LGBT Movement LGBT movement topics I. History and Impact of the Movement II. Gay Marriage III. Gay’s in the Military IV. Transgender Issues History & Impact of the Movement 1940s -1950s Targeting of Businesses: the closing of gay bars and businesses that promoted social gathering of the gay community Anti-gay partner laws: sodomy laws Employment Rights infringement Black List: sparked a conservative mindset that promoted fear and aggression towards norm deviations FBI moral perversion investigation: invasion of privacy and harassment Federal employment restrictions: Eisenhower dismisses “sexually perverse” federal employees Kinsey Reports: begins open discussion about human sexuality and begins to fight stereotypes including homosexuality. 1960s Jose Sarria: Runs for San Francisco city supervisor Stonewall Riot: spurs a more forceful stand against discrimination 1970s APA removes homosexuality from mental illness definitions: begins a change in stereotypes among healthcare professionals Anita Bryant protest: Florida Orange Juice spokes person fights against gay liberation on the side of moral preservation Florida bans gay adoption Harvey Milk: Elected on San Francisco board of supervisors 1980s First report of AIDS: starts a national fear that points to gay lifestyle as the catalyst. Turns gay community in to a leper community. AIDS quilt project: brings the effects and importance of AIDS to public view. This helps increase public awareness as well as pushes for government funding and aid. ACT UP group formed: Fights the misconceptions regarding AIDS and fights for AIDS prevention as well as government funded research 1990s Los Angeles riots American Medical Association: opposes treatment of homosexuality as it is not seen as needing a “cure” Employment Non-Discrimination Act defeated in US Senate Impact of the LGBT Movement Argument 1: The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) movement has made many positive strides through the passing of nondiscrimination laws. •The first law in the U.S. prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation was passed in 1972, in the city of East Lansing, Michigan. •The first law prohibiting anti-transgender discrimination was passed in 1975, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. •At the local level, sexual orientation discrimination has been banned in more than 200 U.S. cities and counties. •Discrimination against transgender people has been banned in over 70 U.S. cities and counties. State and Local Jurisdictions Lead the Way Argument 2: Federal law does not protect LGBT people. •EDNA: In 1994, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 1994 was in Congress. While this bill received much more support from the civil rights community and other sponsors, it failed to pass by a close 49-50 vote. •May 1998: President Bill Clinton issued Executive Order 13087. This order issues protection for LGBT people by prohibiting discrimination in federal civilian employment on the basis of sexual orientation. •Because there isn’t federal support, over half of the U.S. population in 2005 (156 million people) can be fired, evicted, or denied places of public accommodation because of sexual orientation. •Millions of transgender people also remain vulnerable as well. Argument 3: There is increasing growing support among the public concerning the protection of LGBT people. •2003 Gallup Poll: Nearly 9 in 10 Americans support nondiscrimination of sexual orientation. •A 2002 study by the Human Rights Campaign shows that 3 in 5 respondents support transgender nondiscrimination laws. •Polls show that most Americans still oppose homosexuality. In June 2002, a Los Angeles Times poll stated that two out of three respondents believe that sexual relations between two people of the same sex is wrong. •“In the 1990 General Social Survey (GSS), 76 percent of respondents said that homosexual relations were ‘always wrong’. In the 2000 GSS, that number decreased 59 percent.” •Factors that shape views of homosexuality are based on a gender belief system: the assumption that what is not “feminine” must be “masculine” and vice versa •Support for equal job rights for gays and lesbians: 1977-2002 •1977: 56 percent favored equal job rights •2002: 86 percent favored equal job rights •Attitudes regarding the cause of homosexuality: 1977-2002 •1982: 52 percent of Americans polled thought same-sex attraction was due to upbringing •2002: more Americans believed that a person is born homosexual rather than environment causing their sexual orientation (40 percent versus 36 percent) Argument 4: Nondiscrimination laws are necessary for the protection of LGBT people. •1997 General Accounting Office Report: Despite 9 states having passed sexual orientation nondiscrimination laws, all continued to report sexual orientation discrimination cases every year. •2001: In a statewide survey of lesbian, gay, and bisexual New Yorkers, 54% of respondents had experienced discrimination in employment, housing, or public accommodation since 1996; 8% were fire based on their sexual orientation. 27% of respondents reported being called derogatory names such as “faggot” and “dyke” in the workplace. Argument 5: State and local laws remain unstable. •Dade County, Florida: Anita Bryant’s “Save Our Children” Campaign: One of the earliest and most infamous groups that repealed Dade County, Florida’s sexual orientation nondiscrimination ordinance. In the 1970s, this led to a series of anti-gay ballot measures, which also swept into the late 1980s and 1990s. •There have been over 100 anti-gay ballot initiatives over the past three decades. •In some cases, the scope of the backlash went beyond the initial nondiscrimination law that was passed. For example, in 1992, voters in Colorado passed Amendment 2, which repealed all existing state and local anti-discrimination laws. •Since then, in 2007, the state of Colorado banned discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. Argument 6: Grassroots organizations and LGBT groups are behind the progress that has been made over the past three decades. •In the past ten years, nearly 50 percent of the statewide sexual orientation nondiscrimination laws and 80 percent of statewide transgender nondiscrimination laws were passed. Grassroots organizations and LGBT groups in different states have banned together to make this possible. •Transgender activists and allies have worked together to pass laws which make transgender people more visible in society. •One positive result of the failure of Congress to pass same sex marriages has resulted in major national LGBT advocacy organizations to become more inclusive of transgender people and supportive of federal nondiscrimination legislation that is transgender-inclusive. References Avery, Alison. (2007) America's Changing Attitudes toward Homosexuality, Civil Unions, and Same-Gender Marriage: 1977-2004 Social Work v. 52, no. 1 Suffredini, Kara S. (2005). What a Difference a Decade Makes: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Nondiscrimination Law and Policy in the United States. The Diversity Factor, 13(1), 18-24. (2003). Homosexuality. Contexts, 2(2), 58. VH1 The Sex Revolution Documentary,Social Movement Growth, Domain Expansion, and Framing Processes: The Gay/Lesbian Movement and Violence against Gays and Lesbians as a Social Problem Author(s): Valerie Jenness , Stonewall by Martin Duberman, The World Turned by John D’Emilio The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. (2008). [Graph illustration Nondiscrimination Laws Map, July 31, 2008]. Retrieved from olor.pdf Gay Marriage Equality All people should have the same rights and liberties that all citizens of the United States have. GLBT persons are not second class citizens, separate, or segregated people 1,049 protections, benefits, and responsibilities extended to married couples under federal law 14th Amendment of the US Constitution Discrimination What is Discrimination? States protect married couples in important ways, hospital visitation, right to inherit, medical decisions in an emergency; all these are denied GLBT persons There are some religions that celebrate or accept GLBT marriages, to have them be classified as illegal or unconstitutional is impinging on their freedom of religion GLBT Relationships are Immoral Leviticus 18 & 20 labels homosexuals as abomination and sentences them to the penalty of death Who else is labeled abomination in the same book? Who else should be sentenced to the penalty of death? Point to make? Arguments against Gay Marriage Same sex couples provide a bad environment for raising a child The child will turn out gay Gay people are all pedophiles Repeated studies show that it is love and care that are central to raising children Children of GLBT couples do not have higher incidences of a GLBT lifestyle Majority of convicted sex offenders are heterosexual males* Where are we now? Banned States Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Michigan Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Wisconsin Legal States Connecticut Iowa Maine (Effective 09/14/09 Massachusetts New Jersey (as civil union) Rhode Island Vermont Washington (as Domestic partners) Under a handglass Many people have concerns about the intense scrutiny given gay marriage and of the consequences of fighting for marriage equality Language and ideology behind the gay marriage issue may be too narrow Nuclear Family? To fit in or not to fit in All GLBT couples as permanent, monogamous, and desiring of a nuclear family structure? Legal recognition for a wide variety of relationships should be available, as well as access to all to government support programs Gays in the Military Argument The “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy is not imperative for national security, operational readiness, and is out-dated. This policy discriminates not only homosexuals but women as well. The U.S. military undermines its credibility by ceasing to cite other foreign militaries when the anecdote no longer conforms to the argument of the United States. Don’t tell: Policy Continued A service member can be investigated and/or administratively discharged only if she/he: States that he or she is lesbian, gay, or bisexual Engages in physical contact with someone of the same sex for the purposes of sexual gratification Marries, or attempts to marry, someone of the same sex Investigation Only a service member’s commanding officer may initiate an inquiry into homosexual conduct. In order to begin an inquiry, the commanding officer must receive credible information from a reliable source that a service member has violated the policy. History 1981-DoD makes homosexual conduct grounds for discharge 1994-Clinton tries to lift the ban on gays in the military Congress threatened to establish the ban as federal law so Clinton delayed the lift Six months later-Clinton and Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act, commonly referred to as the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy 2009-Obama states he will repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy to allow gays in the military President Obama States…. Discrimination of any type should be prohibited, even in the military. He will work with military leaders to repeal the current “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy, to allow gays in the military. Gender Norms in the Military The “Good Soldier” Heterosexual gender norms Stereotypical male qualities: aggressive, violent, unemotional Opposite of the “Good Soldier” Female qualities: nurturing, sympathetic, relational Woman threaten the male bonding experience necessary to reinforce male characteristics and produce “good soldiers” Gender Norms continued Heterosexual Norms Reinforce Male Bonding Most important aspect of male bonding, thus homosexuals are outsiders Hyper-masculinity is Primary for Combat Promoted as necessary to produce an effective “good soldier” for combat Military Readiness Homosexuals do not damage morale, discipline, and good order in those countries that have open service. 24 nations allow homosexuals to serve in armed forces No study has shown any of the 24 nations that allow homosexual soldiers to serve in uniform has suffered a decline in performance Israel, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Brazil, and Japan experience homosexuals serving openly as a “non-event” Former Lieutenant Commander of the British Navy Craig Jones offers this: “There will always be incidents [involving] racial prejudice or gender issues, things experienced by society. But by and large, integration of gay soldiers has been a hugely positive experience--and we're a better organization for it” However… As of May 1, 2009, President Obama changed his strategy and now “supports changing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in a sensible way that strengthens our armed forces and our national security.” Transgender Issues Sex, Gender & Bipolarity Sex is defined as the anatomy of a person. The traditional view of sexes have women and men separated, but sex in nature recognizes intersexed and “transsexual” individuals. Gender is the appearance and behavior of a person and how they see themselves. Women typically are more accepted to display masculine characteristics than men. Sexual Orientation vs. Gender Identity vs. Sexual Identity In regards to sexual orientation, the gender and sex one identifies with is separate from one another. Sexual Orientation is defined as which sex do you find erotically attractive: The same sex (homo), The opposite (hetero) or both (bi) Sexual Identity and Gender Identity are not the same thing as gender and sex. For instance, ones sex can be biologically male, yet they their sexual identity is female. This person could wish to physically change their body to match their sexual identity. Gender identity is the way one sees themselves socially, and prefers to relate in social aspects as the opposite sex. Definitions/Terms In the LGBT community, there are ways people define themselves, just like mini communities within a high school: Drag Queen: Female-emulating male, usually campy, often (not always) gay Butch: Masculine-appearing person Femme: Feminine-appearing person Drag King: Male-emulating woman Crossdresser: Polite term for transvestite Hedda Lettuce Rupaul Transsexual: Person whose sexual identity is opposite to their assignment at birth. Not all TS folk undergo ‘sex reassignment surgery’ (SRS), for various reasons, including personal preference. Sexual orientation varies. Violence Against The Transgendered Transgendered people are often the victims of violence. 85% of Victims are African American or Latino. 92% of victims are biological males presenting female traits Most cases involve extreme violence 40% of murders happen in California and Texas Transgender Movement Many in the Transgender movement feel that the mainstream GLBT movement is under representing the Transgendered Some feel that for the sake of assimilation of gays and lesbians the transgender issues are swept under the rug There are also some that feel the movement is too fractured With so many acronyms and sub groups, there are a lot of different needs