

Disclosure Statement for Jewelry Making I

Instructor: Mel Ralph 20014-2015

Welcome to Jewelry Making. Designing and creating jewelry can help you as a student improve observation skills, enhance creativity, develop eye hand coordination, and improve design skills. Jewelry Making is part of the Art Department and counts as Fine Art Credit.


Students will be expected to: Attend class regularly, be on time, follow safety rules, always wear eye protection , participate in class discussions and art critiques, be prepared for class (materials card, homework etc.), obey school policies, follow classroom rules, and use class time to work on Jewelry assignments.


55.00%---Approximately 800 pts. will be possible for Jewelry projects done for the class.

10.34%---Approximately 150 pts.

will be possible for Design & written projects done for the class.

10.34%---Approximately 150 pts. will be given throughout the term for Cleanup of the work areas.

(These points will be given for participation, or taken away for lack of participation in cleanup activities)

10.34% --Approximately 150 pts.

will be given for Working in class.

(These points will be randomly given for working on jewelry projects, or taken away for not working on jewelry projects)

13.80%--- Approximately 200 pts.

will be given to students during each quarter as safety points. These Safety points can be lost if the student demonstrates unsafe practices in the shop. The students must wear their safety glasses at all times in the shop or they will not be

allowed to work in the classroom. If a student forgets their own pair of glasses, .one can be borrowed from the shop set. Safety violations: ---1 st offense; loss of points & shop privileges. ---2 nd offense; call to parents, loss of points & shop privileges & given a written assignment,---3 rd offense; removed from class until a meeting with administrator, parents, and teacher can be arranged to see if student should be allowed back into class. If the violation is severe enough, and the student is thought to be a safety concern, the student will be immediately referred to the office for administrative action.

Approximately 1450 points are possible per Qtr. (Mr. Ralph reserves the right to adjust points or projects where deemed necessary)

Percentage grading standards:

100-94= A 93-90=A- 89-87=B+ 86-83=B 82-80 =B- 79-77=C+ 76-73=C

72-70=C- 69-67=D+ 66-63=D 62-60=D- Below 60 =F

Late Work


Only work turned in on time qualifies for an “A” grade. Work turned in up to a week late can only qualify for a “B” as the highest possible grade. If the work is two weeks late the student can only receive a “C” as the highest possible grade.

No work will be accepted that is more than two weeks late.


Students will be allowed to make up work for excused absences. Students need to contact me to make arrangements to catch up on assignments. Make up for un-excused absences is not allowed .

Truancy & Hall Pass

Permission from Mr. Ralph and a hall pass or note is required before leaving the classroom.

The hall pass should be used for emergencies. It is preferred that students use time between classes to use the restroom and get drinks. If a student is gone without Mr. Ralph’s permission a teacher truant will be given.

Videos and Clips

: Within my curriculum I occasionally show some short videos and clips. I try to make sure that everything I use is appropriate for High School use. Most of what I show is in the G and PG categories. Occasionally I have found and used material that comes from the PG-13 rating. Please let me know if that is a concern.

Electronic devises :

Electronic devices may be used in accordance with district policy in the classroom with permission from the teacher for educational purposes. Keeping your personal property safe and protected is your responsibility as a student. The teacher or school will not be responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen devices.


Please check

“My Student”

for grade updates.

My email address is:

My blog is:


Roll Call, Announcements, & Lectures: (Quiet time)

Jewelry making can be a very noisy classroom when machines are running and people are working. A large amount of class time will be shop time for work on your projects. During the working time or shop time there will be plenty of time for you to socialize and chat with your friends. During my lectures, demonstrations, critiques, roll calls, and the school announcements I will expect you to be quiet and respectful, and pay attention.

School Property

Destruction of school property will not be tolerated. Restitution Fines and or referral to the administration may occur for those who damage, deface, or destroy school property.


The bare essentials cost of this class is $20.00 for the fee and $3.50 for the safety glasses, unless the student supplies the glasses from home. For the 20.00 fee each student will receive the specific materials to make the required projects in brass, nickel, or copper, depending on the particular project. Optional projects are available which include an extra cost. NO silver will be supplied to the student under the fee schedule.

If the student wants to make a project out of silver, loses or destroys during the jewelry making process their initial supplies provided by the fee, or desires to make additional projects for extra credit, they will be responsible for the additional cost and need to buy a supplemental materials card . Students may pay for a Supplemental Jewelry Materials Cards at the cashier’s office for $10.00.

All students are required to wear a pair of safety glasses while in the classroom. They may pay for them at the cashier’s office or they can bring a pair from home. (Safety glasses may be purchased through the school for $3.50, pay he cashier in the office & bring receipt to class). There are a few pairs of glasses that can be borrowed from classroom, but they are well used so it is better that the student provides their own pair.

Jewelry Fee $20.00 Pay cashier in the Office. Supplemental Jewelry Cards $10.00 Pay cashier in the Office.

Safety glasses $ 3.50 Pay cashier in the Office.

In order for the student to begin to work in the lab they will need to bring their receipt for the 20.00 fee, pass the safety test, and be prepared to wear safety glasses in the classroom.


We have a limited supply of lockers in the classroom, so they will be shared lockers. The student may choose to keep their work such as waxes and metals in a Tupperware type container,. Or in an Altoid tin to protect the fragile waxes from breakage.


Please sign and return this form with your student. Keep the top portion for your own reference.


I have thoroughly reviewed this disclosure statement for Jewelry Making. I am aware of and will support the instructor in academic grading standards, citizenship standards, and classroom expectations and policies described.

Parent Signature __________________________________________________ Date __________

Printed Name _______________________________________________

Email ______________________________________________________

Contact Number ___________________________________Work or 2nd# ________________________________________

I will abide by the above expectations and I will wear my safety glasses at all times while in the jewelry room.

Student Signature ___________________________________________________ Date_________


Student Name ______________________________________________ Period __________
