Illinois AEYC Member Survey October 2008

Illinois AEYC Member Survey October 2008
Responses to Question #2. If you do not know which affiliate you belong to, please give us
your name and email address so we can direct you to the affiliate in your area
Donna Blackburn
Terese Koncos,
Liz Bowman,
Kaitlyn Most.
Marilyn Overby
Katie Conner
Heather Dietz
RR1 Box 292
Murrayville, IL 62668
Michele Denton
Eric Abramovitz
Mary N. Clark
Elizabeth Frisbie
Sharon Magerl
Mary Warzynski
Yvonetta White
Stephania Jackson
Deborah Misniakiewicz
Joan Weiss
Round Lake Beach, Il 60073
Michelle Schrock
401 Bonn Street
Arthur, Il 61911
Jessica Buxton
I recieved this membership as a gift is why I am
Becky Schrage
Leticia Ayala-Aldava
Stacie Triplett
Jacqueline Miller
My name is Ellyn Romoser.
My email address is
judi ghionzoli
Julie Kallenbach
Responses to Question #5: What other professional development opportunities
would you like to see provided by your state or local AEYC?#
More workshops classroom management, asthma, autism, and center management
would love to see our local AEYC branch out more to the public school early childhood teachers.
Not only do I think this would benefit the certified teachers, but would also be a great way to increase
opportunities for higher level information to flow. Additionally, I'd like to see more branching out to the community.
The current DuPage AEYC group has not done as great of a job marketing itself as it should.
more in-depth learning opportunities
Ones for specail needs, sensory integration and how to best work with other staff with different personalities.
accreditation information,
on-line opportunities - ie. video library on-line.
Literacy focused, more cuttign edge and reserach based presentations
Programs and workshops at a higher level---all of our staff either have Master's degree or working on them.
local conferences
I think the state or local AEYC are doing a lot of things for the members. However, not all members have the time to attend the
cheaper conference and workshops, esp. focusing on kindergarten
Free PD
more partnership with family child care
Leadership for new Directors and/or Administrators
Great Start for School District Preschools
Online targeting special needs.
mentoring with ECE professional with education (B.S.+) and wages ($30,000+)higher than my own
I need professional development hours for Early Intervention.
at state level: leadership development, growing & strengthening affiliates
More in depth workshops, covering information to assist the seasoned teacher take it to the next level.
More weekend conferences offered thru the year.
basic stuff: child development, curriculum ideas that support the standards, free cpr training on site, how to get ready for NAEYC accreditation
what resources are in our area for teachers
Workshops or trainings for those of us that have been practicing for several years.
At this time I am not teaching - I find the conferences with many workshops very helpful.
They are a way to gain the maximum amount of information in a concentrated time frame
Would like opportunities to network in my local area, Edwardsville, IL
More opportunities to learn about Conscious Discipline.
I would like to see more Movement and Music Concerts for families in our area sponcered by our state and local AEYC.
GOAEYC sponsors at least one per year. The families from our program, Today's Child, meet at the Concerts and have lots of fun together!
State: Developing policy activities
creative curriculum, Sensory Issues
I enjoyed the conference, so I would like to see that continue.
Advocacy, reaching out to Hard to reach families
More professional academic workshops at an affordable cost. Our center can never afford to attend most NAEYC seminars.
early childhood conference
Workshops and seminars offered during the summer months
I believe in offering a vast and diverse set of professional opportunities the more the better. Having options is key.
Just continue what you are doing.
Perhaps licensing information.
Ethics for Early Childhood Educators and Professionals
Responses to Question #5: What other professional development opportunities
would you like to see provided by your state or local AEYC?#
I would like Chicago Metro to have an EC philosophy to enable colleagues to network.
This affiliate has drastically changed in the past two years and is currently providing me very little in up-to-date communication and resources.
More state standards activities and cooperative workshops
Opportunities that span time, say 2 to 4 sessions on a single or related topics.
networking, administrator training
more mentoring in center
Training of Trainers
Science and Math
Creative curriculum training for administrators in the Springfield Area
Scholarships for teachers
more assistance to become accredited
CCRR has taken over this, especially for entry level. Maybe focus on administration.
Affordable ways to pursue a Bachelors Degree. Information on Grants and how to write them.
More on Brain Development
Reggio Trainings by the Italians
more in northern suburbs, they used to have a fall workshop at college of ed
ways to incorporate NAEYC standards into the classroom
Online training
Something for the longer in the profession older) member.
Do you ever offer anything for ECE students?
everyday teachers or directors teaching workshops or conferences. Sometimes experience can be the ultimate teacher.
Picture Exchange Communication Systems workshop or work shops on meeting communication needs of children with autism and speech delayed.
continue education opportunities
I really like the Illinois Resource Center, but they seem to think that offering a workshop in Springfield is serving Southern Illinois. Springfield is a three
hour drive for me. I would like to see more of these high quality workshops in Southern Illinois.
Leadership Development for the up-coming Early Childhood Professionals
Basic Technology
Tracks for teacher assistants and aides, as well as family support staff.
On-site workshops that provide CPDU's
More workshops & conferences.
Offer ERS training again in the future.
more hands-on workshops for pre-service teachers and pre-professionals - more exposure to the profession all around
evening guest speakers
Continue with the SAM Program
more weekend, close by, a few hours long conferences. like the one at ECC, a mini conference! some workshops on math and science, making lesson
Special Needs
Behavior and Guidance
more networking
Illinois AEYC Member Survey: Question #1: To which local affiliate chapters do you belong?
To which local affiliate chapters do you belong?
Bi-County of IL
0 (0 %)
Capitol Area
7 (2 %)
Chicago Metro
87 (29 %)
DuPage County
26 (9 %)
East Central
9 (3 %)
Fox Valley
13 (4 %)
Golden Corridor
27 (9 %)
Heart of Illinois
14 (5 %)
9 (3 %)
South Suburban
13 (4 %)
McLean County
14 (5 %)
Mid-Central of IL
9 (3 %)
Northern Illinois
9 (3 %)
Quad Cities
5 (2 %)
Rock River
7 (2 %)
South Central
1 (0 %)
Southern Illinois
24 (8 %)
Spirit of Illinois
10 (3 %)
Western of IL
4 (1 %)
Illinois at-large
6 (2 %)
Don't know
2 (1 %)
Illinois AEYC Member Survey: #3 What professional development opportunities are provided through your local affiliate?
What professional development opportunities are provided through your local affiliate?
214 (73 %)
243 (83 %)
173 (59 %)
Other, please specify
27 (9 %)
Responses to Question #7: If not currently involved, what support can Illinois AEYC or your local affiliate
provide for you to become more involved on the local level?#
I would love to be involved! I just moved back to this region and look forward to more information on meetings so I can get involved.
I am involved at the state level in non-AEYC efforts. I also participate in some local conference committees
I am teaching at ISU and I have always encouraged my students to be involved in AEYC or any other professional organizations.
However, other than this, it is quite difficult for me to be involved in AEYC though I wish I can contribute more because of my background.
Make it more understandable and accessible for the average teacher.
more communication since we are such a spread out area
board positions besides president or president elect!
I'm a former board member (at least three tours in the 80's and 90's) and happy to see the next generation or the one after take on leadership roles
just became a member would love to participate in every program available
information on opportunities, what is involved, how much time and how often
was on the affiliate board & several committees during Fox Valley AEYC's first 15 years
My center needs more support with accreditation.
I would love to be a lobbiest for the PreK state iniatives
Keep providing workshops/groups etc. Sometimes the scheduled times conflict with my other scheduled events
More information on how and what those obligations would be.
Tell me where my local affiliate is located, along with contact information so that I can call and email them for information in my area, Edwardsville, IL
I'm involved at the local level, just not on a Board. I belonged to committees in the past. I also have a pipeline to our local Senator,
Don Harmon, who has an office a mile away from my home, attends my church, and responds to my e-mails and phone calls--for which I'm very grateful.
information on meetings
I do not know any information on involvement on a board or committee?
I am the coordinator of the AOK Network in Tazewell and I distribute any conference, workshops, etc. that are hosted by AEYC.
Currently, I am a fulltime student so right now I no time to become involved in my local affiliate.
Responses to Question #7: If not currently involved, what support can Illinois AEYC or your local affiliate
provide for you to become more involved on the local level?#
Meetings are at night, I work long days and my nights are precious. Meet during the work hours, and I will be there!
membership drives, distribute more information on membership to teachers
More available times for those of us who are Directors and Adjunct faculty with time constraints.
I am happy with being a member at large.
Information about different opportunities with advance notice to determine my eligibility, with specific dates and times.
I am a student at Southern Illinois University maybe members of the board or local alliliates could come speak to the Early Childhood classes on the
importance of being involved with their local AEYC affiliate.
There needs to be a change of philosophy, administration, and By-Laws to provide for a more inclusive organization.
We have 5 individuals in our office who are members of the local AEYC...our agency is very involved as a whole.
Bring things closer to my home region wise as well as allow for working parents.
I have served on the Board and several committees in the past and would entertain doing so again in the future
To provide other meeting times during the week and not just one because I am unable to go to alot of the meetings because they are at one time only and
class conflicts with it.
more local AEYC to my location
I have always been involved with my home affiliate until changing jobs creating a lack of time.
have been invloved for many years. Primary focus was once in-service. Need new focus with CCRR so prevelent.
Great fall conference; very little other local benefit currently provided
inform me of possibilities that would be at a convenient time.
A small group of us in the area from Carlinville - Edwardsville are wishing we had a chapter closer to home.
Send out more info I will look into it.
Information on how to get started.
offer workshops close to my home
Would like to be considered for the CMAEYC board
have no car,I can volunteer
we are just beginning to look at getting accreditation for our school.
Responses to Question #9: If you are not comfortable in contacting your legislator,
what can Illinois AEYC do to help you?#
Help people understand that early childhood is much more than Headstart. Also, maybe before we have pre-school for all we should make
kindergarten mandatory?
not sure, maybe have us accompany you on a trip so we can see how not scary it is : )
provide contact info and up-to-date info on what is going on that we might need to contact them about
I am, but I think most ECE teachers are not. I think that providing things like example letters and specific things to say help people.
help me learn the Illinois public policy issues - I was a Public Policy intern, trained by CAEYC so I am very familiar there and not here
This is just not my thing; I appreciate our Public policy committee chair's reports and those of the ILAEYC delegate.
don't know who or what to contact them for. No aldermen in Oak Park.
continue to provide information and ways to contact the people.
I am comfortable doing it and have personal relationships with them.
I only contact via email. I would go with someone who is making a face-to-face to get started with a morepersonaltouch.
I just do not have the time. I teach every day as well as direct my center on nights and weekends.
Tell me who it is
News briefs and updates by email would be helpful.
Provide email addresses.
I'm not sure. We have contacted our govenor to honor him during the week of the young child but recieved no response.
I cannot lobby for anything due to being a county employee.
bring legislators to us to hear us and see our work
Responses to Question #9: If you are not comfortable in contacting your legislator,
what can Illinois AEYC do to help you?#
NOt so much uncomfortable, but sooooo busy to write a letter. If you would pre-write or example write letters specific to topics, it is easier to
follow through
Give a list of who they are and how to reach them
Unfortunately, I do not know who my local legislator is.
Get more opportunities to be aware of the meetings that AEYC are having, especially at Eastern Illinois University so that I may be more
I am not comfortable with calling, but have wrote a letter.
I am not politically minded.
identify & keep current
I have never done that before. I am not opposed to this, just have no experience. It might be nice to have a list in one spot of our local
Continue to send emails letting me know what is being done at Springfield to help the field of Early Childhood.
funding for private schools...
I like the click here and send approach.
Steps to follow and what information I can receive in return
Give guidance as to what to say in emails
The early childhood program is embedded in a large social service agency. The agency contact of legislators is handled on an agency basis, not
a program basis.
Continue to be an advocate for early childhood education
provide sample letters
Responses to Question #11: If not, please share your email address with us here and
information about the online community will be emailed to you
Responses to Question #13: If you did not find what you were looking for,
please share with us what information we could add to the community to better serve you.
I was just checking to see what it offered
did not go onto the community website yet
It is very difficult to find information on the web site for
accreditation process.
Not looking for anything in particular.
New to the association so just learning
I just have not had time to do any thing. My life is so busy.
Just looking around...not looking for anything in particular
Responses to Question #16: If you have read the Illinois AEYC E-Newsletter, did you find it worthwhile? If not,
could you offer suggestions for improvement
I am a private pre-school with before and after care/summer camps. Not much addresses us.
teaching tips would be great, in-depth articles on teaching, upcoming training by various agencies
Could be more timely. Sometimes info is too late or dates have passed.
Send it in paper form to child care centers.
Donetta and Tonya are very helpful!
Would like to see more info on networking and meetings and functions.
With a state newsletter, the challenge is making it relevant to a geographically diverse population. I tend to see the
articles as "cutsey", but neither interesting nor informative. I suggest focusing heavily on (a) current state (or
federal) policy issues; (b) resources that would be useful to individual members and how to access them; and (c)
progress on ILAEYC programs and how others might participate in expanding them. (These are in order of
priority/importance.) If you're not already doing so, I suggest engaging a communications professional to do make
recommendations on the content and to do the design and writing.
This is not a suggestion. I found out more about Chicago Metro from the Illinois AEYC Newletter than I did from
Chicago Metro communications.
prefer hard copy
hard to find time to read it
I have read some of it. I like newsletters that I can print out and read at a later time, when it is more convenient for me.
It is difficult to print these up when there are a lot of links.
Responses to Question #19. If not, could you offer suggestions
for improvement in hard copy newsletter?
Not much there for directors.
I feel that it is not necessary to both mail and electronic mail the same document.
same as above
lots of typos and grammatical errors
I miss Teri Bobko's articles!
Haven't received. Techi-Tots, Inc., 7413 Leslie Drive, Edwardsville, IL 62025 i1
I prefer the on-line.
I get too many newsletters and as a result do not really read any. I do scan them.
e-mail is fine don't waste paper
Please add me to your mailing list. I would like a mailed copy to share with coworkers.
Mary Anne Wilson, Healthy Young Families, 1801 Fox Dr., Champaign, IL 61820
just email the newsletter--skip the paper version--too much mail!
Responses to Question #21: If not, could you share with us other website postings
that would be of interest to you?#
Have not accessed yet.
not used
don't spend time on websites
Job Postings
Opportunities to be a mentor for PAS and NAEYC in the Chicago Area.
scholarships for teachers?
Responses to Question #24: If not, could you offer any suggestions for improvement? (Staff members helpful
when in contact with office)
No - the staff is awesome!
Would like to see Call for Proposals for state conf. sent to all
presenters at the prior year's conference.
Donetta is always the best!
They both have been very helpful, prompt and eager to assist.
The staff is very helpful! Donetta is great! Thanks for all you do!
You both are awesome!!!!
Donetta and Tonya are GREAT and VERY HELPFUL!!
Responses Question #25: What are the top three concerns that are impacting your services for young children at the present time?
professional development/training, quality of programs/assessment, public policy support, qualified staff, funds for qualified staff, enrollment is low, Early
Learning (Reading),Child Nutrition, Immunization, budget cuts, IL state government not paying its bills in a timely manner., budget cuts, worthy wages
for child care providers, increasing the state subsidy rate, need for quality infant care, Funding for teachers and families. Quality programs. , state
funding, low salaries/no benefits for teachers,district only offering services to the most severe of children when many should qualify for services, teacher/
staff shortage, financing, quality, quality, quality, financing/wall street blunder, finding qualified staff, lack of young children's books with LGBT families
and incarcerated parents, Funding, professionalism of staff, access to affordable full day child care, economy, time, parent Involvement, Budget,
consistent staffing, being able to honor my staff with the income they should earn., funding, improvements, and accreditation, How to get help for our
children with some special needs., How to find the appropriate training for our staff that meets accreditation criteria., How to find enough money to
create a safe and appropriate outdoor play area., child care co-payments, child care reimbursement rates, income eligibility guidelines, cost, new
minimum wage, dealing with loss of children to pre k and head Start, quality education, available education, qualified teachers, Narrowing the knowledge
achievement gap, Best Practices for teacher, Data driven planning, job funding/securityprogram funding, No Child Left Behind, RTI Plans, Public School
Push Down Effect of Curriculum, readiness for preschool separation , philosophy of educationRising costs, finding well trained personnel, obtaining
funding to help support operations, stress - parents, staff - over the economy, parents challenges to pay for services, staff professional development,
budgeting, time, affordable training, training, and training, Push to "read" in Pre k, Less time for teachers to plan/collaborate, Decreasing ESL/bilingual
Classes, income guidelines, Money, Receiving State Subsidies on time, funding, differentiation, lack of online education opportunities, improving quality,
educating the public and law makers, money issues, especially wages, Money, Educational qualifications, Governance, unemployment and possible loss
of income, being able to offer a quality program on less funds, union, children not getting the education they deserve. Low income households not
wanting there children to be well educated, funding, rising cost for fuel rising cost for groceries , lack of quality support staff, lack of funding/money for
materials and resources, lack of teacher resources, Accreditation, Quality childcare options staffed by knowledgeable care givers with centers that are
committed to DAP., The economy and its impact on families, working mothers and ngo and nonprofit sources of support. Obesity and other lifestyle
health issues. availability of quality child care, availability of affordable care, lack of widespread knowledge of best practice, $$$$$$-Livable & Worthy
Wage, public perception of ECE: babysitters, child care & not educators, women still thinking about the children/families above their own personal and
financial means, The economy, price of gas. 2 Low income families. 3. issues working with bi-lingual families., funding, shortage of teachers with 4 yr
ECE degree, low wagesI believe some of Naeyc's accreditation standards create financial hardships on community preschools. I also think that the
increased paperwork (for example, documentation and assessment of preschoolers who attend preschool 2 days a week)is increasing whereas salary
and benefits are not. , High cost of professional development opportunitiesStaff turnover, Space concerns, How to financially assist families who fall into
the middle class category (do not meet subsidy requirements, but still struggle greatly with the rising cost of child care), Lack of assistance in the
community for bringing in outside services for mental and behavioral needs of children and families. The lack of "community" with in the early childhood
field in our area; all centers are in such competition instead of trying to work together to best meet the needs of the children in our community, .At the
higher education level, having courses that will transfer to 4-year institutions., Need to increase enrollment for early childhood program, need teacher
education, need money for Supplies, Need computer equip and training for teachers to use it, staff development regarding including children with special
needs, Length of day for the children, Amount of tuition charged, Enough children for the programming, grant opportunities, Classroom
Space, Time, Differentiating Instruction with totally integrity, parent involvement, social/emotional development, needs of foster children,
staff loyalty, enrichment programs being implemented into daily routine, obtaining knowledge for state funded programs.cost of care,
caregivers who are stressed and underpaid, higher cost of higher education, I am a Parent Coordinator and my top 3, how to get services
easily to families, how to get parents more involved, introducing parents to the school environment for them and their child , staffing financial, quality of those available, economics - parents unable to afford care, Leave No Child Behind, Funding, Timeliness of
Reimbursements, Economy, Economy & Time management , Cut hours = less income for staff and less time to accomplish what needs to
be done., The Economy is impacting our program. We have parents who are losing their jobs, having to leave college programs and
either pull their children our of our program or reduce the number of days or hours that they spend with us., enrollment in the age groups
where we have openings, lack of participation by families in the education of their children.
Responses Question #25: What are the top three concerns that are impacting your services for young children at the present time?
Lack of funding for some schools. Large class sizes with little help., 1. huge gap in philosophies about what is considered "best practices"
for children;, lack or teachers who understand the worth of developmental play and how to provide for it daily in large chunks of time, as
well as facilitate meaningful play experiences, great need to hook up with the services of Patty Wipfler's California program, via online
training and reading the Hand in Hand newsletter: (please see)connecting@handinhandparenting.orgTeaching Safety, Parenting, lack of
material, student teaching lack of administrative support, Staff turnover, funds, etc., Funding for programs, professionalizing the field
(making the public aware of the importance), need higher standards, transportation issues (students to and from school), uninvolved
families, staff issues (not doing their job)Fixing the budget/political mess in Springfield., Attracting and retaining well-qualified staff,
Supporting our system of ongoing improvement of classroom practice., behavior issuesparent training for behavior issues, budget,
challenging behaviors, a wave of developmental delays/disabilities/birth defects among birth-3 children, The economy., Funding.Lack of
qualified teachers., Funding, wages, insurance, programs closing because of job loss, access to PFA funding and lack of collaboration,
Lower enrollment for lowest cost Possible, Money, Licensing renewal/new requirements of DCFS/Fire Marshall, Age appropriate
discipline for toddlers and 2s, Having enough hours in the day to complete Everything, parents choosing lower cost child care options,
parents losing or moving for their jobs, need more money to support our quality program, dhs co-pay amounts toohigh, staff turnover,
finding NAEYC qualified staff, Readiness for attending school, working with parents, building teamwork with staff, Appropriate services
provided through Special Education., A large waiting list., Not enough room in our building to serve the needs of our community., Funding
, Quality staff/staff turnover, Professional Development Quality Trained caregivers, Compensation, Acquiring 04 certified teachers,
Acquiring teacher assts. with 30+ college credits or A.A. degrees, $$$$, The state of the economy.Assistance for all families., Dedication
to education., curriculum push down, economics, harried families, Gossip, character assassination and power , lack of childcare providers
in some areas, funding, parent involvement, free services to children who need it, Need to network within Chicago Metro, available quality
child care unemploymentlack of funding, special needs, English as second language, Early Childhood education being regarded as a
profession, rather than babysitting, Obesity. I believe it is due to program cuts in schools, and after school video game play. When I was
young, we went home, and played outside. We didn't spend nearly as much time in front of the tv as kids do now., Funding, unnecessary
paperwork, not enough help from outside sources., program quality, DAP, workforce development, Money for building improvements, staff
burn-out, and intervention services for children 3 years and older., The times in which the meetings are held and the opportunities are at
one time only, which is hard to get involved with because it does not give me a chance to pick from a lists of times to better balance out
my daily schedules., Lack of federal monies to run the program., Lack of consistency with DCFS and Fire Marshall rules and regs., New
Federal Mandates make it impossible to run our program for all the paperwork they require., enrollment, moving staff to best practices,
equitable wages, increased child care funding, health care, parent co-payments, teacher education and experience, Population changes
in the area (decline in overall attendance), enrichment opportunities, meeting needs of children with special needs children in
preschool/identification and placement in program that will serve bettersocial emotional development, children with disabilities
assessment, transportation, dental services, income guidelines, pre-school for all and at risk programs taking all of the pre-school children
in our area, low subsidy rates, the need to make private pay rates equal subsidy when parents are barely able to afford us now, parent
education, disipline Allergies, Cannot pay teachers what they are worth., Not enough money to buy all of the supplies we would like to
buy., Recruiting quality teachers that view working with young children as a career and not a job., Staff conflict, money, money, and
money., well trained teachers/substitutes, disconnect between DHS reimbursements and our tuition fees/schedule, tuition prices, free
state programs, utility hikes, children with special needs in regular ed classroom, children and stress, referring parents to quality agencies
while using the HMO system and helping parents follow through., Communication with parents: finances, Family providers don't get the
respect that the public system does and parents reinforce that., Difficulty dealing with children of this present generation; fretty, unsettled,
extremely needy, attention wise., challenging behavior, funding (leveled or cut), administration that does not understand the realm of early
childhood, Money for adequate staff coverage, We need more Process oriented projects in the classroom.I feel like we are doing so much
in the class that I cannot attend to emotional needs., We need better Pay, Dealing w/ children with Autism/ADD/ADHD, Brain
DevelopmentBalancing working with young children while having young children at home, Financial stability of community and my
program 2. Ability to retain quality teachers 3. Rising costs are making quality harder to maintain., RTI training, ELL needs, Special
Education Inclusion, not enough free time, not qualified teachers everywhere, too much too fast
Responses Question #25: What are the top three concerns that are impacting your services for young children at the present time?
Lack of parent support, Lack of resources such as who to have speak at parent nights what will parents respond to etc..., Including
technology in the classroom, working to help students meet the Illinois state standards, Providing parenting skills class for parents,
Stressing the involvement of parents in their child's life. , Stressing some kind of discipline in the home, how is the budget crisis going to
affect service delivery, ECE in Illinois?, affadable services for Infant & Toddler Program, Wages, Cost of childcare, Education and
Professional training of staff, 129Insecure funding, limited resources for families and lack of affordable, quality child care, too many
students not enough room, FundingNo Child Left Behind being pushed downward to early childhood care and education., Pre-K for all.,
No Child Left Behind vs. ISBE Early Learning Standards - their different views., Budget, space and numbers, Right now my main concern
as a student is to learn as much as I can, to do the best that I can in order to be the best teacher/caregiver I can be., there are no
obstacles., Limited O.T. and P.T. services provided for my students in my district due to limited funds. , Funding for special education
preschool programs., .Placement services provided once they leave my program. Many districts do not have the funds to provide the right
classroom placement for the children with autism and other disabilities which do not fit easily into the existing classrooms after preschool.,
lack of parent connection to school, -lack of sufficient funding, -not enough time to plan lessonslack of financial help for families to afford
preschool, not enough knowledge about getting assistance for families of children with disabilities (non-financial), schoolage
programsbehavioral problems/social/emotional problems, Economy and how it is impacting our children and their families., Economy,
clients, English Language Learners, Too large of a Class, Meth Addiction in parents, Co-pays and the tuition difference for parents in the
subsidized program., Funding,Principal training in Early Childhood Education and developmentally appropriate practice...,Poor contract
administration by early childhood and child care funders, both government and private. , Behavior management of children.Shrinking pool
of director-management level candidates: folks are going into content areas, and not leadership administration or management. , Lack of
Qualified Substitutes for Teachers and Teacher's Assistants, Lack of Funding, Poor Parent participation, enrollment, new NAEYC
Accreditation process, funds, CCR&R-Do not provide direct service to Children, accessing affordable care and education for all children,
providing quality learning environments for children, engaging in supportive interactions with children, literacyNeglect, funding, Finding
qualified teachers, Lesson plans for 3 year olds at various stages of development, classroom management, and working as a team with
the other preschool teachers/ staff to provide optimum benefits for our students, Educating parents, keeping costs low, supporting
parents, Rising cost of providing care, State agencies working together, and Changes made in legislative, More space needed, esp. for
infants., Multiage grouping for infants, toddlers, and two year olds., Parent education, parents too busy, help in getting children evaluated
if they live outside the school district our center is in, cost of caring for children, cost to parents for care of children, providing services
(hearing, speech, etc) for children in our program, Lack of availability of qualified teachers, The public does not seem to value what we do.
, Do not provide direct service—supportive professional development services impacted by time factors for practitioners (everyone has
too much to do in available time), keeping it affordable, providing for a wide range of needs, financial needs, parents who are exhausted
and rushed, ECE professionals are underpaid and leaving the profession, esp. males, Language and young childrenparental training teen
moms, economy, economy, economy!, parent involvement, staff turnover, time (the lack of it), special needs, behavioral problems, and
parental involvement, Low enrollment, Children unenrolling due to ccap reasons, giving teachers planning time, The state fire marshal has
been restricting family child care without laws or codes to back him up. He is trying to force the closure of all family child care(his words),
mental health, child safety & dental health, daycare rates for parents, cost for daycares to maintain high standards, special needs children
in daycare settings, funding, teaching quality, teaching appropriate guidance, Lack of qualified staff -- very immature, inexperienced, the
colleges are not attracting enough students to the field and they are not preparing the students for the "real world" of ECE -- customer
service, diversity, generational mix, being a good employee, etc., curriculum, students with special needs, families at risk, the economy,
funding for needed programs (Head Start, etc...), good qualified staff, burnoutBudget, budget, budget, Lack of preschoolers-we do not
have a preschool for all grant , education of teachers, staffing, rising costs of food/gas, paying staff what they are worthFinding,training
and having the financial means to keep them., lack of recess, accelerated curriculum, Low enrollment, Parents being denied for subsidy,
Not enough private pay Parents, bilingual staffing, more ECE students needed @ local colleges, finding a job where I can place my
children that accept subsidy dollars for childcare.
Responses to Question #26: For Membership Chairs & Affiliate Presidents only:
What strategies does your affiliate use to retain members?#
low cost or no cost workshops
We are newly reforming in McLean County. at our successful kickoff event, we awarded two annual memberships and had really nice
raffles for members only. We did get more memberships that day.
Having a members only room w/ lots of give-aways :-)We also provide breakfast (spring conference) and lunch (fall conference) it's a sit
down meal vs. brown bag luncheon for our members.
involve them in decision making
Surveys of what the public is looking for, increase of workshops and events for members to attend, door prizes at events, newsletters to
keep members informed.
Get them involved in activities that they like, continuing to provide worthwhile events so that members can benefit.
Discount on Conferences and workshops.
Conferences on Saturdays
Meetings over lunch hour.
Community and Affiliate Chapter events.
Surveying their needs, annual conference, newsletter, scholarships
we are looking into establishing new perks. Also providing more information for our members. We are making a better effort to
communicate with our members.
Free workshops ($5 fee for non members), discount on conference fees.
Newsletters, personal visits to drop off membership information, emails, word of mouth, mailings & renewal reminders from the local
We are currently working on improving this.
We try to provide services that are needed in our area to help teachers of young children.
Responses to Question #27: For Membership Chairs & Affiliate Presidents only: What populations are unserved or underserved by your affiliate? (Examples:
Family Child Care Providers, Public School PreK, K Teachers, Students, etc.)
Pre K teachers
Family Child Care
FCC, Public School and centers that are not accredited
I would say we're underserved by the Public School PreK Teachers.
Head Start Teachers
We strive to reach all populations, but feel a lack of interest from home providers and public pre-k.
Public school pre-k ad K teachers
Public School PreK, K teachers, primary teachers
Family Child CAre
All of the above, except students. We have a good relationship with the two community colleges in our area.
public school teachers, students,
Family Child Care, Public School Teachers, Special Needs Teachers, For Profits, Some student groups.
Family Child Care
Responses to Question #28: For Membership Chairs & Affiliate Presidents only: For any of these unserved or underserved
populations, if you have used any strategies previously to attract them to membership,
please let us know what you have done.
Gave scholarships as a door prize to pay for membership
We are pairing up with the local R&R to reach out to all practitioners
Send out brochures to the school dist.
worked with the local collaboative of pre-k programs to spread the word about our affiliate
WE had meetings at night.
Conferences on Saturdays.
Membership and recognition receptions at night in order to network and always have a speaker that relates to day
targeted workshops at conferences, scholarship funding
we are going to try sending out invitations to our next general membership meeting to all of the schools in our
Yes - recruitment posters, mailing, personal invitations,emails and class announcements.
We have tried to start a Home DayCare Provider support group.
Responses Question #30: For Membership Chairs & Affiliate Presidents only: If your affiliate would be interested in expanding to
help serve unserved or underserved areas, which county or counties would you be willing to serve?
Not sure, would have to speak with board
I'd have to take this request to the board. However, I see possibilities in the counties east of McLean.
Where-ever we need to help!
I'm a former board member, but I'm like to weigh in here anyway. I think ILAEYC should take the initiative to
promote partnerships between/among local affiliates, so that the synergy creates new resources for all.
any, if needed. We recently took over for LEIAEYC
There isn't any one close to us.
There is nothing close to us.
I don't know. I'm the membership chair for Joliet, but am new to the position so I'm really just getting familiar with
our area and member needs. I'm sure we wouldn't turn anyone away, but I think this should be a decision of the
entire board, not one or two people.
Central East, however, I am not sure how we would attract these folks to our location, and I am not sure how other
affiliates work to effectively serve very wide geographic areas.
part of Will