SCC meeting 2015-2016

Cartwright Central Public School
Needs Assessment
• 2014 Grade 3, 6 EQAO
• 2015 Report Card Data
Areas of Need
• Numeracy: Number Sense and Numeration (schoolwide)
• Language: Writing (specifically, our male writers), high
level thinking tasks
School Plan
• Renew and embed a continued focus on a culture of “High
Expectations and Achievement”
• Continue to focus on aligning teaching practices and
assessment practices within and between divisions; For
example, with learning targets and success criteria
School Plan
• Continue to explore high level, 21st century teaching using
technology, critical thinking, creativity and innovative
practice (including new laptop carts for grade 5,8)
• Share our learning journey with the community and
showcase examples of high level thinking in student work
throughout the school
Learning Targets and Success Criteria
• A small number of goals done well; focusing on what our gaps are
and addressing them
Increased collaborative teacher inquiry as teacher teams
deconstruct curriculum, co-plan, co-implement and co-reflect on
student work
A comprehensive system of interventions based on student need;
school wide diagnostics and analysis of all of our students to move
them forward
• Kindergarten: “Observation Survey”: letter
sounds, concepts of print, word and vocabulary
• K-6 Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI)
• K-8 Benchmark Assessment System/Running
Records (BAS)
• K-8 “PRIME” diagnostic math tool /”Leaps and Bounds”
math intervention
• Ongoing teacher team developed diagnostic assessment;
descriptive feedback based on appropriate Learning Targets
and Success Criteria (Assessment Loop)
• Small group, guided instruction based on results of
diagnostic testing and differentiated needs of students
EPCI—Early Learning Collaborative Inquiry, “iClipss”: Math Inquiry TBA
School Wide Collaborative Inquiry (BCI)
Character Education Focus; Common Planning time and conference time for teachers
“Faces To Data” tracking all of our students’ success
Case Conferences: Meeting 3 times a year to look at our data, plan next steps and plan interventions to
assist students in meeting their goals
Involvement in a Scugog schools inquiry that includes school learning teams in partner schools TBA
Mapping our school journey; consistent revisiting and revising of our journey this year with adjustments for
student need
Some Additions!
 Air Exchange Units
added to the Junior
Kindergarten Play
Soccer Field!
Basketball Nets!