
Daily grammar 8th grade Feb. 16-March 2 Name______________________________________________
Verbs are used to express an action or a state of being. The two main types of verbs are action and
linking verbs.
An action verb tells what the subject does. It expressed an action that may be either physical or mental.
Ex: The Ferris wheel moves very quickly . (physical action). We enjoyed the view. (mental action).
Some action verbs take a direct object. Ex: George Ferris built his first giant wheel in 1893.
Linking verbs join or link a sentence’s subject to a subject complement, which is a group of words that
identifies or describes the subject. Ex. Ferris was a bridgemaker and a creative thinker.
Ex: People were amazed by the thirty-six wooden cars.
Common linking verbs
other linking verbs
Am are is
appear become feel grow
was were being
look remain seem smell sound taste
have been can be
common helping verbs
will be could have been
be, is, are, was, were, been being, have do, can ,
might, should, could, must, will, may, shall, would
Remember a sentence may have more than one verb. Some verbs consist of a verb phrase, which is
made up of a main verb, and at least one helping verb. Ex. When the structure was finished, it stood at
264 feet.
1. Underline the action verb in the following sentences. Circle the linking verbs.
Many people believe in good luck charms.
Haven’t you ever worn a lucky shirt, carried a lucky coin, or avoided the number thirteen?
The horsehoe is a common symbol of good fortune.
2. Some people are certain that an acorn gives the gift of youth.
Friends gave President Theodore Roosevelt a rabbit’s foot.
In many cultures around the world, superstitions are common.
3. My grandmother will not walk underneath an open ladder, step on a crack in the sidewalk, or
place a hat on a bed.
Could a broken mirror possibly bring bad luck for seven years?
Superstitions about black cats seem ridiculous, but many people believe them.
Daily grammar 8th grade Feb. 16-March 2 Name______________________________________________
4. Answer the following question in a few sentences. Use and underline all action verbs and circle
all linking verbs. Do you agree that two wrongs don’t make a right? Why or why not?
Action verbs often take direct objects, a noun, pronoun , or group of words that tells who or
what receives the action of the verb. Ex: Minutemen fought the French and the British. They
played key roles in many battles. (fought who or what? French, British. Played who or what?
Roles. )
Underline the verbs and circle the direct objects
5. King James I wanted land for England.
Colonization would solve many problems for the English.
King James granted a charter to the Virginia Company.
6. The charter gave the right to establish colonies.
Under the charter, English investors gave money.
Three ships made the voyage to the New World.
7. In 1607, the settlers sighted land in the distance.
Captain Christopher Newport commanded one ship.
He reached land on May 14, 1607 and chose Jamestown for the site.
Underline the linking verb and circle the subject complement.
8. The racer sounded sad.
Two of speed skating’s biggest fans are Andres and I.
9. Rodriguez is an Olympic medalist. His father is Cuban American.
Itzhak Perlman is an distinguished violinist.
10. Perlman is also an award-winning teacher and conductor. I am amazed at his talent. I am totally
frustrated that I cannot play like Perlman.