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HW 11
CE 340, Fall 2013
Portfolio Assignment
For each of the student outcomes listed in the syllabus:
 select an appropriate assignment from this course, and
describe what you did in the assignment (in one or two sentences) that relates to the outcome.
Be specific in your descriptions.
Type your name on the top of the assignment. Save this assignment electronically with a file name
consisting of your last name.first name (e.g. Richardson.Jim.docx), and upload it to the class Dropbox
folder titled “Portfolos”. The due date is Friday Dec 13.
Examples for this assignment are shown below.
Outcome F1 (Level 3)
Solve problems in mathematics through differential equations, probability and statistics,
calculus-based physics, general chemistry, and one additional area of science.
The following examples of work demonstrate the achievement of this outcome:
1. CE 340, HW #5. I wrote a spreadsheet to analyze the results of a Modified Proctor
Test and a Sand Cone Field Density Test to determine the percent compaction of soil
sample from the field. My spreadsheet fit a polynomial to the proctor test results to
determine the maximum dry density.
Outcome T1 (Level 4)
Analyze and solve problems in material science, mechanics of solids, and mechanics of
The following examples of work demonstrate the achievement of this outcome:
1. CE 340, HW #9, Problem 1. I used the Mohr’s Circle method I learned in Strength of
Materials to calculate the normal and shear stresses on different planes of an element of
Outcome T2 (Level 3)
Select and conduct engineering experiments, and analyze and evaluate the resulting data.
The following examples of work demonstrate the achievement of this outcome:
1. CE 340,. Lab Report #?? . My teammates and I measured the permeability of a
granular soil using the Falling Head Permeability Test. The attached report segment
CE 340, Fall 2013
HW 11
Portfolio Assignment
describes the test procedure, data analysis and check for reasonableness of our
Outcome T3 (Level 3)
Apply relevant knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools to identify,
formulate, and solve engineering problems, including problems in at least four technical
areas appropriate to civil engineering.
The following examples of work demonstrate the achievement of this outcome:
2. CE 340, HW #5. I wrote a spreadsheet to analyze the results of a Modified Proctor
Test and a Sand Cone Field Density Test to determine the percent compaction of soil
sample from the field.
Outcome T6 (Level 5)
Design a system or process in more than one program-relevant civil or construction
engineering specialty field to meet desired needs, including sustainability and within other
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and
safety, and constructability.
The following examples of work demonstrate the achievement of this outcome:
1. CE 340, HW #8, Problem 9.C1. In this HW problem, I determined drew flow nets
for seepage beneath a dam both with and without sheet piling. I created the flow
nets to meet the following criteria: (1) the width to length of each segment must be
approximately 1.0, and (2) the equipotential lines and the flow channel lines must
intersect at right angles .
Outcome T7 (Level 2)
Explain key aspects of at least one traditional or emerging program-relevant area of
advanced specialization.
The following examples of work demonstrate the achievement of this outcome:
CE 340, Fall 2013
HW 11
Portfolio Assignment
2. CE 340, Exam 1, Part I. The 21 “short-answer” questions from Exam 1 were on
general aspects of geotechnical engineering, including: soil composition, plasticity,
field compaction, and soil permeability.
Outcome P2 (Level 4)
Organize and deliver effective written, verbal, graphical and virtual communications.
The following examples of work demonstrate the achievement of this outcome:
CE 340,. .
Outcome P4 (Level 3)
Demonstrate attributes supportive of the professional practice of engineering; apply leadership
principles to direct the efforts of a small group to solve a relatively constrained problem; and
function effectively as a member of a multidisciplinary team to solve open-ended engineering
CE 340, Lab Report #??. This lab report describes the ??? test procedure, data
collection, data analysis and interpretation of results.