
Meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Woodsworth College Students’ Association
Friday, December 11th, 2015
119 St. George Street
Previous Executive Meeting Minutes
Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Board Reports
a. Affiliated Clubs Policy
1. Agenda
1) Call to Order
2) Approval of the Agenda
Moved: Hauck
Seconded: Cookson
3) Approval of the Previous Executive Meeting Minutes
Moved: Hauck
Seconded: Cookson
4) Approval of the Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Moved: Hauck
Seconded: Cookson
5) Approval of the Board Reports
Moved: Hauck
Seconded: Cookson
6) Winterfest Pub Crawl: Woodsworth Representative Call-Out
7) Affiliated Clubs Policy
8) Equity Chair
BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint _____ as an Honorary Director to hold the position of Equity Chair
for the remainder of the 2015-2016 term.
Moved: Cookson
9) Other Business
10) Adjournment
2) Previous Executive Meeting Minutes
Meeting of the Executive of the
Woodsworth College Students’ Association
Monday, November 23rd, 2015
119 St. George Street
In Attendance:
Olivia Hauck (President)
Teeka Cookson (Vice-President of Internal Affairs)
Danielle Ouellette (Vice-President of Athletic Affairs)
Shonali Lakhani (Vice-President of Public Relations)
Ongio Tsui (Vice-President of Social Affairs)
Aadil Nathani (Vice-President Financial Affairs)
Amanda Li (Vice-President of External Affairs)
Call to Order
UTSU Collaboration
Grad Photo Sessions
Ticket Update
Budget Reallocation
Get Well with WCSA
Other Business
Call to Order 9:05 pm
Cookson: The puppy collaboration is happening on December 9 from 11 am – 1 pm in
Waters Lounge. Its with and BPSU and APUS. Grace has done PR for this event and
made posters and the Facebook banner. Either us or BPSU will make a Facebook group
about it. Sydney and I are planning a collaboration event between us and the dons. We’ll go
down to the distillery district to the Christmas market. It’ll be a collaboration between us
and two dons on December 10th around 4 pm.
Tsui: Are we advertising for the don collaboration?
Cookson: Sydney and I are still figuring it out over the next few days.
Ouellette: Athletics portfolio is chill right now except for Get Well with WCSA. Intramural
teams are all in, just reorganizing last minute details with Rose. I’m still getting interest in
intramurals, which is awesome. Captains are doing socials and bringing cheques in for
reimbursement. We are just focusing on Get Well with WCSA now. I’ll discuss more in the
agenda item for the Marlies game but it will effect how we do the Raptors event. I’ll submit
the PR request for the Raptors game around Christmas.
Hauck: Not too much new with me, I’m working on getting our WCSA sweaters now. I’m
waiting for a finalized quote, just because the invoice they sent me wasn’t a total so I’m
asking them to clarify because it’s a little confusing. Shonali has been helping me with that.
I’m contacting last minute studios to see if we can get more grad photo sessions. I’m in
contact with UTSU to do a collaboration that I will discuss later.
Tsui: I’m currently in the process of updating the budget, apologies for the delay. There’s a
new event and the whole streetcar pub crawl thing. Winterfest; I’ve been going to all
meetings. The schedule is set; WCSA will take care of the Wednesday pancake thing. Vic
will also have one. We’ll combine our own pancake stuff with the Winterfest’s as we expect
more numbers. We may add tea or coffee or hot chocolate. Red Party: Upper year reps
reached out and are looking into getting us a photo booth. APUS replied me, we need to add
their logo to the poster; we can just modify the digital version. Coffee tasting sales are up
but promo isn’t up yet. Social committee launch: I still need to talk to the members. The
structure of the committee and the meetings are done.
Li: Not much is going on in external, just followed up in getting the Howl together, shouldn’t
have any issues there. I’m working on the Get Well with WCSA stuff.
Lakhani: Got all the posters are out for Get Well with WCSA today. I’m going to do it day by
day for each event so I don’t overwhelm people. I also got a thank you email from a part
time student and staff member at Woodsworth college after I sent out the newsletter
saying they’re happy we’re engaging our students. I sorted out the photographer for Get
Well with WCSA just so we have pictures to put online. I’ll be taking pictures at Red Party
as well. Also I got an email from Savannah, we can include our events in the Chestnut
Newsletter. The business cards have also arrived.
Nathani: We finally caught up with everything! If you see Dylan around tell him thank you,
he’s been sitting in here catching up the ledger. I’ve been sending in documents once or
twice a week to the auditor, I’ve yet to get a response so I guess everything is okay. I got a
phone call from the credit card company saying they’re mailing out another one, because
the other card got lost in the mail. A couple of directors emailed me about their budget, I’ll
go over it in the agenda item.
UTSU Collaboration
Hauck: A director from the UTSU approached me for collaborating on an event called
Culture Show. It’s a show for clubs that have a cultural or religious mandate to celebrate
the various cultures at U of T. They’re hoping to use Kruger Hall. They don’t want financial
contribution; just the space and we can put our logo on their poster. There will be salsa
dancing, fashion show, henna and more. It is on December 4th, which is the same day as Red
Cookson: In terms of interior decorations, what do they plan on doing? Barbara is very
strict on what’s get decorated.
Hauck: I can follow up, but I think like flags and stuff. Right now the space is available, what
do you guys think?
Cookson: I like the idea but I don’t want in to interfere with Red Party.
Hauck: The overlap is only half an hour so we can stop by earlier.
Ouellette: I think this is a great idea; it’s a good event to have WCSA presence as well.
Hauck: Yeah we’ve collaborated with the UTSU in the summer and it was great.
Ouellette: What’s the flow of the event? Is it like clubs fair or do you sit down and there’s a
Hauck: I assume it’s a booth style with performances throughout the night.
Cookson: I’m good with it!
Tsui: Another event to add to our stellar December!
Li: Can someone send me the contact information for the Muslim Students’ Association?
Cookson: I’d go with
Ouellette: I can just text her to email you about the event.
Li: That would be great.
Grad Photo Sessions
Hauck: Shonali asked if we had fall photo sessions for graduating students, so I reached out
to Gary and he said he could do December 10 and 11. What do we think?
Lakhani: Because the sign up happens in advance he would know if there’s no demand and
he won’t show up.
Ouellette: I don’t see harm in doing it.
Tsui: Do we pay for it?
Hauck: Students are charged a sitting fee, $5 goes to WCSA and $15 goes to the company. I
said the normal ones we have it March 15th – 20th but we can have this as well.
Li: I don’t see the harm since we don’t have to pay for it.
Lakhani: Some students were just concerned because other colleges had them.
Ticket Update
Ouellette: Marlies was a colossal failure. I sold 15 out of 50 tickets. I reached out to almost
every platform I could. No one wanted tickets, I reached out to everyone who applied to the
lottery, it was a stressful few days. I wanted to get some input for the Raptors game. The
lottery looked like it would work out really well, but it looks like people just entered
without thinking and it gave people too much time to think about it.
Tsui: Why not make them pay first and then refund them if they don’t get them?
Cookson: It creates a lot of extra work for us.
Ouellette: I was thinking they could make a $0 purchase on asecurecart so we have their
credit card information.
Cookson: We would have to do it manually so we have to figure out how to do that.
Ouellette: There’s 40 tickets for Raptors and people usually buy in pairs so it is do-able.
Hauck: Can we go back to normal since this method failed?
Ouellette: That’s definitely an option but the difference between Marlies and Raptors are
pretty big.
Li: I think with the Raptors we won’t have a big issue getting people to buy them. There will
be a higher demand. The asecurecart thing is a good idea but would be a lot of work.
Ouellette: I think the Marlies tickets would have sold out if we sold it in the office. The thing
about the Raptors game is that we don’t have much time because the game is the 18th and
we get back to school on the 11th.
Hauck: I still think we should get back to normal.
Ouellette: I’m tempted but it gets so crazy in the office when we sell out, people start yelling
and get upset at the office staff.
Lakhani: Can you submit PR stuff before the break so I can work on it?
Ouellette: You can put it in the newsletter for now I told people to keep an eye out.
Lakhani: Okay sounds good.
Hauck: So you still want to do the lottery?
Ouellette: Can we come to a consensus next week?
Lakhani: Why don’t we have a shorter time period and don’t have pick up so close to the
Cookson: We don’t have time with the Raptors.
Tsui: How much are you selling them for?
Ouellette: $10 and $15.
Li: We should do the lottery because I know people will swarm the office and get upset.
Ouellette: I’m tempted to the lottery again.
Cookson: I think it will be a good test for the lottery system. The Marlies was supposed to
be that, but the circumstances are different and it would be good to test for Jays tickets too.
Lakhani: I think you can charge more this time.
Nathani: You can definitely get away with that.
Ouellette: I can, but why? It’s a more popular event?
Li: Because the demand is higher.
Ouellette: But we aren’t trying to turn a profit, we are trying to make these events as
accessible as possible for all students.
Li: We can also put a disclaimer saying if you get the tickets and don’t pick it up you’re
banned from getting tickets.
Ouellette: That’ll be hard to enforce.
Nathani: I think you can get away with it for sure, it’s the Raptors, there’s a huge demand.
Budget Reallocation
Nathani: I got an email from Nasra and she’s actually reducing her budget. Do you guys
agree with her reallocation? Wenjun also asked for more money so we can put some of this
to her budget.
See appendix item 1.
Hauck: I don’t think she should remove the lines altogether just zero them out.
Nathani: Yeah I’m thinking of that too, just zero it out and reallocate the money. There’s
$260 left over, I haven’t met with Wenjun yet to see what she wants.
Ouellette: The thing is I don’t want to give it all to residence and then have to go back and
say “oh we have to take it away for someone else now”
Nathani: A lot of directors are saying they want more money and I tell them to email me but
no one does. Wenjun has and she talked to me at the meeting, it seems like she has events
planned and wants money for it.
Lakhani: I think we should give priority to the portfolios with no budget
Nathani: For now it’ll be for the Woodsworth Residence.
Motion to reallocate $260 from Community Outreach portfolio to the Woodsworth Residence
portfolio in Events budget line.
Motion: Nathani
Seconded: Ouellette
Get Well with WCSA
Li: Here’s a quick list of those who are confirmed to attend: the Howl, WCSA, WPS, WINGS,
WINC, AIESEC, Black Ties APUS,, SEC and Off-Campus may do a draw for a
metro pass. Are any intramurals coming?
Ouellette: I have one captain coming, one had to back out.
Li: Even if you can come that would be good.
Tsui: Did the dean’s office reply?
Li: No not yet. We also have 5 dozen donuts that will be donated from Krispy Kreme and
since I have a lot of money for this event, I bought 6 dozen cupcakes from Almond Butterfly.
I also wanted to mention, can we update the PR online to mention the donuts and
Lakhani: Can you send something to me to write in?
Li: Sure!
Ouellette: Just a quick note, if anyone has severe budget surpluses, intramural bonds may
be more than we thought so keep us in mind!
Cookson: The balloon-popping event will be hosted by Zack and Alyy, I’ll touch base with
them tomorrow.
Ouellette: Yoga is Wednesday! Space is booked, PR request is submitted. Shonali is in
contact with Alexis to use their logo and the Facebook event.
Lakhani: The logo is hard to get.
Ouellette: Then we don’t need it. Also we need a separate Facebook event to make it part of
our week.
Lakhani: Perfect, I have a banner for that.
Ouellette: They said they have teachers and the mats which is great, everything is settled.
Lakhani: What’s Jack. Org doing?
Ouellete: They’re doing food! I don’t have to do anything other than clean up.
Cookson: An instructor from MoveU is coming for zumba on Thursday but we don’t have to
do anything other than make sure the teacher can plug in whatever music they can. Which I
still have to figure out.
Ouellette: Can we figure it out together? I’ll need it for yoga too.
Cookson: Yup!
Tsui: For Red Party, I need to confirm numbers this Thursday. Zack will bring his iPod for
the music. They’ll plug it into the sound system. Grace is going to link me with MatSA, its
been 4 days so I’m not sure how that’s going.
Hauck: Are we doing dronk tickets?
Tsui: No.
Hauck: Is the cost lower?
Tsui: No…
Cookson: How is the cost not lower?
Tsui: There’s more people, 75 instead of 60 last year.
Lakhani: How many tickets are sold?
Tsui: Update today is almost 20. We’re also getting better food!
Hauck: So the drink tickets were worth $420, is 15 more people worth that much?
Tsui: Is it a concern?
Ouellette: Not a concern, but it would be nice to get a break down of everything.
Tsui: I’ll look into it.
Lakhani: Barbara sent me a quote for a foam board for $150, Sintra is $175, which is a little
more professional. But it’s still expensive because we need three.
Cookson: I don’t think its something to worry about this year with all the renovations going
Lakhani: I don’t know why it’s so expensive even though they said they’re willing to pay for
Li: I don’t think we should pay $150 for a printed piece of foam.
Lakhani: So we won’t go with her contact, we’ll figure it out ourselves. We’ll get her
approval but won’t get it through her.
Other Business
Hauck: What is our policy for the cost of events for WCSA members?
Ouellette: Last year was that everyone pays.
Hauck: I think we should stick with that. So you’re paying, and as a WCSA member you’ll
probably need to help out a little, but you’ll still need to pay.
Adjournment 10:02 pm
Motion: Tsui
Seconded: Cookson
1. Budget Reallocation
Community outreach budget before change:
Welcome Back Social $100.00
Holiday Toy Drive
CN Tower Climb
Eat So Others Can
Day of Events
Committee Food
Newly approved Community Outreach Budget:
Welcome Back Social
Mustache Movember
Deck the streets with WCSA
YSM Meal program
Cancer Awarness
Committee Food
Proposed Budget
Meeting of the Executive of the
Woodsworth College Students’ Association
Monday, November 30th, 2015
119 St. George Street
In Attendance:
Olivia Hauck (President)
Teeka Cookson (Vice-President of Internal Affairs)
Danielle Ouellette (Vice-President of Athletic Affairs)
Shonali Lakhani (Vice-President of Public Relations)
Ongio Tsui (Vice-President of Social Affairs)
Aadil Nathani (Vice-President Financial Affairs)
Amanda Li (Vice-President of External Affairs)
Call to Order
Coffee Cupping Motion
Red Party Motion
Red Party Miscellaneous
Executive Meeting Food
UTSU Internal Elections
Bubble Tea Bar
Affiliated Clubs’ Policy
Other Business
Call to Order 9:11 pm
Li: We had the first Get Well with WCSA event today. It was pretty good, wasn’t a super
high turnout but I think it was pretty good, we had a good flow of traffic. Most people
boothing enjoyed their time.
Ouellette: I don’t really have any updates. Intramural teams are going well. Co-ed volleyball
is in the final on Wednesday. Hockey team is in the semi final on Wednesday as well. We
did a pep rally style event for the hockey game on Thursday, which was unsuccessful.
Amanda was there; Ongio came to grab hot chocolate. Two of our coordinators weren’t
even there which was a little frustrating. But our team did really well; they won! Captains
meeting are this week so hopefully they are all making them. I’m not enforcing it since all
my captains are experienced. Get Well with WCSA is ready; I don’t have to do much.
Cookson: I don’t have much actually. Everything is set for Zumba on Thursday. I’m meeting
with the Mature Students’ Director, Amina, this week to go over some stuff.
Tsui: Met with Teresa from Mercurio and I’ll go over more details. The social committee
launch went well. About 15 showed up, so half of those who signed up, which is great. CCR
notation is a go, Ryan and I will draft up a proposal. Preliminary event is decided but
subject to change. It’ll be a masquerade thing in March. This will be lead by the social
committee. I know that the budget and everything is signed with the venue for the gala, but
I’m talking to Brooke to explore the idea of having a coffee bar at gala. The Winterfest
meeting was cancelled this week, but the pub crawl committee will be meeting to discuss
alternative venues since the Brunny is closing.
Hauck: Kruger has been booked for this Friday for the UTSU collaboration. I’m having a
meeting with their VP of Campus Life on Thursday to go over details. I’ve set up policy
review committee meeting to meet before next board meeting to go over the equity chair as
well as the affiliated clubs policy.
Nathani: Nothing is really going on right now, I called the credit card company and once
again they told me they’re sending a new one. Unfortunately I still don’t have one and
everything is going through Teeka’s card. Dylan and I caught up everything in the ledger.
We split up everything for the audit. I just laid it all out and it’s exactly half done. We’re
aiming to finish it by December 23rd, if not we’ll have to go into January.
Lakhani: Stephanie got in touch with me about Kruger TV so I can directly post things on
there. I think we’re meeting Friday. Besides that, I got an email regarding yoga promo,
seeing if we want to make in class announcements. Paramount said they could offer movie
tickets for two different movies. APUS replied to a request I sent them about advertising for
the Mature and Part-Time Students’ Director. They recommended someone for Mature, but
I said they might be good for Part-Time because we have one for Mature. I met with the PR
committee and came up with criteria to bring up with Christina for CCR notation. For the
signage we were going to get, I let Barbara know we would go through our own contacts.
She just said she would like to see what we have before we get it printed, besides that she’s
okay with that.
Coffee Cupping Motion
Tsui: I didn’t budget for the coffee cupping event but I have left over from the Welcome
Back Social.
Nathani: Will it cover all the expenses?
Tsui: Yes.
Lakhani: Will this be a new item then?
Nathani: Yeah, but we won’t delete the old one, just zero it out.
Motion to move $460 from the Welcome Back Social to Coffee Cupping event.
Moved: Tsui
Seconded: Li
Motion passed.
Red Party Motion
Tsui: I wanted to also move $200 to a budget line for Red Party for the photo booth.
Cookson: Did you speak to Teresa about the costs?
Tsui: Yes that meeting happened, she said they usually charge $7000 for this event, so
$4000 is really cheap already but she understands the absence of drink tickets so she’ll add
more food to the menu.
Cookson: Okay. Why do you need so much for the photo booth?
Tsui: Kristine just asked for money for it and I didn’t budget for it, so I don’t know exactly
how much she needs.
Cookson: Well we have a white screen, a camera, and props so I don’t know why we will
spend money for it.
Tsui: I’m not too sure, she just asked for it.
Ouellette: Why don’t we just move around $70 then?
Nathani: Move $100 then, just in case.
Motion to move $100 from Blue Jays Game for Red Party.
Moved: Tsui
Seconded: Nathani
Motion passed.
Red Party Miscellaneous
Tsui: Do we want to open up door sales?
Cookson: I’ll be okay with it.
Hauck: We did it last year.
Cookson: We’ll sell them for $10, cash only.
Tsui: Okay sounds good. Another thing, I’ve confirmed APUS contribution, they’re giving us
2 Cineplex tickets and something else. They’re wondering if we can waive the tickets for the
execs that will be there to host the raffle.
Lakhani: Everyone should pay, we’re paying.
Hauck: Let them know we set a precedent on the board and we all paid even though we’re
helping out.
Tsui: Photographer too?
Cookson: Shonali is taking pictures, and she paid.
Tsui: Kristine said she found a photographer to stay at the photo booth all night.
Nathani: We can just give a gift card to compensate for his or her work? I just don’t want to
break this precedent of everyone having to pay.
Tsui: Sure that works.
Cookson: How are you going to monitor the doors? An excel spread sheet?
Tsui: Yeah I’ll be doing that, and adding the door sales as it goes.
Cookson: Do you need office staff to print it off asecurecart?
Tsui: Radha has helped out already. Ryan and I will be checking IDs and wristbands. Teresa
knows about the wristbands already too.
Cookson: Do we have enough?
Tsui: Yes for sure.
Cookson: What time do you want WCSA to come to help out?
Tsui: Well they have another event right before, so I can go myself. I’ll probably get Ryan
and Kristine to come a bit earlier too. But you guys come whenever.
Lakhani: Paramount studios offered to give tickets to two movies. What does everyone
think about raffling them off at Red Party?
Ouellette: I don’t think we should do it at Red Party; it doesn’t fit the theme at all.
Tsui: That’s what I said. It’s external business.
Cookson: Can we do it at another event?
Lakhani: The thing is you can only use it in December.
Nathani: What’s the incentive to give them to us?
Lakhani: Just to promote the movies.
Ouellette: We can do a social media contest after Red Party? On Instagram or something?
Lakhani: That could work.
Li: I thought of this today at the event, we don’t have a banner like the other groups do. I
think we should get one of the pull up ones and we can use it for years to come and it would
be good for all our events, especially when we work with other clubs. To see WCSA who is
such a big group on campus, and we don’t have something like that and it doesn’t make us
look as institutionalized.
Lakhani: I think we decided against this in the summer for some reason.
Hauck: We were discussing a fabric one I think.
Li: I can look into it, and I have room in my budget.
Cookson: Yeah I like that idea, I think I have room in my internal budget too.
Tsui: Yeah I think that would be good, we can put it out whenever the office is open.
Hauck: Amanda do you want to look into it and bring some quotes to us next week?
Lakhani: Vistaprint has them, but I can’t remember the exact price.
Li: We can pair up and look into it.
Tsui: We should get a life size cut out of Shaver.
Hauck: We could get a face cut out of Shaver.
Ouellette: You too can be Shaver!
Cookson: That would be great for Frosh! It can be like a rite of passage for students.
Executive Meeting Food
Li: This came up before when I was talking with Teeka, but she said she had no budget for
exec meeting food left. I wanted to see if we could order food since we do sit in here for
Cookson: If you have extra money left over from today, you can allocate it.
Nathani: Save it for next year and let this year finish.
Li: Yeah I just wanted to see all your opinions.
Ouellette: I’m kind of against that as they are student fees. Just because the exec is already
seen as an exclusive group, it would look bad on us.
Cookson: We do have food for other meetings allocated.
Li: It won’t be every week, maybe every month?
Nathani: Just review our budget and see what we have left next year.
Cookson: We can do something at the end of the year, and I was planning to get food next
week since it’s the last week of the semester.
Ouellette: I agree with that, it’s like a treat for us.
UTSU Internal Elections
Hauck: I got an email from the VP Internal for the UTSU. Since the new board structure
passed, we have the opportunity to hold internal elections for UTSU reps. If this is a
constitutional change we can’t do it this year, but if it’s a bylaw change we can. We would
have to hold the elections the same time as UTSU.
Cookson: The UTSU elections are always at a different time than WCSA elections, which
throws everything off because we’ll either have to change ours or hold two.
Hauck: Also, when the person is voted, they aren’t part of the UTSU yet; they have to be
ratified by them. We would provide our suggestion to their board and then they will ratify
the person. It’s a little confusing and we’ll have to write this new election policy into our
Cookson: It’s just hard because we have strict guidelines to our elections and we would
have to determine if they have to follow our, or UTSU, or both election policies.
Hauck: Would you guys lean more towards two separate elections or one?
Cookson: I think one is better; we already have a low voting turnout, we can’t ask the
students to vote twice, we’ll get very little votes.
Hauck: I’ll email Ryan, the UTSU VP Internal.
Cookson: Do they have to go through our nomination process? If they do, it will be
constitutional change. If it’s just a voting thing it won’t be constitutional.
Hauck: I’ll set up a meting with the students who created that board structure and see what
policy it falls under.
Lakhani: It doesn’t make sense for us to hold the elections for them.
Cookson: Isn’t that part of the structure, we have to hold the elections for them? Or else we
won’t have any Woodsworth representation on the UTSU.
Hauck: I’ll set up a meeting and see if we can figure everything out.
Lakhani: Why couldn’t they use the proxy system?
Cookson: We can’t vote for other colleges’ reps anyway, we can only vote for Woodsworth
Hauck: Like Teeka said, if we have to host this election, it will be a constitutional change,
which we will have to put off till next year. I’ll figure out how the election will have to work
and will let you guys know.
Bubble Tea Bar
Li: I had this conversation with off campus and upper year. They wanted to look into an
event for next year that I like. They wanted to do pop up bubble tea shop in mini Kruger; I
can collaborate with them. We can get some blenders, buy some tapioca and powder, I
think it would be great.
Lakhani: Before you get blenders, go to the basement, we have some down there.
Li: I don’t know how I feel about using blenders from the basement…
Cookson: Yeah you’ll probably have to bleach that.
Tsui: I know you can cater bubble tea with Share Tea. It may make it easier.
Cookson: The thing is that we’ve been holding events that cater to a smaller group of
students. Like coffee cupping is a great but it’s only available to 20 students and Red Party
only has around 70 tickets. I think we need to make bigger events for cheaper.
Li: I think if we hold events in mini Kruger because its very high traffic, we would be able to
reach out to more students, and if we did the bubble tea bar it would be nice and unique. I
also had a girl come up to me today and she was very excited and enjoyed the event. She
said during WCSA Wednesdays she can never participate, so since Woodsworth is so huge,
we can open up events to more people.
Tsui: Yeah and bubble tea is different and I think its vegan.
Lakhani: I know some other colleges celebrate their mascot’s birthdays, why don’t we have
something to celebrate Shaver’s birthday?
Li: When is Shaver’s birthday?
Lakhani: I don’t know, but we can find out! It’ll be fun.
Cookson: I don’t think we have time to have another event for that. I can bring a cake to the
next board meeting to celebrate.
Affiliated Clubs’ Policy
Li: I emailed Teeka and Olivia, I wanted to bring this up to everyone else too. I spoke to Liza
about this policy. We originally had it set up that affiliated clubs can only book Kruger once.
She said it goes against their agreement with Rotman to book space.
Lakhani: What’s the motivation?
Li: The previous VP of External Affairs had decided to start this and I wanted to finish it off.
I ran into the issue because we couldn’t get the groups space. Basically Rotman and
Woodsworth created Kruger and Rotman is good with only having Rotman affiliated
events, so Woodsworth should stick to the agreement and only have Woodsworth events in
this high demand space. It’s also technically a student study space so the college wants to
keep it free for students as much as possible. So Liza said allowing the affiliated groups to
book wasn’t a possibility.
Cookson: I think if having this policy can open up more relationships that would be great.
The college is undergoing renovations within the next two years so maybe this can be
reviewed then.
Hauck: What does this mean when other associations approach us for collaborations?
Li: We did discuss it, Liza was very hesitant in booking the space for the UTSU collaboration
originally, but because it was a collaboration, she did it anyway. But I think going forward
we need to be more careful with what events we book in there, since the other half,
Rotman, is being good on their agreement, we need to be. Also she wanted to keep the
space open for students as much as possible.
Cookson: I think if any events that don’t even have our name on it at all, we shouldn’t book
Li: Liza mentioned that any external clubs looking to book the space are getting rejected
and some groups may approach us to collaborate to get around it. So we need to be weary
about this.
Ouellette: Thanks this is definitely worth mentioning.
Li: So keep the policy?
Hauck: Yeah I think so, if anything it can be reviewed later.
Li: Also the tangibility of the Woodsworth presence in clubs was questioned.
Cookson: I think the clubs should at least have Woodsworth name or something affiliated
with them.
Li: But WINDS would not qualify for this.
Cookson: Oh yeah, that’s true. But at the same time they can’t expect us to give everything
we have to them, they’re not a Woodsworth club anyway since they get funding from UTSU
and ULife.
Other Business
Nathani: I’m meeting with Justin and Barbara tomorrow and they wanted to discuss
budgeting. Since they had an event set up by Danielle for them and all they had to do was
show up, and they didn’t, I want them to show me what they have planned and that they’re
serious about this.
Ouellette: Yeah I was a little disappointed by that, I talked to Justin today already and I plan
on talking to Barbara soon. No first year students know what they get into; this is much
bigger than any high school group. They need a good kick but it’s not about scaring them.
Nathani: Yeah I just want to see what they’ll bring to the table, I’m not saying I won’t give
them anything at all.
Cookson: Yeah we don’t want to scare them away, we should help guide and nurture them
too. They could be the future of WCSA.
Ouellette: For sure.
Cookson: UTSU reps wanted to hold office space here since the UTSU won’t let them. They
wanted to connect more with the students. I was thinking the student lounge would be
good for their office hours, we can set aside 2-4 hours for them per week and have a sign
for them. Second thing was that next week is the last exec meeting of the semester. Also
office hours end next week on the 9th. If you still want to hold them, go ahead but I won’t
write them as missed if you don’t. That being said, we have a board meeting on December
11th. It’ll be a quick one; I know there’s exams.
Hauck: Everything is pretty much ready to go for the sweaters, I’m just waiting for Amina’s
information. She said she will stop by my office hours so it’ll probably be for the January
board meeting.
Cookson: Yeah even if they come in early, we can have them in the office to be picked up.
Radha said she’ll be happy to keep working until she feels to stressed with exams.
Lakhani: Will we be able to switch our office hours for the next semester?
Cookson: Yeah we’ll have a spreadsheet for people to fill in their new availability.
Lakhani: Also, tell them not to deliver the sweaters when the college isn’t open or they’ll
never get to us.
Hauck: Oh yeah that’s true, I’ll mention that.
Lakhani: What do you guys think about putting some WCSA wear up on the walls?
Nathani: I think the office is messy enough as it is.
Li: We need to have a cleaning party.
Tsui: So there’s leaking pop downstairs, is that a concern?
Cookson: Yes definitely where is it.
Tsui: In the basement, I went down there to get some for my committee launch meeting
and it was all spilled with dead flies around.
Cookson: I’ll make a plan over the break and get everyone to help out. Anything leaking or
going bad I’ll throw out now.
Adjournment 10:28 pm.
Moved: Tsui
Seconded: Nathani
Meeting of the Executive of the
Woodsworth College Students’ Association
Monday, December 7th, 2015
119 St. George Street
In Attendance:
Teeka Cookson (Vice-President of Internal Affairs)
Danielle Ouellette (Vice-President of Athletic Affairs)
Shonali Lakhani (Vice-President of Public Relations)
Ongio Tsui (Vice-President of Social Affairs)
Aadil Nathani (Vice-President Financial Affairs)
Amanda Li (Vice-President of External Affairs)
Olivia Hauck (President)
Call to Order
Steven Worboys
Red Party
Policy Review Meeting Update
Other Business
Call to Order 9:11 pm
Ouellette: I haven’t really done anything since last week. Raptors are coming up, some
people are upset that it’s a lottery again but I stand by that decision. Also, the yoga event
went really well!
Tsui: Yay Wellness Week! Good job everyone. I’m in the process of getting free coffee
tokens from Mercurio. When I go pay sometime this week I will get coffee cups and
students who went to Red Party can get a cup and get a free coffee. Coffee Cupping was
today and it went well. I’m thinking of a whiskey tasting event for next semester. Ryan’s
working on social committee. No Winterfest update, budget still has not been drafted yet
and we haven’t had a meeting in two weeks.
Nathani: Nothing really happening, we got a credit card, but we’re still waiting for the pin.
Dylan and I are working on the audit now; he does the general ledger on Tuesdays.
Everything is moving smoothly. I’ll be meeting with the Gala coordinators by the end of this
Lakhani: I got access to Kruger’s TV so I went on a deleted a lot of old posters dating back to
the summer. Besides that I’ve also been keeping everything else going with posters, ticket
sales, and social media. And I came up with possible CCR things for the PR committee.
Li: Nothing really happened this week, it was a great turnout for Get Well with WCSA week.
I looked into the retractable poster, we can get it for around $60 if we get it done in the
next two days, but I can’t do a poster in two days so we can look into it in the new year.
Cookson: The Get Well with WCSA week went really well. I’m very proud of you all and the
efforts that was put into it! Everything has been pretty chill. We have the puppy event
coming up on Wednesday. Friday is our last board meeting for the semester at 6 pm so if
you can make it out that’d be great. There’s a box for the Secret Santa in the directors’
lounge if you want to put your stuff there. Gala seems to be going okay, they’ll be working
on it more this week.
Steven Worboys
Tsui: Steven took pictures at the Welcome Back social, Coffee Cupping and he was going to
take pictures for red party but then he had another commitment. He did all the frosh stuff
as well, so I was thinking as a token of appreciation, we could give him a movie ticket or
coupon or something since he’s been so helpful and supporting of WCSA. Especially when
he decided to donate his frosh leader deposit to charity.
Cookson: I’m totally okay with giving him a movie ticket or something.
Tsui: He’ll probably take more pictures at other events too.
Nathani: Two tickets?
Tsui: One, the other photographer at Red Party, Danica, got one.
Red Party
Tsui: I had the place booked for us privately, but because they had two other private events
during the day and the first one ran late, the one before ours was late, which is why there
was a partition for a private dinner in the event space. I got pretty upset and Teresa felt
really bad about that but still hopes that there’s future collaboration opportunities.
Cookson: Could they give us a discount?
Lakhani: Can they reduce the price?
Tsui: They already did, normally its $7000 and they charged us $4000, which is already
very generous.
Policy Review Meeting Update
Cookson: We had a meeting on Sunday, where we over three things. We talked about the
affiliated clubs policy, equity chair, and the UTSU elections. We made some changes to the
affiliated clubs policy based on some wording things and some things that weren’t
necessary, but the majority stayed the same. Feel free to review that stuff. We also took out
some stuff that pertained more to actual clubs. We are all happy with the end result.
Ouellette: We had some trouble mitigating the fact they aren’t actually clubs affiliated with
us, especially fiscally. We also put in a clause that they have to give you monthly updates so
they’re still accountable to WCSA.
Li: Sounds good, I’ll look at the document soon, I just didn’t know you made changes.
Cookson: Yeah, this was last night I forgot to tell you. So we are conducting interview for
the equity chair this week. We decided we probably need more time to go over this position
to write in the bylaws. We’ll do it over the Christmas break and present it to the board in
January. I’m not sure if the interviews will be done in time to ratify them by Friday. Even if
they aren’t they can come and sit in at the meeting. We’ll start working with them over the
break and see if they have any ideas to implement. The third thing was the UTSU elections.
Under the new board structure its going to be primarily the colleges’ responsibility to hold
elections for their UTSU reps. We’ll have to incorporate this position in our election period
in March. This won’t happen this year cause it requires a constitutional change, which
needs to be passed at the AGM. But we also need a rep this year so UTSU will host their own
election for Woodsworth students this year.
Ouellette: It was a very successful meeting, I think it reflects everything that has not been
done in the past couple years in keeping our constitution up to date. I think it’s a good push
to get things done starting next semester and to strive to keep it up to date.
Other Business
Li: My event went pretty well during Get Well with WCSA, other than WINC not showing up.
I was kind of short on WCSA members, but the off-campus committee was there and being
very helpful. There was a relatively good turnout, most of the clubs thought it was good.
Lakhani: I would move this whole week to October next year.
Cookson: We can consider that for next year, we’ll discuss it later.
Ouellette: I heard the balloon-popping event was pretty quiet, not many people came.
Nathani: I was at the moustache event, it was fun but not a lot of people came.
Ouellette: Wednesday was the yoga event, which was a collaboration with, MoveU,
and HealthyU. Basically WCSA was just responsible for the room. It went well initially but
the podium password didn’t work. They provided the mats, and there was a decent turnout
of 20 people and the instructor was good. It was a great event, just not big.
Cookson: Thursday was a little disappointing. Not as many people showed up as I wanted.
The instructor was great, she gave me her contact info if we want to do any future yoga
events. We had a lot of fun, but there were only 4 of us. The podium was also not working
for us, but Christina came down and gave me her password and log in info which was
awesome. One comment we got was that we could move it earlier cause it was little late for
commuter students. For Friday we also had the Culture Show with UTSU, which was
terrible. First of all, they decided to book out Kruger from midday to the end of their event
which is like 9 hours, and they didn’t show up until 2 pm. I wasn’t okay with that. I’ll talk to
Christina about how her communication with them went to see whether we want them
booking Kruger going forward. They pretty much assembled everything they needed here,
they were hammering and painting in Kruger Hall. They got paint all over the floor, luckily
it was water-based paint but we were on our knees scrubbing the floors. I had to tell them
that they weren’t allowed to put sand down 3 times. They also tried to light candles and
leave them on the stairs, which is a fire hazard so Olivia and I had to tell them not to. The
event seemed to go okay. But also when they were cleaning up we told them they had to set
up Kruger again but they left the table on the stairs in front of the door and was not reassembled. They also started almost an hour late.
Lakhani: A lot of people did show up but they saw nothing was happening. They also didn’t
plan for accessibility concerns.
Li: The event itself was fine, just the planning wasn’t well thought out. We should send out
a list of things that they can and cannot do in Kruger.
Cookson: Olivia and I did on Friday morning!
Li: Well then that’s stupid.
Nathani: The event itself was fine yeah, but the set up and tear down was a mess.
Tsui: However Red Party was a success! APUS wants to collaborate again because it was a
good event. I think it was a great effort from various different fronts of WCSA. People had
fun; we had a final turnout of 84. Last year it was a turnout of around 50.
Adjournment 9:47 pm.
Moved: Tsui
Seconded: Ouellette
3) Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Woodsworth College Students’ Association
Monday, September 14th, 2015
119 St. George Street
In Attendance:
Olivia Hauck (President)
Teeka Cookson (Vice-President of Internal Affairs)
Danielle Oullette (Vice-President of Athletic Affairs)
Ongio Tsui (Vice-President of Social Affairs)
Aadil Nathani (Vice-President Financial Affairs)
Shonali Lakhani (Vice President of Public Relations)
Amanda Li (Vice-President External Affairs)
Sarah Bear (Upper-Year Students Director)
Kristine Medrero (Upper-Year Students Director)
Novera Khan (Off-Campus Students Director)
Sandleen Azam (Professional Development Director)
Miranda Li (Associate Director of Athletic Affairs)
Ryan Jeong (Associate Director of Social Affairs)
Dylan Forgas (Associate Director of Financial Affairs)
Jing Bian (Associate Director of Public Relations)
Zack Habi (Full Time Students' Director)
Alyy Patel (Full Time Students' Director)
Justin Zelnicker (First Year Students' Director)
Nasra Mahad (Community Outreach Director)
Brad Dalgleish (Academic Bridging Director)
Wenjun (Sarah) Deng (Woodsworth Residence Director)
Julia Standish (89 Chestnut Residence Director)
Amina Jama (Mature Students’ Director)
Christina Alcena (CRO)
Brooke Diao (Gala Coordinator)
Saadia Esat (Gala Coordinator)
Barbara Dacal (First Year Students' Director)
1) Call to Order 6:05 pm
2) Approval of the Agenda
Moved: Hauck
Seconded: Cookson
Motion passed.
3) Approval of the Previous Executive Meeting Minutes
Moved: Hauck
Seconded: Cookson
Motion passed.
4) Approval of the Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Moved: Hauck
Seconded: Cookson
Motion passed.
5) Approval of the Board Reports
Moved: Hauck
Seconded: Cookson
Li: So we’ve hired an Editor in Chief for the Howl, I also gave out the first individual
initiative grant of the year to Kevin. I started working on Get Well with WCSA’s Get
Involved on Monday. If anyone wants to help out with that, let me know.
Mahad: Haven’t done much so far, I’ve been planning the Movember event on November
30th. I also talked to the Yonge Street Mission Evergreen meal program about a 2 day
booking in January for us and other students to go in to volunteer. The days are not
assigned to us as of yet, I am still waiting for Marianna, the head for the lunch program, to
reply me.
Motion passed.
6) Student Lounge Renovations
BIRT the WCSA BoD strike an ad hoc 'Student Lounge Renovations' committee to be chaired
by Hauck.
Moved: Hauck
Seconded: Lakhani
Hauck: After meeting with our dean and Liza we thought it would be best to strike a
committee for the student lounge so we can have student inputs. If anyone is interested
shoot me an email, I’ll put in a PR request to promote to the students as well.
Motion passed.
7) Gala Coordinators
BIRT the WCSA BoD ratify the hiring of Brooke Diao and Saadia Esat to the position of Gala
Coordinators for the 2016 Annual Awards Gala.
Moved: Cookson
Seconded: Tsui
Cookson: We conducted interviews for gala 3 weeks ago and Brooke and Saadia were our
successful candidates. They’ll be great, we’ve started planning already and it’s coming
together. Please welcome them to the board.
Diao: Hi I’m Brooke and this is Saadia. So far we’ve recently confirmed our venue, the
Steamwhistle Brewery. The night will be the same as previous years with a cocktail hour
and reception and maybe a surprise.
Esat: For our committee we’ve opened up applications already and we’ll start conducting
interviews next week.
Diao: We’ve got lots of applicants already.
Ouellette: I just wanted to ask if you could speak to your experience in planning a large
scale event like this?
Diao: I’m a fourth year commerce student. I’ve worked in HR helping to organize an
employee recognition gala. It was a much bigger event with a larger budget, and that
experience will help me with planning this year’s gala.
Esat: I’ve done PR for a dance company before and this summer I worked for a lighting
company helping with the allocation of their budget.
Motion to switch items 8 an 9.
Moved: Cookson
Seconded: Tsui
8) Mature Students’ Director
BIRT the WCSA BoD recommend Amina Jama to the position of Mature Students’ Director for
the 2015-2016 term.
Moved: Cookson
Seconded: Medrero
Cookson: This is Amina, she put forward a personal statement to be our Mature Students
Jama: My name is Amina, I’m a third year student at Woodsworth. I’m a mother of three,
they are 11, 7 and 4 years old. I’m studying humanities and am double majoring is diaspora
and equity and African studies. I’m always involved in my community and community
engagements. Since I’ve been in university I’ve been intimated with the young students.
Christina told me there was a position for the mature students rep and I thought why not, I
could make a difference in someone’s life.
Motion passed.
9) Committees
Cookson: So I discovered you are only allowed to have a maximum of 6 seats in the
constitution so we need to re-strike all the committees. Except for the social committee
since that is open to all students. For the committees with 2 chairs we’ll only add t3 seats,
with 1 chair we’ll add up to 4 seats. If there are more people wanting to be on the
committee than the number of spots available then we’ll ask you to speak to why you want
the position and then we’ll move to a secret vote. Remember that you must be on a
minimum of 1 committee and a maximum of 4.
Elections and Referenda Committee
BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint Teeka, Jing, and Justin to the Elections and Referenda Committee
to be co-chaired by Olivia Hauck and Christina Alcena.
Moved: Hauck
Seconded: Cookson
Hauck: We meet if there’s any issues that arise during elections or if we’re holding a
referendum, we’ll meet to decide procedures for that as well.
Cookson: Note that if you plan on running in the by-election we’ll have to excuse you, so
keep that in mind.
Executive Review Committee
BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint Brad, Sarah, Sandleen, and Zack to the Executive Review
Committee to be chaired by Kristine Medrero.
Moved: Cookson
Seconded: Hauck
External Committee
BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint Alyy, Wenjun, Julia, and Nasra to the External Committee to be
chaired by Amanda Li.
Moved: Cookson
Seconded: Hauck
Cookson: The external committee monitors the external clubs at Woodsworth. It helps out
with anything to do with the Howl, and meets monthly to monitor the activities of the clubs
and see if everything is going alright.
Lakhani: The Howl has their own committee, so they actually won’t be involved.
Editorial Review Committee
BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint Novera, Dylan, Aadil, and Sarah to the Editorial Review
Committee to be chaired by Amanda Li.
Moved: Cookson
Seconded: Hauck
Li: We review the way the Howl runs and the content, discuss if there’s any issues, nothing
too major.
Athletics Committee
BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint Zack, Justin, and Alyy to the Athletics Committee to be chaired by
Danielle Ouellette and Miranda Li.
Moved: Ouellette
Seconded: Cookson
Ouellette: The athletics committee only meets once unless there’s a major issue in our
portfolio. We meet to decide the winners of the athletic awards. It’s a fun thing to do at the
end of the year. If there’s any issues with specific players or captains I will call a meeting to
decide how to handle that.
Policy Review Committee
BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint Danielle, Teeka, Wenjun and Shonali to the Policy Review
Committee to be chaired by Olivia Hauck.
Moved: Hauck
Seconded: Cookson
Hauck: This is if there’s any policy changes the committee meets to discuss and review it.
It’s great to put on your resume. There will be some exciting stuff this year especially with
the UTSU constitution change.
Cookson: Since there are more than 4 people wanting to be on the committee, we’ll ask that
each of you speak to why you would be a good fit for a position.
Jing: Hi my name is Jing and I’m the associate PR rep. I want to be on the committee
because I’m a dedicated person, I’m up to date on student policy. I will happily sit through
loads of documents and will ask the important questions that need to be asked. Vote for
Ouellette: Hi guys, I love policy. I was on policy review committee for two years now. I’m an
international relations and poli sci major, I would love to make a career out of this, writing
policies for organizations. I think I would be a great fit for this committee with the
appropriate experience and interest.
Deng: Hi I’m the Woodsworth Residence Director. I know a lot of people have experience in
this area, and I don’t, but I am really interested in learning more about this. I will put in the
effort to learn.
Lakhani: I’ve been on the policy committee in the past, I have lots of experience being on
WCSA, and there are a lot of things I would like to implement by changing our policies.
Cookson: I’m the VP internal, I would love to be on this committee. I have lots of great ideas
to implement this year such as the equity chair and amending the policy for orientation
week. I have experience writing policies for my high school and I would love to get more
Motion passes.
10) Equity Chair
No Motion.
Cookson: As you all know we discussed at the last meeting the process of creating an equity
chair for our association. We had an equity sub-committee meeting last Friday. We
discussed what the chair would look like and how we would go about nominating/electing
this position. We wanted someone who would provide guidance for our events and policies
to make sure they are welcoming and inclusive for everyone. For the process we looked for
nominating this position, basically we wanted someone with a background in equity and
community building. We decided to make it an ex-officio member of the board. The equity
sub-committee meeting will review applications and successful candidates will attend the
next meeting. There, they can speak to why they want the position. We would then put our
recommendations forward and then it would go to the board to ratify this person. Since
they are not a generally elected position they will not have voting rights, but they can speak
to items and motions on the board. The chair we appoint in December will have a
committee as well. In March, the chair and the committee will select a new equity chair for
the following year and then he or she will be ratified at the board meeting in April. We’re
accepting applications for the next week so spread the word. We’ll be ratifying this person
at the next board meeting.
11) Get Well with WCSA Week
No Motion.
Cookson: I wanted to update everyone on this initiative. From November 30 to December 4
we’re running a week aimed at balancing your school life with extra curriculars, mental
wellness, and physical health. On Monday we’ll have Get Involved, run by Amanda. On the
same day we’ll have the Movember event. Tuesday will be a de-stress event with balloon
popping run by Alyy and Zack. Wednesday will be Get Balanced, a yoga event that Danielle
is running with MoveU and Jack. Org. Thursday will be zumba, we’ll have a rep from MoveU
come in to teach as well. Friday will be Red Party organized by Ongio. Hopefully you guys
can come out to as many events as possible, it’ll be a great week!
Li: For the Monday event I do want WCSA to have a table for people passing by to meet the
board. Krispy Kreme has offered to donate 5 dozen donuts and we’re also getting cupcakes
from Almond Butterfly. So if people could come help run the booth that’d be great. If you
guys know of any clubs or initiatives on campus that would be interested in boothing, let
me know and get them in touch with me.
Cookson: What time is it?
Li: It was scheduled for 12-4 but I’ll amend that to 1 -4.
Tsui: For Red Party, I’m trying to get as many students from different parts of the
Woodsworth community out. I’m working with Full Time, they’re handling music, OffCampus, who will be doing a raffle, I’m still waiting for a reply from Academic Bridging and
I’ll probably be in touch with Chestnut and Mature Students soon. If anyone else wants to
contribute let me know, its pretty flexible. It’ll be on Dec 4th at 7:30 pm!
12) Other Business
Hauck: If you haven’t sent me your size for your WCSA sweater and preferred name, please
comment on the Facebook post or email me. Also, the UTSU had their AGM Part 2 on
Tuesday and the new board structure has been ratified. It’s very exciting. Students have
been working on it for the past 2 years. The UTSU board structure will be changing and it
may change our constitution as well. The reason for this is that the UTSU board structure
wasn’t in line with the CNPA, and we had to change our board structure to be in
Ouellette: The Marlies game is this Sunday. We tried a new way to sell tickets by lottery
instead of having people line up in the office and get upset when we sold out. We had given
them all out through the lottery so they were supposed to pick them up in the office today
by 6 pm. Which most did not do. So I’ll be selling the tickets tomorrow in the office, if
anyone wants to buy tickets, stop by, let your friends know!
Nathani: I sent an email out to tell you guys to update your budgets, so please do so, it’s a 5
minute task. It would take Dylan and I a long time to go through the ledger to see all your
expenses. Just tell us where you spent your money so far so we know how much is left for
next semester.
Hauck: Go to your WCSA email, then drive, and create a spreadsheet and record how much
you spent compared to how much was allocated.
Tsui: Ryan and I are having a committee launch party in the student lounge next Thursday,
please come if you can, we’ll have food and will brainstorm ideas for the year. On December
2nd I’m hosting a coffee cupping event, if you do want o come let me know as it is a limited
event. Winterfest is January 11th to 15th, you can check our exec minutes for details. We’ll
be doing WCSA Wednesday as part of that week.
Deng: I was wondering if it’s possible to get a budget for the Woodsworth residence
Nathani: Send me an email, we’ll meet about it and discuss it and see if we can get you any
Deng: Sure, sounds good.
Cookson: I wanted to talk about expectations and code of conduct for the directors’ lounge.
I love that you guys spend time there, but it has come to my attention that there are some
students that aren’t on WCSA in there and they’re disrupting WCSA activities. I ask if there
is a director holding office hours and doing WCSA work please refrain from bringing your
friends in. If there isn’t anyone doing work, I’m okay with you studying or hanging out with
your friends in there. Please try to keep it clean as well and supplies in that room are for
WCSA events only. Please remember they are bought with WCSA funds for the betterment
of the students. Also, we had this genius idea half an hour ago to do Secret Santa, so I have
everyone’s name in this hat and we’re each going to pick a name. Find out something
personal about them and it would be nice to get them something small! The budget is $5.
Lakhani: I just wanted to ask if there’s anyone here with graphic design skills? I need help
to make 10 posters tonight. Please help me.
Tsui: How is the progress for wellness week posters?
Lakhani: There’s one for the whole week, but the other’s haven’t happened yet because I
haven’t had access to the computer.
Cookson: Can we have one general one and then a Facebook event outlining the specific
Mahad: I want to strike a community outreach committee and amend my budget.
BIRT the WCSA BoD establish a community outreach committee chaired by Nasra Mahad.
Moved: Mahad
Seconded: Forgas
Mahad: I wanted to amend my budget because there’s a lot of supplies in the office I could
use for the Movember event.
Forgas: Where would you want to move the money too?
Mahad: A contingency fund? I’ll go over my budget one more time and meet with you or
Nathani: Yeah that sounds good to me.
Cookson: I’m also totally okay with you using the supplies in the directors’ lounge.
13) Adjournment 7:10 pm
Motioned: Forgas
Seconded: Nathani
4) Board Reports
Hi Woodsworth!
Hope you are all doing well as we prepare for finals and the end of the semester! It’s
almost over!!
This month has been very busy for WCSA with lots of programming happening. Thank you
to everyone who facilitated and participated in our Wellness Week! I think it was a huge
success and something we hope to offer again in the future.
Recently, the Policy and Review committee met to discuss a new affiliated clubs policy that
we will be adding to our governing documents as well as the new equity chair position,
which will also be added to our by-laws. The meeting was very productive and we are
hoping to have the affiliated clubs policy approved at the board meeting. The committee
will meet again in the new year to discuss and draft the by-law changes for the equity chair
In January I hope to hold the first Students’ Lounge Renovation committee meeting to begin
discussing and planning changes for the students’ lounge. If anyone is interested in joining
or if you have any ideas please contact me!
Finally, I wanted to wish you all good luck with finals and I hope you have a wonderful
break! Happy Holidays!
As always, if you have any questions, concerns, and/or ideas please do not hesitate to email
me at! #1<3WW
Vice-President of Internal Affairs
Hey Woodsworth!
Happy December! Congrats on making it through another semester! (For those of you still
writing exams, good luck!!)
WCSA has been busy over the past couple of weeks with all the programming that’s been
going on! We held a very successful “Get Well With WCSA Week” that I hope you all
managed to come out to at some point! We also had puppy therapy this week on
Wednesday, which everyone loved! The puppies were very cute and definitely helped to
take the stresses away!
Over the past week I have been working on writing some new policies for the WCSA bylaws, including incorporating an Equity Chair, and new election policies. Hopefully those
will be ready to go to motion in January! The Equity Committee has also been conducting
interviews for the Equity Chair position this week, which have been going well. That’s
mostly all for now, things are winding down as the semester ends!
I hope you all have a wonderful break, and looking forward to seeing you back here in the
new year!
Vice-President of Financial Affairs
Hey Woodsworth,
So we made it... one semester done, one to go! I have been very impressed by this WCSA
team we have and I look forward to an exciting few months in 2016.
In terms of the finance portfolio, there really is not much of an update. We have caught up
on the general ledger and are now working hard on getting the audit done. It probably
won't be submitted by December 31st, but we will do our best to get it in by January.
Also, if you guys have budget issues, or requests, please let us know sooner rather than
later! We want to get the expenses calculated and have the budget ready to go by the time
we are back in January.
Other than that, good luck on your exams! Stay warm and have a safe and joyous holidays.
See you all in January. 1<3WW.
Aadil Nathani
Vice-President of Social Affairs
VP Social Board Report
1) Social Committee and Launch Event
Social Committee Launch kicked off the reinstatement of the group that has been inactive
for the past few years. The goal is for them to lead an event for Woodsworth students in
March 2016.
2) Red Party @ WCSA Wellness Week: Get Well with WCSA
Red Party was an absolute success. Despite some hiccups on the day of the event,
L'Espresso Bar Mercurio was a pleasure to work with. Not only did the event sell out, we
went above and beyond with the door sales, reaching a turnout of 85 people - almost
double of last year's attendance. The Social Portfolio would like to thank APUS, the Off
Campus Portfolio, The Full Time Portfolio, and the Upper Year Portfolio for their
contributions to this event. Participants were also gifted with a complementary coffee cup
for them to redeem a beverage in the future.
3) WCSA x BOXCAR SOCIAL Coffee Cupping
Coffee Cupping occured this past week with an intimate group of 12 students. An event first
of its kind, students were treated with a craft selection of beans, chocolate, and baked
treats. Feedback was positive, and students enjoy the introduction of smaller events that
catered to different interests in a passive setting. With the success of this event, a further
Whisky Tasting for next semester is in the works.
4) Winterfest 2016
Winterfest planning is well underway. As a member of the Pub Crawl subcommittee, we are
reaching out to 800 students where I have invited AVSSU (The Architecture and Visual
Studies Students' Union) in helping out. Hope to see everyone during the first week back
from the break!
Ongio Tsui
VP Social
Vice-President of External Affairs
No Report Submitted.
Vice-President of Athletic Affairs
No Report Submitted.
Vice-President of Public Relations
Hi Woodsworth!
The past month has been very busy with promotions for Gala Coordinator Hiring, Equity
Chair applications, all the Get Well With WCSA events, Coffee Cupping, Puppy Therapy,
and Cram Jam. I have been working on ticket sales through the website, the newsletter,
poster designs, photographing events, social media updates, and meeting with the PR
committee for help with tasks. Hope everyone has a relaxing winter break and good luck
with exams!
Associate Director of Financial Affairs
No Report Submitted.
Associate Director of Social Affairs
Hello Woodsworth, I hope this report finds you well and that exams are on a smooth ride.
November was a busy month for the social portfolio, as we have been involved in various
tasks, which includes hosting the red party, in addition to the implementation of a Social
committee. Firstly, the Woodsworth Annual Red Party took place on the 4th of December,
and I am pleased to say that it was a huge success. We have received numerous feedbacks
from those who attended the event; it seems that everyone was satisfied with the overall
event, but with especially with the food. However, there is always room for improvements.
This year, the tickets were sold out quickly which gave us an indication that the Red Party
is surely a popular and a preferred event. For next year’s directors, we will ensure to notify
them to aim for an expansion, that way more students can come out and enjoy the evening.
Next, I would like to let you all know that we have finally, and successfully implemented
our amazing social committee. There are over 20 students who have joined the committee
and we are anticipating a bright future. Every member is highly valued, and appreciated,
and we would like to thank them for being on board with us. This year, we are planning to
focus on collaborating with our committee members, which is why we are adding
additional events to hold. The social committee’s constituents will be responsible for
leading various events held by the social portfolio, in addition to contributing their ideas
with regards to events planning. Both Ongio and I are extremely excited to work with the
committee for any upcoming social events. On a final note, I truly hope that everyone will
enjoy their winter break, and best of luck with exams!
Associate Director of Athletic Affairs
No Report Submitted.
Associate Director of Public Relations
No Report Submitted.
Part-Time Students’ Directors
No Report Submitted.
Mature Students’ Directors
No Report Submitted.
Professional Development Director
No Report Submitted.
Community Outreach Director
I successfully amended my budget, which was approved by Aadil and Teeka. On November
30th I held my first event, Mustache Movember Decoration Competition. Gifts were given to
the first, second, and third place winners. We gave them some frosh merchandise we got
from the basement.
Nasra Mahad
Community Outreach Director
Off-Campus Students’ Directors
Hey Woodsworth!
I hope you all survived the second round of midterms and assignments in November and
are fully ready to attack finals!
The Off-Campus Students’ Directors have finished WCSA Wednesday’s for this semester.
We had a super successful Christmas themed last WCSAWednesday at the end of
November and would like to thank everyone who came out and helped or supported us.
We have also been able to host a bunch of contests and give out lots of TTC tokens and
Metropasses at the Red Party and during 'Get Well with WCSA'
Week with the help of our wonderful Off-Campus Committee members.
We have a lot in store for you next semester and can't wait to see you all again in January!
Good luck on the rest of your exams and have a wonderful winter break!
Novera Khan and Samantha Davis
Full-Time Students’ Directors
In our second month on the job, we have finally got to host our first event which was the
Poppin Ballon Destresser, which took place at Waters Lounge this past Tuesday. We bought
the supplies needed, set up Waters Lounge appropriately and updated our budget the same
day. We have also collaborated in helping out with the Puppy Therapy, which will take
place this Wednesday Dec 9 from 11am-1pm at Waters Lounge. In addition, being a part of
the Social Committee, we helped out by making a playlist for the event. Those are the
events Ally and I will have initiated/contributed to this semester. Overall, our first
semester as Fulltime Student Directors has gone well and according to plan. We cannot
wait until the New Year so we can continue our duties and orchestrate more events.
Zack Habi & Alyy Patel
Upper Year Students’ Directors
Hey Woodsworth!
We hope you’re starting to bundle up with Winter just around the corner! We also hope
that you haven’t been stressing yourselves out too much with December exams coming up!
Though a fairly short period of time has passed since our last board meeting, the UpperYear portfolio has been very active this month! On Nov. 26th, in collaboration with the
Athletics portfolio and the Woodsworth Residence portfolio, we brought Woodsworth to
the Woodsworth Intramurals Ice Hockey Playoff game against St. Mike’s (WHERE WE WON
WOOHOO!!!). On Dec. 4th Sarah and myself organised all the aspects for the photobooth
(which proved to be very successful) at Red Party as the Upper-Year portfolio's
contribution to the collaboration with Social Portfolio. On Dec. 9th, in collaboration with
the Academic Bridging, Full Time, Woodsworth Residence and First Year portfolios, we
brought Puppy Therapy to Woodsworth! Finally, on Dec. 10th, we had our 2nd Cram Jam of
the year, in collaboration with the Academic Bridging portfolio.
We’ve got some pretty amazing events lined up for Woodsworth in the New Year so make
sure you come out to them!
As always, if you have any ideas for new events or would like to talk to either of us, you can
come to our office hours or email us
Best of luck to everyone on their December exams, Happy Holidays and Happy (early) New
Year! See you again once we return to the study grind in the second semester!
All the best,
Kristine Sarah Medrero and Sarah Bear
89 Chestnut Director
No Report Submitted.
Woodsworth College Residence Director
Hey everyone!
I hope your midterms and assignments went well and got some time to sleep!
In November, I collaborated with Community Outreach Director, Nasra to organize
Movember Mustache decorating contest. We provided materials for decorating the
mustache on paper and people who came had a lot of fun. That was my first event in WCSA
and I started to know how to organize a successful event by using limited amount of
budget. Hopefully I can make some improvements for my future events! I also helped VP
Athletic Affairs, Danielle to organize the Hockey Game Watching Event. I contacted the dons
at WW residence and asked them to post the event info in their floor FB groups for
promotion. I also helped to decorate the posters for the game. I was so happy to see that
our WW hockey team won! In December, I will collaborate with some of WCSA board
directors to organize the Puppy Therapy event. There will be 10-15 puppies available for
WW students to play and destress before the final exams. I am so excited for this event!
The past two months in WCSA was amazing and I could feel the passion of the members in
WCSA all the time. I love organizing various kinds of events and I totally enjoy the time of
discussing event details with other members. Moreover, I asked for my own budget before
and I never expected that I could get the money for planning events. Thank you everyone
for making this happen and I really appreciate that! I have a lot of event ideas for next
semester and I will work hard on those.
Good luck on your final exams and you can definitely do well on all of them! Have a safe and
wonderful winter holiday! See you next semester!
First Year Students’ Directors
No Report Submitted.
Academic Bridging Students’ Director
Hey Woodsworth,
Congrats on almost another term complete! Just a few days until the Christmas break.
This is the first board report for my role since election. In the past weeks, I have worked
with the full time students' directors, upper year students' directors, first year students'
directors, and woodsworth residence director to bring Puppy Therapy to Woodsworth on
December 9. Additionally, through collaboration with upper year student’s directors will
bring you Cram Jam on December 11, just in time to study for exams. Come with your
books and study material, we have food and drinks to keep you going!
I have started planning another event for the second semester with the upper year
student's directors, to bring Pi Day on March 14, 2016. More information will follow as we
get closer to the date.
For those already enrolled in bridging, congratulations on your first term. I am excited to
welcome more new bridging students starting this January. I have planned in the new year
to drop by several bridging classes to introduce myself and answer any questions bridging
students may have.
Brad Dalgleish
Orientation Coordinators
No Report Submitted.
5. Appendix
a. Affiliated Clubs Policy
Affiliated Clubs Policy
Vice President of External Affairs and the External Committee are dedicated to support external
organizations affiliated with Woodsworth College Students’ Association (hereafter WCSA) to
achieve both active and transparent environment within Woodsworth College community. In
order to achieve this, a refined affiliated clubs policy hereby be put into effect.
1. Affiliated clubs must abide by their own constitution and by-laws as ratified by External
Committee of WCSA, constitution must define club autonomy and promote collaboration with
2. Affiliated clubs can cater to the general University of Toronto (hereafter UofT) community, but
must provide proof of strong dedication to the Woodsworth College community
3. Clubs must follow WCSA Policy as relevant.
External Meeting
1. Affiliated club presidents are invited to attend External Meetings, to be held once a month at the
discretion of the VP External. Presidents will be informed of the date and time two weeks prior
to the meeting.
2. If attending, all club presidents must prepare updates prior to the meeting.
3. If VP External cannot chair the meeting due to unforeseen circumstance(s), a vice chair must be
nominated and approved by vote.
4. All attendees must adhere to the WCSA Community Guidelines Policy.
Communication Policy
1. All communication must be through official email channels and require a response within 48
2. Affiliated clubs must send a monthly update and meeting minutes from the preceding month to
the VP External by no later than the 25th of every month.
3. Any other forms of communication such as social media, phone calls, or text messages, can only
be used:
a. As a reminder when VP External does not correspond within 48 hours;
b. For urgent issues that should be brought to the attention of VP External
4. All club presidents are encouraged to speak to VP External in person during his/her office hours
as noted, or by appointment.
a. Request for appointments should be submitted via e-mail, at least 48 hours before
the date and time of the appointment.
Bookings of Space
1. All Woodsworth College booking forms for WCSA-affiliated clubs must go through the VP
a. If an affiliated club president would like to use a space to hold an event, they must
fill out the internal booking form as provided, and submit it two weeks in advance
for the VP External to approve.
b. Affiliated clubs are limited to booking space in the Woodsworth College Student
Lounge (WW101).
Absenteeism and Non-performance
1. All affiliated clubs that have received three strikes will lose their affiliation under the
Absenteeism and Non-performance clause.
a. Inactive presidents of clubs will face the consequence of recognition and funding
revoked by WCSA.
2. The following are circumstances that can lead to a strike:
Failure to submit monthly updates and meeting minutes to the VP External by the 25th of
every month.
b. That a club is inactive for more than 6 weeks, unless otherwise noted;
(1) the months of December and April becomes exception to this section
c. When the club is reported to WCSA and confirmed that the club has been noncomplying
any of the governing documents of WCSA, including but not limited to this policy.
d. Failure to provide proof of dedication to Woodsworth College and the students it
Clubs - Finance Policy
The clubs that receive funding from the Association are bound to the WCSA Finance Policy. The
following items are guidelines that clubs must follow specifically.
Requests for Funding
This section describes the requirements for funding applications and procedures. Full submission
requirements will be determined by VP External and VP Finance.
1. WCSA Affiliated Clubs financial funding is limited to a portion of or one full one-time event for
the school year. Additional funding can be applied for on an as needed basis. Approval of
funding requests are not guaranteed.
2. Requests for funding from the WCSA shall be presented to the VP External and VP Finance.
Club presidents may deliver a hard copy of the request to the Association’s office, or send the
request electronically via e-mail.
3. All requests for funding, unless otherwise noted, should consist of a cover letter that describes
the request.
a. The letter should state the amount and purpose of the request, and the name and contact
information of the person or organization requesting funds. Any additional information
that may be useful should also be included in the cover letter. The cover letter should also
explain how granting the requested funds would improve the student experience for
members of the Association.
4. All requests must include a complete budget. The budget shall include:
a. All projected sources of revenue and expenses;
b. A suitable contingency (if applicable); and
c. Comments describing each line item.
5. The VP Finance shall sit on any committee meeting where funds are being allocated or approved
for decisions to be finalized. If not available, the committee minutes shall be presented to the VP
Finance for the approval of the allocation.
Financial Reporting
1. Organizations and clubs that are recognized by the Association are expected to keep complete
financial records of all the funds they receive from all sources (funding and revenue) and
spending on any expenditures.
2. A signing authority cannot use a WCSA credit card to make purchases on behalf of affiliated
clubs unless it is unanimously agreed upon by the signing authorities.
3. A signing authority cannot use a WCSA credit card to make purchases on behalf of affiliated
clubs if the signing authority is a member of the executive team of the club.
Reimbursement Procedure
1. All requests for reimbursements shall go through the Services and Initiatives Assistants (Office
Staff) at the WCSA office (119 St. George Street, Room 103). Each envelope must have the
following information clearly printed on the front:
a. The name of the person to be reimbursed and suitable contact information;
b. Name of event or reason money was spent;
c. The name of the portfolio from which the money is coming from (EXTERNAL); and
d. ORIGINAL purchase receipts for each item.
2. Reimbursement requests must be submitted within one week of purchase, items older than one
week may not be reimbursed at the discretion of the VP Finance.
3. The VP Finance shall write out cheques after going through the final approval stage on
Expensify. (Refer to the WCSA Finance Policy)
4. The VP Finance will have one week from the day of the reimbursement request submission to
reimburse the party requesting the funds.
General Guidelines
1. If there happens to be an amendment to the WCSA’s governing Finance Policy, all changes are
applicable to the Affiliated Clubs Finance Policy as well.
2. If there happens to be a change in the Affiliated Clubs Finance Policy, the amendment must
reflect the WCSA Finance Policy relating to clubs. This change must be discussed and passed by
two-thirds majority at a Board of Directors meeting.
Clubs PR Policy
1. All affiliated clubs and external WCSA organizations are responsible for creating and advertising
their own promotional material, but may seek further promotional aid at the discretion of the
Vice President of Public Relations through the PR Request Form.
a. Promotional material on Woodsworth property must be approved by the VP PR before
going up
b. Further promotional aid (ie advertising via WCSA PR streams) must have appropriate
content, be communicated clearly to the VP PR, and be given within proper deadlines 15
days prior to event as defined on PR Request Form.
c. The VP PR withholds the right to refuse further promotional aid if it is not up to his/her
2. Promotional material will not be covered by funding unless approved by the Vice President of
External Affairs through a funding request. If the fund is exceeded, no additional funds will be
provided unless otherwise discussed.
3. The VP PR will not be responsible for putting up posters or creating poster content.
4. All clubs must follow Woodsworth College's postering policy or they risk removal of their