School Improvement Detailed Plan 2012-13 School Name Roswell High School Principal Jerome Huff Objectives for Improving Student Achievement Objective No. 1 Reduce 9th Grade Course Failures Measure % of 9th Grade Students Failing at Least One Class 1st Semester 2012-13 2009-10 2010-11 Measure % of 9th Grade Students Failing at least one Class 2nd Semester 2012-13 2009-10 2010-11 Baseline Data Actual Result 2011-12 30% Baseline Data 2012-13 Targets 2012-13 25% Actual Result 2011-12 30% 2012-13 2013-14 20% 2014-15 15% Targets 2012-13 22% 2013-14 17% 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 12% Measure Baseline Data 2009-10 2010-11 Actual Result 2011-12 2012-13 Targets 2014-15 1 Objective No. 2 Improve 9th Grade Meets or Exceeds EOCT Test Scores Measure Spring 2013 Algebra Meets or Exceeds Test Scores Baseline Data Actual Result 2011-12 77.6% 2009-10 2010-11 Measure Spring 2013 Biology Meets or Exceeds Test Scores 2009-10 2010-11 Measure Spring 2013 9the Grade Literature Meets or Exceeds Test Scores 2009-10 2010-11 Baseline Data 2012-13 Targets 2012-13 81% 2013-14 84% 2012-13 88% 2013-14 91% Actual Result 2011-12 84.7% Baseline Data 2012-13 Targets Actual Result 2011-12 89% 2012-13 2014-15 87% 2014-15 93% Targets 2012-13 92% 2013-14 95% 2014-15 98% Objective No. 3 Increase the Use of Technology to Improve Student Learning Measure Fall 2012 Diagnostic Survey results of % of teachers using functional student learning technology at least once per unit 2009-10 2010-11 Measure Spring 2013 Formative Survey results of % of teacher using functional student learning technology at least once per unit 2009-10 2010-11 Measure Number of 2012-13 grants written to support funding of functional student learning technology 2009-10 2010-11 Baseline Data Actual Result 2011-12 n/a Baseline Data 2012-13 Targets 2012-13 50% Actual Result 2011-12 n/a Baseline Data 2012-13 2012-13 2014-15 100% Targets 2012-13 100% Actual Result 2011-12 n/a 2013-14 100% 2013-14 100% 2014-15 100% Targets 2012-13 3 2013-14 5 2014-15 7 2 Objective No. 4 Improve Physical Science Meets or Exceeds EOCT Test Scores Measure Spring 2013 Algebra Meets or Exceeds Test Scores Baseline Data 2009-10 2010-11 Actual Result 2011-12 68.9% 2012-13 Targets 2012-13 75% 2013-14 80% 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 85% Measure Baseline Data 2009-10 2010-11 Actual Result 2011-12 2012-13 Targets 2014-15 Measure Baseline Data 2009-10 2010-11 Actual Result 2011-12 2012-13 Targets 2014-15 3 Major Improvement Initiatives Initiative Description Increase Focused, Targeted Learning Opportunities for “At-Promise” Freshman Is this a general initiative? No If no, which objective is the initiative supporting? 1&2 Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13 Recruit Freshman Focus Team to re-invent, develop, and control Freshman Focus process. Identify, target academically “At-Promise” freshman from feeder middle school, as well as in-house repeaters. Create year-long Freshman Focus Class for “At-Promise” freshman. Provide an enrichment segment in the RHS 2nd semester STING schedule for at-risk freshman. Confirm that 100% of “At-Promise” freshman parents will have registered for Home Access Center. What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative? The number of students attending Freshman Focus The number of students attending “At-Promise” freshman STING enrichment segment The collection and review of Freshman Focus organizing framework for instruction The collection and review of the freshman STING organizing framework for instruction Home Access Center participation log Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names) Freshman Focus Team Assistant Principal 4 Initiative Description Initiate Standards-Based Instruction with an Emphasis on Using Data to Inform Instruction through the Practice of Common Assessments Is this a general initiative? Yes If no, which objective is the initiative supporting? Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13 Adjust master schedule to provide protected common planning for content PLC collaboration once per week. Provide in-house professional learning on CCGPS Balanced Assessment. Provide in-house professional learning on Achievement Series. Provide in-house Professional Learning on SAMS. Provide on-going, in-house “MPDs” (mini-professional development sessions) guided by TKES/TAPS process indicators. Expect and support at least one common assessment from each content PLC for semester one. Expect and support at least two common assessments from each content PLC for semester two. Expect Administrators to attend and participate in at least one content PLC collaboration per week. What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative? Content PLC collaboration logs collection and review Professional Learning Log and sign-in sheets Balanced Assessment Plan review Common Assessments Review SAMS, Achievement Series User Reviews Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names) CCGPS Team School Development Team Assistant Principals Principal 5 Initiative Description Increase the Use of Technology to Improve Student Learning Is this a general initiative? Yes If no, which objective is the initiative supporting? Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13 Provide resources and expect teachers to incorporate effective on line EOCT-style test preparation. Produce inventory of existing technology. Foster, expect, and support grant writing to fund new technology. Provide the opportunity professional learning opportunities on effective grant writing. Provide duty day(s) for staff to participate in grant writing for technology. Provide targeted “Tiered-Technology” in-house professional learning for available technology. Produce and administer diagnostic technology use survey in fall 2012. Produce and administer formative technology use survey in spring 2013. Disaggregate survey results for on-going technology use development strategies. What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative? Disaggregated Survey results Professional Learning Log and sign-in sheets Number of 2012-13 technology grants written Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names) School Development Team Assistant Principals Technology Team 6 School Improvement Plan 2012-13 Summary for Distribution to School Community School Name Roswell High School Principal Jerome Huff Objectives for Improving Student Achievement Objective No. 1 Reduce 9th Grade Course Failures Objective No. 2 Improve 9th Grade Meets or Exceeds EOCT Test Scores Objective No. 3 Increase the Use of Technology to Improve Student Learning Objective No. 4 Improve Physical Science Meets or Exceeds EOCT Test Scores Major Improvement Initiatives Initiative Description Increase Focused, Targeted Learning Opportunities for “At-Promise” Freshman Initiative Description Initiate Standards-Based Instruction with an Emphasis on Using Data to Inform Instruction through the Practice of Common Assessments Initiative Description Increase the Use of Technology to Improve Student Learning 7