DATE: 2014/2015 Fiscal Year TO: School Bookkeepers School Secretary/Bookkeepers FROM: Becky Eggers, CFE Director, Auditing & Property Records SUBJECT: Year-end Activities and Schedules 11-Month Schools The end of the school/fiscal year is fast approaching. This memo contains step by step instructions for your year end processes. To ensure consistency and accuracy in district reporting of the internal funds financial information, it is very important that the steps outlined throughout this memo are followed in the order they are listed. During the closing process, we recommend that you check the boxes when each item is completed. Due Date to Auditing The 2014/2015 year-end information MUST be in to auditing on or before Wednesday, June 17, 2015. The year-end information includes the completed check off list (signed by your principal) and all required reports. Additional Due Dates Banking information for June 2015 is due to auditing on or before Wednesday, August 12, 2015 Bank Reconciliation with adding machine tape Bank Reconciliation – Outstanding Checks report from Manatee as of 6/30/15 Bank Statement Banking information for July 2015 is due to auditing on or before Wednesday, August 12, 2015 Principal’s Monthly Report Trial Balance Bank Reconciliation with adding machine tape Bank Reconciliation – Outstanding Checks report from Manatee as of 7/31/15 Bank Statement Year-End Activities & Schedules 11 Month Schools DEADLINES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS / ACCOUNTING / SALES TAX 1. TO INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL (RE: TEXTBOOKS): By Thursday, June 11, 2015 send the year-end Instructional Materials Financial Report also known as the Lost and Damage Text Book Report and the check from the Lost/Damage Textbooks account to Instructional Materials, Walter Pownall Service Center. Contact Nancy Candela, 547-7131, if you have any questions about this section. 2. ITEMS TO ACCOUNTING Due Dates to ACCOUNTING: Monday, June 15, 2015 By June 15, 2015, send to the accounting department the final district Petty Cash Fund Expenditure Report (PCS Form 3-1010). Deposit remainder of the district petty cash into the schools internal fund checking account (receipt to account #8.0852.00) and forward an internal fund check payable to PCSB to accounting with your final expenditure report. Please address the envelope to “Accounting Department, Cashier”. PLEASE DO NOT SEND OR HAND DELIVER CASH TO THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. By June 15, 2015, please complete and submit to the accounting department a Petty Cash Establishment Fund (PCS Form 3-2610) if you plan to have district petty cash for the 2015/2016 school year. The form is available at the Central Printing webpage. By June 15, 2015, submit all checks due to the accounting department including, but not limited to, facility lease revenue, athletic gate receipts and/or tuition. If you have any questions regarding the accounting section of this MEMO, please contact Jeff Tarrant, in accounting, at 588-6164. 3. MAY AND JUNE SALES TAX WORKSHEET By Friday, June 12, 2015, send the May and June 2015 Sales Tax Checks and Worksheets (even if below $25.00) to Emilia Tito in Auditing & Property Records. Contact Emilia at 588-6522 if you have questions. INTERNAL FUNDS YEAR-END CLOSING PROCESS 1. CLOSE PETTY CASH Close the internal petty cash account/s. Refer to The Manual for Internal Fund Accounting, Chapter 8, for additional instruction. The internal petty cash account/s must have a zero balance at year-end. 2. CLOSE CHANGE FUND Close the internal change fund account(s) Refer to The Manual for Internal Fund Accounting, Chapter 9, for additional instruction. The internal change fund account(s) must have a zero balance at year-end. 2 Year-End Activities & Schedules 11 Month Schools 3. COMPLETE SCHOOL STORE INFORMATION The School Store Inventory Year End form, (PCS 3-365) page 1 and page 2, needs to be completed by the sponsor using cost prices, not selling prices. 4. MAKE A COPY OF SOME OF THE PERPETUAL NSF LOG PAGES (copy all pages which include NSF checks which are still outstanding at year end and all pages which include any NSF checks which had collection attempts or activity during the current year). 5. MAKE A COPY OF ACTUAL UNCOLLECTED NSF CHECK/S (include checks at Checkredi and with the state attorney’s office). 6. COMPLETE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORT Criteria: Accounts payable (include amounts owed for goods and/or services that have been received by the school and payment is still owed to the vendor). If Accounts payable exist, the Accounts Payable Report (PCS Form 3-2890) needs to be completed. Include all accounts payable owed by the school. Download this form from the auditing & property records internet site (Auditing Forms). Prepare a listing of accounts payable per criteria listed above. If an invoice has not been received from the vendor, a “best estimate” can be used for the amount by looking at the corresponding purchase order. Identify this as an estimate. Complete the “TOTALS” line on the form. Sign by secretary/bookkeeper or bookkeeper and principal/director/site administrator. Do not include Amounts billed or to be billed by the district for school-to-pay purchase orders, P-card transactions, warehouse orders or transportation. Open purchase orders for which the goods and/or services have not been received. If accounts payable do not exist, go to the checklist number six (6) on page six (6) and check off “No Accounts Payable.” 7. COMPLETE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE REPORT Criteria: Accounts receivable are funds owed to your school by any person or group. This may include rental fees, lease payments, tuition payments, NSF checks still outstanding, student obligations (from fundraising sales and textbook obligations), picture and vending commission. If exact amount is not known (ex: picture or vending commission) an estimate of the amount due will be acceptable. Identify this as an estimate. If accounts receivable do exist, the Accounts Receivable Report (PCS Form 3-2889) needs to be completed. Include all accounts receivable owed to the school. Download this form from the auditing & property records internet site (Auditing Forms). Please note that this form has been updated. Be sure to use the current form. Prepare a listing of accounts receivable per criteria listed above. Complete the “TOTALS” line on the form. Do not include Reimbursements due from the district to the school. If accounts receivable do not exist, go to the checklist number seven (7) on page six (6) and check off “No Accounts Receivable.” 3 Year-End Activities & Schedules 11 Month Schools 8. REVIEW VALIDITY OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Verify all encumbrances are valid/true obligations Print Encumbrance Report and review for validity of outstanding items. Print Open Purchase Order Report and review to make sure purchase orders are valid. Print the Trial Balance Report period 12 and compare the listed encumbrances to the encumbrance report and account balances for accuracy. Verify that all transfers and adjustments related to this school year have been recorded. Verify all checks which have cleared the bank have been cleared in Manatee Print the BANK RECONCILIATION – OUTSTANDING CHECKS report from the Manatee Accounting Software (MAS) system as of 5/31/15. Verify the checks listed have not cleared the bank and verify that all checks cleared by the bank are cleared in the MAS system. Verify all activity for fiscal school year 2014/2015 has been completed, verified and entered into the Manatee Accounting System. 9. PRINT REPORTS TO BE SENT TO AUDITING: Trial Balance- Period 12 (Print all accounts including zero balance in number order) Adjustments Journal - for the entire year. (07/01/14– 06/30/15) Transfers Journal - for the entire year. (07/01/14 – 06/30/15) Encumbrance Report - for all accounts, the first through the last account listed on Trial Balance Open P.O. Report (NOTE: Research any open purchase orders to determine if they are real) Manatee BANK RECONCILIATION – OUTSTANDING CHECKS report at 6/30/15 for each checking account 10. MANATEE BACK UP Back up the Manatee System to your flash drive. Label the flash drive as follows: Name of School / Internal Fund / FY 2014/2015 SAVE A COPY of the back-up information to the “Year End Back-up 2014/2015” folder which is in YOUR SCHOOL’S FOLDER on the District Share folder. Notify Maureen Wilson via e-mail ( when this has been completed. Put the year-end back-up flash drive away for safekeeping preferably in a fireproof location. DO NOT RECORD 2015/2016 information on LAST YEAR’S FLASH DRIVE. IMPORTANT: DO NOT PROCEED TO STEP #11 UNTIL THE TWO (2)-MANATEE SYSTEM BACK-UPS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. 11. CLOSE THE MONTH OF JUNE 2015 IN THE MANATEE SYSTEM. Close the month of June 2015 ONLY After the month of June is closed, the top of the Manatee screen will show Current Period: 06/30/15 to 06/30/15. This is correct. NO ADDITIONAL DATA ENTRY IS PERMITTED Print the May and June 2015 (period 12) Principal’s Monthly Financial Report (in detail). Include with reports noted in step 9. DO NOT ROLLUP ACCOUNTS Print the general ledger for period 11 and 12 for all cash accounts to use when you reconcile the June 2015 bank account(s) upon your return. Include with reports noted in step 9. 4 Year-End Activities & Schedules 11 Month Schools 12. PRINT THE FOLLOWING MANATEE REPORT AND KEEP IT ON FILE FOR AUDIT. If you have printed these reports on a monthly basis throughout the fiscal year, then merely bring the report upto-date through the end of the school/fiscal year. General Ledger Report from account $1111.00 to highest numbered (8-xxxx) activity account. Periods 1 – 12. 13. INSTRUCTIONS TO CLOSE 2014/2015 YEAR Close the 2014/2015 school/fiscal year on the Manatee System as follows: 1. From the File Menu, select Utilities, and select Year-End Closing. 2. Proceed through the closing process reading directions/prompts on the computer screen. 3. NOTE: If you will see the prompt “Do you want to create an archive set of school files? Y/N”. Answer NO to this question. 4. When the closing procedure is complete, the top of the Manatee screen will show Current Period: 07/01/15 to 07/31/15. This is correct. 14. KEEP THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS ON FILE FOR AUDIT: School Calendar – Each month of the school year. School Newsletter – All issues for the 2014/2015 school year Adopt A Class Brochure 15. Copy School’s Untagged Property Inventory (Excel spreadsheet) to the Property Records folder which is in YOUR SCHOOL’S FOLDER on the District share folder. 16. COMPLETE YEAR END CHECK OFF LIST Complete the YEAR END CHECK OFF LIST on page six (6) of this MEMO. Attach the check off list to the top of the required year-end information. The 2014/2015 Year End Back up must be copied to the District Share Folder on or before Monday, June 15, 2015. The 2014/2015 year-end information packet of items/reports MUST be in to auditing on or before Wednesday, June 17, 2015. ***Helpful reminder: make a notation of your sign-on and password and put this in the safe. This will be your inquiry school and current year login and password. If you have any questions regarding the internal funds section of this MEMO, please contact Maureen Wilson via email,, or call Auditing& Property Records at 588-6228. 5 Year-End Activities & Schedules 11 Month Schools YEAR-END CHECK OFF LIST THE FOLLOWING STEPS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND SENT TO THE APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENT: 1. 2. 3. Items Due to Instructional Materials (Textbooks) Items Due to Accounting - Submitted all money due to the Accounting Department. May and June 2015 Sales Tax Check and Worksheet to Auditing or No Sales tax in June 2015. THE FOLLOWING STEPS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION IS ATTACHED: 1. Close Petty Cash Fund(s). Account(s) has (have) a zero balance. 2. Close Change Fund(s). Account(s) has (have) a zero balance. 3. 4. School Store Information – School Store Inventory Year (PCS Form 3-365) attached No School Store Copy of NSF Log 5. Copy of actual outstanding NSF checks 6. Accounts Payable No Accounts Payable Yes Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Report (PCS Form 3-2890) attached Accounts Receivable No Accounts Receivable Yes Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable Report (PCS Form 3-2889) attached Review of Financial Information 7. 8. 9. Reports/Documents Due to Auditing – attached to check off list Trial Balance- (Print all accounts including zero balance in number order) Principal’s Monthly Financial Report (Detail Report) - Do NOT rollup accounts General Ledger for period 11 and 12 for all cash accounts Adjustments Journal - for the entire year. (07/01/14 – 06/30/15) Transfers Journal - for the entire year. (07/01/14 – 06/30/15) Encumbrance Report - for the activity accounts (1-8), the first through the last account listed on Trial Balance Open P.O. Report (MAKE NOTE: if no open purchase orders) Manatee BANK RECONCILIATION – OUTSTANDING CHECKS report at 6/30/15 Adopt A Class Brochure 10. Manatee Back Up Flash Drive secured in Safe & copy of back up on the District Share Folder 11. Close the MONTH OF JUNE 2015 in the Manatee system 12. Print the General Ledger report and keep on file at the school (page 5, #12) 13. CLOSE 2014/2015 YEAR 14. File school’s publications (page 5, #14) 15. Copy School’s Uncapitalized Property Inventory (Excel spreadsheet) to the District share folder School Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Principal Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _______________________ 6