



Managing for Success

Wayne Keller – Arch Insurance Company

Cameron Vogt – Munich Reinsurance America, Inc.

2007 CAS Ratemaking Seminar

March 8, 2007 - Atlanta, GA

MGA's Managing for Success 1


• Overview of MGA/Program Business

• Due Diligence Process

• Managing a Program

• Summary

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• Program Administrator (PA)

– An agency that provides some or all of the following services:

• Marketing

• Underwriting

• Binding

• Policy Issuance

• Premium Collection

• Data Processing

• Loss Control

• Claims Management

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• Program Administrator (PA)

– Independent contractor, not a branch of the company

– Could be called managing general agent

(MGA), managing general underwriter (MGU) or simply general agent (GA)

– Aggregator of retail agents and insureds that meet business model for program

– Some larger PAs employ an Actuary

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Third Party

Administrator (TPA)








MGA's Managing for Success




• Program Business

– A well defined and narrow segment of insurance marketplace

– Company interfaces with PA only

– PA “controls” business

– PA assumes some underwriting risk

– Specialized coverage

– Proprietary rates and rating factors

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• Other Attributes of Program Business

– Life span of program varies

– Premium rolls on and off in large, identifiable blocks

– Meaningful expenses at both end points.

• Due diligence process at the start

• Run-off expense without premium income at end

– Expired programs can pile up and strain current resources

– The universe of established PAs is limited and known.

– More parameter risk than a book of business produced directly through retail agents.

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• Why discuss MGA/Program Business?

– Significant Market Segment

– Past Failures

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• Causes of Past Failures

– Soft Market

• E&S Programs lead the market

• Binding Authority granted to agency who’s compensated based on premium volume.

– Inadequate Controls

• Too Much Binding Authority

• Lack of Monitoring

– Lack of Understanding regarding all aspects of the deal

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Due Diligence Process for New Business

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Introduction to Due Diligence Process

• Due Diligence Process consists of two phases:

– The decision to write the program; and

– Preparing the program for operation

• Initial program conditions (e.g. rates, underwriting guidelines, audit schedules, forms and other contractual items) are crucial to program success

• The due diligence process is interdisciplinary

• A due diligence process that is arduous has advantages.

– The programs that succeed in the process know that the company’s program portfolio is of a high quality.

– A high quality portfolio implies stability and longevity for the company in the program business and stability and longevity for each PA within the company’s program portfolio.

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Phase 1 – Program Selection

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Initial Program Guidelines and

Selection Criteria

• Business model:

– aggregator of small risks

– niche market

– timing play

• Premium volume threshold

• Successful business plan

• Excellent reputation

• Strong PA financials

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Initial Program Guidelines and

Selection Criteria Cont’d

• Competent underwriting and program management skills

• Existing market presence

• Agent participation keyed to profit-sharing return

• Agreement on Avoided classes

• Program Structure

– Fronted or not

– Reinsurer participation

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Program Submission from Program


• Marketing Plan

– Staff experience and background

– Historic and expected premium volume

– Distribution of premium by line of business

– Major competitors

– Size of potential market

– Program aspects that differentiate it from other programs

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Program Submission from Program

Administrators Cont’d

• Current Program Structure

– Existing carrier

– Admitted / non-admitted

– policy forms

– policy limits profiles

– current capacity limits

– reinsurance structure

– commission and other compensation

– claims handling

– loss control

– processing and systems capabilities

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Program Submission from Program

Administrators Cont’d

• Underwriting considerations

– Changes to program exposures

– Pricing of new versus renewal business

– account retention

– Submit/Quote/Bind ratios

• Producer Profile

– Agency history

– insurance protection (fidelity, E&O)

– licenses

– agency financials

– Producer profile questionnaire

• Submission is reviewed by Program Area Management

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Underwriting Review

• Review and audit of information contained in submission

• In depth discussion of Business Opportunity

– Discussion of current program

– Fit with company business model

– Alignment of interests between company and PA

– Reason for PA changing carriers

• Discussion of general U/W guidelines with PA

– Excluded risks

– Premium caps

– Referrals

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Actuarial Review

• Major Objectives include:

– Appropriateness of current rate level

– Appropriateness of rates and rating factors

– Any characteristics of program that might affect profitability e.g., CAT exposure or high severity

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Actuarial Review

• Much of the process involves:

– Collecting data from PA

– Validating the data

– Selecting industry data to augment PA data as needed

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Actuarial Review - Losses

• Claims runs evaluated at several evaluation points to facilitate construction of loss and claim development triangles, and for auditing summary loss data

• Loss descriptions used to identify underlying exposures

• Large loss listing with detailed descriptions

• Obtain industry LDFs (as needed) by studying loss data.

• CAT losses

• TPA history: changes in TPAs with dates.

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Actuarial Review - Premium

• Policy listing by year

– Premium by coverage or LOB

– Premium by policy limit

– Premium by state: CAT potential

– Premium by class: ISO or program specific

– Audit summary data

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Actuarial Review – Premium Cont’d

• Evaluation of rate level change history

– Individual policy rating methodology

• Rating “grid”

• ISO base rates with company LCMs

• Individual risk rating

– Comparison of same policy from year to year.

– Comparison to rating benchmark, e.g.CIAB

– Review the rating history for a well selected sample of insureds

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Actuarial Review – Premium Cont’d

• Identify underlying exposures, classes or coverage, e.g. premises versus products GL or type of truck; light, heavy etc. or type

• Evaluate exposure trend

– Bureau statistics

– BLS statistics

• Discuss pricing monitoring with PA

• CAT exposure for modeling

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Actuarial Review – Other


• Program expenses

– Many expense items are contractually defined

– State premium taxes, if admitted

– TPA fees

• compensation formula

• evaluation based on type of claim and claim counts

– Upfront commission

– Expected Profit commission

– Loss control fees

– Brokers fees

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Actuarial Review – Other


• U/W Profit (Reflect parameter risk?)

• Investment income

• Benefit and cost of reinsurance protections

• Review of underlying rates and factors

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Accounting Review

• Review of Agency financials

• Discussion of minimum net worth requirements

• Discussion of performance guarantees with PA

• Review of agency financial controls

• Background check on principals

• Review of agency physical plant

• Discussion of premium trust and segregation of assets with PA

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Accounting Review Cont’d

• E&O insurance

• Fidelity insurance

• Financial audit schedule

• Cancellation procedures

• Use of collection agencies

• If acting as TPA:

– approval and timeliness of payments

– recovery of subrogation, salvage and deductibles

– control and use of loss funds

• Advise on state premium tax and assessments

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Summary to Program Division Head

• Commentary on PA personnel and history

• Discussion of Business aspects of submission

– The motives of each party

– The benefits to each party

– Possible areas of conflict

• A general description of the program including:

– Underlying exposures

– Coverage forms

– Limits

– Deductibles

– Geography

– Other unique and critical aspects

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Summary to Program Division Head


• Comments on any deficiencies in the submission

• Preliminary Program specific U/W guidelines

• The Actuarial report with rate level indication and other observations

• Required reinsurance with company retentions, proposed reinsurance structure and reinsurance cost

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Summary to Program Division Head


• Pricing targets, estimated premium volume and proposed premium caps

• Expected TPA and costs

• Type of PA IT system, know deficiencies and possible certification problems

• Proposed start up date.

• Decision is made on second phase of due diligence

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Phase 2 – Program Implementation

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Development of Program Underwriting


• Negotiation of deal structure

• Underwriting guidelines

• Referral criteria

• Individual risk eligibility criteria

• Underwriting audit schedule

• SIR criteria

• PA authority by lines of business

• Program geography

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Development of Program

Underwriting Criteria

• Prohibitions in general and by line of business

• Required reports from PA

• Required underwriting information for each retail risk

• Rules for Retail underwriting practices

– Quote good for 30 days

– Application of loss control

– Fully completed applications

– Premium audit

• Retail Underwriting file requirements

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Policy Forms review

• Manuscripted policy forms unique to the program

• Reviewed by Underwriting, Claims and


• Must be filed, if admitted

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Development of Filings

• Applies to Admitted programs only

• Creation of countrywide manuals

• Actuarial review of underlying rates and factors

• Filing strategy

– Priority states

– DOI regulation by state

• Compliance review of filings

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Development of Filings Cont’d

• Filing regulation

– File and use

– Use and file

– Prior approval

• Typically most forms and rates are previously filed bureau products. Only the program specific rates and forms are filed

• The filing process is costly and time consuming.

• The filing process is one of the “hooks” that ties the PA to the company.

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Systems Review

• Software

– Analyze PA systems and their capabilities

• Policy information

• Financial reporting

• Rating engine

• Claims system, if TPA

• Outside reporting, NCCI , DMV

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Systems Review Cont’d

• Software Cont’d

– Create interface with company, if necessary

– Suggest third party vendor, if necessary

– Testing -Various policy issuance scenarios are run with the PA system and the results in the company system are reviewed for accuracy and completeness.

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Systems Review Cont’d

• Hardware

– Ability to interface with company

– Ability to handle expected tasks

– Print capability

– Internet access, e.g. T1 line

• Disaster recovery plan

• Protocol for ensuring data quality

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Claims Review

Initial Review

• Candidates for Claims Handling:

– TPA from company approved list

– “Outside” TPA that meets program’s unique needs

– PA

– TPA / PA mixture

• Review of claims logistics

– Types of claims and effort needed to handle.

– geographic spread of claims handling

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Claims Review

Initial Review Cont’d

• Description of Program coverage and its impact on claims handling

– Discussion of policy forms or endorsements that is unique to the program.

– Discussion of special perils, e.g. mold

• Size of claims inventory and claims flow

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Claims Review

Selection of TPA

• Review of PA candidacy

– Review of PA physical plant

– History of PA relationships with prior carriers

– Organizational structure and resumes of claims personnel

• Level of PA claims service

– Timeliness of contact with claimant, investigation and settlement

– Claimant satisfaction

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Claims Review

Selection of TPA Cont’d

• Supervision

– Relationship between PA management and claims personnel

– Relationship between PA and insurer

• Reporting level

• Written reports on claims

• Overall Documentation

– Hard copy files

– Claims system

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Claims Review

Selection of TPA Cont’d

• Quality of Investigation

– Investigation procedure by type of claim

– Use of outside vendors, by geography or type of claim

– Investigation documentation

• Photographs

• Recorded statements

• Action plans for further investigation

– Timely contacts

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Claims Review


• Claims Authority:

– Line of business

– $ amount

– Special situations

• Set up claims audit schedule

• Litigation Management Guidelines

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Claims Review

Implementation Cont’d

• Licensing requirements by state (licensing for claims handling? Yes, for many states)

– Some states reciprocate (i.e. these states will recognize the license of certain other states), but some do not.

– Expensive and time consuming.

– Some states require a presence in their state to be licensed.

– A vendor with in-state presence can be used

– State unfair claims practice laws.

– Continuing education to retain license

– Compliance audits licenses

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Claims Review

Implementation Cont’d

• ALAE/Medical Case Management/Independent


– Independent adjusters

• Management of

• Level of use

– Impact of unique program coverage features on

ALAE, e.g. construction defect or pollution claims.

Claims that are expensive to handle, if not expensive to settle.

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Claims Review

Implementation Cont’d

– Compensation for TPA

• Typically a flat fee per claim feature. Varies by LOB

• Can be time and expense under certain circumstances

– size of claim

– specified type of claim

• Can be % of premium

• Cradle to grave service. Breakdown in relationship could mean moving claims and extra expense.

– Discussion of the overall cost to PA of claims operation

– Expense of claims system and collection of claims data

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Claims Review

Implementation Cont’d

• Reserves

– Level of authority

– Documented reserving philosophy or best practices.

• Negotiations/Settlements/File Closure

– Rate of file closure

– Documentation for extended claims

• Salvage/Subrogation/Deductible Recovery

– Meeting statutory reporting requirements for S&S

– Pursuit of deductibles

• Claim system

• Loss Run Review

– LOB distribution by loss and claim

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Review of Program Reinsurance

• Design of protections

– Existing treaties

– Program specific placements

– Use of facultative reinsurance

• Approval of reinsurance contract wording

• Reinsurance negotiation

– New placement

– Fitting new program into existing treaty

• Oversight of relationship with reinsurer

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• Admitted = agent, licenses requires for all states in which the agent operations

• Non-admitted = broker, no licenses required

• Company appoints PA in all states of operation

• No relationship with retail agents

• Compliance area audits licenses

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Underwriter: “We need to adjust your contract.”

Agent: “The contract cannot be changed. It is like a marriage vow.”

Underwriter: “The contract is not for the marriage. It’s for the divorce.”

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Contracts Cont’d

• PA is sent contract, reviews and replies with comments

• Contract forms the basis for subsequent audits and program termination

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Contracts Cont’d

• PA Contract Features

• Premium trust account

– PA nets out commission and places remainder in account

– An account for company separate from other insurers

– Transmission

• By company via signatory

• By PA

– company retains right to timely statements

– A time limit is placed on remittance of premium by PA to account

– Agent is liable for collecting all “uncollectible premium”

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Contracts Cont’d

• Insurance coverages required

– Fidelity for theft of funds held in trust

– Error and omission for negligence by PA in performance of his duties

– Auto Liability to protect principals’ financial solvency

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Contracts Cont’d

• Security

– Used for:

• Non-servicing of policies

• Non-payment of premium

– Accomplished thru:

• Letter of credit, evergreen in negotiated amount

• Personal guarantee

– 1st party

– 3rd party

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Contracts Cont’d

• Profit Sharing Commission

– Based on agent experience

– Actuarial input into design

– Size of commission and commission threshold in formula should motivate PA

– Payment of commission and company goals

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Contracts Cont’d

• MGA is defined in statute.

• An MGA is an agent that;

– Purchases reinsurance

– May settle its claims

– Has binding authority

• MGA typically represents more than one company

• An MGA’s responsibility includes:

– Periodic reporting of audited financials to state

– Posts performance bond with state

– Has profit commission terms regulated by state

• An MGA may choose this status due to lucrative fees and the power claims handling confers upon the agent

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Contracts Cont’d

• PA contract is not renegotiated annually.

Only certain appendices are:

• Items attached to standard contract as amended:

– Underwriting guidelines

– Profit commission

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Contracts Cont’d

• Claims contract features

– Handled by the claims area

– Since there are few TPAs, the contract issue is simplified.

– Claims funding, Claims trust account

– Annual contracts with same anniversary date as PA contract.

– “Cradle to grave” fee

– Fee determined from schedule that depends on type of claim.

– Fee subject to negotiation

– Fee schedule varies by programs

– Fee schedule used to estimate TPA fee for pricing

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Summary of Due Diligence

• Initial program conditions are crucial to program success

• Parameter risk is potentially large

• Start up expense is meaningful (esp. filing and IT

• Need to create common incentives

• Monitor everywhere else

• Contract defines all phases of relationship

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• Types:

– Captives / Rent-a-Captive

– Profit Sharing Commission

– Sliding-Scale Commissions

• How much is appropriate?

– Review PA’s financials

– What would 1 or 2 years of bad results do to the PA?

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• Pros:

– Alignment of Interests (“Skin in the Game”)

• Cons:

– Collateral Requirement

– Shrinks the universe of potential business partners

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Third Party

Administrator (TPA)

Risk-Sharing - Captive








MGA's Managing for Success



Risk-Sharing – Captive

• Characteristics:

– Can (somewhat) “mimic” the insurance company’s results

– Insurance Company cedes a share of the business to the Captive

– Insurance Company (or an affiliate) provides stop loss protection to limit the PA’s risk

– Collateral

• Statutory Requirement – Up to the Expected Losses

• Additional Credit Risk – From Expected Losses to Stop Loss


– Captive Manager (another expense)

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Risk-Sharing – Sliding-Scale

• Characteristics:

– Profit Commission that also slides downward

– “Provisional” (up -front) Commission usually set in the middle of the slide

– Adjustments:

• Annually

• Include IBNR (Contractually defined)

– Can be multi-year blocks with profit/loss carryforwards.

– Difference between the Provisional Commission and the Minimum Commission is credit risk to the company.

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Risk-Sharing – Sliding-Scale

• Example:

Provisional Commission = 20%

Loss Ratio





22% (max)


18% (min)

• “Initial” Credit Risk = 2% of Premium (20% - 18%)

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• Collateral Example:

– $10M Program

– 2% downward slide

– Required Collateral = $200,000 (2% of $10M)

• Issues:

– When is it “safe” to release collateral?

– Collateral Accumulates - How much collateral is needed after year 2, year 3, etc.?

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Managing a Program

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Managing a Program

• During the Due Diligence Process, an

“underwriting box” for the program is created:

– Lines of Business

– Classes

– States

– Limits

– Coverages

– Etc.

• So now what?…

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“Trust, but verify”

- Ronald Reagan

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• Is the PA adhering to the underwriting guidelines?

• Is the PA selecting the right risks?

– U/W Guideline should include a section describing the characteristics of a target risk.

• Is the program achieving the desired results?

– Target Loss and Combined Ratios

– Mix of Business (e.g. State, Class and Limits


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• Monitoring Methods:

1. Individual Account Referrals

2. Reports

• Underwriting Results

• Rate and Price Monitoring

• State and Limits Distributions

3. Audits

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Individual Account Referrals

• Accounts where the PA does not have binding authority

• Criteria defined in the underwriting guidelines

• Typical Criteria:

– Premium/Exposure Threshold

– Higher Limits

– Hazardous Class

– Location (e.g. CAT zone)

– Poor Loss History

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• Underwriting Results

• Rate and Price Monitoring

• Renewal Ratios, New vs. Renewal Split

• Profiles

– State/Territory

– Limits

– Classes

• Submit/Quote/Bind Ratios

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• Underwriting

– In-depth file review of a “representative sample”

• Claims

• Financial/Systems

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“You can put wings on a pig, but you don’t make it an eagle.”

- William Jefferson Clinton

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• “Fish or Cut Bait?”

• Considerations:

– Poor Results

– Underwriting Guideline Violations

– Key Person Defections

– Softening Market

– Run-off expenses with no premium income

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– Allows a company to enter a new market segment without significant fixed overhead expense.

– Ease of Entry and Withdrawal

– Special Line/Class Expertise

– Geographic Targeting

– Portfolio Diversification

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– Incentive Divergence

– Systems Mismatch

– Expensive way to do business

– Flight Risk

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1. Know your Business Partner – Start with a thorough due diligence

2. Align your interests – Provide the PA with a financial incentive to produce good results

3. “Trust, but Verify” – Monitor, Monitor,


4. “Fish or cut bait?” – Have an exit strategy

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This material is not intended to be legal, underwriting, financial, or any other type of professional advice. The reader should consult her/his advisors and attorneys regarding any business or legal issues arising from any particular circumstances with respect to this subject matter.

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