Norton. ISBN-13: 978-0393924091
Griffith, K. (2005). Writing essays about literature. Florence, KY: Wadsworth. ISBN-13: 978-
Heide, F. P., & Gilliland, J. H. (1995). Sami and the time of troubles. New York: Clarion. ISBN13:
Herrera, J. F. (2001). Calling the Doves / El Canto de las Palomas. San Francisco: Children’s Book
Press. ISBN13: 9780892391660
Hoose, P. (2009). Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
ISBN13: 9780374313227
Janeczko, P. (2001). How to write poetry. Danbury, CT: Scholastic. ISBN-13: 978-0590100786.
Lee , F. (1999). When the Rain Sings: Poems by Young Native Americans. New York: Simon. ISBN13:
Lehr article for children’s lit awards (Angel).
Lehr article for themed readings (Angel).
Levine, G. C. Ella Enchanted.
McCloud, S. Selected chapters from Making Comics (article, Angel).
Munsch, R. (2005). The paper bag princess. Toronto, ON: Annick. ISBN-13: 978-1550379150
Say, A. (1993). Grandfather’s journey. New York: Houghton. ISBN13: 9780395570357
Spolin, V. (1986). Theater games for the classroom. Evanston: Northwestern UP. ISBN-13: 978-
Taylor, M. (2004). Roll of thunder, hear my cry. New York: Puffin. ISBN-13: 978-0142401125
Uehashi, Nahoko. (2008). Moribito: guardian of the spirit. New York: Levine. ISBN13:
Wiggins & McTigue. (Angel).
Wong, J. S. (2000). Night garden: poems from the world of dreams. New York: McElderry. ISBN13:
Woodson, J. (2004). Locomotion. New York: Puffin. ISBN13: 9780142401491
Group readings for 402, 9:25
Intro: Bang, Taylor, Herrera
A: Griffith I, Flynn, Gaiman, Frasier
B: Griffith II, Janeczko, Anderson, Lee
C: Griffith III, McCloud, Woodson, Frazee
D: Graff I, Spolin I, Levine, Munsch
E: Graff II, Spolin II, Bruchac, Bryan
F: Graff III, Spolin III, Uehashi, Hoose
G: Boose, Curtis, Heide
H: Lehr, Say, Estes
I: Bang, Bruchac, Wong
Group readings for 402, 10:50
Intro: Bang, Taylor, Herrera
A: Griffith I, Gaiman, Frasier, Hoose
B: Griffith II, Woodson, Anderson, Lee
Professor: Janeczko, Flynn, McCloud
D: Spolin I, Levine, Frazee, Heide
E: Spolin II, Bruchac, Munsch, Bryan
Professor: Graff, Boose, Uehashi
G: Curtis, Wong
H: Say, Estes
Professor: Lehr, Bang
C O U R S E A S S I G N M E N T S F O R L L E D 4 0 2
S e p t e m b e r P r o j e c t
M M 4 0 2 : M u l t i - M o d a l W o r k ( c r e a t e r e a d e r ’ s t h e a t e r a n d p r o m o t e t r a n s m e d i a t i o n ) ( 2 0 % ) o Performance
Read Flynn and McCloud articles for preparation
Share favorite Spolin activity (ABC groups)
Prepare reader’s theater performance for Fort Roberdeau field trip
Create script and comic for ten-minute performance of reader’s theater
Post script to MM402 blog o
Create ComicLife project based on Roll of Thunder
Write reflection to prepare for 401 quiz (graded as 402 project)
Transmediation quiz (graded as 401 project)
O c t o b e r P r o j e c t
W P 4 0 2 : W h o l e - t o - p a r t A n a l y s i s ( p i c t u r e b o o k s t u d y a n d p r e s e n t a t i o n o f a w a r d s ) ( 2 5 % ) o
Read Lehr article for preparation o
Announce award for children’s literature in Goodreads group o Nominate picture books for colleagues in Goodreads group o Select and present awards by mail in Goodreads group o
Keep reading journal throughout the process (at least 20 children’s books)
N o v e m b e r P r o j e c t
C C 4 0 2 : C u r r i c u l u m C o n s t r u c t i o n ( l e s s o n p l a n n i n g f o r t h e t e a c h i n g o f l i t e r a t u r e ) ( 2 0 % ) o
Read Wiggins & McTigue article for preparation o Bring existing literature lessons to share o Tag-team lesson planning: write literature lessons that provide gradual release of responsibility: include descriptions and backgrounds so that colleagues can use o
Post to Ning for colleagues
P S 4 0 2 : P r o f e s s i o n a l S t a n c e ( 3 5 % ) o
Read Boose and Wiggins/McTigue articles for preparation o September assignment: Contextual analysis
Read assigned readings for your group and then choose passages to assign to classmates
Share contextual analysis via blog or podcast to analyze context of readings (group)
Use your tools: create projects using iLife applications that relate to your readings (group)
Class time must be pre-approved: 20 minutes to teach meaningful contextual analysis on one of the readings (group) o
October assignment: Textual analysis
Read assigned readings for your group and then choose passages to assign to classmates
Pre-writing assignment: pentad from each group member (individuals)
Share textual analysis via blog or podcast to analyze text (group)
Use your tools: create projects using iLife applications that relate to your readings (group)
Class time must be pre-approved: 20 minutes to teach meaningful textual analysis on one of the readings (group) o November assignment: Intertextual analysis
Read assigned readings for your group and then choose passages to assign to classmates
Pre-writing assignment: triangulated pentads (individuals)
Share intertextual analysis via blog or podcast to compare texts (group)
Use your tools: create projects using iLife applications that relate to your readings (group)
Class time must be pre-approved: 20 minutes to teach meaningful intertextual analysis of readings (group)
8/25 Introductions, Ning, Angel
Read before class
8/27 Socratic dialogue and questioning: workshop on question writing
Reader’s theater preparation: kinesthetic learning
9/1 Introduce reader’s theater website
Reader’s theater rehearsal (10:15-11:00 or
Discuss reading assignments
Read Intro: Bang,
Taylor, Herrera
Re-read Bang, Taylor,
9/3 Read separate assignments for ABC groups
ABC groups meet to plan blog or podcasts, reading assignments, class focus, and assessment
Group A: Griffith I, Flynn, Gaiman, Frasier
Group B: Griffith II, Janeczko, Anderson,
Group C: Griffith III, McCloud, Woodson,
Reader’s theater rehearsal (10:00-11:00)
Group A leads focus activity
Complete assigned readings for group A:
Griffith I, Flynn,
Gaiman, Frasier
9/10 Practice ComicLife using Roll of Thunder,
Hear my Cry ; experiment with tone, color, time, space, transitions, framing, symbolism, imagery, words, and narrative techniques: dialogue, subtext, "voice of god," alternate voices, satire
9/15 Reader’s theater rehearsal
Group B leads focus activity
Complete assigned readings for group B from Griffith II,
Janeczko, Anderson,
Bring three questions and three observations per reading
(inference, interpretation, transfer)
Bring three questions and three observations per reading
(inference, interpretation, transfer)
Be sure your computer has
ComicLife (free trial is fine) before class
9/17 Consider scripting ideas for spring: begin writing scripts
Group C leads focus activity
9/22 Share rough draft of scripts for spring
DEF groups meet to plan blog or podcasts, reading assignments, class focus, and assessment
Read before class Reminders
Complete assigned readings for Group C:
Griffith III, McCloud,
Woodson, Frazee
Group D: Graff I,
Spolin I, Levine,
Group E: Graff II,
Spolin II, Bruchac,
Group F: Graff III,
Spolin III, Uehashi,
ABC Blogs or Podcasts due
Bring script drafts on paper (must be easily reproducible, meaning that the pages are loose and ready to be inserted in an automatic paper feed for copying)
Meet with DEF groups to write questions, assign readings, and plan assessment
Morning sections meet in library
Spring semester scripts due with
ComicLife introduction
9/24 Pentad workshop
Introduce Children’s Literature Award website and brainstorm award topics
Group C: Spolin video and workshop
9/29 Textual analysis / close reading workshop
Writing workshop: call for nominations
Group D leads focus activity
10/1 Word Study Carnival
10/6 Pentad workshop
Reading catalog introduction
Group E leads focus activity
10/8 Fletcher workshop
10/13 Share book award nominees
10/15 Group B: Spolin video and workshop
Group F leads focus activity
10/20 Group A: Spolin video and workshop
Everyone reads group
D assignments from
Graff I, Spolin I,
Levine, Munsch
Everyone reads Group
E assignments from
Graff II, Spolin II,
Bruchac, Bryan
Everyone reads group
F assignments from
Graff III, Spolin III,
Uehashi, Hoose
Bring rough draft of call for nominations; post completed call within 24 hours of workshop
Before class, create reading catalog in Goodreads
Bring book award nominees
DEF Blogs or Podcasts due
10/22 Lit awards
Read before class Reminders
10/27 GHI groups meet to plan blog or podcasts, reading assignments, class focus, and assessment
G: Boose, Curtis, Heide
H: Lehr, Say, Estes
I: Bang, Bruchac, Wong
10/29 Introduce literature center website and
Morrow article; brainstorm topics
11/3 Group G leads focus activity
Begin work on literature centers with silent partners
11/5 Group H leads focus activity
Continue work on lit centers
11/10 Group I leads focus activity
Complete work on lit centers and upload to
11/12 Share podcasts and blogs
11/17 Assessment workshop
Re-read the winning book for your award and the nominees you selected for other awards
Everyone reads group
G assignments from
Boose, Curtis, Heide
Everyone reads group
H assignments from
Lehr, Say, Estes
Everyone reads group I assignments from
Bang, Bruchac, Wong
Bring envelopes to winners ready to mail and post winners to
Goodreads within 24 hours of ceremony
Reading catalogs due to http://www.goodreads.com
Before class, meet with GHI groups to write questions, assign readings, and plan assessment; post these to Ning
Bring topic ideas for literature center (use Fletcher and Morrow)
GHI Blogs or Podcasts due
Study all class blogs and podcasts for assessment preparation
11/19 Assessment workshop
11/24-11/26: Autumn break
12/1 TBA
12/3 Gallery walk
12/8 TBA
Topic Read before class
8/25 Introductions, Ning, Angel
8/27 Socratic dialogue and questioning: workshop on question writing
Reader’s theater preparation: kinesthetic learning
9/1 Introduce reader’s theater website
Reader’s theater rehearsal (10:15-11:00 or
Discuss reading assignments
Read Intro: Bang,
Taylor, Herrera
Re-read Bang, Taylor,
9/3 Groups meet to plan blog or podcasts, reading assignments, class focus, and assessment
9/8 Reader’s theater rehearsal (10:00-11:00)
Group A leads focus activity
A: Griffith I, Gaiman,
Frasier, Hoose
B: Griffith II,
Woodson, Anderson,
Professor: Janeczko,
Flynn, McCloud
Complete assigned readings for group A:
Griffith I, Gaiman,
Frasier, Hoose
9/10 Practice ComicLife using Roll of Thunder,
Hear my Cry ; experiment with tone, color, time, space, transitions, framing, symbolism, imagery, words, and narrative techniques: dialogue, subtext, "voice of god," alternate voices, satire
9/15 Reader’s theater rehearsal
Group B leads focus activity
Complete assigned readings for group B from Griffith II,
Woodson, Anderson,
9/17 Consider scripting ideas for spring: begin writing scripts
Professor leads focus activity
All read for discussion:
Janeczko, Flynn,
Bring three questions and three observations per reading
(inference, interpretation, transfer)
Bring three questions and three observations per reading
(inference, interpretation, transfer)
Be sure your computer has
ComicLife (free trial is fine) before class
AB Blogs or Podcasts due
9/22 Share rough draft of scripts for spring
DE groups meet to plan blog or podcasts, reading assignments, class focus, and assessment
9/24 Pentad workshop
Introduce Children’s Literature Award website and brainstorm award topics
Group C: Spolin video and workshop
9/29 Textual analysis / close reading workshop
Writing workshop: call for nominations
Group D leads focus activity
10/1 Word Study Carnival
10/6 Pentad workshop
Reading catalog introduction
Group E leads focus activity
Fletcher workshop
Share book award nominees
Group B: Spolin video and workshop
Professor leads focus activity
Group A: Spolin video and workshop
Lit awards
Read before class Reminders
D: Spolin I, Levine,
Frazee, Heide
E: Spolin II, Bruchac,
Munsch, Bryan
Professor: Graff, Boose,
Bring script drafts on paper (must be easily reproducible, meaning that the pages are loose and ready to be inserted in an automatic paper feed for copying)
Meet with DE groups to write questions, assign readings, and plan assessment
Morning sections meet in library
Spring semester scripts due with
ComicLife introduction
Everyone reads group
D assignments from
Spolin I, Levine,
Frazee, Heide
Everyone reads Group
E assignments from E:
Spolin II, Bruchac,
Munsch, Bryan
Everyone reads assignments from
Graff, Boose, Uehashi
Re-read the winning book for your award and the nominees you selected for other awards
Bring rough draft of call for nominations; post completed call within 24 hours of workshop
Before class, create reading catalog in Goodreads
Bring book award nominees
DE Blogs or Podcasts due
Bring envelopes to winners ready to mail and post winners to
Goodreads within 24 hours of ceremony
10/27 GH groups meet to plan blog or podcasts, reading assignments, class focus, and assessment
10/29 Introduce literature center website and
Morrow article; brainstorm topics
11/3 Group G leads focus activity
Begin work on literature centers with silent partners
11/5 Group H leads focus activity
Continue work on lit centers
Everyone reads group
G assignments from
Curtis, Wong
Everyone reads group
H assignments from
Say, Estes
Everyone reads Lehr,
11/10 Professor leads focus activity
Complete work on lit centers and upload to
11/12 Share podcasts and blogs
11/17 Assessment workshop
11/19 Assessment workshop
11/24-11/26: Autumn break
12/1 TBA
12/3 Gallery walk
12/8 TBA
Read before class
G: Curtis, Wong
H: Say, Estes
Professor: Lehr, Bang
Reading catalogs due to http://www.goodreads.com
Before class, meet with GH groups to write questions, assign readings, and plan assessment; post these to Ning
Bring topic ideas for literature center (use Fletcher and Morrow)
GH Blogs or Podcasts due
Study all class blogs and podcasts for assessment preparation