Brooks College of Health Clinical & Applied Movement Sciences Chapter Padua, D. A., Boling, M. C., Prentice, W. E. Chapter 21: Rehabilitation of knee injuries. In: Prentice, WE (ed). Rehabilitation Techniques for sports Medicine and Athletic Training, 6th Edition. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated, 2015. Refereed Publication Balasubramanian, C. K., Clark, D. J., & Fox, E. J. (2014). Walking adaptability after a stroke and its assessment in clinical settings. Stoke Research and Treatment, 2014. doi: 10.1155/2014/591013. Balasubramanian, C. K. (2015). The Community Balance and Mobility Scale alleviates the ceiling effects observed in the currently used gait and balance assessments for the community dwelling older adults. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 38(2), 78-89. doi: 10.1519/JPT.0000000000000024. Balasubramanian, C. K., Boyette, A., & Wludyka, P. (2015). How well d o functional a ssessments of mobility and balance discriminate f allers and recurrent f allers from non-fallers among ambulatory older adults in the community? Physiotherapy Canada. Advance Online 10.3138/ptc.2014-19. Balasubramanian, C. K., Clark, D. J., & Gouelle, A. (2015). Validity of the gait variability index in older adults: effect of aging and mobility impairments. Gait & Posture. Begalle, R. L., Walsh, M. C., McGrath, M. L., Boling, M. C., Blackburn, J. T., & Padua, D. A. (2015). Ankle dorsiflexion displacement during landing is associated with initial contact 1 kinematics but not joint displacement. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 31(4), 205210. I 123/jab.2013-0233. Livingston, B. P. & Nichols, T. R. (2014). Effects of reinnervation of the Triceps Brachii on joint kinematics and EMG patterns of the feline forelimb during level and upslope walking. Cells Tissues Organs, 199, 405-422. doi: 10.1159/000371543. Livingston, B. P. & Nichols, T. R. (2014). Effects of reinnervation of the biarticular shoulderelbow muscles on joint kinematics and EMG patterns of the feline forelimb during downslope walking. Cells Tissues Organs, 199, 423-440. doi: 10.1159/000371542. Pinkstaff, S. (2015). Much potential but many unanswered questions for high intensity intermittent exercise training for patients with heart failure. Heart Failure Reviews, 11(1), 133-48. Pinkstaff, S., Arena, R., Myers, J., Kaminsky, L., Briggs, P., Forman, D., Patel, M., & Cahalin, L. (2014). The Affordable Care Act: New opportunities for cardiac rehabilitation in the workplace. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 56(8), 809-813. Grants Boling, M. C. (2015). Differences in anatomical, neuromuscular, and biomechanical risk factors for knee injuries across stages of maturation in youth soccer athletes. National Athletic Trainers' Association Research and Education Foundation Grant. Funded for $50,000. Churilla, J.R. (2012-2015). Constructing a proxy measure for Metabolic Syndrome using cross-sectional, population-based survey data. Brooks College of Health Dean's 2 Professorship Grant. Funded for $54,000.00. Schonning A. & Livingston, B. P. (2015). Comparison of footprint pressure distribution between healthy subjects and those with Plantarfasciitis to develop enhanced therapy treatments. UNF Faculty Development Scholarship Grant. Funded for $10,000. Lundy, M. (2015). The development of a National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) proposal titled "A quantitative investigation of the impact of assistive technology in preschool children with disabilities using remote sensor technology. UNF 2015 Faculty Development Summer Grant. IRB#680116-3. Funded for $20,000. Lundy, M. (2014-2017). Collaboration between physical therapists and engineers to investigate the impact of technology assisted toy play on the independent function and quality of life in preschool children with disabilities IRB #680116-3. Brooks Research Professorship Grant. Funded for $60,000. Jahan-mihan, A., Magyari, P., & Pinkstaff, S. (2014-2015). The effect of moderate and lowintensity physical activity on food intake regulatory system and glucose metabolism in young normal weight and obese male subjects. UNF Interdisciplinary Faculty Scholarship Grant. Funded for $30,000. Jahan-mihan, A., Magyari, P., & Pinkstaff, S. (2014-2015). The effect of moderate and lowintensity physical activity on food intake regulatory system and glucose metabolism in young normal weight and obese male subjects. UNF Interdisciplinary Faculty Scholarship Grant. Funded for $30,000. Refereed Presentation 3 Balasubramanian, C. K. (2014, November). Can current gait and balance assessments accurately discriminate fallers from non-fallers in high-functioning community-dwelling older adults? American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Ontario, Canada. Balasubramanian, C. K., & Gouelle A. (2015, April). The Gait Variability Index, a new composite measure of gait variability, decreases with aging. Neural Control of Movement Society, Charleston, SC. Balasubramanian, C. K., Clark, D. J., & Fox, E. J. (2014, November). Comprehensive examination of walking recovery post-stroke: application of a guided approach for item bank development. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Ontario, Canada. Foster, H.,* Demark, L., Balasubramanian, C. K., Rose, D., & Fox, E. J. (2015, February). Decreased gait variability following an intense backward walking program in an individual with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Indianapolis, IN. Livingston, B. P., & Balasubramanian, C. K. (2015, February). Can we objectively measure spasticity? Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Indianapolis, IN. Padilla, A.,* Osborne, J., Balasubramanian, C. K., & Fox, E. J. (2015, February). A customized assessment to specifically identify balance impairments in an ambulatory older adult. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Indianapolis, IN. Phadke, C. P., Balasubramanian, C. K., Holz, A., Davidson, C., Ismail, F. F., & Boulias, C. (2015, January). Adverse effects of botulinum neurotoxin type A used for limb 4 spasticity in Canada. TOXINS 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Baellow, A. L., Boling, M. C., Di Stefano, L. J., Pfile, K. R., & Nguyen, A. (2014, June). Landing kinematics differ between adolescents with high and low values of asymmetrical unilateral hip rotation. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Clinical Symposia and AT Expo, Indianapolis, IN. Boling, M. C., Nguyen, A., Yau, R., Cameron, K. L., Beutler, A., Padua, D. A., & Marshall, S. (2015, May). Movement characteristics associated with the development of chronic knee pain. 2015 OARS! World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Seattle, WA. Curtis, T. M., McAlister, E., Holcombe, M., & Boling, M. C. (2014, June). Non- contact hip dislocation in male high school football player. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Clinical Symposia and AT Expo, Indianapolis, IN. Gaven, S. L., Boling, M. C., Russell, D. M., & Van Lunen, B.L. (2014, June). Trunk and lower extremity biomechanics in individuals with patellofemoral pain during a single leg drop landing pre and post an isolated hip fatigue protocol. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Clinical Symposia and AT Expo, Indianapolis, IN. Martinez, J. C., Boling, M. C., Nguyen, A., Trojian, T. H., & Di Stefano, L. J. (2014, June). Influence of lower leg injuries on landing kinematics of female adolescent athletes. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Clinical Symposia and AT Expo, Indianapolis, IN. Pfile, K. R., Boling, M. C., Di Stefano, L. J., & Nguyen, A. (2014, June). The side plank as a measure of core stability is not associated with landing biomechanics. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Clinical Symposia and AT Expo, Indianapolis, IN. Stanley, L., Buckley, B., Joyce, C., Boling, M. C., Padua, D., & Thigpen, C. (2015, February). 5 Effects of a customized exercise intervention program in adolescent basketball players. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. Stanley, L., Buckley, B., Joyce, C., Boling, M. C., Padua, D., & Thigpen, C. (2015, February). Effects of a customized exercise intervention program in adolescent basketball players. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. Alnojeidi, A. H., Richardson, M. R., Boyer, W. R., Devore, S. R., Churilla, J. R. (2014). Associations between low back pain and self-reported muscle strengthening activity in U.S. men and women. ACSM Annual Meeting 2014, Orlando, FL. Boyer, W. R., Richardson, M. R., Devore, S. R., Alnojeidi, A. H., Indelicato, N. A., Johnson, T. M., Churilla, J. R. (2014). Associations between mental distress and physical activity in U.S. adults. ACSM Annual Meeting 2014, Orlando, FL. Churilla, J. R. (2015). Strength training: How important is it? Sports Medicine I Oral Presentation. 19th Annual ACSM Health and Fitness Summit, Phoenix, AZ. Johnson, T. M. & Churilla, J. R. (2014). Rethinking mental distress severity: A five level construct. Society for Epidemiologic Research, Seattle, WA. Johnson, T. M., McDowell, S., & Churilla, J. R. (2014). Mental distress severity among Florida adults: A comparison of two measures. 142nd APHA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Johnson, T. M., McDowell, S., & Churilla, J. R. (2014). Mental Distress and LTPA. 142nd APHA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Lee, I. Z., Wilkerson, B. S., Rider, B. R., Churilla, J. R., Bassett, D. R., & Crouter, S. E. (2015). Use of hourly walking breaks to increase physical activity and improve cardio-metabolic risk factors. SEACSM Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL. (Graduate Student research). 6 Richardson, M. R. & Churilla, J. R. (2015). Associations among C - reactive protein, dietary fiber, and leisure-time physical activity among U.S. adults. ACSM Annual Meeting 2015, San Diego, CA. Richardson, M. R., Devore, S. R., Alnojeidi, A. H., Boyer, W. R., & Churilla, J. R. (2014). Gender differences in elevated C-reactive protein and self-reported screen use among U.S. adults. ACSM Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. Richardson, M.R. & Churilla, J.R. (2014, 2015). Association between C- reactive protein and sleep duration in U.S. adults: 2007- 2010 NHANES. 12th Annual World Congress on Insulin Resistance, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Los Angeles, CA. (3rd Place Award Winning Abstract) Boyer, W. R., Richardson, M. R., Devore, S. R., Alnojeidi, A. H., Indelicato, N. A., Johnson, T. M., Churilla, J. R. (2014). Associations between mental distress and physical activity in U.S. adults. ACSM Annual Meeting 2014, Orlando, FL. Boyer, W. R., Richardson, M. R., Devore, S. R., Alnojeidi, A. H., Indelicato, N. A., Johnson, T. M., Churilla, J. R. (2014). Associations between mental distress and physical activity in U.S. adults. ACSM Annual Meeting 2014, Orlando, FL. Johnson, T. M. & Churilla, J. R. (2014). Rethinking mental distress severity: A five level construct. Society for Epidemiologic Research, Seattle, WA. Johnson, T. M., McDowell, S., & Churilla, J. R. (2014). Mental distress severity among Florida adults: A comparison of two measures. 142nd APHA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Johnson, T. M., McDowell, S., & Churilla, J. R. (2014). Mental Distress and LTPA. 142nd APHA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Stanley, L., Buckley, B., Joyce, C., Boling, M. C., Padua, D., & Thigpen, C. (2015, February). 7 Effects of a customized exercise intervention program in adolescent basketball players. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. Jankowski, K., Leclair, J., Sides, B., True, M., & Williams- Velez, S. (Livingston, B. P.) (2015, February). Functional Movement Screen™ nonnative values in young, female volleyball players. Combined Section Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Indianapolis, IN. Livingston, B. P. & Balasubramanian, C. K. (2015, February). Can we objectively measure spasticity? Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Indianapolis, IN. Schonning A. & Livingston, B. P. (2015, March). Initiating a collaborative biomechanics project involving institutional review board approval and subject recruitment. 21st International Conference on Industry Engineering and Management Systems, Cocoa Beach, FL. Magyari, P. M. (2014). Flipping the Classroom: Engaging students both in and out of the classroom. 2014 UNF Academic Technology Innovation Symposium, Jacksonville, FL. Magyari, P. M. & Cotton, R. (2015). What is the future for the degreed exercise professional? American College of Sports Medicine Southeast Regional Conference, Jacksonville, FL. Magyari, P. M. (2014). Flipping the classroom in exercise physiology: Will students buy-in? Thematic Poster in Exercise Physiology Pedagogy, American College of Sports Medicine National Conference, Orlando, FL. Foster, C., Myers, J., Brawner, C., & Pinkstaff, S. (2014, May). Stress testing: The past, the present and the future. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. 8 Alnojeidi, A. H., Richardson, M. R., Boyer, W. R., Devore, S. R., Churilla, J. R. (2014). Associations between low back pain and self-reported muscle strengthening activity in U.S. men and women. ACSM Annual Meeting 2014, Orlando, FL. Boyer, W. R., Richardson, M. R., Devore, S. R., Alnojeidi, A. H., Indelicato, N. A., Johnson, T. M., Churilla, J. R. (2014). Associations between mental distress and physical activity in U.S. adults. ACSM Annual Meeting 2014, Orlando, FL. Richardson, M. R. & Churilla, J. R. (2015). Associations among C - reactive protein, dietary fiber, and leisure-time physical activity among U.S. adults. ACSM Annual Meeting 2015, San Diego, CA. Richardson, M. R., Devore, S. R., Alnojeidi, A. H., Boyer, W. R., & Churilla, J. R. (2014). Gender differences in elevated C-reactive protein and self-reported screen use among U.S. adults. ACSM Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. Richardson, M.R. & Churilla, J.R. (2014, 2015). Association between C- Reactive Protein and sleep duration in U.S. adults: 2007-2010 NHANES. 12th Annual World Congress on Insulin Resistance, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, Los Angeles, CA. (3rd Place Award Winning Abstract) Clinical and Advanced Movement Sciences Tenure/Tenure Refereed Book Chapter Tract 11 Presentations Grants Funded 38 7 Publications 1 9 9 Brooks College of Health School of Nursing Refereed Publication Comeaux, J., Cummings, C., & Connelly, L. (2014). Promoting confidence and success in BSN students: The science of infusion therapy. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 37, 254-255. Comeaux, J., Cummings, C., & Connelly, L. (2014). Promoting confidence and success in BSN students: The science of infusion therapy. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 37, 254-255. Cummings, C. (2015). Evaluating Clinical Simulation. Nursing Forum, 50(2), 109-115. Cummings, C. (2014). Evaluating Clinical Simulation. Wiley ONLINE library. Comeaux, J., Cummings, C., & Connelly, L. (2014). Promoting confidence and success in BSN students: The science of infusion therapy. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 37, 254-255. Almengor, S. & Monaghan, W. P. (2015). Up in flames: A flammability assessment of alcoholbased hand sanitizers on common perioperative materials. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 4(1), 13-15. Davies, A. J., Murphy, M. J., Monaghan, W. P, & Cushenbery, C. S. (2014). Sticky situation: Best practice to secure endotracheal tubes in the operating room. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 2(3), 20-23. Refereed Presentation Pabalate, J., Bloom, K., McDonough, J., Comeaux, J., Bednarzyk, P., Bednarzyk, M. Implications of ANP and Primary Care from a Nursing Perspective. Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Patient Safety International Symposium. 10 Pabalate, J., Bloom, K., McDonough, J., Comeaux, J., Bednarzyk, P., Bednarzyk, M. Implications of ANP in Cardiology from a Medical Perspective. Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Patient Safety International Symposium. Chally, P., Bloom, K., & Lamach, N. (2014, October). Screening for Eating Disorders by Certified Nurse-midwives and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioners. 17th Annual NPWH Premier Women’s HealthCare Conference, Savanah, GA. Bloom, K. Bachelors and Masters in Clinical Practice: 110 Years of Experience in the USA. Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Patient Safety International Symposium. Chally, P., Bloom, K., & Lamach, N. (2014, October). Screening for Eating Disorders by Certified Nurse-midwives and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioners. 17th Annual NPWH Premier Women’s HealthCare Conference, Savanah, GA. Chally, P. (2014, September). The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on the Preparation of Health Care Professionals. Sigma Theta Tau International Leadership Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Harmon, D. L., Monaghan, P., Hogan, G. T., McCarthy, J. (2015). Anesthesia Safety: Filter Needle Use with Glass Ampules. Sigma Theta Tau International Research Symposium, Jacksonville, FL. Harmon, D. L., Monaghan, P., Hogan, G. T., McCarthy, J. (2015). Anesthesia Safety: Filter Needle Use with Glass Ampules. The Annual Congress of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Salt Lake City, UT. Hogan, G. T. (2015, February). Improving your preoperative interviewing skills. Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists Sun and Surf Symposium, Marco Island, FL. 11 Harmon, D. L., Monaghan, P., Hogan, G. T., McCarthy, J. (2015). Anesthesia Safety: Filter Needle Use with Glass Ampules. Sigma Theta Tau International Research Symposium, Jacksonville, FL. Harmon, D. L., Monaghan, P., Hogan, G. T., McCarthy, J. (2015). Anesthesia Safety: Filter Needle Use with Glass Ampules. The Annual Congress of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Salt Lake City, UT. Hayes, K., Kambel, J., Hogan, G. T. (2015). The Real Price of CRNA School: Weight Gain and Physical Inactivity. Annual Congress of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Salt Lake City, UT. Jobli, E., Kruger, B. J., McClanahan, W. S., Crowe, D. V., & Roush, C. (2015, May). Working with the community to evaluate service-learning outcomes: Logic model development process and measures. C2U Expo 2015 (Community-Campus Partnerships), Carleton University, Ottawa, ON. Harmon, D. L., Monaghan, P., Hogan, G. T., McCarthy, J. (2015). Anesthesia Safety: Filter Needle Use with Glass Ampules. Sigma Theta Tau International Research Symposium, Jacksonville, FL. Harmon, D. L., Monaghan, P., Hogan, G. T., McCarthy, J. (2015). Anesthesia Safety: Filter Needle Use with Glass Ampules. The Annual Congress of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Salt Lake City, UT. Jobli, E., Kruger, B. J., McClanahan, W. S., Crowe, D. V., & Roush, C. (2015, May). Working with the community to evaluate service-learning outcomes: Logic model development 12 process and measures. C2U Expo 2015 (Community-Campus Partnerships), Carleton University, Ottawa, ON. Grants Radjenovic, D., Comeaux, J. &. Kruger, B. J. (2014). Community-based needs assessment of nursing services in a large urban school district in Florida. University of North Florida, UNF Foundation Board. Funded for $10,000. Cummings, C. (2014). Improving nursing student clinical competence through simulation activities. Florida Blue Foundation Grant. Cummings, C. (2014). Improving student competence through simulation. Allstate Grant. Kruger, B. J. & Jobli, E. C. (2014). Development of student and faculty instruments to measure impact of the UNF Home-base Model community service-learning curriculum. American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Academic / Public Health Partnership Impact Evaluation Projects. Funded for $ 5,000. Kruger, B. J., Roush, C. & Jobli, E. C. (2014). Comprehensive Evaluation of the UNF School of Nursing Community Home-base Model. University of North Florida, Brooks College of Health, Deans Professorship Grant Award. Funded for $54,000. Radjenovic, D., Comeaux, J. &. Kruger, B. J. (2014). Community-based needs assessment of nursing services in a large urban school district in Florida. University of North Florida, UNF Foundation Board. Funded for $10,000. Radjenovic, D., Comeaux, J. &. Kruger, B. J. (2014). Community-based needs assessment of nursing services in a large urban school district in Florida. University of North Florida, UNF Foundation Board. Funded for $10,000. 13 Kruger, B. J., Roush, C. & Jobli, E. C. (2014). Comprehensive Evaluation of the UNF School of Nursing Community Home-base Model. University of North Florida, Brooks College of Health, Deans Professorship Grant Award. Funded for $54,000. College of Nursing Tenure/Tenure Book Chapter Refereed Pubs Presentations Grants Funded - 7 25 11 Track 18 Brooks College of Health Department of Nutrition & Dietetics Books 2014 Rodriguez, J., Ed. (Plus 11 Department Faculty) 200 Surefire Ways to Eat Well and Feel Better. Four Winds Press. Christie, C. Editor. (2014-2015 Online and Print Edition) Florida Manual of Medical Nutrition Therapy. Florida Dietetic Association, Tallahassee, FL. Chapters Christie, C., Sealey-Potts, C., Labyak, C. A., & Rodriguez, J. C. (2015). Childhood Overweight and Obesity: Efficacy and Safety of Popular Diets and Weight Control Programs. In: A.S.P.E.N Pediatric Nutrition Support Core Curriculum, 2nd Ed. Labyak, C. A., Korey, K., ed; Funk, P. J., Christie, C., & Shim, E. Nutrition Assessment Chapter. In: Manual of Medical Nutrition Therapy. 2015; A1.1-A1.23. 14 Labyak, C. A., Korey, K., ed; Funk, P. J., Christie, C., & Shim, E. (2015). Nutrition Assessment Chapter. In: Manual of Medical Nutrition Therapy. A1.1-A1.23. Christie, C., Sealey-Potts, C., Labyak, C. A., & Rodriguez, J. C. (2015). Childhood Overweight and Obesity: Efficacy and Safety of Popular Diets and Weight Control Programs. In: A.S.P.E.N Pediatric Nutrition Support Core Curriculum, 2nd Ed. Christie, C., Sealey-Potts, C., Labyak, C. A., & Rodriguez, J. C. (2015). Childhood Overweight and Obesity: Efficacy and Safety of Popular Diets and Weight Control Programs. In: A.S.P.E.N. Pediatric Nutrition Support Core Curriculum, 2nd Ed. Christie, C., Sealey-Potts, C., Labyak, C. A., & Rodriguez, J. C. (2015). Childhood Overweight and Obesity: Efficacy and Safety of Popular Diets and Weight Control Programs. In: A.S.P.E.N. Pediatric Nutrition Support Core Curriculum, 2nd Ed. Refereed Publication Arikawa, A. et al (2015). Consumption of a high glycemic load but not a high glycemic index diet is marginally associated with oxidative stress in young women. Nutr Res 35(1), 7-13. Sealey-Potts, C., Yu, Z., Alexander, C., & Christie, C. (2015). Identifying overweight and obese children: Which assessment tool is most accurate? Topics in Clinical Nutrition, 30(2), 143–152. Labyak, C. A., Daily, K., Samiian, L., Ward, S. A., Wallet, S., Perri, M. G., Hoover, V., Snetslaar, L., Shelnutt, K., DiGioia, K. T., Acosta, A., Young, L. J., & Mathews, A. E. (2014). Preventing breast cancer recurrence through a tailored lifestyle intervention: The MyLIFE (My Lifestyle Intervention with Food and Exercise) trial rationale and study design. J Clin Trials, 4(5). 15 Labyak, C. A., & Johnson, T. M. (2015). Sagittal abdominal diameter: A novel anthropometric measure for predicting visceral fat and associated cardiometabolic risk factors in children. Top Clin Nutr, 30(2), 153-158. Labyak, C. A., & Johnson, T. M. (2015). Sagittal abdominal diameter: A novel anthropometric measure for predicting visceral fat and associated cardiometabolic risk factors in children. Top Clin Nutr, 30(2), 153-158. Perkin, J. E., Sealey-Potts, S., Hochwald, R. (2014). Plates and dietary advice: A new trend in nutrition education messaging for the public. Fl Public Health Rev, 11, 36-51. Sealey-Potts, C., Yu, Z., Alexander, C., & Christie, C. (2015). Identifying overweight and obese children: Which assessment tool is most accurate? Topics in Clinical Nutrition, 30(2), 143–152. Reyes-Velázquez, W., & Sealey-Potts, C. (2015). Unrealistic optimism, sex and risk perception of Type 2 Diabetes onset: Implications for education programs. Diabetes Spectrum, 28(1), 5-9. Sealey-Potts, C. & Reyes-Velázquez, W. (2014). Perceived and actual risks of college students for developing Type 2 Diabetes. Austin J Nutr Metab, 1(2), 5. Sealey-Potts, C. & Potts, A. C. (2014). An Assessment of Dietary Diversity and Nutritional Status of Preschool Children. Austin J Nutri Food Sci, 2(7), 5. Perkin, J. E., Sealey-Potts, S., Hochwald, R. (2014). Plates and dietary advice: A new trend in nutrition education messaging for the public. Fl Public Health Rev, 11, 36-51. Lowndes, J., Kawiecki, D., Yu, Z., Rippe, J. (2015). No dose response relationship in the effects of commonly consumed sugars on risk factors for diabetes across a range of typical human consumption levels. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 6, 101-111. 16 Lowndes, J., Sinnett, S., Yu, Z., & Rippe, J. (2014). The effects of fructose-containing sugars on weight, body composition and cardiometabolic risk factors when consumed at up to the 90th percentile population consumption level for fructose, Nutrients, 6(8), 3153-68. Grants Arikawa, A. Y. (2014). Exploring nutrition through cuisine, sustainability and culture of Brazil. UNF TLO. Funded for $24,000. Fuglestad, P. & Arikawa, A. Y. Using tailored messages to encourage healthy lifestyle choices in a brief, self-directed intervention. UNF Faculty Development Grant. Funded for $20,000. Christie, C. (2014-2015). Graduate student Italy study abroad. UNF TLO. Funded for $7,500. Jahan-mihan, A., Magyari, P., & Pinkstaff, S. (2014-2015). The Effect of Moderate- and Low-intensity physical activity on food intake regulatory system and glucose metabolism in young normal weight and obese male subjects. UNF Interdisciplinary Faculty Scholarship Grant. Funded for $30,000. Sealey-Potts, C. Nicholson, J., Labyak, C., & Spaulding, A. Educating the educators: Reducing health risk factors to optimize development in children. UNF Faculty Development Scholarship Grant. Funded for $30,000. Wilder, J. Johnson, C., & Rodriguez, J. UNF Institute on race relations, human difference, and community reconciliation. UNF. Funded for $30,000. Sealey-Potts, C. Nicholson, J., Labyak, C., & Spaulding, A. Educating the educators: Reducing health risk factors to optimize development in children. UNF Faculty Development Scholarship Grant. Funded for $30,000. 17 Yu, Z. (2015). The use of web-based programs to reduce binge eating in overweight and obese women with binge eating disorders. Us Grant Brooks College of Health, University of North Florida. Funded for $7,500. Refereed Presentation Perkin, J. E. & Hochwald, R. (2014, October). Teaching food globalization to dietetics students. Clute Institute International Education Conference. Sealey-Potts, C., Perkin, J. E. (2014, July). Childhood and adult obesity: Practical approaches to address the issue. Florida Public Health Annual Education Conference. Yu, Z., Snyder, J., Tan, M., Ross, J., & Shank, J. (2015, April). Disordered eating behaviors among college students: Does nutrition major matter? Experimental Biology, Boston, MA. Yu, Z., Snyder, J., Tan, M., Ross, J., & Shank, J. (2015, April). Disordered eating behaviors among college students: Does nutrition major matter? Scholars Transforming Academic Research Symposium (STARS) Poster Competition, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL. Sealey-Potts, C., Perkin, J. E. (2014, July). Childhood and adult obesity: Practical approaches to address the issue. Florida Public Health Annual Education Conference. Sealey-Potts, C. (2014, July). Epigenetics: The potential root cause of childhood obesity. Florida Public Health Association. Ward, S. A., Hanvivatpong, M., Daily, K., Labyak, C. A., Samiian, L., & Mathews, A. Obesity, Cancer and Lifestyle Modifications: Perspectives of Breast Cancer Survivors. Abstract and Poster Session. JAND Supp 2014, 114:9. 18 Dodani, S., Arora, S., Sealey-Potts, C., & Kraemer, D. (2015, January). HEALS: A hypertension control program for African American communities using community based participatory research approach. Moffitt Conference, Tampa, FL. Arora, S., Sealey-Potts, C., Dodani, S., & Kraemer, D. (2015, February). HEALS: A hypertension control program for African American communities using community based participatory research approach. AHA Stroke Conference, Nashville, TN. Yu, Z., Snyder, J., Tan, M., Ross, J., & Shank, J. (2015, April). Disordered eating behaviors among college students: Does nutrition major matter? Experimental Biology, Boston, MA. Yu, Z., Snyder, J., Tan, M., Ross, J., & Shank, J. (2015, April). Disordered eating behaviors among college students: Does nutrition major matter? Scholars Transforming Academic Research Symposium (STARS) Poster Competition, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL. Yu, Z., Snyder, J., Tan, M., Ross, J., & Shank, J. (2015, April). Disordered eating behaviors among college students: Does nutrition major matter? Experimental Biology. Boston, MA. Yu, Z., Snyder, J., Tan, M., Ross, J., & Shank, J. (2015, April). Disordered eating behaviors among college students: Does nutrition major matter? Scholars Transforming Academic Research Symposium (STARS) Poster Competition, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL. Yu, Z., Snyder, J., Tan, M., Ross, J., & Shank, J. (2015, April). Disordered eating behaviors among college students: Does nutrition major matter? Experimental Biology, Boston, MA. 19 Yu, Z., Snyder, J., Tan, M., Ross, J., & Shank, J. (2015, April). Disordered eating behaviors among college students: Does nutrition major matter? Scholars Transforming Academic Research Symposium (STARS) Poster Competition, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Tenure / Tenure Book Refereed Chapters Pubs 6 15 Books Grants Presentations Funded Track 7 2 12 8 Brooks College of Health Department of Public Health Books Refereed Publication Lindell, K. M., Prater, S. C., Gregg, E. C., Apatu, E. J. I., & Huang, S. (2015). Wu C. H. Household’s immediate responses to the 2009 American Samoa Earthquake and Tsunami. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 12, 328-340. Apatu, E. J. I., Aga, D., Osland, E., & Gregg, C. E. (2014). Strengthening public health and disaster resilience in American Samoa: The use of the Precede-Proceed Model. In: Planet@Risk Davos: Global Risk Forum GRF Davos, 2(6), 363-369. Merten, J. W., Barr, E. M., Monroe-Ossi, H., King, J. L., Griner, S., & Vosoughi, M. (2014). Asset mapping and resource guide development in partnership with title schools. International Journal of Social Science, 3(5), 66-71. 20 Barr, E., Moore, M. J., Johnson T., Merten, J. & Stewart, W. (2014). The relationship between screen time and sexual behaviors among middle school students. The Health Educator, (46)1. Barr, E., Goldfarbe, E., Russel, S. Seabert-Baily, D., Wallen, M., & Wilson, K., (2014). Improving sexuality education: The development of teacher-preparation standards. Journal of School Health, 86(6), 395-408. Barr, E., Moore, M. J., Johnson, T., Forrest, J. & Jordan, M. (2014). New evidence: Data documenting parental support for earlier sexuality education. Journal of School Health, 84(1), 10-17. Barr, E. & Moore, M. J. (2014). Safer sex day: Methods to help reduce risky behaviors. American International Journal of Social Science, 3(4). Ancheta, I. B., Tuason, M. T., Volgman, A. S., Ancheta, C. V., & Battie, C. A. (2014). Depressive Symptomatology, Measured by Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) Is Increased in Filipino-American Women (FAW) With Metabolic Syndrome (MetS). The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 29(5), 391391. Ancheta, I. B., Tuason, M. T., Levenson, J., Ancheta, C. V., Battie, C. A., & Palaniappan, L. (2014). PM283 International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Harmonizing and National Cholesterol Education Program’s Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP/ATP III) Definition for Metabolic Syndrome: Which of These Criteria Best Captures the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among Filipino Women? Global Heart, 9(1), 118-119. 21 Tuason, M. T., Ancheta, I. B., & Battie, C. A. (2014). What impacts the psychological health of Filipino American women? Asian American Journal of Psychology,54(4), 307-315. Ancheta, I. B., Battie, C. A., Tuason, M. T., Borja-Hart, N., & Ancheta, C. V. (2014). The prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and diabetes increases with a body mass index of ≥ 23 KG/M2 in Filipino American women. Ethnicity and Disease, 24, 4854. Clark, K. L., Leydet, B. J. & Threlkeld, C. (2014). Geographic and genospecies distribution of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato DNA detected in humans in the United States. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 63, 674-84. doi: 10.1099/jmm.0.073122-0. Zakari, N. M., Hamadi, H. Y., Salem, O. A., & Eid, N. M. (2014). Developing an understanding of research-based nursing pedagogy among clinical instructors: A qualitative study. Nursing Education Today, 34(11), 1352-6. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2014.03.011. Zhao, M., Haley, D. R., Spaulding, A., & Balogh, H. A. (2015). Value-based purchasing, efficiency, and hospital performance. The Health Care Manager, 34(1), 4-13. Spaulding, A., Zhao, M., & Haley, D.R. (2014) Value-based purchasing and hospital acquired conditions: Are we seeing improvement? Health Policy, 118(3), 413-421. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2014.10.003. Spaulding, A., Haley, D. R., & Zhao, M . (2014). Highly self-efficacious or simply delusional? International Journal of Health Sciences, 2(1), 1-17. Sun, Q., Zhao, M., & Haley, D. R. (2014). Hospital performance in China: Do location and hospital level matter? Nursing Economics, 32(3), 148-156. 22 Fafard, M., & Haley, D.R. (2014). Natural resource profits and the implications for Peru’s public health system. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 34(5/6), 302-316. Haley, D. R. (2014). Improving immunization rates of underserved children: a historical study of 10 health departments. IJHPM International Journal of Health Policy & Management, 2, 193-197. Harrison, J. P. & Meyer, S. (2014). Measuring efficiency among U.S. federal hospitals. The Health Care Manager, 33(2), 117-27. Harrison, J. P., Spaulding, A. & Mouhalis, P. (2015). The efficiency frontier of for profit hospitals. Journal of Health Care Finance. Published online at Labyak, C. A., & Johnson, T. M. (2015). Sagittal abdominal diameter: A novel anthropometric measure for predicting visceral fat and associated cardiometabolic risk factors in children. Top Clin Nutr, 30(2), 153-158. Barr, E. M., Moore, M. J., Johnson, T. M., & Merten, J. (2014). The relationship between screen time and sexual behaviors among middle school students. The Health Educator, 46(1), 6-13. Barr, E. M., Moore, M. J., Johnson, T. M., Forrest, J., & Jordan, M. (2014). New evidence: data documenting parental support for earlier sexuality education. Journal of School Health, 84(1), 10-17. Labyak, C. A., & Johnson, T. M. (2015). Sagittal abdominal diameter: A novel anthropometric measure for predicting visceral fat and associated cardiometabolic risk factors in children. Top Clin Nutr, 30(2), 153-158. 23 Merten, J. W. (2015). Skin cancer prevention behaviors among Northeast Florida college students. Florida Public Health Review, 12, 23-30. Retrieved from Merten, J. W., Pomeranz, J. L., King, J. L., Moorhouse, M., & Wynn, R. (2015). Barriers to cancer screening for people with disabilities: A scoping review. Disability and Health, 8(1), 9-16. doi:10.1016/j.dhjo.2014.06.004. Merten, J. W., Barr, E. M. Monroe-Ossi, H., King, J. L., Griner, S., & Vosoughi, M. (2014). Asset mapping and resource guide development in partnership with Title I schools. International Journal of Social Science, 3(5), 66- 71. Retrieved from Barr, E. M., Moore, M. M., Johnson, T., Merten, J. W., & Stewart, P. (2014). The relationship between screen time and sexual behaviors among middle school students. The Health Educator, 46(1), 6-13. Merten, J. W. & Johnson, D. (2014). Our campus, our health: A model for undergraduate health education research engagement. Journal of Health Education Teaching, 5(1), 14-19. Retrieved from King, J. L., Pomeranz, J. L., & Merten, J. W. (2014). Nutrition interventions people with disabilities: A scoping review. Disability and Health, 7(2), 26-35. doi:10.1016/j.dhjo.2013.12.003. Merten, J. W., Higgins, S., Rowan, A., & Pragle, A. (2014). Sun safety attitudes, knowledge and behaviors among beach-going adolescents. American Journal of Health Education, 45(1), 37-41. doi:10.1080/19325037.2013.852997. 24 Barr, E. & Moore, M. J. (2014). Safer sex day: Methods to help reduce risky behaviors American International Journal of Social Science, 3(4). Barr, E., Moore, M. J., Johnson T., Merten, J. & Stewart, W. (2014). The relationship between screen time and sexual behaviors among middle school students. The Health Educator, 46(1), 6-12. Barr, E., Moore, M. J., Johnson, T., Forrest, J. & Jordan, M. (2014). New evidence: Data documenting parental support for earlier sexuality education. Journal of School Health, 84(1), 10-17. Zhao, M., Haley, D. R., Spaulding, A., Balough, H. (2015) Value-based-purchasing, efficiency, and hospital performance. The Health Care Manager, 34(1), 4-13. doi:10.1097/HCM.0000000000000048. Spaulding, A., Zhao, M., & Haley, D.R. (2014) Value-based purchasing and hospital acquired conditions: Are we seeing improvement? Health Policy, 118(3), 413-421. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2014.10.003. Harrison, J. P., Spaulding, A., & Mouhalis, P. (2015). The efficiency frontier of for profit hospitals. Journal of Health Care Finance. Published online at Spaulding, A., Gamm, L., & Menser, T. (2014) Physician engagement: Strategic considerations among leaders at a major health system. Hospital Topics, 92(3), 6673. doi:10.1080/00185868.2014.937970. Kash, B. A., Spaulding, A., Johnson, C. E. & Gamm, L. (2014). Healthcare strategic management and the resource based view. The Journal of Strategy and Management, 7(3), 251-264. doi: 25 Spaulding, A. & Ohsfeldt, B. (2014). Rapid response teams and team composition: A cost-effectiveness analysis. Nursing Economic$, 32(4), 194-203. Spaulding, A., Haley, D. R., & Zhao, M. (2014). Highly self-efficacious or simply delusional? International Journal of Health Science, 2(1), 1–17. Kash, B. A., Spaulding, A., Johnson, C. E. & Gamm, L. (2014). Success factors for strategic change initiatives: A qualitative study of healthcare administrators' perspectives. The Journal of Healthcare Management, 59(1), 65-82. Spaulding, A., Gamm, L., Kim, J., & Menser, T. (2014). Multiproject interdependencies in health systems management: A longitudinal qualitative study. Health Care Management Review, 39(1), 31-40. doi:10.1097/HMR.0b013e31828265f2. Goeltenboth, N., Güss, C. D., & Tuason, M. T. (2014). The creative process across cultures. Cognitive Processing, 15(1), 38-40. Ancheta, I. B., Tuason, M. T., Volgman, A. S., Ancheta, C. V., & Battie, C. A. (2014). Depressive Symptomatology, Measured by Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) Is Increased in Filipino-American Women (FAW) With Metabolic Syndrome (MetS). The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 29(5), 391391. Ancheta, I. B., Tuason, M. T., Levenson, J., Ancheta, C. V., Battie, C. A., & Palaniappan, L. (2014). PM283 International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Harmonizing and National Cholesterol Education Program’s Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP/ATP III) Definition for Metabolic Syndrome: Which of These Criteria Best Captures the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome Among Filipino Women? Global Heart, 9(1), 118-119. 26 Tuason, M. T., Ancheta, I. B., & Battie, C. A. (2014). What impacts the psychological health of Filipino American women? Asian American Journal of Psychology, 54(4) 307-315. Güss, C. D. & Tuason, M. T. (2014). The importance of cultural variables for explaining suicide terrorism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37(4), 370-371. Ancheta, I. B., Battie, C. A., Tuason, M. T., Borja-Hart, N., & Ancheta, C. V. (2014). The prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and diabetes increases with a body mass index of ≥ 23 KG/M2 in Filipino American women. Ethnicity and Disease, 24, 4854. Williams, C., Asi, Y., Raffenaud, A., Bagwell, M., & Zeini, I. (2015). The effect of information technology on hospital efficiency: A DEA analysis. Health Care Management Science, 2015 May 28. Williams, C., Unruh, L., & Ward, K. (2015) Hospital utilization after a telemonitoring program: A pilot study. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 34(1),1-13. Williams, C. & Oetjen, D. (2015). An ethical analysis of remote monitoring: Implications for future research. International Journal of Telemedicine and Clinical Practice, 1(1). Merten, J. W., Pomeranz, J. L., King, J. L., Moorhouse, M., & Wynn, R. (2015). Barriers to cancer screening for people with disabilities: A scoping review. Disability and Health, 8(1), 9-16. doi:10.1016/j.dhjo.2014.06.004. Wynn, R., Filmore, J., & Paladino, D. (2014). Cultural considerations: Helping gay men, teens, and boys integrate a racial and sexual identity. In M. Kocet (Ed.), Counseling gay men, adolescents, & boys: A strengths-based resource guide for 27 helping professionals and educators. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Zhao, M., Haley, D. R., Spaulding, A., & Balogh, H. A. (2015). Value-based purchasing, efficiency, and hospital performance. The Health Care Manager, 34(1), 4-13. Spaulding, A., Zhao, M., Haley, D.R. (2014) Value-based purchasing and hospital acquired conditions: Are we seeing improvement? Health Policy, 118(3), 413-421. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2014.10.003. Spaulding, A., Haley, D. R., & Zhao, M. (2014). Highly Self-Efficacious or Simply Delusional? International Journal of Health Science, 2(1), 1–17. Sun, Q, Zhao, M., Haley, R., & Wei, X. (2014). Hospital performance in China: Do location and hospital level matter? Nursing Economics, 32(3), 148-156. Chapters Nolin, J. (2015). Chapter 13: Regulation of Long Term Care in Mary Helen McSweeney-Feld, Ph.D., and Reid Oetjen, Ph.D., (Eds) Dimensions of Long-Term Care. Health Administration Press. Grants Apatu, E. J. I. (2015). International Certificate Study Abroad Development Grant . Funded for $4,000. Apatu, E. J. I. (2014). UNF Course Redesign for Effective Learning Grant. Funded for $1,000. 28 Barr, E. M. & Moore, M. J. (2014). Integrating the National Teacher Preparation Standards in HSC 4133/6138: Sexuality Education to Better Prepare Future Educators. Future of Sex Education National Teacher Preparation Standards for Sexuality Education: Seed-Grants to Support Implementation. Funded for $1,500. Barr, E. M., Moore, M. J., Merten, J. & Lustig, B. (2014). Providing Health Education through Meaningful Community Service. Florida Blue Foundation. Funded for $25,000. Haley, D. R. (2015-2016). Medicare’s Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (HVBP) Program and Hospital Mortality. University of North Florida, Brooks College of Health, Health Administration Drewa Professorship Research Grant. Funded for $5,000. Haley, D. R., 2015.1-2015.6 University of North Florida, International Health Certificate Grant. Funded for $4,000. Zhao, M. & Haley, R. (2014-2015). The Transformation of the German Healthcare System: A Model for US Healthcare Reform. Graduate Transformational Learning Opportunities Award, University of North Florida. Funded for $7,500. Audi, G. R. & Hamadi, HY, “Rate of Hospitalization and Severity of work-related Injury among Working Individuals in the United States” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Occupational Safety and Health Research Grant, $7,000 Awaiting Award Funding (20142015). Johnson, T. M. (2014-2015). Cardiometabolic Risk and Diabetes Educational Forum. Florida Department of Health. Funded for $28,568. Largo-Wight, E. (2014) Building for Health: Outdoor Classroom Construction at an Elementary School. Research Initiative Mini-Grant, UNF Environmental Center, Jacksonville, FL. Funded for $1,200. 29 Merten, J. W. (2015). Skin Cancer Prevention in the Sunshine State. University of North Florida Academic Affairs Scholarship Grant. Funded for $7,500. Barr, E. & Moore, M. J. (2014). Integrating the National Teacher Preparation Standards in HSC 4133/6138: Sexuality Education to Better Prepare Future Educators. Future of Sex Education National Teacher Preparation Standards for Sexuality Education: Seed-Grants to Support Implementation. Funded for $1500. Barr, E., Moore, M. J., & Merten, J. (2014). Providing Health Education through Meaningful Community Service. Florida Blue Foundation. Funded for $25,000. Nolin, J. (2014). Aging with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, development of training and evaluation. Jacksonville Community Foundation, Pine Castle Services. Funded for $5,000. Owen, D. M. & Apatu, E.J. (2015). Development Grant for a Study Abroad to Greece. UNF College of Health International Certificate Program. Funded for $4812. Sealey-Potts, C., Nicholson, J., Labyak, C., & Spaulding, A. Educating the educators: Reducing health risk factors to optimize development in children. UNF Faculty Development Scholarship Grant. Funded for $30,000. Zhao, M. (2015). Hospital-value-based Purchasing (HVBP) and Healthcare-associated Infections (HAIs): Are Hospitals Ready? University of North Florida, International Health Certificate Grant. Funded for $4,000. Zhao, M. (2014-2015). Hospital-value-based Purchasing (HVBP) and Healthcare-associated Infections (HAIs): Are Hospitals Ready? University of North Florida, Brooks College of Health, Health Administration Drewa Professorship Research Grant. Funded for $5,000. 30 Zhao, M. & Haley, R. (2014-2015). The Transformation of the German Healthcare System: A Model for US Healthcare Reform. Graduate Transformational Learning Opportunities Award, University of North Florida. Funded for $7.500. Refereed Presentation Apatu E. J., I., Gregg E., C., Hillhouse, J. Wang, L., & Pack, R., (2014, May). Employment Status and Social Stakeholders Perceptions during the 2009 Samoa Earthquake and Tsunami. Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, HI. Moore, M. J., Barr, E., Lukens-Bull, K., & Wilson, K. (2015, June). Voter support for schoolbased sexual health services. Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference. Guelph, CA. Merten, J. W., King, J. L., Barr, E.M., Monroe-Ossi, H., & Vosoughi, M. (2015, April). Asset mapping and resource guide development in partnership with Title I elementary schools. 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for Public Health Education, Portland, OR. Moore, M.J., Barr, E.M. Lukens-Bull, K., & Remo, R. (2014, May). Documenting the Need for Earlier Prevention: Sexual Behavior in Grades 6 through 12. Society for Prevention Research 22nd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Moore, M. J., Barr, E. M. & Johnson, T. (2014, May). Middle School Youth Sexual Behaviors & Team Sports. Society for Prevention Research 22nd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Barr, E. M. & Loran, H. (2015, May). Sexual health education for nurses and teachers. Florida School Health Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. Barr, E. M. (2014, June). Exemplary sexual health education: What do we need and how do we get there? Annual Summer Academy for Teachers of Health Education, Florida Department of Education, Office of Healthy Schools, Gainesville, FL. 31 Barr, E. M. (2014, June). Interactive activities for teaching sexual health education: grades 612. Annual Summer Academy for Teachers of Health Education, Florida Department of Education, Office of Healthy Schools, Gainesville, FL. Zhao, M., Haley, D. R., & Spaulding, A. (2015, June). Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (HVBP), Market, and Outpatient Imaging Efficiency (OIE). AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Zhao, M., Sun, Q., Haley, D.R., Wei, X., Fowler, J., & Feng, C. (2015, February). The Efficiency of Public Hospitals in China: the Influence of Geographic Location and Government Ownership Level. The 15th annual University of North Florida International Business conference (UNFIB-15), Jacksonville, FL. Haley, D. R., Zhao, M., Raiti, J., & An, L. (2015, February). Panel Discussion: Sustaining Economic Growth through productivity---International Comparisons in trade, health care and insurance system. The 15th annual University of North Florida International Business conference (UNFIB-15), Jacksonville, FL. Zhao, M., Haley, D. R., & Spaulding, A. (2014, June 10). Value-Based-Purchasing, Efficiency, and Hospital Performance. 2014 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, CA. Haley, D. R., Zhao, M., & Spaulding, A. (2014, June 24) Hospital Value-Based Purchasing and Readmissions: Are Hospitals Ready. 14th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management, & Policy, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece. Spaulding, A., Zhao, M, & Haley, D. R. (2014, June 10) Does Paying for Performance Work? AcademyHealth, Annual Research Meeting 2014, San Diego, CA. 32 Zhao, M., Haley, D. R., & Spaulding, A. (2014, June). Value-Based-Purchasing, Efficiency, and Hospital Performance. AcademyHealth, Annual Research Meeting 2014, San Diego, CA. Hamadi, H. Y. (2015, June). Professional Development: An Essential Component for Internship Procurement and Career Success. Association of University Programs in Health Administration. Hamadi, H. Y (2014, June). Examining the Effect of Implementing Case Managers on Diabetes HA1C Control. AcademyHealth. Hamadi, H. Y. (2014). Analysis of Organizational Structures Within Rural Multi- Hospital System. South East Decision Sciences Annual Meeting 2014. Harrison, J. & Coppola, M. N. (2014, December). Maintaining Competency in the Health Profession: Didactic, Professional and Service Opportunities. 119th Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS) Annual Continuing Education Meeting, Washington, DC. Harrison, J. & Barton, S. (2014, October). The Impact of RAC Audits on US Healthcare. Healthcare Financial Management Association program on “Legislative Updates,” Herbert University Center, Jacksonville, FL. George, W. N., Indelicato, N. A., & Wynn, R. D. (2015, April). From the Inside Out: Expanding Classroom Boundaries through the Use of Technology-Based Assignments. Panel session presented at the University of North Florida Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Symposium, Jacksonville, FL. Indelicato, N. A. (2015, March). Chi Sigma Iota Chapter Showcase: Sigma Phi Epsilon. American Counseling Association Meeting, Orlando, FL. Indelicato, N. A. (2015, March). Using creative approaches to energize work and life. Arc 33 Jacksonville Professional Development Conference, Jacksonville, FL. Indelicato, N. A. & George, W. N. (2014, November). Establishing a self-care plan in graduate school. University of North Florida Graduate School Lecture Series, Jacksonville, FL. Indelicato, N. A., George, W. N., & Wynn, R. D. (2014, October). Putting theory into practice: Integration of counseling skills and theories courses. Florida Counseling Association Meeting, Tampa, FL. Coleman, C., Martensen, C., Scott, R., & Indelicato, N. A. (2014, October). Mitigating the effects of compassion fatigue in counselors. Florida Counseling Association Meeting, Tampa, FL. Johnson, T. M., Boyer, W. R., Indelicato, N. A., & Churilla, J. R. (2014, June). Rethinking mental distress measures using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Society for Epidemiologic Research 47th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Boyer, W. R., Richardson, M. R., Devore, S. R., Alnojeidi, A. H., Indelicato, N. A., Johnson, T. M., & Churilla, J. R. (2014). Associations between mental distress and physical activity in U.S. adults. SEACSM Annual Meeting, Greenville, SC. Johnson, T. M., Forrest, J., & Churilla, J. R. (2014, November). Mental distress severity among Florida adults: A comparison using two measures. 142nd American Public Health Association Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA. Johnson, T. M., Forrest, J., & Churilla, J. R. Association between no leisure-time physical activity and mental distress severity among Florida adults. 142nd American Public Health Association Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA. 34 Johnson, T. M., McDowell, S., Boyer, W. R., Indelicato, N., Churilla J. R. (2014, June). Rethinking mental distress measures using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Largo-Wight, E., Guardino, C., Hall, K., Thomas, E. & Ottenstein, C. (2015, April). Cultivating healthy schools: The feasibility of an outdoor classroom in a public elementary school. 28th Annual Research & Policy Conference on Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health, Tampa, FL. Largo-Wight, E., Guardino, C., Wludyka, P. S., Hall, K., Ottenstein, C., & Thomas, E. (2015, April). Kindergarteners’ behavior, attention, and wellbeing in an outdoor classroom versus the indoor classroom. 28th Annual Research & Policy Conference on Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health, Tampa, FL. Largo-Wight, E., Guardino, C., Hall, K., Howard, M.M., Thomas, E., & Ottenstein, C. (2015, April). Health and behavior intervention among kindergartners: academic-community lessons learned from CBPR project in a public elementary school. 28th Annual Research & Policy Conference on Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Behavioral Health, Tampa, FL. Largo-Wight, E., Howard, M. M., McCoy, H. V., Darrow, W. W., Rubens, M., & CaprilesQuilros, J.A. (2014, June). Public health workforce development in Florida and Puerto Rico: A social marketing approach. Social Marketing Conference, Clearwater, FL. Howard, M. M., McCoy, H. V., Darrow, W. W., Rubens, M., Largo-Wight, E., & CaprilesQuilros, J.A. (2014, June). A consumer-based planning approach to strengthen competence in a culturally diverse public health workforce. Social Marketing Conference, Clearwater, FL. 35 Merten, J. W., King, J. L., Barr, E. M., Monroe-Ossi, H., & Vosoughi, M. (2015, April). Asset mapping and resource guide development in partnership with Title I elementary schools. 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for Public Health Education, Portland, OR. King, J. L., Merten, J. W., & Pomeranz, J. P. (2015, April). Assessing attitudes toward nicotine replacement therapy for adolescent tobacco cessation. 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for Public Health Education, Portland, OR. King, J. L, Pomeranz, J. P, & Merten, J. W. (2014, November). Improving how we deliver tobacco cessation programs: Findings from an intervention for people with disabilities. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New Orleans, LA. King, J. L, Pomeranz, J. P, & Merten, J. W. (2014, November). Evaluation of a newly developed tobacco cessation program for people with disabilities. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New Orleans, LA. Moore, M. J., Barr, E., Lukens-Bull, K., & Wilson, K. (2015, June). Voter support for schoolbased sexual health services. Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference, Guelph, CA. Moore, M. J., Barr, E., & Johnson, T. (2014, May). Middle School Youth Sexual Behaviors & Team Sports. Society for Prevention Research 22nd Annual Meeting, Washington DC. Moore, M. J., Barr, E., Lukens-Bull, K., & Remo, R. (2014, May). Documenting the Need for Earlier Prevention: Sexual Behavior in Grades 6 through 12. Society for Prevention Research 22nd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Hamadi, H., White-Williams, C., Harrison, D., & Spaulding, A. (2015, June). Professional Development: An Essential Component for Internship Procurement and Career Success. Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) Annual Conference, Miami, FL. 36 Spaulding, A., Zhao, M, & Haley, D. R. (2015, June). Resource Dependency Theory and Value Based Purchasing. AcademyHealth, Annual Research Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. Zhao, M., Haley, D.R., & Spaulding, A. (2015, June). Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (HVBP), Market, and Outpatient Imaging Efficiency (OIE).AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. Haley, D. R., Zhao, M., & Spaulding, A. (2014, June). Hospital Value-Based Purchasing and Readmissions: Are Hospitals Ready. 14th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management, & Policy. Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece. Spaulding, A., Zhao, M., & Haley, D.R. (2014, June) Does Paying for Performance Work? AcademyHealth, Annual Research Meeting 2014. San Diego, CA. Zhao, M, Haley, D. R., & Spaulding, A. (2014, June) Value-Based-Purchasing, Efficiency, and Hospital Performance. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. San Diego, CA. Carroll, L., & Tuason, M. T. (2015, January). Using PhotoVoice with LGBT Elders: A Critique of Process & Lessons Learned. 2015 National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Atlanta, GA. Carroll, L., Tuason, M. T., Krusemark, D., Puhl, K. & Howard, T. (2014, August). The Quality of Life Among LGBT Elders. 122nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D. C. Ancheta, I. B., Levenson, J., Ancheta, C. V., Tuason, M. T., & Battie, C. A. (2014, May). International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Harmonizing and National Cholesterol 37 Education Program’s Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP/ATP III) Definition for Metabolic Syndrome: Which of These Criteria Best Captures the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome Among Filipino Women? World Heart Federation’s World Congress of Cardiology 2014, Melbourne, Australia. Hamadi, H., & Williams, C. (2015). Professional Development: An Essential Component for Internship Procurement and Career Success. AUPHA Conference. Williams, C. (2015). Remote Monitoring on Clinical Decision Making. Faculty Research Forum, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL. Indelicato, N. A., George, W. N., & Wynn, R. D. (2015). Putting theory into practice: Integration of Counseling Skills and Theories courses. University of North Florida Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Symposium, Jacksonville, FL. Indelicato, N. A., George, W. N., & Wynn, R. D. (2014). Putting theory into practice: integration of Counseling Skills and Theories courses. The 65th Florida Counseling Association Conference, Tampa, FL. Zhao, M., Sun, Q., Haley, D.R., Wei, X., Fowler, J., & Feng, C. (2015, February). The Efficiency of Public Hospitals in China: the Influence of Geographic Location and Government Ownership Level. The 15th annual University of North Florida International Business conference (UNFIB-15), University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL. Zhao, M., Haley, D.R., & Spaulding, A. (2015, June). Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (HVBP), Market, and Outpatient Imaging Efficiency (OIE). AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Haley, D. R., Zhao, M., Raiti, J., & An, L. (2015, February). Panel Discussion: Sustaining Economic Growth through productivity---International Comparisons in trade, health 38 care and insurance system. The 15th annual University of North Florida International Business conference (UNFIB-15), Jacksonville, FL. Zhao, M., Haley, D. R., & Spaulding, A. (2014, June). Value-Based-Purchasing, Efficiency, and Hospital Performance. AcademyHealth, Annual Research Meeting 2014, San Diego, CA. Haley, D. R., Zhao, M, & Spaulding, A. (2014, June). Hospital Value-Based Purchasing and Readmissions: Are Hospitals Ready? 14th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management, & Policy, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece. Spaulding, A., Zhao, M, & Haley, D.R. (2014, June). Does Paying for Performance Work? AcademyHealth, Annual Research Meeting 2014, San Diego, CA. Ji, Q., Zhao, M., Li, M., Xu, L., & Chen, L.S., (2014, November). Perceptions of Family Health History Toward the Decision of Dating and Marriage among Chinese Americans: A Qualitative Study. 142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA. Non-refereed presentation Nolin, J. (2014, March). Seminar, St. Vincent’s Center for Parish Nursing, Jacksonville, FL. Largo-Wight, E. (2014, November). Mother Nature’s Classroom: Kindergarteners’ behavior, attention, and wellbeing in an outdoor classroom versus indoor classroom. Breakfast Club Lecture Series, Center for Applied Research in Children and Adolescent Development (CARCAD), University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL. Largo-Wight, E. (2014, October). Teacher in-service: what the benefits of the outdoor classroom and ideas on using the space for regular instruction. DCPS Teacher InService Presentation, Seaside Community Charter School, Atlantic Beach, FL. 39 Bechtel, A. S., Sandler, E., & Merten, J. W. (2014, May). Sun safety education in the sunshine state: Knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of sun exposure in Northeast Florida preadolescents. UF College of Medicine Research Day, Jacksonville, FL. Merten, J. W. & Pomeranz, J. L. (2014, April). An examination of skin cancer prevention behaviors among college students. University of Florida Public Health and Health Professions Research Day, Gainesville, FL. Department of Public Health Tenure / Book Chapter Refereed Pubs Presentations Grants Funded 1 60 68 22 Tenure Track 19 40