Benchmark and Graduation Portfolio Envision Academy of Arts and Technology 2009-10 The Graduation Portfolio and Presentation Defense: 1. is a graduation requirement for our school; 2. takes place for all students in grades 10 and 12 on April 21-22, 2010 3. is the body of evidence that demonstrates mastery of 21st Century Leadership Skills and state content standards; 4. requires each student to demonstrate that he/she has mastered the academic skills necessary to succeed in college; 5. emphasizes the importance of reflecting on one’s learning Envision 21st Century Leadership Skills Communicate Effectively and Persuasively Think Critically Collaborate Productively Express Oneself Creatively Solve Problems Resourcefully Manage Projects Effectively The Graduation Portfolio Components 1. A student cover letter and introduction to the portfolio; 2. A digital arrangement of certified, mastery level student work produced in core content and/or interdisciplinary areas, which is assessed and certified by teachers prior to the presentation; 3. Reflective summaries of the work artifacts in the five core content areas; 4. Workplace Learning Artifact & Reflection and; 5. Leadership Skills Assessment written by the QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. The Benchmark Portfolio Components Six artifacts (high-quality pieces of student project work) Represent each of the six subject areas Represent each of the six 21st Century Skills Parent’s Role in Success of Graduation and Benchmark Portfolio Know the requirements and check in often with your child and Advisor on progress Monitor completion of Portfolio artifacts, which come from students’ project work throughout the year