VOCAB Test ONE AP GOVERNMENT 2015-16 Note: there may be some words you encounter now, which I have not put on this list, but that we will cover in more depth later. So pay attention to all vocab you come across, but see if it is on this list before you spend a long time committing it to memory. Concepts and terms Comparative and US Anarchism Authoritarian regime autonomy bicameral cabinet civil liberties civil rights civil society comparative method confederal consent of the governed constituency constitution co-optation correlation/causation democratic regime democratization direct/indirect democracy electoral system executive fascism federalism Foreign Direct Investment GDP Gini index Globalization Government (comp meaning— not crash course meaning) head of government head of state Hobbes Independent courts inductive/deductive reasoning Inductive/deductive reasoning initiative institutions judicial review (concrete vs abstract) legitimacy Liberal/illiberal democracy Locke lower/upper house Marx mixed electoral system Montesquieu multi-member district nation nation-state natural rights parliamentary vs presidential vs semi -presidential systems party system political culture political ideology politics popular sovereignty proportional representation (as an electoral system) Public goods Purchasing power parity qualitative vs quantitative referendum Regime/political regime republic rule of law separation /fusion of powers single member district Social Contract Social democracy sovereignty State strong/weak/ failed states substantive/procedural dem. suffrage traditional/charismatic/rational legal legitimacy unicameral unitary/unitary states vote of no confidence More specific to US (Acorn topic I) terms and concepts "Marble cake" federalism “Layer cake" federalism 10th amendment 3/5 compromise ADA Anti- federalist/federalist Articles of Confed. Baker v Carr Bill for raising revenue Bill of Attainder Bill of Rights Block grants Categorical grants Checks and balances Commerce clause Concurrent powers Connecticut Comp. Constitution Constitutional republic Continental Congress Contract with America Cooperative federalism Declaration of Independence Devolution (US meaning) DOMA Dual federalism Elastic clause Elections clause Electoral College Enumerated powers Ex post facto laws Exclusive powers Extradition Factions Federal Government federalism Federalist Papers Fiscal federalism Formula grant Formula grants Full faith and credit clause Gibbons v. Ogden Gonzales vs Raich (medical marijuana) Grants in aid Great Compromise Impeach Implied powers infrastructure Interstate/Intrastate Judicial review Jurisdiction Legitimacy Line item veto Mandates/regulated federalism Marbury v. Madison McCulloch v. Maryland National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (obamacare) Natural rights New Deal New federalism New Jersey Plan /Virginia Plan Nullification doctrine Patent Pocket veto Police powers Power of the purse privileges and immunities Project grant Republican Revolution reserved powers Shay's Rebellion Social Contract Speaker of the House state's rights supermajority Supremacy clause Tariffs Trustee v delegate role Tyranny of the majority unfunded mandates US v Morrison US v. Lopez Welfare reform Writ of habeas corpus