Polygyny, Polyandry, & Monogamy

According to natural selection, what are
both females and males selected to do?
• Survive and reproduce
• Certain traits favor survival and reproduction.
• When those traits have a genetic basis, they are passed on
to successful offspring.
• Genes that code for successful traits or behaviors carry
on over many generations - (evolution is a change in
frequencies of genes over time)
In terms of sexual selection, in most
• Males do best to maximize the number of
matings. Females are a limiting resource for
• Females do best to maximize number of
successful eggs/pregnancies. Males are not
a limiting resource for females.
Leads to an asymmetry between the
sexes and to conflicts of interest
Mating systems
Greek terms
• Terms ending with -gamy refer to number of
partners or characteristics of gametes
• Terms ending with -gyny refer to women
• Terms ending with -andry refer to men
• mono - “one” ; poly - “many”
Having one mate
• Monogamy - having one mate per breeding
season (lifetime monogamy, or serial
• Seems to always involve some “cheating”.
Having many mates
• Polygyny (male fertilizes the eggs of many
females in a breeding season)
• Polyandry (female has several partners in a
breeding season)
• Promiscuity (informal term)
implies no durable associations, mating a
matter of temporary contact (also called
Polygyny -one male, many
• Polygyny - poly (many) gyny (women)
• Very common in animal kingdom (97% of
• Categories of polygyny:
Female defense
Resource defense
Scramble competition
Female defense polygyny
• Males fight for access to
• Females are clustered or
can be herded - easy to
• At an extreme, males
have harems (elephant
Resource-defense polygyny
• Males have resource-rich territory to attract
• Best (most fit) males have best
• Cichlid fish (eggs in snail shells)
• Topi (african antelope) females gather on green
patches of grassland
• Female resources can be clumped, and males can
guard those.
Resource-defense polygyny
Female resources clumped, males can defend
these and attract females
• Cichlid fish (eggs in snail shells)
• Topi antelope females- green grassland
• More resource, more females/male.
When females dispersed widely
across the landscape….
• Scramble competition polygyny, OR
• Lek polygyny
When females cannot be herded, or guarded in
one place, males have to find them, or
attract them from far away.
Scramble competition polygyny
• Females dispersed widely and hard to find.
• males compete to outrace rivals to find
receptive females.
Scramble competition polygyny
Flightless firefly (brief call by female)
Horseshoe crabs
Male wood frogs (all females receptive on
same single night each year)
Lek Polygyny
• Males display in groups on small territories, offer
no resources or parental care, only “good genes”
and selection of males to choose from.
• Mannakin birds and W.African hammer-headed
bats (females travel together looking for widely
scattered food
• Feeding ecology of females makes in hard to
monopolize them.
Why the group display?
Lek Polygyny
Leks: why display in groups?
• Theories
Display where females tend to aggregate (“hot spot”)
Display near dominant male (“hot shot”)
Display with other males so females can pick among
rivals (“female preference”)
Display in groups to avoid predators (“safety in
Lek Polygyny - stand near dominant
male “hot shot”
Lek Polygyny - females have a
preferred gather-place “hot spot”
Puzzle of monogamous males
• When do you find it?
When females remain receptive after mating
or are widely dispersed/hard to find --guard your mate.
When offspring survival requires two parents
assist your mate.
Mating with one partner for breeding season
Rare in mammals
More common in birds - why?
Male birds can incubate, feed young
Young require two parents.
Female-enforced monogamy
• Burying beetle - pair bury a dead mouse
together, lay eggs, care for larvae.
• Males call other females to mouse - when?
Monogamy: associated with
• EPCs (extra pair copulations)- promiscuity
20%-50% of nestlings in songbird nests are
from EPCs.
Advantage to males of promiscuity?
Advantage to females of promiscuity?
Advantage to females of mating with males
other than primary partner (EPCs):
• Fertility assurance (“better sperm”
• Genetic compatibility hypothesis (no
“duds” or “best” male per se, based on
match of female and male genes (eg, MHC
tee shirt study)
Benefit of promiscuity: fertility assurance
Matings outside pair bond:
Higher hatch rate (redwing
Fewer still born (adders)
Blue tit bird - males of stayat -home females are more
Promiscuity: material benefits
• Females can forage on
territories of males
they have mated with.
Promiscuity:genetic incompatibility
• Harlequin beetleriding pseudoscorpion
Genetic incompatibility hypothesis: females
mate with more than one male to hedge their
bets against “mismatched’ genes.
• Harlequin beetleriding pseudoscorpion
(Jeanne Zeh)
Genetic incompatibility hypothesis
Experiment 1 (Zeh): when females mated
to several males. Results:
Less embryo failure
Higher offspring survival
Harlequin beetle-riding
Experiment 2 (Zeh): when different
females mated to same males. Results:
No “good” and “dud” males.
Depended on particular male-female
genetic match or genetic
compatibility .
Dunnock (songbird) case study
Diverse mating types within the same species
• males with 1 female,
• males with 2 females,
• female with 2 males,
• male and female promiscuity on one
Dunnock (songbird) case study
Dunnocks eat seed and small insects.
Males mate-guard a group of females if food
is concentrated enough.
More concentrated food, more monogamy.
Dunnock (songbird) case study
Experiment 1. Added food in clumps over
Female territory size decreased by 40 feet.
Males guarded females in territory.
Female monogamous to one males (polygyny)
Dunnock (songbird) case study
But… female behavior interfered with male ability to
monopolize females.
Females chased off other females (from food and
male parental care).
Females solicited copulations from “beta” males.
Illustrates how distribution of females and resources
and conflict between the sexes affects evolution of
mating systems.