Figure 3: Astrangia poculata - Stockton-Underwater

Survey of 18S Ribosomal RNA Genes of the Northern Star Coral (Astrangia poculata) and
P.O. Box 195
its Symbiotic Zooxanthellae
Pomona, NJ 08240
Tara L.H. Luke1,2, Brittany M. McLarney2*, Matthew S. Ray1*, Momina H. Rashid1*, Kavita A. Patel1*, and Peter F. Straub1,2
609 652 4965
Program and 2Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Program, * undergraduate author
School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey,
Jet Trader 9-1
Sea Girt 2-3
Glory 1-1
Astrangia poculata
Phyllangia mouchezii
The purpose of this work was to investigate the distribution and molecular
evolution of the Northern Star coral (Astangia poculata) and its associated
symbiotic zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium sp.) on artificial reefs and shipwrecks in
the coastal Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. This region is generally
Colonies can be encrusting, massive or branching but do not form reefs.(2)
The individual corallites are well defined, circular, compact, and up to 10 mm in
The polyps may be translucent to dark brown depending on the
presence and number of zooxanthellae (1) and are shown in Figure 2.
DNA extraction and amplification
Fungia scutaria
Almirante 24-2
Between 10-30 mg of tissue was extracted and purified from individual polyps
Almirante 24-1
Almirante 23-2
using a DNeasy Blood and Tissue extraction kit (Qiagen Corp, Valencia, CA).
Almirante 21-2
Car Float 22-1
DNA was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using eukaryotic
Car Float 20-2
Lemuel Burrows 21-2
universal primers for a portion of the small subunit (18s) ribosomal RNA gene
devoid of natural hard structure habitat, consisting primarily of gently sloping
Lemuel Burrows 21-1
Lemuel Burrows 20-2
with primers NS1 (3) and Euk 516r (4).
sandy plains. While most corals live in tropical to sub-tropical waters above 20º
Jet Trader 8-3
Jet Trader 8-2
Jet Trader 20-1
C and cannot tolerate high turbidity, Astrangia poculata is an exception in that it
Purification, Cloning, and DNA Sequencing
is found from the sub-tropics to the temperate zone on hard surfaces. Astrangia
John Marvin 5-3
John Marvin 5-1
Purified PCR products were ligated into the plasmid pGemT-Easy and
poculata colonies can be encrusting, massive or branching, it is reported that
John Marvin 1-1
Sea Girt 2-4
transformed into ultra-competent JM109 E. coli cells (Promega, Madison, WI).
not all colonies contain zooxanthellae. In this work, individual coral colonies
Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing (Beckman-Coulter, Fullerton, CA) was used,
were sampled from seven collection sites offshore of Atlantic City, NJ at depths
and sequencing reaction products were separated and sequenced on a
from 20-30 m. Coral samples containing at least 5-10 corallites per sample
Sea Girt 2-1
Glory 2-1
Corynactis californica
Corynactis sp.
Enalopsammia rostrata
Beckman Coulter CEQ 8000 automated capillary genetic analyzer
Tubastraea coccinea
Pavona varians
were collected by scuba diver. Between 10-30 mg of tissue was extracted from
Sequence analysis
individual polyps using a Qiagen DNA extraction kit (Qiagen Corp). DNA was
remove vector sequence, BLAST searches were peformed to compare with
ribosomal RNA gene. Additional symbiont-specific primers were also used. PCR
Figure 2: Individual Astrangia poculata polyps were extracted and further analyzed. Photo
courtesy of T.L.H. Luke
cycle sequenced to determine the exact DNA base sequence of the individual
and dinoflagellate (including Symbiodinium) sequences from Genbank. In
general, genetic variation among coral samples between the local sites was
found to be very low but will serve as a baseline for collections over a wider
geographic range..
known sequences deposited in GenBank. Sequences were aligned using the
Coral may reproduce both asexually by budding within established colonies and
by sexual reproduction with planktonic dispersal followed by settling on hard
Align-X application of Vector NTI (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and checked
Figure 3. The purpose of this study was to look at genetic differentiation of star
substrate that is extremely patchy.
Using universal eukaryotic primers, we did not clone or sequence any
to PAUP 4.10 (5) for phylogenetic analysis and a Maximum Parsimony tree was
zooxanthellae specific DNA. This may be due to the fact that A. poculata has
inferred based on these 554 base pairs.
been reported as a facultative symbiotic partner or that our primers were not
Montastraea annularis
Cirrhipathes lutkeni
Fungia scutaria
Pavona varians
Enallopsammia rostrata
Phyllangia mouchezii
Corynactis californica
Tubastraea coccinea
Corynactis sp.
Astrangia poculata
Glory 1-1
Glory 2-1
Glory 20-2
Sea Girt 2-1
Sea Girt 2-3
Sea Girt 2-4
John Marvin 1-1
John Marvin 5-1
John Marvin 5-3
Jet Trader 20-1
Jet Trader 8-2
Jet Trader 8-3
Jet Trader 9-1
Lemuel Burrows 20-2
Lemuel Burrows 21-1
Lemuel Burrows 21-2
Car Float 20-2
Car Float 22-1
Almirante 21-2
Almirante 23-2
Almirante 24-1
Almirante 24-2
Almirante 24-2
Figure 4: Alignment of 22 NJ artificial Reef samples with 1 full length Astrangia poculata (MA)
and 9 other Scleractinian species (only part of alignment shown).
Figure 1: Dive sites for Astrangia poculata collection off the southern New Jersey, USA coast.
Coral samples were collected by scuba diver from the Gloria, Sea Girt, John Marvin, Jet Trader,
Lemuel Burrows, Car Float, and Almirante shipwreck sites between July and October of 2008.
specific enough to detect the zooxanthellae symbiont due to an overabundance
of host DNA. Symbiont-specific primers were also used, but clones have not
yet been successfully sequenced. The coral DNA sequences from this study
were aligned with one another and with 9 other species of Scleractinian corals.
The closest DNA sequence matches for the collected specimens, based on the
maximum parsimony analysis, were with the three species Astrangia poculata,
Phyllangia mouchezii and Fungia scutaria. Given these results, it was not
possible to discriminate the corals below the level of Order Scleractinia. This
would suggest that a more variable region of the small subunit rRNA, including
the internally transcribed spacer (ITS) region may be a useful approach to
defining an area with enough variability to discriminate between the populations.
In addition, collection of samples of A. poculata from a wider geographical area
could identify areas of greater variability in DNA sequence to the analysis.
DNA of sufficient purity was recovered from most samples to readily amplify and
astreiformis, Phylum Cnidaria; Class Anthozoa (1) occurs in a region generally
[AY039209] 9 other Scleractinian coral sequences. Alignments were exported
surfaces such as rocks, pilings and shipwrecks, such as the one shown in
coral in relation to their wide ecological amplitude and their habit of colonizing a
The Northern Star coral (Astrangia poculata) synonyms A. danae and A.
Figure 5: Parsimony analysis of the 18S rRNA gene from cloned samples with other known
cnidarian 18S rRNA genes. The most parsimonius consensus tree is shown. Analyses were
performed using PAUP (2).
manually. DNA sequence information was aligned to A. poculata sequence
being typed. This DNA sequence information was aligned and analyzed to
determine the genetic relationship of the individuals using reference A. poculata
Montastraea annularis
DNA sequence results were edited in Vector NTI (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) to
amplified using eukaryotic universal primers for the small subunit (18S)
products were cloned into pGemT (Promega) and plasmid preparations were
Cirrhipathes lutkeni
Peters, E C, S D Cairns, M E Q Pilson, J W Wells, W C Jaap, J C Lang, C E (Cummings) Vasleski &
L St. Pierre Gollahon. Nomenclature and biology of Astrangia poculata (=A. danae, =A. astreiformis)
(Cnidaria: Anthozoa). Proc Biol Soc Wash. 1988; 101, (2): 234-250.
Boschma, H. (1925) The nature of the association between Anthozoa and Zooxanthellae. Procedure
of the National Academy of Science (USA) 11: 65-67
White, TJ, T Bruns, S Lee, J Taylor. Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA
genes for phylogenetics. In: Innis, MA, DH Gelfand, JJU Sninsky, TJ White, eds. PCR protocols. San
Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1990: 315–322.
Amann, RI, BJ Binder, RJ Olson, SW Chisholm, R Devereux, DA Stahl. Combination of 16S rRNAtargeted oligonucleotide probes with flow cytometry for analyzing mixed microbial populations. Appl
Environ Microbiol. 1990; 56, (6): 1919-25.
Swofford, D.L. (1999) PAUP*. Phylogenetic analysis using Parsimony (*and other methods), 4th ed.
Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.
obtain an approximately 550 bp PCR product, all of which belong to a
Figure 3: Astrangia poculata collection from deck plates on the wreck of the Almirante.
Samples were collected by undergraduate students enrolled in Scientific Diving (BIOL 2175).
Scleractinian coral, most likely Astrangia poculata. All sequences match the
Northern Star Coral with no more than one or two base pair differences per
sequence in this region, with very little variability either between or among
lacking hard structure habitat, consisting primarily of gently sloping sandy
plains. Most scleractinian corals, subclass Hexacorallia; Order Scleractinia, live
The purpose of this project is to. look at genetic differentiation of star coral in
populations (Figure. 4). The inferred Maximum Parsimony tree constructed in
in tropical to sub-tropical waters above 20º C and cannot tolerate high turbidity.
relation to their wide ecological amplitude and their habit of colonizing a
PAUP includes both our collected coral sequences and available sequences
However, an exception is the Northern Star Coral which is found from the sub-
substrate that is extremely patchy, and in so doing, teach undergraduate
from a number of related coral species within the Subclass: Hexacorallia; Order:
tropics to the temperate zone on the Northwest Atlantic coast.
students sample collection and molecular biology laboratory techniques.
Scleractinia (Figure. 5).