My Education Plan A.A. Degree Your Name: _________________________________ Due date: XX/XX/XXXX (25 points) Educational Plan Draft #1 (AA Degree) An Educational Plan documents the ongoing process in which a student identifies both career goals and an educational plan of action to achieve those goals. The purpose of the Educational Plan is to provide every student with an ongoing record of career planning that will guide their educational selections. This Educational Plan project is ongoing throughout this course. You will begin drafting your plan now based on the instructions provided below (Draft 1 - 25 points). You will submit a second draft during Week 7 (Draft 2 - 25 points), and the final plan during Week 12 (Final Plan - 50 points) for a total of 100 points as outlined in the Syllabus. Instructions 1. Identify a minimum of 3 career goals (3 goals for one career path). EXAMPLE Career Goal #1: I would like to be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Career Goal #2: I would like to join a major CPA firm upon my graduation. Career Goal #3: I would ultimately like to own my own CPA firm. 2. In one paragraph (minimum of 3 complete sentences), identify the basics of the educational path that you plan to pursue in order to achieve your career goals. EXAMPLE I will complete my AA degree at HCC with a focus on Business. I will transfer to the University of Florida as a junior and major in Business/Accounting. I will complete the 5th year as required for all CPA majors and will pass the certification exam. 3. Identify a minimum of two academic goals for this semester (Example: GPA, Honor Society, etc.) that will assist you in achieving your career goal. 4. Identify at least two hobbies or special interests that you have that you believe will help you prepare for your future career. Write one paragraph (minimum of 3 complete sentences) explaining how these interests help your career preparation. You may format this paper in the way that you think works best. Later in the course you will be provided with a template to use for your final educational plan. Your name: _________________________________ Due date: XX/XX/XXXX (25 points) Educational Plan Draft #2 (for A.A. Degree) Items needed This 5-page document HCC Catalog HCC Advising Guide for Selected Major Instructions: Please Read Carefully! Use this document to list the required courses within each Group. Start with any required Prep level courses before moving into college level courses (Groups I and III). Your placement test score sheet will indicate which, if any Prep level courses are required. Then list college level courses. Refer to the advising guide for your major when selecting courses for Groups I through V. Group VI course selections usually require a review of degree requirements at transfer colleges. (USF, FSU, UF, FAMU….) If you are undecided on your academic major, do not panic. Most college students change their major three or more times during their college careers. Many undecided students declare Liberal Arts (AA.LA) as their initial major. If you are declaring Liberal Arts as your major, complete any required Prep level courses in Groups I and III. Then work toward completion of Groups I, III and V as they are the most generic. When in doubt, take the highest level math course possible, higher level courses can be substituted for lower level courses within any major. Select as an elective course SLS 1301 – Career Decision Making. MY EDUCATIONAL PLAN TO AN AA DEGREE (CLICK ON EACH BOX TO COMPLETE) Name: Date: My Career Goal is: My Intended Major is: The HCC Degree I am seeking within my major is: The Number of Degree Credit Hours I must complete to graduate is: (Ex. AA.ENG) (Ex. 60 cr. hrs.) COURSE SELECTIONS Placement test scores (CPT) or standardized test scores (SAT, ACT) are utilized to determine if a student has demonstrated college level proficiency in Reading, Writing and Math. Students who fall below the set minimums must complete prep level courses as described within each group of courses by degree. Refer to the test score sheet for any required prep courses. Transfer students from accredited colleges can use equivalent college level courses with grades of “C” or higher in English and Math to demonstrate proficiency within those areas and place out of prep level. A series of check boxes will be used to identify which courses are required by group within the degree program based upon test scores or transfer credit. Do Not To Be Successfully Need Taken Completed GROUP I – Communications (9 Hrs. Minimum) ENC 0010 Prep Writing I 4 Cr. Hrs. (non-college credit) ENC 0020 Prep Writing II 4 Cr. Hrs. (non-college credit) REA 0001 Prep Reading I 4 Cr. Hrs. (non-college credit) REA 0002 Prep Reading II 4 Cr. Hrs. (non-college credit) If required, ENC 0020 and/or REA 0002 must be completed before enrolling in ENC 1101. ENC 1101 Freshman English I 3 Cr. Hrs. ENG 1102 Freshman English II 3 Cr. Hrs. SPC 1600 Public Speaking 3 Cr. Hrs. GROUP I I – Humanities (6 Hrs. Minimum) Fill-in two, 3 credit hours courses from your degree program advising guide which you intend to complete or have completed to meet the Group II requirement of 6 credit hours. To Be Successfully Taken Completed 3 Cr. Hrs. 3 Cr. Hrs. GROUP I I I–Mathematics (6 Hrs. Minimum) Fill-in two, 3 credit hours courses you intend to complete or have completed to meet the Group III requirement of 6 credit hours. Refer to the HCC Catalog to see what Math courses can be used to satisfy your selected major. 3 Cr. Hrs. 3 Cr. Hrs. GROUP IV – Social Science (9 Hrs. Minimum) Fill-in three, 3 credit hours courses from your degree program advising guide which you intend to complete or have completed to meet the Group IV requirement of 9 credit hours. Behavioral Science (3 Cr. Hrs.) History (3 Cr. Hrs.) Behavioral Science or History or Political Science (3 Cr. Hrs.) GROUP V – Natural Science (7 Hrs. Minimum) Fill-in two, 3 credit hours courses and at least one, 1 credit hour lab from the degree program advising guide which you intend to complete or have completed to meet the Group V requirement of 7 credit hours. The lab course must match the selected science course. You need to have completed or tested out MAT 0024 before enrolling in a Group V course. To Be Successfully Taken Completed Biological Science (3 Cr. Hrs.) Biological Science Lab (1 Cr. Hr.) Physical Science (3 Cr. Hrs.) Physical Science Lab (1 Cr. Hr.) GROUP VI – Electives (24 Hrs. Minimum) Under this group are courses required to earn an AA degree and courses that are required by the specific college you intend to transfer to. If you were required to take MAT 1033 you can count the three credit hours toward the Group VI requirement of 24 credit hours. Courses Required to Earn an AA Degree: IDS 2110 Connections 1 Cr. Hr. CGS 1000 Intro to Computers and Technology (If a placement test with score of 70 or higher is substituted for CGS 1000, three credit hours of additional electives must be completed.) 3 Cr. hrs Fill-in the courses and credit hours you intend to complete in addition to those listed above in order to meet the 24 credit requirement of Group VI and transfer requirements of your major. Cr. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. GROUP VI – Electives (24 Hrs. Minimum – Cont’d) To Be Taken Successfully Completed Cr. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Cr. Hrs. Group VI Credit Hours: (equal to or greater than 24) Use or contact the specific college where you intend to transfer to determine the appropriate electives for your major. Your name: _________________________________ Due date: XX/XX/XXXX (50 points) Educational Plan for AA Degree – Final Plan Instructions In the second draft of your instructional plan you listed all of the required courses for your degree or certification. Now it is time to identify the semesters in which you plan to take each specified course. Use the form provided in this document to complete the plan. Complete course selections for each term until your chosen degree or certification requirements are met. Recommendations: Be aware of pre-requisites and co-requisites as well as your personal work hours. Plan a realistic schedule. Prep hours are not included in college credits per semester or in total college credits earned. Include all courses from previous semesters. ATTENTION: If you submitted an incomplete plan for draft #2 you will need to identify all of your required courses and include them in this final plan. Failure to include all courses will result in an incomplete grade for the Educational Plan project. Requirement This document must be used to submit this assignment. The final plan must be typed. An HCC Advisor must provide signature for approval of your education plan. Please answer these questions before you begin the plan. 1. What is your intended major? 2. How many total credit hours is your degree program (College credits not included prep courses)? 3. What semester and year do you plan to graduate? ____________________________________________________________________________ HCC Advisor Signature Date MY EDUCATIONAL PLAN TO AN AA DEGREE Term: (Ex. Fall 12) Course Prefix and Number Course Title (Ex. ENC 1101) (Ex. Freshman English I) Credit Hours (Ex. 3 Cr. Hrs) College Credit Hours Completed this Semester: Total College Credit Hours Earned (total for all semesters): Term: (Ex. Fall 12) Course Prefix and Number Course Title (Ex. ENC 1101) (Ex. Freshman English I) Credit Hours (Ex. 3 Cr. Hrs) College Credit Hours Completed this Semester: Total College Credit Hours Earned (total for all semesters): Educational Planning Sheet Term: (Ex. Fall 12) Course Prefix and Number Course Title (Ex. ENC 1101) (Ex. Freshman English I) Credit Hours (Ex. 3 Cr. Hrs) College Credit Hours Completed this Semester: Total College Credit Hours Earned (total for all semesters): Term: (Ex. Fall 12) Course Prefix and Number Course Title (Ex. ENC 1101) (Ex. Freshman English I) Credit Hours (Ex. 3 Cr. Hrs) College Credit Hours Completed this Semester: Total College Credit Hours Earned (total for all semesters): Educational Planning Sheet Term: (Ex. Fall 12) Course Prefix and Number Course Title (Ex. ENC 1101) (Ex. Freshman English I) Credit Hours (Ex. 3 Cr. Hrs) College Credit Hours Completed this Semester: Total College Credit Hours Earned (total for all semesters): Term: (Ex. Fall 12) Course Prefix and Number Course Title (Ex. ENC 1101) (Ex. Freshman English I) Credit Hours (Ex. 3 Cr. Hrs) College Credit Hours Completed this Semester: Total College Credit Hours Earned (total for all semesters): Educational Planning Sheet Term: (Ex. Fall 12) Course Prefix and Number Course Title (Ex. ENC 1101) (Ex. Freshman English I) Credit Hours (Ex. 3 Cr. Hrs) College Credit Hours Completed this Semester: Total College Credit Hours Earned (total for all semesters): Term: (Ex. Fall 12) Course Prefix and Number Course Title (Ex. ENC 1101) (Ex. Freshman English I) Credit Hours (Ex. 3 Cr. Hrs) College Credit Hours Completed this Semester: Total College Credit Hours Earned (total for all semesters): Educational Planning Sheet Term: (Ex. Fall 12) Course Prefix and Number Course Title (Ex. ENC 1101) (Ex. Freshman English I) Credit Hours (Ex. 3 Cr. Hrs) College Credit Hours Completed this Semester: Total College Credit Hours Earned (total for all semesters): Term: (Ex. Fall 12) Course Prefix and Number Course Title (Ex. ENC 1101) (Ex. Freshman English I) Credit Hours (Ex. 3 Cr. Hrs) College Credit Hours Completed this Semester: Total College Credit Hours Earned (total for all semesters):