CPMS MIDDLE SCHOOL ATHLETIC EXPECTATIONS GENERAL 1. Welcome to CPMS Middle School 2. We are all teachers first - take care of business- but remember you have athletic responsibilities as well, eligibility, inventories, monitoring student athletes grades, etc........... This means you may have to come to school earlier or stay later to manage the various issues that are associated with coaching. (WE ALL GET THE SAME STIPEND SO EVERYONE SHOULD SPLIT THE WORK) *EQUIPMENT/UNIFORMS - LAYING AROUND AND NOT PUT UP IS ALL COACHES RESPONSIBILITIES. 3. Communication is very important with parents and fellow coaches. Be able to back what you say and do. ATHLETES: Treat the athlete with respect at all times. - WATCH HOW WE TALK IN LOCKER ROOMS. Document behavior - Athletic Discipline Form - blue book STUDENT BODY/FACULTY STAFF: Sell your program - put announcements in. Invite teachers to your games, please make announcements during the week, prior to the game. This year I would like to have honorary coaches each week. We will draw out their names. YOU need to get them a jersey the day of the game to wear all day. I will try to do this ahead of time and give each sport a list so you will not have to wait for me to tell you the week of your games. COACHING STAFF: I will use meetings occasionally to get you information. It is very difficult to find a day and time that work for 12 coaches that also teach core classes. I will also use email as well as Coach Duran to relay information to the boys coaching staff. Communicate with each other – when you are going to be absent - call a fellow coach or e-mail or text but always CC me please. PARENTS: - advocates - not enemies Parent involvement and communication is very important. FRONT OFFICE/TEACHERS/ADMINISTRATION: As coaches we need to communicate with the front office secretaries about: * Practice times * practice cancellations *game schedules *List of the young men and women on your teams TEACHERS/ADMINISTRATION: I will provide the staff of CPMS with a list of coaching staff and their responsibilities so they will know who to direct questions and calls. 4. Paperwork to be completed: Bus Requests - Coach Salyer will do all bus requests *Eligibility – Rank one – Any coach can help with. *Physicals - Look at questions noted on the physical - if they answer yes to those designated questions THEY MAY/MUST GO BACK TO THE DOCTOR TO GET REEVALUATED IF THEY ARE INTO 8TH GRADE, (*Emergency Cards, *Athletic Handbook, *Drug Consent, *Knowledge of UIL rules, *UIL Parent Information Manual * Concussion sheet) – All 7 other forms are now 100% online. You can check who has turned in what thru Rankone. 5. Criteria and documentation must be used while selecting teams. 6. Parent Meetings need to be held BEFORE season starts but after teams are established. 7. Practices need to be held everyday - of course things come up. Saturdays - optional. 8. You are ACCOUNTABLE FOR ALL EQUIPMENT THAT YOU ISSUE!!! We MUST hold athletes and ourselves accountable for equipment. Fill out debt notices as necessary - turn in form to Mrs. Reinhardt if student has not paid by the end of the year. Everything should be numbered and that information recorreded. No exceptions this year. 9. All areas – gym, offices, locker rooms, equipment rooms, laundry room and weight room should be kept neat and orderly AT ALL TIMES. TAKE PRIDE OF HOW YOUR OFFICE LOOKS!! This may require you to come back down to straighten up later. HELP CUSTODIAL STAFF AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. :) WE DO NOT WANT EQUIPMENT/UNIFORMS LAYING AROUND. When boys athletics leaves the gym the table should be clear of passes, notes, etc… and there should not be clothes laying around the gym. Please respect our PE teachers’ classroom. 10. On game days our athletes that are eligible to participate in that days game may wear game shirt to school if the coach wants them to. 11. Supply YOUR AREA in the athletic office with supplies - stapler, tape, tape dispenser, pens, markers, etc. - See Pam for supplies. Please don’t take from another coaches desk and not return it. GAME INFORMATION 1. The coach of each sport is responsible for the setting up of activities in the gym or outside. If you need clarification then ask the head coach or me. The gym should be ready for our p.e. classes the next day. I have attached the protocol to set up and leave the gym after a game. The p.e. table should be set up correctly. Do not leave trash and other items please. 2. Supervision and location of athletes prior to a contest must be very specific. Our athletes must be supervised after school - NOT IN THE SCHOOL HALLWAYS! Work together to make sure this happens. THEY MUST BE SUPERVISED!!! 3. Programs are expected to be at EVERY GAME - HOME & AWAY GAMES! Each coach is responsible for making their own teams programs. 4. Announcements about the games need to be made the following day - whether we WIN OR LOSE! Try to keep these BRIEF. FIND POSITIVE THINGS TO SAY - no matter what! 5. GAME highlight information also needs to be e-mailed to the Killeen Daily Herald - futurestars@kdhnews.com. 6. Game announcements also will need to be placed on athletic bulletin board. It is all about recognizing the kids! This bulletin board can be used to announce future tryouts and any other information you would like to share with the student body. 7. Know the K.I.S.D. rules for your sport - look at blue book you need to know what they are and you need to carry a copy with you to your games. 8. Dress professionally for games. You are to act professionally and your athletes are too display their best behavior at all times. 9. Chaperoning of games is required - home and away games. Girls - During volleyball the basketball coach keeps the volleyball book at the game - same is true for girls during basketball season. Boys - during basketball season - other coach goes to game. The bookkeeper does not have to ride the bus as long as they arrive 15-20 minutes before the game starts. 10. Track season requires all coaches work the track meet that we host if needed. 11. Chain of command - head coach of sport, CAC - me, then I call Athletic office if I do not know. I do not want every coach contacting the district. We have a CAC and a lead for a reason. AWARDS, RECOGNITION, FUNDRAISERS, ATHLETIC BANQUET, FCA 1. We will have Athletic Awards Ceremony at the end of the year and everyone is expected to be in attendance. All coaches will help prepare for this, as it gets closer. We have participation certificates and trophy awards that we will give out to special athletes. (MIP – most improved, MVP – most valuable player, MVP Offense, MVP defense, in track we do a Hustle and CAV Strong award also.) 2. We will do a cookie dough fundraiser again this year. This is a LOT of work for 2 weeks but we make about $6000 - $10,000 so it is worth it. The boys must be more involved this year. 3. Our athletic charter allows us to have fundraisers (cookie dough, spirit t-shirts, student vs. staff games, etc…) With this money we pay for the athletic ceremony items, equipment not provided by KISD and other items that are approved. Neither boys or girls will order anything without a signature from the CAC. 4. FCA - Fellowship of Christian Athletes – Coach Marks and Coach Salyer help with FCA and we would love to have some men coaches step up to help. If you are interested let me know. We would like to have more athletes involved this year all year and not just for the trips. MISCELLANEOUS 1. AED Machines One in the nurses’ office and one in the girls coaching office in the black box. It needs to be charged and or tested once per week. 2. Make sure: plans are in place to deal with emergency situations maintenance of locker rooms and equipment rooms are kept up – ANYBODY CAN PLACE A WORK ORDER. Send an email to Mrs. Reinhardt and CC Coach Salyer and Coach Duran so we know. YOU GET EITHER MONEY OR ATHLETIC CLOTHING BACK FROM THOSE ATHLETES ON YOUR ROSTER OR YOUR TEAM supervision of athletes is high on your list- THEY WILL NOT BE IN THE GYM BY THEMSELVES - EVER! inhalers have the student’s name on it GYM SETUP FOR GAME Put up baskets up on both sides of the gym – off season or coach Open bleachers completely on one side of the gym and open 3 seats on team side - coach. Put up handrails and flip down steps on both bleachers – off season Plug clock in - coach. Plug in possession arrow - coach Set up 14 chairs on each side for teams to sit in - off season. Set up scorers table and plug it in – coach Put out wet towel on both sides of benches – off season Put out 3 or 4 white towels on the bench – off season Fill water cooler with ice and water – off season Put out full water cooler on table behind the score table, put a dry towel on the floor underneath it and put out water bottles – off season Put out game ball on the score table - coach Put out score book and extra pencils and make sure a copy of the rules is on the table If volleyball season, take down practice nets and put up game nets – athletes and coaches (Don’t forget line antennas, white Velcro straps on both sides and make sure wooden poles are in the end lines before you set up. GENERAL REMINDERS Lock door to dressing rooms. Discuss restroom procedures - Athletes should be in the stands 98% of the time - not going in and out of the gym. Athletes are NOT ALLOWED ON THE SPECTATOR SIDE! AFTER THE GAME Put baskets down on both sides of gym. Put down handrails in all bleachers, make sure they are “flush” or the bleachers will not close properly and flip up steps – You need to teach them how to do this athletes. Grab any trash and close bleachers. - coach Put clock and possession arrow away neatly on the MARKED SHELF IN THE ATHLETIC CLOSET! - coach Put up the chairs on the rack in the gym - athletes. Put up the scores table – Logo side against the wall in the athletic storage area for safety Put up all balls Put all towels on the floor in the laundry room and one coach wash the next day. If volleyball season – take down game net and put back up practice nets – athletes and coaches Have athletes put dirty uniform in the dirty clothes bucket so laundry can be done the next day. Athletes should not be washing and drying their uniforms with the exception of the track stuff Empty water cooler and water bottles in the shower – leave lids open to dry out and then put up the next day where they belong. Water cooler is stored on the top shelf in the girls coaches bathroom. The 2 nice ones should not go outside. OTHER REMINDERS: Paperwork: Log into Rank One after the game, either at the school or home and input the scores. Write up a game announcement and send to the drama teacher that night or before 12 the next day. Also send copy of email to futurestars@kdhnews.com Locker room concerns: *Trash off the floor *Books and belongings placed on the benches or table *DO NOT LEAVE CLOTHES ON THE FLOOR Phone usage: *Arrangements should already be made to get home - phone may be used but it should not become a habit – all athletes should be contacting parents right after game is over before they get on the bus and if a home game, call during the 4th quarter or game 2 or 3 in volleyball. Chaperone / other Game When you are the coach that keeps score or the clock, you just do not do that job only. You also must chaperone the athletes WHO ARE NOT PLAYING. So you actually have two jobs. You also need to assist with “setting up the gym” for our pe classes and putting all the game items up. If you are not using Remind 101 yet – sign up for it for your different sports teams. It allows you to text all your parents with one text and they cannot reply or see your real phone number.