LHC Project Note XXX 2009-01-01 Vittorio.remondino@cern.ch Magnetic model of the orbit corrector dipoles MCBC and MCBY V. Remondino for the FiDeL team CERN, Technology Department Keywords: Superconducting Magnets, Magnetic Field Model, Harmonics, LHC. 1. Summary of main parameters Function in the machine: The LHC Insertion Regions are equipped with 6 different types of twin-aperture orbit dipole corrector assemblies. The MCBC (four different types, 168 modules) and the MCBY (two different types, 76 modules) are twin-aperture assemblies consisting of two superconducting dipole modules mounted in a common support structure. Two types of modules 1100 mm long are required: modules with a 56 mm diameter bore for the MCBC assemblies, and modules with a 70 mm diameter bore for the MCBY assemblies. Both types of magnet modules are of similar construction, using the same superconducting wire. The individually powered magnet modules are arranged such that the field in one aperture is vertical (horizontal correction) and horizontal (vertical correction) in the other. The complete dipole corrector assemblies have a maximum outer diameter of 452 mm and 475 mm and a mass of around 1200 kg. The nominal strength of the MCBC is 3.1 T at the nominal current of 100 A, with a magnetic length of 0.904 m; that of the MCBY is 2.5 T at the nominal current of 72 A at 4.5 K, with a magnetic length of 0.899 m (see Table I). The measured transfer functions agree with the nominal within 1%. These magnets are used to correct orbits and multipoles in the insertions at Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9 and Q10 (MCBC) and Q4, Q5, Q6 (MCBY). Fig. 1: Cross-section of MCBC (left) and MCBY (right). This is an internal CERN publication and does not necessarily reflect the views of the LHC project management. Table I: Summary of MCBC & MCBY parameters. MCBCH MCBYH MCBCV MCBYV N° modules 168 76 Aperture [mm] 56 70 Outer diameter support [mm] 452 475 Overall length [mm] 1100 Weight [Kg] 1200 Nominal strength at 1.9 K [T] 3.1 [T] [T m] [T m] [A] [A] [m] 2.5 2.26 2.27 100 80 0.904 58% 1 375 2840 14.2 Nominal strength at 4.5 K Integrated nominal strength at 4.5 K Measured integrated strength at 4.5 K Nominal current at 1.9 K Nominal current at 4.5 K Magnetic length Nominal current/short sample at 1.9 K Max ramp rate Resistance at room temperature Inductance Stored energy at nominal [A/s] [β¦] [mH] [kJ] 2.5 2.25 2.27 72 0.899 60% 0.66 501 5270 13.6 Numbers and variants: The MCBC assemblies are associated with MQM and MQ, whereas the MCBY assemblies are associated with the MQY. Since the MCBC assemblies are associated with two different types of quadrupoles, two versions are required: (i) MCBCA or MCBCB type which are assembled with the MQM, and (ii) the MCBCC or MCBCD which are assembled with the MQ. The list of variants is given in Table II. Table II: List of MCBC / MCBY variants (A1: horizontal field, vertical corrector – B1: vertical field, horizontal corrector) Magnet assembly External aperture Internal aperture Main cold mass MCBCA A1 B1 MQ MCBCB B1 A1 MQ MCBCC A1 B1 MQM MCBCD B1 A1 MQM MCBYA A1 B1 MQY B A MCBYB MQY 1 1 Naming convention: The assemblies have been identified following the rules described in Table III. The prefix is followed by a 4-digit progressive number. Expected operational cycles, range of current and operational temperature: The MCBC operate at 1.9 K or at 4.5 K, depending on the position in the lattice. The MCBY operate at 4.5 K. They are both dipolar magnets whose setting is given by BPM measurements, as the MCB. During the 2010 run, values at injection for MCBC have been within 2 A, and within 15 A at 3.5 TeV: at 7 TeV the requirements on current are well below nominal. On the other -2- hand, currents in MCBY have been within 5 A at injection, and within 50 A at 3.5 TeV. Opertation at 7 TeV could require current beyond nominal. Table III: Naming convention for MCBC & MCBY Magnet Assembly Assembly prefix Module prefix MCBCA HCMCBCA001-TE00 HCMCBCM001-TE00 MCBCB HCMCBCB001-TE00 HCMCBCM001-TE00 MCBCC HCMCBCC001-TE00 HCMCBCM001-TE00 MCBCD HCMCBCD001-TE00 HCMCBCM001-TE00 MCBYA HCMCBYA001-TE00 HCMCBYM001-TE00 MCBYB HCMCBYB001-TE00 HCMCBYM001-TE00 Summary of manufacturing parameters, and manufacturers: The MCBC and MCBY have been built by the English company TESLA. The cable has a Type2 strand [1]. 2. Layout Slots and positions: MCBCs are located in all insertions whereas MCBYs are in insertions 1, 2,4,5,6 and 8 only. The position of the MCBC is shown in Table VI and that of MCBY in Table V. Table IV. Position of the MCBC in the insertions. IR 1 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID HCMCBCB001-TE000027 HCMCBCB001-TE000027 HCMCBCA001-TE000011 HCMCBCA001-TE000011 HCMCBCB001-TE000010 HCMCBCB001-TE000010 HCMCBCA001-TE000011 HCMCBCA001-TE000011 RCBCH10.L1B1 RCBCV10.L1B2 RCBCV9.L1B1 RCBCH9.L1B2 RCBCH8.L1B1 RCBCV8.L1B2 RCBCV9.L1B1 RCBCH9.L1B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000056 HCMCBCM001-TE000052 HCMCBCM001-TE000023 HCMCBCM001-TE000027 HCMCBCM001-TE000020 HCMCBCM001-TE000021 HCMCBCM001-TE000023 HCMCBCM001-TE000027 -380.839 -380.839 -340.377 -340.377 -301.309 -301.309 -340.377 -340.377 HCMCBCA001-TE000018 HCMCBCA001-TE000018 HCMCBCB001-TE000019 HCMCBCB001-TE000019 HCMCBCB001-TE000047 HCMCBCB001-TE000047 HCMCBCA001-TE000058 HCMCBCA001-TE000058 HCMCBCA001-TE000067 HCMCBCA001-TE000067 HCMCBCB001-TE000075 HCMCBCB001-TE000075 RCBCH6.L1B1 RCBCV6.L1B2 RCBCH5.L1B2 RCBCV5.L1B1 RCBCH5.R1B1 RCBCV5.R1B2 RCBCV6.R1B1 RCBCH6.R1B2 RCBCV7.R1B2 RCBCH7.R1B1 RCBCH8.R1B2 RCBCV8.R1B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000037 HCMCBCM001-TE000036 HCMCBCM001-TE000035 HCMCBCM001-TE000040 HCMCBCM001-TE000095 HCMCBCM001-TE000096 HCMCBCM001-TE000114 HCMCBCM001-TE000113 HCMCBCM001-TE000135 HCMCBCM001-TE000133 HCMCBCM001-TE000153 HCMCBCM001-TE000152 -231.432 -231.432 -199.532 -199.532 193.448 193.448 225.348 225.348 267.812 267.812 306.884 306.884 HCMCBCA001-TE000064 RCBCV9.R1B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000130 347.346 -3- POSITION 12 HCMCBCA001-TE000064 HCMCBCB001-TE000037 RCBCH9.R1B1 RCBCV10.R1B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000129 HCMCBCM001-TE000075 347.346 386.414 HCMCBCB001-TE000037 RCBCH10.R1B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000076 386.414 IR 2 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID POSITION HCMCBCB001-TE000083 HCMCBCB001-TE000083 HCMCBCA001-TE000072 HCMCBCA001-TE000072 HCMCBCB001-TE000045 HCMCBCB001-TE000045 HCMCBCA001-TE000024 HCMCBCA001-TE000024 RCBCH10.L2B2 RCBCV10.L2B1 RCBCH9.L2B1 RCBCV9.L2B2 RCBCH8.L2B2 RCBCV8.L2B1 RCBCH7.L2B1 RCBCV7.L2B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000158 HCMCBCM001-TE000169 HCMCBCM001-TE000146 HCMCBCM001-TE000151 HCMCBCM001-TE000091 HCMCBCM001-TE000092 HCMCBCM001-TE000050 HCMCBCM001-TE000049 -381.35 -381.35 -340.888 -340.888 -301.82 -301.82 -260.387 -260.387 HCMCBCA001-TE000080 HCMCBCA001-TE000080 HCMCBCB001-TE000079 HCMCBCB001-TE000079 HCMCBCA001-TE000068 HCMCBCA001-TE000068 HCMCBCB001-TE000065 HCMCBCB001-TE000065 HCMCBCA001-TE000070 HCMCBCA001-TE000070 HCMCBCA001-TE000082 HCMCBCA001-TE000082 RCBCH6.L2B2 RCBCV6.L2B1 RCBCHS5.R2B2 RCBCVS5.R2B1 RCBCVS5.R2B2 RCBCHS5.R2B1 RCBCH5.R2B2 RCBCV5.R2B1 RCBCH6.R2B1 RCBCV6.R2B2 RCBCH7.R2B2 RCBCV7.R2B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000166 HCMCBCM001-TE000165 HCMCBCM001-TE000155 HCMCBCM001-TE000154 HCMCBCM001-TE000139 HCMCBCM001-TE000138 HCMCBCM001-TE000131 HCMCBCM001-TE000132 HCMCBCM001-TE000143 HCMCBCM001-TE000142 HCMCBCM001-TE000167 HCMCBCM001-TE000168 -246.79 -246.79 162.689 162.689 163.836 163.836 164.982 164.982 236.939 236.939 268.323 268.323 HCMCBCB001-TE000069 HCMCBCB001-TE000069 HCMCBCA001-TE000016 HCMCBCA001-TE000016 HCMCBCB001-TE000063 RCBCH8.R2B1 RCBCV8.R2B2 RCBCV9.R2B1 RCBCH9.R2B2 RCBCH10.R2B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000141 HCMCBCM001-TE000140 HCMCBCM001-TE000033 HCMCBCM001-TE000032 HCMCBCM001-TE000127 307.395 307.395 347.857 347.857 386.925 HCMCBCB001-TE000063 RCBCV10.R2B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000128 386.925 IR 3 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID HCMCBCD001-TE000041 HCMCBCD001-TE000041 HCMCBCC001-TE000056 HCMCBCC001-TE000056 HCMCBCD001-TE000084 HCMCBCD001-TE000084 HCMCBCC001-TE000026 HCMCBCC001-TE000026 RCBCH10.L3B1 RCBCV10.L3B2 RCBCH9.L3B2 RCBCV9.L3B1 RCBCH8.L3B1 RCBCV8.L3B2 RCBCV7.L3B1 RCBCH7.L3B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000084 HCMCBCM001-TE000083 HCMCBCM001-TE000117 HCMCBCM001-TE000119 HCMCBCM001-TE000170 HCMCBCM001-TE000171 HCMCBCM001-TE000053 HCMCBCM001-TE000054 -380.82 -380.82 -340.299 -340.299 -301.29 -301.29 -262.225 -262.225 HCMCBCA001-TE000076 HCMCBCA001-TE000076 HCMCBCB001-TE000073 HCMCBCB001-TE000073 HCMCBCD001-TE000071 HCMCBCD001-TE000071 HCMCBCC001-TE000035 RCBCH6.L3B1 RCBCV6.L3B2 RCBCV6.R3B1 RCBCH6.R3B2 RCBCV7.R3B2 RCBCH7.R3B1 RCBCV8.R3B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000160 HCMCBCM001-TE000159 HCMCBCM001-TE000144 HCMCBCM001-TE000145 HCMCBCM001-TE000148 HCMCBCM001-TE000149 HCMCBCM001-TE000072 -205.73 -205.73 195.87 195.87 267.838 267.838 306.903 -4- POSITION 9 10 HCMCBCC001-TE000035 HCMCBCD001-TE000057 HCMCBCD001-TE000057 HCMCBCC001-TE000066 RCBCH8.R3B2 RCBCV9.R3B2 RCBCH9.R3B1 RCBCH10.R3B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000073 HCMCBCM001-TE000116 HCMCBCM001-TE000115 HCMCBCM001-TE000137 306.903 347.424 347.424 386.433 HCMCBCC001-TE000066 RCBCV10.R3B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000136 386.433 IR 4 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID POSITION HCMCBCA001-TE000032 HCMCBCA001-TE000032 HCMCBCB001-TE000025 HCMCBCB001-TE000025 HCMCBCA001-TE000036 HCMCBCA001-TE000036 RCBCV10.L4B1 RCBCH10.L4B2 RCBCH9.L4B1 RCBCV9.L4B2 RCBCV8.L4B1 RCBCH8.L4B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000065 HCMCBCM001-TE000066 HCMCBCM001-TE000055 HCMCBCM001-TE000051 HCMCBCM001-TE000069 HCMCBCM001-TE000074 -381.35 -381.35 -340.888 -340.888 -301.82 -301.82 HCMCBCB001-TE000044 HCMCBCB001-TE000044 HCMCBCA001-TE000040 HCMCBCA001-TE000040 HCMCBCB001-TE000021 HCMCBCB001-TE000021 HCMCBCA001-TE000022 HCMCBCA001-TE000022 HCMCBCB001-TE000061 RCBCV7.L4B2 RCBCH7.L4B1 RCBCH7.R4B2 RCBCV7.R4B1 RCBCH8.R4B1 RCBCV8.R4B2 RCBCV9.R4B1 RCBCH9.R4B2 RCBCH10.R4B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000090 HCMCBCM001-TE000089 HCMCBCM001-TE000081 HCMCBCM001-TE000082 HCMCBCM001-TE000044 HCMCBCM001-TE000043 HCMCBCM001-TE000045 HCMCBCM001-TE000046 HCMCBCM001-TE000123 -264.026 -264.026 268.334 268.334 307.395 307.395 347.857 347.857 386.925 HCMCBCB001-TE000061 RCBCV10.R4B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000124 386.925 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID HCMCBCB001-TE000017 HCMCBCB001-TE000017 HCMCBCA001-TE000048 HCMCBCA001-TE000048 RCBCH10.L5B1 RCBCV10.L5B2 RCBCH9.L5B2 RCBCV9.L5B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000034 HCMCBCM001-TE000039 HCMCBCM001-TE000097 HCMCBCM001-TE000098 -380.839 -380.839 -340.377 -340.377 HCMCBCB001-TE000006 HCMCBCB001-TE000006 HCMCBCA001-TE000038 HCMCBCA001-TE000038 HCMCBCB001-TE000033 HCMCBCB001-TE000033 HCMCBCA001-TE000030 HCMCBCA001-TE000030 HCMCBCA001-TE000042 HCMCBCA001-TE000042 HCMCBCB001-TE000043 HCMCBCB001-TE000043 RCBCH8.L5B1 RCBCV8.L5B2 RCBCH7.L5B2 RCBCV7.L5B1 RCBCV6.L5B2 RCBCH6.L5B1 RCBCH5.L5B2 RCBCV5.L5B1 RCBCV5.R5B2 RCBCH5.R5B1 RCBCV6.R5B1 RCBCH6.R5B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000011 HCMCBCM001-TE000014 HCMCBCM001-TE000077 HCMCBCM001-TE000078 HCMCBCM001-TE000067 HCMCBCM001-TE000068 HCMCBCM001-TE000062 HCMCBCM001-TE000061 HCMCBCM001-TE000085 HCMCBCM001-TE000086 HCMCBCM001-TE000087 HCMCBCM001-TE000088 -301.309 -301.309 -259.876 -259.876 -225.348 -225.348 -193.448 -193.448 199.532 199.532 231.432 231.432 HCMCBCA001-TE000052 HCMCBCA001-TE000052 HCMCBCB001-TE000023 HCMCBCB001-TE000023 HCMCBCA001-TE000028 HCMCBCA001-TE000028 HCMCBCB001-TE000053 RCBCV7.R5B2 RCBCH7.R5B1 RCBCH8.R5B2 RCBCV8.R5B1 RCBCH9.R5B1 RCBCV9.R5B2 RCBCV10.R5B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000106 HCMCBCM001-TE000105 HCMCBCM001-TE000048 HCMCBCM001-TE000047 HCMCBCM001-TE000057 HCMCBCM001-TE000058 HCMCBCM001-TE000107 267.812 267.812 306.884 306.884 347.346 347.346 386.414 IR 5 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -5- POSITION HCMCBCB001-TE000053 RCBCH10.R5B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000108 386.414 IR 6 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID HCMCBCB001-TE000049 HCMCBCB001-TE000049 HCMCBCA001-TE000046 HCMCBCA001-TE000046 HCMCBCB001-TE000055 HCMCBCB001-TE000055 HCMCBCA001-TE000054 HCMCBCA001-TE000054 HCMCBCB001-TE000059 HCMCBCB001-TE000059 RCBCH10.L6B2 RCBCV10.L6B1 RCBCV9.L6B2 RCBCH9.L6B1 RCBCH8.L6B2 RCBCV8.L6B1 RCBCV8.R6B2 RCBCH8.R6B1 RCBCV9.R6B1 RCBCH9.R6B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000099 HCMCBCM001-TE000100 HCMCBCM001-TE000094 HCMCBCM001-TE000093 HCMCBCM001-TE000111 HCMCBCM001-TE000112 HCMCBCM001-TE000109 HCMCBCM001-TE000110 HCMCBCM001-TE000118 HCMCBCM001-TE000120 POSITION -381.35 -381.35 -340.888 -340.888 -301.82 -301.82 307.395 307.395 347.857 347.857 HCMCBCA001-TE000050 RCBCV10.R6B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000102 386.925 HCMCBCA001-TE000050 RCBCH10.R6B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000101 386.925 IR 7 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID POSITION HCMCBCC001-TE000077 HCMCBCC001-TE000077 HCMCBCD001-TE000051 HCMCBCD001-TE000051 HCMCBCC001-TE000074 HCMCBCC001-TE000074 HCMCBCD001-TE000081 HCMCBCD001-TE000081 HCMCBCA001-TE000085 HCMCBCA001-TE000085 HCMCBCB001-TE000086 HCMCBCB001-TE000086 RCBCV10.L7B2 RCBCH10.L7B1 RCBCH9.L7B2 RCBCV9.L7B1 RCBCV8.L7B2 RCBCH8.L7B1 RCBCH7.L7B2 RCBCV7.L7B1 RCBCV6.L7B2 RCBCH6.L7B1 RCBCH6.R7B2 RCBCV6.R7B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000163 HCMCBCM001-TE000164 HCMCBCM001-TE000103 HCMCBCM001-TE000104 HCMCBCM001-TE000147 HCMCBCM001-TE000150 HCMCBCM001-TE000156 HCMCBCM001-TE000157 HCMCBCM001-TE000173 HCMCBCM001-TE000172 HCMCBCM001-TE000175 HCMCBCM001-TE000174 -380.82 -380.82 -340.299 -340.299 -301.29 -301.29 -262.225 -262.225 -223.675 -223.675 233.534 233.534 HCMCBCC001-TE000034 HCMCBCC001-TE000034 HCMCBCD001-TE000039 HCMCBCD001-TE000039 HCMCBCC001-TE000062 HCMCBCC001-TE000062 HCMCBCD001-TE000031 RCBCH7.R7B1 RCBCV7.R7B2 RCBCV8.R7B1 RCBCH8.R7B2 RCBCV9.R7B2 RCBCH9.R7B1 RCBCV10.R7B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000070 HCMCBCM001-TE000071 HCMCBCM001-TE000080 HCMCBCM001-TE000079 HCMCBCM001-TE000126 HCMCBCM001-TE000125 HCMCBCM001-TE000064 267.838 267.838 306.903 306.903 347.424 347.424 386.433 HCMCBCD001-TE000031 RCBCH10.R7B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000063 386.433 IR 8 No 1 2 3 4 5 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID HCMCBCB001-TE000004 HCMCBCB001-TE000004 HCMCBCA001-TE000005 HCMCBCA001-TE000005 HCMCBCB001-TE000002 HCMCBCB001-TE000002 RCBCH10.L8B2 RCBCV10.L8B1 RCBCH9.L8B1 RCBCV9.L8B2 RCBCV8.L8B1 RCBCH8.L8B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000008 HCMCBCM001-TE000007 HCMCBCM001-TE000010 HCMCBCM001-TE000009 HCMCBCM001-TE000004 HCMCBCM001-TE000003 -370.13 -370.13 -329.668 -329.668 -290.6 -290.6 HCMCBCA001-TE000003 HCMCBCA001-TE000003 HCMCBCA001-TE000007 RCBCV7.L8B2 RCBCH7.L8B1 RCBCV6.L8B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000005 HCMCBCM001-TE000006 HCMCBCM001-TE000013 -249.167 -249.167 -235.207 -6- POSITION 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 HCMCBCA001-TE000007 HCMCBCB001-TE000015 HCMCBCB001-TE000015 HCMCBCA001-TE000014 HCMCBCA001-TE000014 HCMCBCB001-TE000012 HCMCBCB001-TE000012 HCMCBCA001-TE000009 HCMCBCA001-TE000009 HCMCBCA001-TE000013 HCMCBCA001-TE000013 RCBCH6.L8B2 RCBCHS5.L8B1 RCBCVS5.L8B2 RCBCHS5.L8B2 RCBCVS5.L8B1 RCBCV5.L8B2 RCBCH5.L8B1 RCBCV6.R8B2 RCBCH6.R8B1 RCBCH7.R8B2 RCBCV7.R8B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000015 HCMCBCM001-TE000030 HCMCBCM001-TE000031 HCMCBCM001-TE000029 HCMCBCM001-TE000028 HCMCBCM001-TE000024 HCMCBCM001-TE000025 HCMCBCM001-TE000019 HCMCBCM001-TE000018 HCMCBCM001-TE000026 HCMCBCM001-TE000022 -235.207 -175.742 -175.742 -174.595 -174.595 -173.449 -173.449 238.794 238.794 279.543 279.543 HCMCBCB001-TE000008 HCMCBCB001-TE000008 HCMCBCA001-TE000060 HCMCBCA001-TE000060 HCMCBCB001-TE000029 RCBCV8.R8B2 RCBCH8.R8B1 RCBCV9.R8B1 RCBCH9.R8B2 RCBCV10.R8B2 HCMCBCM001-TE000016 HCMCBCM001-TE000017 HCMCBCM001-TE000121 HCMCBCM001-TE000122 HCMCBCM001-TE000060 318.615 318.615 359.077 359.077 398.145 HCMCBCB001-TE000029 RCBCH10.R8B1 HCMCBCM001-TE000059 398.145 Table V. Position of the MCBY in the insertions. IR1 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID POSITION HCMCBYB001-TE000014 HCMCBYB001-TE000014 HCMCBYA001-TE000011 HCMCBYA001-TE000011 HCMCBYB001-TE000016 HCMCBYB001-TE000016 HCMCBYA001-TE000029 HCMCBYA001-TE000029 HCMCBYB001-TE000028 HCMCBYB001-TE000028 HCMCBYA001-TE000026 RCBYH4.L1B1 RCBYV4.L1B2 RCBYHS4.L1B2 RCBYVS4.L1B1 RCBYVS4.L1B2 RCBYHS4.L1B1 RCBYVS4.R1B1 RCBYHS4.R1B2 RCBYVS4.R1B2 RCBYHS4.R1B1 RCBYH4.R1B2 HCMCBYM001-TE000026 HCMCBYM001-TE000031 HCMCBYM001-TE000025 HCMCBYM001-TE000024 HCMCBYM001-TE000034 HCMCBYM001-TE000035 HCMCBYM001-TE000060 HCMCBYM001-TE000062 HCMCBYM001-TE000059 HCMCBYM001-TE000058 HCMCBYM001-TE000054 -167.031 -167.031 -165.735 -165.735 -164.439 -164.439 164.439 164.439 165.735 165.735 167.031 HCMCBYA001-TE000026 RCBYV4.R1B1 HCMCBYM001-TE000055 167.031 IR2 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID HCMCBYB001-TE000038 HCMCBYB001-TE000038 HCMCBYA001-TE000036 HCMCBYA001-TE000036 HCMCBYB001-TE000037 HCMCBYB001-TE000037 HCMCBYB001-TE000034 HCMCBYB001-TE000034 HCMCBYA001-TE000035 HCMCBYA001-TE000035 HCMCBYB001-TE000033 HCMCBYB001-TE000033 RCBYVS5.L2B2 RCBYHS5.L2B1 RCBYHS5.L2B2 RCBYVS5.L2B1 RCBYV5.L2B2 RCBYH5.L2B1 RCBYV4.L2B1 RCBYH4.L2B2 RCBYVS4.L2B2 RCBYHS4.L2B1 RCBYVS4.L2B1 RCBYHS4.L2B2 HCMCBYM001-TE000079 HCMCBYM001-TE000080 HCMCBYM001-TE000078 HCMCBYM001-TE000077 HCMCBYM001-TE000076 HCMCBYM001-TE000075 HCMCBYM001-TE000070 HCMCBYM001-TE000071 HCMCBYM001-TE000074 HCMCBYM001-TE000072 HCMCBYM001-TE000068 HCMCBYM001-TE000069 -7- POSITION -175.75 -175.75 -174.604 -174.604 -173.457 -173.457 -135.243 -135.243 -134.096 -134.096 -132.95 -132.95 7 8 9 HCMCBYA001-TE000009 HCMCBYA001-TE000009 HCMCBYB001-TE000008 HCMCBYB001-TE000008 HCMCBYA001-TE000007 RCBYHS4.R2B1 RCBYVS4.R2B2 RCBYHS4.R2B2 RCBYVS4.R2B1 RCBYH4.R2B1 HCMCBYM001-TE000020 HCMCBYM001-TE000019 HCMCBYM001-TE000018 HCMCBYM001-TE000017 HCMCBYM001-TE000016 132.95 132.95 134.096 134.096 135.243 HCMCBYA001-TE000007 RCBYV4.R2B2 HCMCBYM001-TE000013 135.243 IR4 No 1 2 3 4 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID HCMCBYA001-TE000015 HCMCBYA001-TE000015 HCMCBYB001-TE000019 HCMCBYB001-TE000019 HCMCBYB001-TE000012 HCMCBYB001-TE000012 RCBYH6.L4B2 RCBYV6.L4B1 RCBYH5.L4B1 RCBYV5.L4B2 RCBYH5.R4B2 RCBYV5.R4B1 HCMCBYM001-TE000032 HCMCBYM001-TE000033 HCMCBYM001-TE000041 HCMCBYM001-TE000040 HCMCBYM001-TE000030 HCMCBYM001-TE000027 POSITION -167.273 -167.273 -130.273 -130.273 130.273 130.273 HCMCBYB001-TE000010 RCBYV6.R4B2 HCMCBYM001-TE000021 171.967 HCMCBYB001-TE000010 RCBYH6.R4B1 HCMCBYM001-TE000022 171.967 IR5 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID POSITION HCMCBYB001-TE000017 HCMCBYB001-TE000017 HCMCBYA001-TE000013 HCMCBYA001-TE000013 HCMCBYB001-TE000018 HCMCBYB001-TE000018 HCMCBYA001-TE000022 HCMCBYA001-TE000022 HCMCBYB001-TE000021 HCMCBYB001-TE000021 HCMCBYA001-TE000020 RCBYV4.L5B2 RCBYH4.L5B1 RCBYVS4.L5B1 RCBYHS4.L5B2 RCBYVS4.L5B2 RCBYHS4.L5B1 RCBYHS4.R5B2 RCBYVS4.R5B1 RCBYVS4.R5B2 RCBYHS4.R5B1 RCBYV4.R5B1 HCMCBYM001-TE000037 HCMCBYM001-TE000036 HCMCBYM001-TE000028 HCMCBYM001-TE000029 HCMCBYM001-TE000039 HCMCBYM001-TE000038 HCMCBYM001-TE000047 HCMCBYM001-TE000044 HCMCBYM001-TE000045 HCMCBYM001-TE000046 HCMCBYM001-TE000043 -167.031 -167.031 -165.735 -165.735 -164.439 -164.439 164.439 164.439 165.735 165.735 167.031 HCMCBYA001-TE000020 RCBYH4.R5B2 HCMCBYM001-TE000042 167.031 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID HCMCBYA001-TE000023 HCMCBYA001-TE000023 HCMCBYB001-TE000024 HCMCBYB001-TE000024 HCMCBYA001-TE000025 HCMCBYA001-TE000025 HCMCBYB001-TE000027 RCBYV5.L6B2 RCBYH5.L6B1 RCBYV4.L6B1 RCBYH4.L6B2 RCBYV4.R6B2 RCBYH4.R6B1 RCBYH5.R6B2 HCMCBYM001-TE000049 HCMCBYM001-TE000048 HCMCBYM001-TE000050 HCMCBYM001-TE000051 HCMCBYM001-TE000053 HCMCBYM001-TE000052 HCMCBYM001-TE000057 -205.853 -205.853 -169.453 -169.453 174.147 174.147 210.547 HCMCBYB001-TE000027 RCBYV5.R6B1 HCMCBYM001-TE000056 210.547 IR6 No 1 2 3 4 POSITION IR8 No 1 2 3 ASSEMBLY_ID CIRCUIT_NAME MODULE_ID HCMCBYB001-TE000001 HCMCBYB001-TE000001 HCMCBYA001-TE000002 HCMCBYA001-TE000002 HCMCBYB001-TE000003 HCMCBYB001-TE000003 RCBYH4.L8B2 RCBYV4.L8B1 RCBYVS4.L8B2 RCBYHS4.L8B1 RCBYHS4.L8B2 RCBYVS4.L8B1 HCMCBYM001-TE000003 HCMCBYM001-TE000002 HCMCBYM001-TE000005 HCMCBYM001-TE000004 HCMCBYM001-TE000006 HCMCBYM001-TE000007 -8- POSITION -135.243 -135.243 -134.096 -134.096 -132.95 -132.95 4 5 6 6 7 8 HCMCBYA001-TE000031 HCMCBYA001-TE000031 HCMCBYB001-TE000032 HCMCBYB001-TE000032 HCMCBYA001-TE000030 HCMCBYA001-TE000030 HCMCBYA001-TE000004 HCMCBYA001-TE000004 HCMCBYB001-TE000005 HCMCBYB001-TE000005 RCBYHS4.R8B1 RCBYVS4.R8B2 RCBYHS4.R8B2 RCBYVS4.R8B1 RCBYV4.R8B2 RCBYH4.R8B1 RCBYH5.R8B2 RCBYV5.R8B1 RCBYVS5.R8B2 RCBYHS5.R8B1 HCMCBYM001-TE000064 HCMCBYM001-TE000065 HCMCBYM001-TE000066 HCMCBYM001-TE000067 HCMCBYM001-TE000061 HCMCBYM001-TE000063 HCMCBYM001-TE000012 HCMCBYM001-TE000009 HCMCBYM001-TE000011 HCMCBYM001-TE000010 132.95 132.95 134.096 134.096 135.243 135.243 173.464 173.464 174.61 174.61 HCMCBYA001-TE000006 RCBYVS5.R8B1 HCMCBYM001-TE000015 175.757 HCMCBYA001-TE000006 RCBYHS5.R8B2 HCMCBYM001-TE000014 175.757 Circuits: MCBC and MCBY modules are individually powered by electrical circuits whose names are as the magnet type, where M is replaced by R (i.e., RCBCH is the circuit of MCBCH, and so on). 3. Measurements 3.1 ROOM TEMPERATURE MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS Device: Modules were measured at TESLA before being assembled in the twin-aperture support structure. The first requirement of the WMM system (the second generation of CIMM) was the determination of the distance between geometrical and magnetic centre. For this reason, modules under test were placed vertically in the CIMM and carefully positioned with respect to some geometrical references. Field strength, orientation and harmonics were measured using four measuring coils of 258 mm each in series in order to cover entirely the module length. As the tolerances given on the harmonics are larger than for the other LHC magnets, the CIMM is equipped with a single tangential coil; no compensation signal is therefore present for the determination of higher harmonics (see Fig. 2) [2].TESLA did not send the data relative to each measuring coil, but only the integral harmonics, which are expressed w.r.t. the geometrical centre normalised to the current of 1 A. Harmonics are not normalized w.r.t. the main harmonic. Some important values were omitted in the final result file, such as the phase of the main harmonics and the position of the magnetic centre. Fig. 2: The CIMM: Geometrical vs magnetic centre (left), position of the measuring coil w.r.t the MCB module (middle), the measuring tangential coil (right) -9- Data stored in REFHARM: Measurements coming from TESLA have required several transformations to conform to the field error naming conventions for LHC magnets [4] and to the LHC magnet polarities convention [5], such as: 1. The harmonic normalisation with respect to the magnetic centre and to the main harmonic (taking into account angular offset and transformation of the harmonics in units). Dipoles magnets were normalized zeroing the (b12, a12) multipoles. 2. The special treatment for modules measured from the ‘non-connection’ side or using the ‘spare coil’ (see Fig. 3, right) of CIMM. 3. Taking into account the different settings that were modified over time, such as the CIMM reference axes and the change of rotation direction for the measuring coils (see the example shown in Fig. 4). 4. Different treatment for modules according to their position inside the support structure. Modules at the left side are mounted differently w.r.t. to the modules to the right (see Fig. 5) according to what shown in Table V. Fig. 3: Position of the MCBC / MCBY w.r.t. the transverse reference and rotation sense of the measuring bench at two different dates. Fig. 4: Position of the MCBC / MCBY modules in the twin-aperture support structure seen from the connection side. Table V: Position of the modules in the support structure. - 10 - Corrector type M odule Rotation (degree) Left Rigth Left Rigth M CBCA M CBCV (L) M CBCH(R ) 270 0 M CBCB M CBCH (L) M CBCV(R ) 180 270 M CBCC M CBCV (L) M CBCH(R ) 270 0 M CBCD M CBCH (L) M CBCV(R ) 180 270 M CBYA M CBV (L) M CBH (R ) 270 0 M CBYB M CBH (L) M CBV (R ) 180 270 Available and missing measurements: 233 MCBC modules over 168 installed in the tunnel and 114 MCBY modules over 76 were measured at room temperature. 16 MCBC and 6 MCBY modules at the beginning of the production have been installed into the tunnel without magnetic measurements (see Table VI). Some data were rejected, being clearly unrealistic, i.e., the main field strength or phase for modules given in Table VII; in this case, for the field strength the average value of all modules of the same type was stored in REFHARM (for field strength), or zero for the phase. Use of the measurements in FiDeL: Room temperature measurements of the TF are extrapolated at 1.9 K to have a cross-check of measurements at 1.9 K, but they are not used directly in FiDeL. They also give an indication about the spread of the TF from magnet to magnet. The field harmonics values are used to verify that they can be neglected in FiDeL. Table VI: MCBC & MCBY modules installed into the tunnel without room temperature measurements. M CBM M odules M CBY M odules HCM CBCM 001-TE000003 HCM CBYM 001-TE000002 HCM CBCM 001-TE000004 HCM CBYM 001-TE000003 HCM CBCM 001-TE000005 HCM CBYM 001-TE000004 HCM CBCM 001-TE000006 HCM CBYM 001-TE000005 HCM CBCM 001-TE000007 HCM CBYM 001-TE000006 HCM CBCM 001-TE000008 HCM CBYM 001-TE000007 HCM CBCM 001-TE000009 HCM CBCM 001-TE000010 HCM CBCM 001-TE000011 HCM CBCM 001-TE000013 HCM CBCM 001-TE000014 HCM CBCM 001-TE000015 HCM CBCM 001-TE000016 HCM CBCM 001-TE000017 HCM CBCM 001-TE000018 HCM CBCM 001-TE000019 Table VII: MCBC & MCBY modules whose measurements of the main field has been rejected. - 11 - M CBC M ain field strength M CBY M ain field phase M ain field strength M ain field phase HCM CBCM 001-TE000170 HCM CBCM 001-TE000188 HCM CBYM 001-TE000009 HCM CBYM 001-TE000009 HCM CBCM 001-TE000084 HCM CBCM 001-TE000072 HCM CBYM 001-TE000060 HCM CBCM 001-TE000083 HCM CBYM 001-TE000061 HCM CBYM 001-TE000065 3.1 MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS AT 1.9 K Devices: Two different devices were used for 1.9 K magnetic measurements. Some modules were measured before assembly using the bench test used for the LHC dipole short models in Block4. The vertical cryostat is designed to test magnets long up to 2.1 m: therefore up to three modules mounted on top of each other could be tested in parallel using a dedicated suspension support. The measuring coils are made of 5 identical coplanar coils adjacent to each other, the central one being centred on the rotating axis. The measuring shaft used for the 1.9 K measurements comprises four coil assemblies in series, each with effective length of 0.2 m [3]. One module of MCBY was measured in SM18 after assembly, during the test of the SSS. These tests imply a high level of complexity in the test facility, which required its own specific infrastructure, from cryogenic feed boxes and high-current circuits to data acquisition for measurement and control. More details about LHC magnet tests station can be found in [4]. As the measuring coils were periodically calibrated in SM18, the transfer function coming from measurements with this second system has a better precision (in the order of 1 per mil). The samples were not all measured in the same conditions and, in particular, the currents values were different: some samples were not measured up to the nominal current and correctors tested in SM18 were measured using only a few currents. Therefore, in order to compare measurements, the first step was to build two reference curves unique for all samples of each class with current values from zero to the nominal value of 100 A, following the cycles as shown in Fig. 5 (left) for MCBC. Oddly, no module was measured to the nominal value of -100 A. The reference current cycle for MCBY is shown in Fig. 5 (right). In this case, one sample was measured to a current bigger than the nominal one, i.e. up to 88 A. 150 100 80 60 40 50 Time 0 Current [A] Current [A] 100 20 0 Time -20 -40 -50 -60 -100 -100 -80 Fig. 5: Reference current cycle used for MCBC (left) and MCBY (right) in the short models test bench Available and missing measurements: Three MCBC modules were measured at 1.9 K, of which one was measured twice using the bench test used for the LHC dipole short models. Three MCBY modules have been measured at 1.9 K, and in this case too, one module has been measured twice. One fourth module was measured in SM18. In this case, only the assembly name was recorded on the result file; therefore an ambiguity exists on the actual module measured. The summary is given in Table VIII. - 12 - Table VIII: List of the modules measured at 1.9 K. Modules in bold have been measured twice MCBC MCBY Module id tested at Module id Tested at HCMCBCM001-TE000037 Block 4 HCMCBYM001-TE000034 Block 4 HCMCBCM001-TE000089 Block 4 HCMCBYM001-TE000041 Block 4 HCMCBCM001-TE000091 Block 4 HCMCBYM001-TE000044 Block 4 HCMCBYM001-TE000070 or SM18 HCMCBYM001-TE000071 SM18 Use of the measurements in FiDeL: Measurements at 1.9 K are used to compute the geometrical terms (linear transfer function) and the saturation, and to check the magnetization component both for MCBC and MCBY. 4. Transfer function 4.1 MCBC: GEOMETRIC The average of the integrated transfer function measured at room temperature is 2.842ο΄10-2 T m /A, with a spread of 20 units (see Table IX and Fig. 6), and that of the four measurements at 1.9 K is 2.863ο΄10-2 T m / A, with a standard deviation of 10 units. The difference between the two measurements is ~1%, i.e. the usual absolute precision of measurements. The value measured at 1.9 K is used as geometric term in REFPARM. Table IX: Comparison of the transfer coefficients measured at room temperature and 1.9 K. Numbers of measurements Average (T m /A) Stdev (units) Measured at room temperature Measured at 1.9 K, Block4 223 2.842E-02 4 2.863E-02 20 10 29.0 TF [mT m / A] 28.8 28.6 28.4 28.2 28.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Module progressive number Fig. 6: Integrated transfer function of MCBC measured at room temperature along the production - 13 - 0.0296 0.0292 TF [Tm/A] 0.0288 0.0284 0.0280 0.0276 0.0272 -100 -50 0 Current [A] 50 100 Fig. 7: MCBC integrated transfer function versus current, averaged over measurements at 1.9 K 4.2 MCBC: SATURATION The measurements at 1.9 K show a saturation effect of 3.5% which starts to be visible at 50 A (Fig. 7). The saturation effect has therefore to be added to the geometric term in order to fit the curve in Fig. 7. The fit is computed using the Erfc function: ππ πΌ − πΌ0 ππΉ π ππ‘ = − [1 + πππ (π )] 2 πΌπππ In Table X we give the resulting fit parameters and in Fig. 8 the measured TF with respect to the calculated one. Finally, in Fig. 9 we plot the fit error as a function of current. The fit error is within ±15 units. Table X: FiDeL TF fit parameters for MCBC. Parameter g s I0 S Inom (T m/A) (T m/A) (A) (adim) (A) - 14 - Value 0.02863 0.00151 92.76 4.483 100 70 0.0286 0 0.0284 -70 0.0282 -140 0.0280 -210 Units TF (T m/A) 0.0288 Measurements FiDeL fit 0.0278 -280 0.0276 -350 0.0274 -420 0 20 40 60 80 Current (A) 100 120 Fig. 8: MCBC transfer function: FiDeL fit versus measured values 50 40 30 Error (units) 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Current (A) Fig. 9: Error of the FiDeL fit, in units, for the MCBC transfer function. 4.3 MCBC: RESIDUAL MAGNETIZATION The residual magnetization is ~1% at 5 A (see Fig. 7). It has been neglected. 4.4 MCBY: GEOMETRIC The average integrated transfer function at room temperature is 3.246ο΄10-2 T m /A, with a standard deviation of 21 units (see Table XI and Fig.10); for the four measurements at 1.9 K in Block4 it is 3.26ο΄10-2 T m / A, with a standard deviation of 13 units. The sample measured - 15 - in SM18 has a transfer function of 3.252ο΄10-2 T m / A; therefore the difference between the two series of measurements at 1.9 K is 0.24%. As the sample measured in SM18 was not measured in Block 4, it is difficult to say if this difference is due to a calibration of the system in Block 4 or if this difference is real and the sample measured in SM18 has effectively a transfer function lower of those of the magnets measured in Block4. For this reason, we kept the average of value measured in Block4 as geometrical term REFPARM. The difference between the measurements at room temperature and 1.9 K is in the order of 0.4%. In general, we can assess that the precision of our knowledge of the TF is better than 1%. Table XI: Comparison of measurements of the geometric coefficient of the MCBY. Measured at 1.9 K, Block4 Measured at 1.9 K, SM18 101 4 1 Average (T m /A) 3.2463E-02 3.2600E-02 3.2520E-02 Stdev (units) 21 13 TF [mT m/A] Numbers of measurements 0.0327 30 0.0326 0 0.0325 -30 0.0324 -60 0.0323 TF (units) Measured at r.t. -90 0 20 40 60 Module progressive number 80 100 Fig. 10: MCBY Integrated transfer function measured at room temperature along the production. 450 3.35E-02 Block4 300 3.30E-02 SM18 150 3.25E-02 0 3.20E-02 -150 3.15E-02 -300 3.10E-02 -450 3.05E-02 -100 -600 -50 0 Current [A] 50 100 Fig. 11: MCBY Integrated transfer function versus current, averaged over measurements at 1.9 K. - 16 - TF (units) TF [Tm/A] 3.40E-02 4.5 MCBY: SATURATION Saturation starts to be visible at 40 A, reaching 3.5% at 72 A (see Fig. 11). The saturation for the MCBY has been modelled following the method described in § 4.3. The computed fit parameters are given in Table XII and the comparison between calculated values and the measured TF at different currents are given in Fig. 12. Fig. 13 shows the fit error as a function of current. As for the MCBC, the spread of the error of the fit is within ±15 units. Table XII: FiDeL TF fit parameters for saturation (MCBY) (T m/A) (T m/A) (A) (adim) (A) Value 0.03260 0.00213 70.66 3.194 100 0.0328 62.5 0.0326 0 0.0324 -62.5 0.0322 -125 0.0320 -187.5 0.0318 -250 Measurements 0.0316 TF (units) TF (T m/A) Parameter g s I0 S Inom -312.5 FiDeL fit 0.0314 -375 0.0312 -437.5 0.0310 -500 0 20 40 60 Current (A) 80 100 Fig. 12: Measured TF versus FiDeL fit for MCBY. 4.6 MCBY: RESIDUAL MAGNETIZATION The residual magnetization is below 1% for currents larger than 5 A (see Fig. 11). It has been neglected. - 17 - 15 10 Error (units) 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Current (A) Fig. 13: Relative fit errors (black line) for MCBY. - 18 - 70 80 90 5. Field errors Harmonics measured at room temperature are compared with the expected values based on simulations, taking into account of the mechanical construction tolerances, and to the beam dynamics targets fixed by the Field Quality Working Group in Table XIII and XIV. As the MCBC and MCBY are correctors, field errors are not included in FiDeL. Table XIII: Measured, expected and target field errors of the MCBC modules. mesaured measured mechanical mechanical FQWG FQWG systematic sigma Inf. Lim. Sup. Lim. Inf. Lim. Sup. Lim. mod 28.433 1.2705 29.088 28.512 29.088 28.512 phase 0.106 2.4702 3.5 -3.5 0 0 systematic sigma systematic sigma systematic sigma 10000 - 0 0 0 0 b2 -0.541 3.753 0 6.08 0 0 b3 -37.216 3.217 -0.68 4.64 0 0 b4 0.06 0.357 0 2.44 0 0 b5 -4.817 0.795 0.36 1.89 0 0 b6 0.011 0.071 0 1.05 0 0 b7 1.261 0.18 0.04 0.71 0 0 b8 -0.004 0.024 0 0.45 0 0 b9 1.506 0.072 0.49 0.21 0 0 b10 -0.008 0.011 0 0.16 0 0 b11 0.801 0.039 0.32 0.09 0 0 b12 - - 0 0 0 0 b13 0.709 0.02 0 0 0 0 b14 0.004 0.005 0 0 0 0 b15 0.117 0.011 0 0 0 0 a1 - - 0 0 0 0 a2 -2.221 4.206 0 6.08 0 0 a3 -1.854 1.061 1.83 4.64 0 0 a4 -0.193 0.783 0 2.44 0 0 a5 0.306 0.185 -0.14 1.89 0 0 a6 -0.033 0.229 0 1.05 0 0 a7 -0.08 0.054 0.07 0.71 0 0 a8 0.005 0.059 0 0.45 0 0 b1 a9 -0.031 0.031 -0.01 0.21 0 0 a10 0.001 0.014 0 0.16 0 0 a11 -0.014 0.035 0 0.09 0 0 a12 - - 0 0 0 0 a13 -0.037 0.009 0 0 0 0 a14 0.001 0.004 0 0 0 0 a15 0.005 0.008 0 0 0 0 Xc 0 0.033 0 0.033 Yc 0 0.033 0 0.033 - 19 - Table XIV: Measured, expected and target field errors of the MCBY modules. mesaured measured mechanical mechanical FQWG FQWG systematic sigma Inf. Lim. Sup. Lim. Inf. Lim. Sup. Lim. mod 32.424 0.3965 32.623 31.977 32.623 31.977 phase -0.101 2.2142 3.5 -3.5 0 0 systematic sigma systematic sigma systematic sigma b1 10000 0 0 0 0 0 b2 -0.758 2.056 0 2.23 0 0 b3 -30.197 2.314 -0.28 1.35 0 0 b4 0.042 0.21 0 0.7 0 0 b5 -1.308 0.507 0 0.34 0 0 b6 0.01 0.029 0 0.18 0 0 b7 0.216 0.092 0.05 0.09 0 0 b8 -0.001 0.006 0 0.04 0 0 b9 -0.02 0.143 0.08 0.02 0 0 b10 -0.001 0.002 0 0.01 0 0 b11 0.127 0.062 0.05 0 0 0 b12 0 0 0 0 0 0 b13 0.053 0.06 0 0 0 0 b14 0 0.001 0 0 0 0 b15 0.008 0.008 0 0 0 0 a1 0 0 0 0 0 0 a2 -0.408 3.094 0 2.23 0 0 a3 -1.366 0.926 0.84 1.35 0 0 a4 0.078 0.417 0 0.7 0 0 a5 0.158 0.09 -0.06 0.34 0 0 a6 0.026 0.125 0 0.18 0 0 a7 -0.032 0.019 0.02 0.09 0 0 a8 0.007 0.024 0 0.04 0 0 a9 0.009 0.011 0 0.02 0 0 a10 0 0.003 0 0.01 0 0 a11 -0.004 0.006 0 0 0 0 a12 0 0 0 0 0 0 a13 -0.003 0.003 0 0 0 0 a14 0 0.002 0 0 0 0 a15 0 0.002 0 0 0 0 Xc 0 0.033 0 0.033 Yc 0 0.033 0 0.033 5. Summary and critical issues ο· ο· ο· ο· The TF of the MCBC and MCBY is known within 1%: this is the agreement between the two 1.9 K measurements and room temperature measurements. The saturation is about 3% (MCBC) and 5% (MCBY) at nominal and has been modelled in FiDeL. It starts to be relevant at 80 A (MCBC) and 40 A (MCBY). The residual magnetization is smaller than 1% above 5 A. It is not modelled in FiDeL. Even though most of the magnets are operated below 5 A at injection, experience with operation in 2010 has shown no issues. Some MCBY are operated at 50 A, 3.5 TeV. These settings are not applicable at 7 TeV since the nominal current is 72 A. - 20 - Acknowledgements We wish to acknowledge R. Wolf for evaluating the FiDeL fit parameters used for the 2008 start-up, and W. Venturini Delsolaro, in charge of Block4 test station during the magnet production. References [1] O. Bruning, et al., eds, “LHC Design report”, CERN 2004-003 (2004). [2] C. Giloux, et al., “Qualification of the LHC corrector magnet production with the CERN-built measurement benches”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 18 (2008) 121, and LHC Project Report 1088 (2008). [3] R. Wolf, “Field error naming conventions for LHC magnets – Engineering specification”, CERN EDMS 90250 (2001). [4] P. Proudlock, S. Russenschuck, M. Zerlauth, “LHC magnet polarites – Engineering specification”, CERN EDMS 90041 (2004). [5] Z. Ang, et al., “Measurements of the LHC corrector magnets at room and cryogenic temperatures”, European Particle Accelerator Conference (1998) 2044, and LHC Project Report 201. - 21 -