Chapter 8 Unit Focus You will ask and give information about family relationships Learn how to indicate past, present, and future tenses. (FINISH) Personal Pronouns Common Culture (Are you deaf?) Vocabulary Family Grandfather Cousin Daughter Nephew Separated Parents Aunt Husband Son Niece Divorce Grandmother Uncle Wife Children Marry Back-together Friend Boyfriend Grow-upTogether Recent Good-friend Girlfriend Now, today, Present Long-ago Go-steady Roommate Yesterday before Vocabulary Continued Tomorrow Will Later After-Awhile Far-in-Future #All Since Of-Course Really Realize Long Short Time Birthday Seem With Obsessed Finish Movie neat Disgusted Notes Culture It is very common when asked and while giving information about your family to state whether they are Deaf or hearing. Deaf individuals believe finding out if a person is Deaf or HOH will give a better understanding of the individual. Grammar Note Everything in the “past” is behind us. Everything in the “future” is out in front of us. Everything that is happening “presently is right in front of our body. Present NOW TODAY Past YESTERDAY BEFORE RECENT LONG-AGO Future TOMORROW WILL LATER AFTER-A WHILE FAR-IN-FUTURE PERSONAL PROUNOUNS The numbers 3,4,and 5, can be incorporated into some personal prounouns with a circular movement. Anything above five can not be incorporated TWO-OF-US THREE-OF-US ALL-OF-US !!!FINISH!!! You can use the sign finish in a number of different ways By itself to mean the following (STOP IT!! Single sharp movement) Before or after the verb to show an action is completed or has been done. (Example- BOOK I FINISH READ I or BOOK I READ FINISH I ) To indicate the extent or limit of something. (Example- “We’re just friends” With repeated movement” Activities Activity #1 Using the following 10 prompts pick 7. You will ask if the individual is Deaf/HOH then you will ask if they Sign. Example Prompt is “GOOD-FRIEND” YOUR GOOD-FRIEND fs A-L-I DEAF HARD-OF-HEARING WHICH Parents Mother Father Brother Sister Grandmother Grandfather Aunt Uncle cousin Activity #2 With a DIFFERENT partner you will sign the following sentences copy 3 of them in gloss then create three of your own. Underneath the glossed version write the sentence in English. Sign to a partner and see if they can voice the response. Example: YOU MARRY WILL You will get married. 1. YOU-MARRY -NOT 2. HE/SHE/-MARRY-WILL 3. YOU-BRITHDAY-TOMORROW 4. THE THREE OF THEM-COME – LATER? 5. HE/SHE-BRITHDAY-RECENTLY? 6. YOU-BEFORE-MARRY? 7. YOU-MARRY-IN THE DISTANT FUTURE 8. YOU-GO-AFT ER A WHILE 9. TWO OF YOU-TAKE TESTBEFORE 10. FOUR OF YOU-MEET –LONG TIME AGO Activity #3 Use the prompts and gloss 10 complete sentences. Sign three of these to a partner and have them indicate which number sentence you have signed. Ex. I’ve seen your friend FRIEND I SEE FINISH 1. Seen the movie 2. Passed the test 3. Visited your grandmother 4. Washed clothes 5. Read your ASL book 6. Gotten divorced 7. Sent the letter 8. Turned on the TV 9. Gave him/her the book 10. Got married Dialogue Go through the vocabulary with a partner. Exchange rolls so you practice all lines in the vocabulary. Together we will watch the video of the dialogue. What is different? What is the same? Extra Practice Create Dialogue Create a dialogue alone or with a partner that has 15-20 vocabulary from chapter 8. This is due before you leave today. GLOSS