university of central florida

College of Nursing
Spring 2014
Course Number:
NGR 6248L
Course Title:
Advanced Practice Practicum
Credit Hours:
3 (180 clinical hours)
Prerequisites or Co-requisites:
Mode of Delivery:
Graduate Standing and Admission to the Graduate
MSN or DNP AGNP or FNP Program
WWW, Clinical Experience and Live Meeting Sessions
Christopher W. Blackwell, Ph.D., ARNP, ANP-BC, CNE
Associate Professor, College of Nursing
Office: UT: 453 (hours by appt.)
Call (407) 823-2744 to schedule an appt.
Office Phone: (407) 823-2517
Personal Cellular Phone: (407) 375-4334
Catalog Description: Supervised advanced clinical practice in the role of the nurse
practitioner in an individualized preceptorship.
To finalize the clinical mastery of entry-level NP practice, begin
preparation for Board-certification in the NP role, and demonstrate
competency in the ability to manage patient care at the advanced
nursing practice level in a safe and appropriate manner.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course the student will:
1. Demonstrate competence in the role of the nurse practitioner in collaborative
interdisciplinary relationships;
2. Analyze professional, theoretical, cultural, legal, and ethical issues in the provision of
nurse practitioner services;
3. Deliver comprehensive nurse practitioner services appropriate to the health care needs
of clients in selected primary health care settings;
4. Develop a public presentation of community project.
Teaching/Learning Strategies:
Clinical practice with a preceptor in primary care practice, written documentation, review
of client cases with faculty and peers, focused reading based on clinical problems
encountered in practice, and preparation for Board-certification using practice
examinations and diagnostic examination evaluation. Clinical practice should occur over
at least 2/3 of the semester.
Required Diagnostic Readiness Testing Purchase: Students may be required to
purchase the DRT testing program from Barkley & Associates. The cost of the program
is approximately $31.95. Students may need to purchase the selected program on the day
of the live class (see course schedule) via credit card.
Distribution of Clinical Hours:
The following may be listed as clinical hours by NP students:
Community Project: (15) ONLY if students have not or will not take NGR 6242L
and ONLY if students have not listed 15 hours for the community project in a
prior NGR6941 course.
On-line post conferences (5 hours per semester)
Live Meeting Sessions (5 hours total)
BSN-DNP: 3 credits = 180 clinical hours
Documentation of Clinical Hours: All clinical experiences, hours, clinical summaries,
etc. must be documented through the Typhon system.
Clinical Preparation and Attendance
When you go to the clinical site be sure you have:
A good stethoscope
Reflex hammer
Black Ink pen and notebook
Other tools appropriate to the site (e.g.Pregancy wheel if in women's health)
Resources covering: health promotion of adults across the lifespan, a drug
prescribing guide, health assessment guide, and text or protocol book for specific
clinical setting (probably an electronic-based program on an iPhone or Android
All students are expected to prepare for each clinical experience by reading on the
types of clients you expect to see. Reading after each clinical experience to review
new information and expand learning is encouraged. Students are expected to be
present at the clinical site on the dates and on the times scheduled with the preceptor
and reported to clinical faculty.
Course Schedule
Jan 6, 2014
Students may officially
begin clinical rotations
after clinical instructor
has a copy of student’s
clinical schedule.
Jan 13, 2014
Jan 20, 2014
Jan 27, 2014
Feb 3, 2014
Clinical Rotations
Clinical Rotations
Clinical Rotations
Clinical Rotations
Feb 10, 2014
Feb 17, 2014
Feb 24, 2014
Mar 3, 2014- Mar 7, 2014
Clinical Rotations
Clinical Rotations
Clinical Rotations
Spring Break
UCF Classes Begin
Make sure Dr. Blackwell and
Clinical Instructor have a
copy of your clinical schedule
for the semester by the start
of clinicals. Students
CANNOT be in ANY clinical
without first sending a
schedule to their assigned
clinical instructor.
None Specific.
None Specific.
None Specific.
SOAP #1 Post and Response
Due by 2355 on 2/7/14.
None Specific
None Specific.
None Specific.
NO clinicals can be done over
Sprig Break period unless
clinical instructor agrees to
supervise student during this
Mar 10, 2014
Clinical Rotations
Mar 17, 2014
Mar 24, 2014
Mar 31, 2014
Apr 7, 2014
Clinical Rotations
Clinical Rotations
Clinical Rotations
Clinical Rotations
Apr 14, 2014
Apr 21, 2014
Apr 25, 2014:
Clinical Rotations
Clinical Rotations
All documents (see
below) must be
submitted no later than
2355 on Apr 25, 2014.
Post-Conference Session
*All Clinical Rotations must
be completed by 4/24/14.
UT: 434:
* All documents (see below) 1000-1200: Preparation
must be submitted by 2355
for Practice Seminar
on 4/25/14.
Board Certification
Diagnostic Readiness
SOAP #2 Post and Response
Due by 2355 on 3/10/14.
None Specific.
None Specific.
None Specific.
SOAP #3 Post and Response
Due by 2355 on 4/7/14.
None Specific.
None Specific.
Post-Conference Session
* All Clinical Rotations must be
completed by 4/24/14.
* All documents (see below)
must be submitted by 2355 on
Evaluation Methods
1. 3 SOAP Posts/Responses
2. Completion of Clinical Hours
3. Preceptor Evaluation of Performance
(Both Mid-Term and Final)
4. Faculty Evaluation of Performance
5. Completion of Site Evaluation
6. Attendance at live session
7. Completion of Certification DRT Exam
8. Complete documentation of clinical data
in Typhon Reporting System
9. Summary of Meeting Course Objectives
Grading System: Student must earn a satisfactory grade on all items 1-9 above to
receive an overall Satisfactory grade in the course.
*/** Unacceptable, non-passing grades:
** - Not acceptable for progression in the Master of Science in Nursing or DNP
*** All assignments are due on their noted DUE DATE. Late assignments will be
significantly penalized. It is recognized that a student may have an emergency students may request an extension for an assignment. Extensions are negotiated
individually. Vacations are not acceptable reasons for late assignments - students
will need to make provisions for web access. Web Courses assignments are due at
Midnight of Due Date.**
Summary of Assignments
Live Session Attendance: Students must plan to attend the live session of the practicum
course. The purpose of this live session is to administer the B&A NP Board Certification
Examination Preparation Program (DRT) in addition to discussing topics related to
practice transition and current practicum clinical experiences. See the course schedule for
the date and time of the live session. Absence from the live session will result in failure in
the course.
SOAP Notes: Students must complete the required number of SOAP notes for the course
and these notes must be submitted by the due date and time. Failure to submit any SOAP
notes or unacceptable documentation of the SOAP notes will result in failure in the
Instructions for SOAP Notes:
Do not put any identifying data on the client in the SOAP. In general, this
means no client, preceptor, or practice names and the use of initials different
from the client's initials.
Be sure the Subjective contains only subjective data, the objective only objective
data, the assessments (diagnoses or symptoms) are all supported by the subjective
and objective data, and the plan is clearly related to the assessments and the
specific client situation. This includes clear indication of all laboratory and
diagnostic tests being done either at or after the visit, health promotion and
disease prevention activities, referrals, consultations, and patient education.
The SOAP should provide all data needed for another provider to follow you,
know what has been done, and continue the plan of care. These will be longer
than those you would write in the practice because they are being used for
teaching and learning not simply documentation of care.
Each SOAP should be independently written. Do not use a template or cut and
paste from another source (e.g. an EMR or a sample SOAP in class notes or a
text.) SOAP notes based on a template or similar document will not be counted.
Each SOAP should be independently written. Do not use a template or cut and
paste from another source (e.g. an EMR or a sample SOAP in class notes or a
text.) SOAP notes based on a template or similar document will not be counted.
Each SOAP posting must be from a clinical experience this semester and can not
be one posted for a concurrent or prior course.
O – PE and any labs at visit, results of any assessment tools
A (must be supported by S and O above; should include health promotion and chronic
disease management if relevant to this client)
P (must be related to each A item). Should include patient education and other items
listed above
 Each SOAP should be independently written. Do not use a template or cut and
paste from another source (e.g. an EMR or a sample SOAP in class notes or a
text.) SOAP notes based on a template or similar document will not be counted.
To ensure you address all problems, put the plan for each diagnosis or health
promotion/ maintenance item next to the diagnosis or health /promotion item.
Since some interventions (e.g. doing a CMP) may be related to two diagnoses
(e.g. HTN and Type 2 DM) you may need to list them twice.
 Students in pediatric clinical sites should also include development assessment,
anticipatory guidance and other SOAP components unique to the care of children.
 Medication orders must include the drug name (generic or brand), route, dose,
number of pills or volume or amount per dose (as applicable), specific amount of
medication to be dispensed (e.g. number of pills), and number of refills.
 After the SOAP the student should briefly address topics such as ethical concerns,
the impact of culture on this client’s care, facilitators and barriers to care,
genomics, epidemiology, and/ or financial , health promotion, and/or access to
care issues as applicable to the case
 The student should then pose at least two questions related to the case e.g.
"We decided on giving Ampicillin but were thinking that Cipro may have been a
better choice, what do you think?" or "We were really concerned she could not get
the MRI because of fear. How would you have handled it?"
 Both the initial postings and all responses should reflect use of evidence-based
clinical resources to allow fuller exploration of the issues or problems being
raised. Give sources using as much APA style as possible in a webcourses post.
Be sure to indicate the type of citation according to the code below. It is expected
most resources will be levels 1 – 5.
 Students must reply to questions from instructors and group members regarding
their postings and be an active participant in the resultant discussion as long as
there are posts related to each of their SOAPs.
 All postings should be thoughtful so that participants can learn as a result of the
discussion. Self-reflection on performance as a future NP (e.g. what you see that
you could have done different/better OR how you might better prepare in the
future) is encouraged
 All subsequent postings related to a particular SOAP should be in response to an
existing thread for that SOAP. (This will keep all the discussions on each case
together.) Do not respond using the create a new message tab.
 Postings with little substance (“great job”) may be deleted.
 SOAP notes are due by the dates listed above.
No SOAPS or responses can be a simple cut and paste information of
material obtained elsewhere (e.g. on the web, in a course text, from a journal
article). Paraphrase unless the material MUST be quoted (e.g. to show a tool.) If
the original source has a lot in it that other students would want to read, the
readers can go to the URL of the on-line source that should be in the reference,
(Be sure the URL works!!)
Required Documentation:
Each item MUST be verified by clinical instructor prior to a student receiving a
Satisfactory grade:
Required Clinical Item
Date of
Grade Assigned: Satisfactory/
Unsatisfactory and Any Additional
Completion of Clinical
Evaluation of Clinical
Performance (Faculty)
Mid-Term Evaluation of
Clinical Performance
Evaluation of Clinical
Performance (Preceptor)
Evaluation of Clinical Site
by Student
Summary of How Course
Objectives were Met
Required Typhon Entry and Completion: All clinical data that are required for
completion of the system must be submitted through the Typhon Data Management
System. Students who fail to document all required clinical information through the
Typhon System will receive an Unsatisfactory grade in the course.
Access to the Canvas On-Line Learning System:
Canvas Site Preparation for Professional Practice
Canvas On-Line Learning System
How do I access Webcourses@UCF?
5. Go to You will be forwarded to the Shibboleth
login page pictured below.
6. Note: Please DO NOT bookmark the Shibboleth login page shown above. All traffic
into Webcourses@UCF must go through
7. Enter your PID and PID password.
8. Click Continue.
Note: You can bookmark the Webcourses@UCF homepage shown above once
you have successfully logged in.
9. Hover over Courses or Courses & Groups at the top of the page.
Select the course or group you wish to access.
Update Your Profile
When you first log in, we recommend you update your profile information and your
notification preferences.
To update your profile settings, take the following steps:
1. Click on your name (or Settings) at the top of the page.
2. Click Edit Settings to make modifications.
The default email address associated with your profile is your Knightsmail address. You
can add additional email addresses by taking the following steps:
1. Click “Add Email Address” under Ways to Contact.
2. Enter the desired email address.
3. Click Register Email. A window will pop up notifying you that a verification email
will be sent to the email address you entered.
4. Click Ok, Thanks.
5. Click the link in that email to finish registering your new email address.
Additional Resources
• Canvas Tutorial – Review Canvas Student Tutorial at:
• Canvas Browser Support – Supported web browser information for Canvas can be
found here:
• Canvas System Specifications – System recommendations for running Canvas can be
found here:
• Online@UCF Support – Our student helpdesk is prepared to assist you with technical
issues encountered in your courses. If you have any questions or problems, please
contact onlinesupport@ucf.eduand let them know you have a question about the
Canvas Webcourses2@UCF system. There are three ways to contact
Online@UCF Support:
call (407) 823-0407 or e-mail
• Canvas Help Centerhas created documentation to assist you in using the new system.
For student guides:
For instructor guides:
• Videos – Canvas has organized short tutorial videos on how to complete most activities
in Webcourses@UCF. These tutorials are typically 5 minutes or less and focus on
specific tools in the new environment. Please visit
Note: You will need to register for this course:
Communication Protocols
Communication with faculty will occur in three ways.
Course mail should be used for private questions.
The Clinical Planning discussion forum should be used to notify the instructor of
the dates and times you will be at your clinical site.
If a date is listed, you must go to clinical that date unless you notify your
preceptor and have contacted your faculty member before the start of the day.
While a need to cancel due to illness, family emergency, and changes in the
preceptor's schedule is recognized, repeated cancelations or changes in schedule
could be a reason for a failure in the clinical course.
If the clinical faculty has confirmed a site visit you must be present that date
unless you have confirmed a new date with your clinical instructor. Failure to do
this may mandate an additional clinical date for the site visit. Please notify your
preceptor and the office manager (or other person the preceptor suggests) of the
date(s) the faculty member will be at the site in advance of their visit.
The SOAP Note discussion forum will be used for on-Line post conference
discussions of SOAP notes:
o All students in each clinical group will participate with their clinical
instructor and other members of this and possibly other clinical courses in
an ongoing on-line clinical conference throughout the semester through a
discussion of cases as presented in SOAP notes.
o Start a new thread for each new SOAP with the following subject line:
Your LastNameSOAPNumberTopic (e.g. WinkSOAP2BreastPain). All
updates and responses about that SOAP would go in that thread.
o SOAPs should be on commonly occurring problems, not zebras. If the
situation or problem sends most of the staff to their resources and has
them saying things like " I have to look this up" and "I never saw this
before" it is probably a zebra. Put in the zebra section (see below) and use
another patient encounter for your SOAP.
o SOAPs should be on a variety of topics. Students are expected to review
those already posted and choose a different topic unless the client situation
is a unique one. (For example, if there is already a SOAP on BV (bacterial
vaginosis) do not post a note on that topic. But, if the original note was on
a 22 year old with BV for the first time and your client was 30 with
recurrent BV unresponsive to standard treatment that would be OK.)
o Student SOAP notes must be on different topics. (For example, do not
write three SOAP notes on routine well pregnancy visits or two on well
women visits or all on women with breast pain.)
o Each student will post at least three (for 3 and 4 credit courses) OR five
(for 7 caredit courses) detailed SOAP notes in the post conference
discussion group for their clinical section on the Clinical Planning
webcourses site. These should be posted in the body of the message and as
an attachment.
The SOAPs and SOAP discussions must occur throughout
the semester. Failure to post on time and/or failure to engage in ongoing
discussion will result in an incomplete in the course. See course schedule
for a list of dates/times for the due dates for the SOAP Notes.
o The clinical faculty member will critique of the note either using the
version of the SOAP attached to the discussion posting or to the whole
post conference group.
o If the SOAP notes are not at the standard expected, additional SOAP note
submissions may be required by the clinical faculty
o All students are to read all posted SOAPs:
 Students are expected to be actively engaged in the critique and
discussion of clinical cases presented via the SOAP notes. This
must occur over the course of the semester with discussion in each
of the SOAP note posting periods listed above. These posts should
include providing answers to questions posed by the poster of the
SOAP. Active engaged discussion is NOT a single post or sets of
posts occurring on only a single dates a few times during the
 The clinical faculty member may ask questions or comment on
individual SOAP notes in the open discussion.
 Each student is expected to be involved in all discussions of their
SOAP note. This includes providing answers to faculty questions if
these if not answered by a group member.
Guidelines for Preceptors
Practicum focuses on the full scope of practice of the family nurse practitioner. Students have
already completed courses in Advanced Health Assessment, Nursing Theory, Pathophysiology,
Health Promotion, Pharmacology and dialectic and most or all clinical courses in their specialty
NP tract. This practicum will complete their clinical hours in the nurse practitioner program. The
number of hours the student will be working with you should be confirmed with the student since
this varies based on the number of credits the student is taking and the number of sites in which
they are working.
As a preceptor, you play a significant role in the education of these future nurse practitioners. The
following is provided as a guide for those of you new to the role or seeking a review.
1. Provide access to patients at your practice site.
a. The student may accompany you if you make rounds in an acute care (hospital
setting). However the student may not provide care or count these hours towards
this course.
b. Students should see about 6-10 patients per day although slight more is
appropriate in some settings
2. Provide direct clinical supervision by seeing patients with the student as needed and
validate their findings.
3. Listen to student’s case presentation, after their initial patient interaction, and provide
critique, guidance, and clinical knowledge gained from practice.
4. Ask lots of questions to help the NP student refine their ability to assess clients
appropriately, carry out clinical decision making, and implement care
 What did you hear, see, assess?
 What does this mean to you?
 How do non physical factors impact this patient?
 What other data do you need?
 What will you do next?
 Why are you doing that diagnostic test, selecting that medication, implementing that
teaching, doing that referral?
 What more do you need to study to better care for this patient or others like them?
Where will you find such information?
5. Collaborate with the student in planning care for the patient explaining rationale for
treatment choices if needed.
6. Encourage the study of written resources and other clinical guides relevant to the patients
they see.
7. Allow the students to document as much as possible in your practice. This includes review
of their notes, suggesting revisions or making additions, and cosigning the student’s
8. Allow the student to observe patient interactions which you feel would be of educational
9. Supervise procedures student performs. These should be consistent with the student’s
learning objectives.
10. Spend a few minutes with the student at the end of the clinical day to review the student’s
progress. Encourage them to identify their learning needs and develop a plan to address
those needs. This could include reading, study and identification of patients with problems
which will help meet those needs.
Statements, Policies, and Regulations Regarding Academic Honesty/ ADA
Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities
University of Central Florida
Academic Dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated!!!
The University of Central Florida has recently started an account with, an
automated system which instructors can use to quickly and easily compare each student's
report to billions of web sites, as well as an enormous database of student papers that
grows with each submission. After submission of the paper, instructors receive a report
that states if and how another author's work was used.
Violations of student academic behavior standards are outlined in The Golden Rule, the
University of Central Florida's Student Handbook. See
for further details.
1. Cheating whereby non-permissible written, visual or oral assistance including that
obtained from another student is utilized on examinations, course assignments or
projects. The unauthorized possession or use of examination or course related
material shall also constitute cheating.
2. Plagiarism whereby another's work is deliberately used or appropriated without any
indication of the source. Thereby attempting to convey the impression that such work
is the student's own. Any student failing to properly credit ideas or materials taken
from another has plagiarized.
3. A student who has assisted another in any of the aforementioned breach of standards
shall be considered equally culpable.
* Taken by Instructor, Chair, or Dean of College*
1. Counseling
2. Loss of credit for specific assignment, examination or project.
3. Removal from course with a grade of "F" and/or
*Taken by the Office of Student Conduct*
1. Warning
2. Probation
3. Suspension
4. Expulsion
5. Permanent conduct record with UCF accessible by other institutions by request.
For more information, please contact the Office of Student Conduct at 823-2851.
DW/dw 8/8/98
rev 3/15/16
American Nurses Association
The Code of Ethics for Nurses 2001
Just as our behaviors are held to a University of Central Florida and College of Nursing
ethical standards, we are also held to our standards as professional nurses. The ANA
Code of Ethics does apply to all efforts undertaken as a part of this course. To review
those standards please use the following web link:
If you cannot access the document directly, please copy and paste the link into your web
Persons With Disabilities: The University of Central Florida is committed to
providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. Students who
need accommodations must be registered with Student Disability Services (SDS), Student
Resource Center Room 132, phone (407) 823-2371, TTY/TDD only phone (407) 8232116, before requesting accommodations from the professor. Students who are registered
with SDS and need accommodations in this course must contact the professor at the
beginning of the semester to discuss needed accommodations. No accommodations will
be provided until the student has met with the professor to request accommodations. This
syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request.