Mangalam Computer Educational Institute MC Prospectus of MCEI CS/IT Mechanical/Civil Electrical/Electronic Oracle with Linux AutoCAD AuutoCAD .NET(Dot Net) Solidworks Embedded System Pro-E Solidworks Electrical Catia PLC/SCADA Java Linux PHP Web Designing UnigraphicsNX 7.5 Ansys C,C++ Staad Pro MCEI 3/71, Vivek Khand,(Near ICICI Bank,Manoj Pandey Chauraha) Gomti Nagar, Lucknow- 226010(U.P.) Cont.0522-4028005,9415012990 Mangalam Computer Educational Institute (MCEI) is a Non Govt. Organization which is governed by Mangalam Educational Society (Regd. Under Societies Registration Act Of 1860 Vide Regd. No. 1335), started in Lucknow Aug 12 . Its main objective is to create awareness for latest computer education in a very simple form amongst the people. Computers are the main source of connectivity these days. People are mostly dependent on computers for their major share of work. Whether its completing the college assignments, teaching lessons, work presentations or doing a long distance chat for almost free, computer or information technology has enabled human being in coming out with the speedy solutions of almost everything. These days, students also are very much inquisitive about developments around them, this leads to their increasing interest in the field of technology. The ‘why’ and ‘how’ of machine parts have resulted in many students adopting software and technology as their career fields. Software is the first and the foremost thing to be stored in any computerized machine to make it work. Starting from computers, to I- pods to mobile phones, everything is based on one or the other software. Even the world of internet is also based on software which enables the global connectivity of the masses and makes the world a more communicative and interesting place to live. Now when different reforms are taking place in the field of computer education in our society, students are contributing at the international level. Therefore walk into our Institute for nomination and shake hands with us in this effort in the direction of the social welfare. Mangalam Computer Educational Institute(MCEI) (Governed By Mangalam Educational Society Regd. No. 1335) Project Work Java/J2EE 6 Weeks Syllabus INTRODUCTION TO JAVA EXCEPTION HANDLING DATA TYPES, IDENTIFIERS AND VARIABLES DATABASE CONNECTIVITY STRINGS STRING BUFFER & STRING BUILDER CLASSES & OBJECTS METHODS IN JAVA RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OBJECTS INHERITANCE & POLYMORPHISM JSP & SERVLETS MULTITHREADING NETWORKING IN JAVA JNDI EJB Project Work Java/J2EE 6 Months Syllabus CORE JAVA Objects and Classes Algorithms Java Syntax and Style Data Types Variables and Arithmetic Boolean Expressions Control Statement and Loop Classes and Using Objects Strings Class Hierarchies and Interfaces Arrays and Array Lists Searching and Sorting Streams and Files Graphics GUI Components and Events Mouse, Keyboard, Sounds, and Images Swings AWT Big-O Analysis of Algorithms Java Collections Framework Lists and Iterators Stacks and Queues Recursion Revisited Binary Trees Lookup Tables and Hashing Heaps and Priority Queues Design Patterns JDBC Multithreading I/O Streams Exception Handling STRUTS Introduction to Struts ADVANCE CONCEPTS Architecture of Web Applications RMI Tier Architecture J2EE Containers and Services Java Server Pages (JSP) Accessing database with JDBC using JSP Java Servlet Technology Introduction to Netbeans 6.9 - A Development IDE for java applications Introduction to Sun System Application Server Deployment of web application using SJAS 9.1.Using Derby Tool as back end in Netbeans Using Glassfish V3 as an Enterprise Application server. EJB in Detail Enterprise Frameworks and Technologies framework MVC architecture using struts. Components of struts Struts Extensions HIBERNATE 3.5 (ORM API) SPRING Spring Fundamentals MVC Architecture Processing Pipeline Controller Menagerie View Layer Supported View Types Validation Testing Spring MVC Applications Introduction to web flow in spring Project Work .net(dot net) 6 weeks Syllabus INTRODUCTION OF .NET THE COMMON LANGUAGE RUNTIME (C.L.R) .NET FRAMEWORK CLASS LIBRARY SYNTAX & DATA TYPES LANGUAGE FUNDAMENTAL OOPS CONCEPTS CLASSES INHERITANCE EXCEPTION HANDLING ADO.NET INTRODUCTION TO ADO.NET ADO.NET? AND IT'S ARCHITECTURE CONNECTIONS AND COMMAND OBJECT DATA READER DATA SET TRANSACTION ASP .NET INTRODUCTION TO WEB FORM INTRODUCTION TO HTML CONTROLS WORKING WITH SERVER CONTROLS STATE MANAGEMENT SERVER CONTROL FORM VALIDATION WEB FORM CONTROL DATA BINDING SERVER CONTROLS Understand Event Bubbling MASTER PAGES ASP.NET WEB SECURITY EVENTS AND DELEGATES MULTITHREADING FILE SYSTEMS .NET REMOTING ASP.NET CACHING ASP.NET AJAX CRYSTAL REPORT WEB SERVICES Project Work .net(dot net) 6 months Syllabus INTRODUCTION OF .NET THE COMMON LANGUAGE RUNTIME (C.L.R) .NET FRAMEWORK CLASS LIBRARY SYNTAX & DATA TYPES LANGUAGE FUNDAMENTAL OOPS CONCEPTS CLASSES INHERITANCE EXCEPTION HANDLING ADO.NET INTRODUCTION TO ADO.NET ADO.NET? AND IT'S ARCHITECTURE CONNECTIONS AND COMMAND OBJECT DATA READER DATA SET TRANSACTION ASP .NET INTRODUCTION TO WEB FORM INTRODUCTION TO HTML CONTROLS WORKING WITH SERVER CONTROLS STATE MANAGEMENT SERVER CONTROL FORM VALIDATION WEB FORM CONTROL DATA BINDING SERVER CONTROLS MASTER PAGES ASP.NET WEB SECURITY EVENTS AND DELEGATES MULTITHREADING FILE SYSTEMS .NET REMOTING ASP.NET CACHING ASP.NET AJAX CRYSTAL REPORT WEB SERVICES SKIN & THEME CASCADING STYLE SHEET WINDOWS COMMUNICATION FOUNDATION (W.C.F.) WINDOWS WORKFLOW FOUNDATION (W.F.F.) ASP.NET AJAX GLOBALIZATION & LOCALIZATION XML SILVER LIGHT OTHER ADVANCE TOPICS Project Work Oracle 6 weeks Syllabus Module-1 Writing Basic SQL Statement. Restricting and Sorting Data. Single Row Function. Displaying Data From Multiple Tables. Aggregating Data Using GROUP Function. Sub-Queries. Creating and Managing Tables. Including Constraints. Views. Other Database Objects. Controlling User-Access. USING SET Operators. Enhancement to the GROUP BY Clause. Advance Sub-Queries. Hierarchical Retrieval. Module-2 Data-Time Functions. Triggers. PL/SQL. Normalization. Project Work Oracle 6 Months Syllabus ORACLE SQL Writing Basic SQL Statement Restricting and Sorting Data Single Row Function Displaying Data From Multiple Tables Aggregating Data Using GROUP Function Sub-Querie Creating and Managing Tables Including Constraints Views Controlling User-Access USING SET Operators Enhancement to the GROUP BY Clause Advance Sub-Querie Hierarchical Retrieval ADMINISTRATION- 1 Introduction (Database Architecture) Installing the Oracle Database Software Creating an Oracle Database Managing the Oracle Instance Managing Database Storage Structures Administering User Security Managing Schema Objects Managing Data and Concurrency Managing Undo Data Implementing Oracle Database Security Configuring the Oracle Network Environment Proactive Maintenance Performance Management Backup and Recovery Concepts Performing Database Recovery Performing Flashback Moving Data ADMINISTRATION - 2 Introduction Configuring Recovery Manager Using Recovery Manager Oracle Secure Backups Recovering from Non-Critical Losses Incomplete Recovery Flashback Dealing with Database Corruption Monitoring and Managing Memory Automatic Performance Management Monitoring and Managing Storage-I Automating Tasks with the SchedulerAutomatic Storage Management Using Globalization Support Project Work PHP (HYPERTEXT preprocessor) 6 Weeks Syllabus INTRODUCTION TO PHP LANGUAGE BASICS ARRAYS PHP FUNCTIONS FILES INPUT/OUTPUT PHP FORMS MYSQL DATABASE CONNECTION STATE MANAGEMENT CONTROLS WITH DATABASE CONNECTION ERROR & EXCEPTION HANDLING OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING AJAX Joomla Code Igniter(PHP++) Project Work Project Work PHP (HYPERTEXT preprocessor) 6 Months Syllabus INTRODUCING PHP INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING PHP BASIC CODING CREATING PHP SCRIPT CONTROL STRUCTURES ARRAYS INTRODUCING FUNCTIONS USING FUNCTIONS CREATING WEB FEATURES CREATING WEB PAGE CONTENT USER AUTHENTICATION COOKIES SESSIONS ENCRYPTION USING DATABASES WITH PHP MANIPULATING A DATABASE WITH PHP ADDING AND EXTRACTING INFORMATION CREATING DATABASE FUNCTIONALITY OOPS WEB SERVICE SHOPPING CART PAYMENT GATEWAYS GRAPHICS IN PHP CREATING A PRODUCT CATALOG CREATING A SHOPPING SYSTEM TRACKING AND CONFIRMING ORDERS JOOMLA CAKEPHP CODEIGNITER DRUPAL WORDPRESS Project Work Linux 6 Weeks Syllabus Introduction and history of Linux. Installation of Linux. Linux file system hierarchy and structure. The boot process. Linux basic commands. User and groups. File access permissions. Linux shells and basic shell programming. Disk management in Linux. Working with desktop. Basic TCP/IP and Networking. Graphical and text based internet. User quota. Networking with TCP/IP. Network files sharing with NFS. File sharing with windows network (samba). DNS. DHCP. Dial-Up Connections in Linux. Project Work. Project Work Web designing 6 Weeks Syllabus INTRODUCTION TO WEB DESIGNING History of Web Designing Importance of Web Designing Future Scope of Web Designing Overview of Web3.0 /Web3.0 Guidelines WORKING WITH HTML / CREATING A SIMPLE WEBPAGE Learning HTML Tags, Text Fonts, Styles, Attribute Lists and Tables/Links and Images BASIC DRAWING AND DESIGNING TOOLS: PHOTOSHOP Introduction to Photoshop Toolbox/Layers/Colors/Gradient/Effects/Symbols Using Color/Brushes/Textures Flashing Colors, Bright Colors, Color Composition Adding Background Colors & Color Contrast on Pages Color Gradient/Layer Styles/Blending Styles Management DESIGNING WEB TEMPLATES WITH PHOTOSHOP Image Editing / Reflection/Image Shadows Designing Menu, Button, Header, Footer, Images & Content Sections Designing a Web Site Home Page Designing Inner page, Product, Login & Registration Pages CREATING PAGES WITH HTML ON DREAMWEAVER Building a Home Page with links to other pages/Effective Navigation Adding Content to Web Pages Editing & Importing Images for using in Webpage Working with Fonts, Font Family, Color, Images, Background Color Using Cascaded Style Sheets/JavaScript / CSS Menus/Sitemap Adding Designer Banners/ Adding Flashes/Animations/Video/Soun d BALANCING WITH BROWSER DEPENDENCY & TESTING WEB PAGES WITH DIFFERENT BROWSERS MANAGING AND UPLOADING A WEB SITE TO SERVER C/C++4 weeks Complete Syllabus OVERVIEW OF C History of C Importance of C Programming style Basic structure of C program UNDERSTANDING MEMORY MAP Memory organization: DOS as Case study Program memory area at runtime Memory representation of data objects & function objects CONSTANTS, VARIABLES & DATA TYPES Character set, C Tokens Keywords & Identifiers Data type & its memory representation Overflow & Underflow of data OPERATORS & EXPRESSIONS 8 types of Operators Bitwise Operators explained Operator precedence Operator associativity Type conversion in expression CONTROL STRUCTURES: BRANCHING Decision making with if statement If else statement Nested if else statement Else if ladder Switch statement, GOTO statement The?: operator CONTROL STRUCTURES: LOOPING The While statement Do statement For statement Jumps in loop ARRAYS & STRINGS Benefits of an Array Types of arrays (1D , 2D , Multi-D) Limitations of an array Manipulating a String Arrays of Strings Comparison of Strings String handling functions HANDLING POINTERS Understanding basics of Pointers Rules for Pointers Pointer declaration Accessing a variable through its Pointer Pointers and Arrays FUNCTIONS Why Functions Types of Functions A Multi functional program Return values & their types Nesting of Functions Recursion Arguments & return types STRUCTURES & UNIONS Defining a structure Why a structure is used Structure initialization Structures within structures Unions & its properties Application of Union FILE HANDLING IN C What is a File? File Structure Defining, Opening a file Input/Output Operations on files Project Work AutoCAD Civil/Mechanical Electrical/Electronic Autocad Prerequisites: Engineering drawing experience; Concept of view (Isometric, elevation, plan), experience with the Windows™ operating system. Description: AutoCAD is a software application for computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting. The software supports both 2D and 3D formats. The software is developed and sold by Autodesk, Inc.,first released in December 1982 by Autodesk in the year following the purchase of the first form of the software by Autodesk founder, John Walker. AutoCAD is Autodesk's flagship product and by March 1986 had become the most ubiquitous microcomputer design program in the world, utilizing functions such as "polylines" and "curve fitting". Prior to the introduction of AutoCAD, most other CAD programs ran on mainframe computers or minicomputers, with each CAD operator (user) working at a graphical terminal or workstation. The topics covered in this course are: Getting Started with AutoCAD Basic Drawing & Editing Commands Making Changes in Your Drawing Organizing Your Drawing with Layers Advanced Object Types Getting Information from Your Drawing Advanced Editing Commands Inserting Blocks Setting Up a Layout Printing Your Drawing Text Hatching Adding Dimensions Parametric Drawing Working with Blocks Annotation Styles Project Work CATIA v5 (Mechanical) Introduction to CATIA Different work-benches in CATIA, CATIA interface. Sketcher CATIA Sketcher interface, different sketcher command like line, polyline, Predefined profiles, constraining (Geometric and Dimension), Dimensioning, sketch operation, Sketch transformations, Sketcher setting etc. Part modeling (Part design work-bench) Creation of sketch based features, like Pad, Multi Pad, Pocket, Multi Pocket, Revolve, Revolve cut, Loft, Rib, Stiffener, hole, threads, slot, etc, parent child relationship, specification (model tree), dress up features like rounds or fillet, chamfer, draft, extent, transformation features, surface-base features, design table, datum features. Surfacing (Wireframe & surfacing Design work-bench) Generative shape designing, generation of wire frame modeling using lines/points/splines etc., projection curves, combination curves, helix, boundry etc., creation of surfaces, Extruding surfaces, revolving surfaces blended surfaces, lofted surfaces, etc., surface operationsplitting, joining, scaling the surfaces, constraints etc. Assembly (Assembly work-bench) Introduction to CATIA Assembly, Introduction to Principal of Top down, Bottom up assembly, Assembly constraints, Free Hand manipulation of component, Move, Assembly array, checking the Clearance, Creation of BOM etc. Drafting (Drafting work-bench) Introduction to drafting, working views/background views, Placing views like projection views, sectional views, clip views, detailed views, oblique views, dressing up views dimensioning automatic/ref., annotations, generation of bill of materials geometry creation, geometry edition etc. Project Work Pro/e (Mechanical) Pro/E What is Parametric modeling, Working with or without Intent manager, Different File extensions in Pro-E, Setting up working directory, Current session files, Pro-E options Sketcher Working with and without intent manager, Sketch dimensioning, Auto dimensioning, modify,Geometric tools, Constraining, sec tools, regenerate drawings, sketch view. Part Modeling Feature creation, Potrusion & cut( Extrude, Revolve, Sweep, Blend, Blend Vertex, Use quilt) Solid, Thin, Rib, Shell, Pipe, Tweak base feature like draft, offset, flatten quilt etc., Hole Dress up feature fillet, chamfer. Advanced Part modelling User defined, Data shearing, Style, Ver sec sweep, Sweep blend, Helical Sweep, Pattern, Copy, UDF. Group, Supperess, Mirror Geometry, Simplified rep., Regenerate, Relation, Family table, Insert model Surfacing Datum curves, Datum point, Datum plane, Datum Co-ordinate system, Sketch base features, Extrude, Revolve, Sweep, Blend, Flat, Offset, Copy, Copy by trim, Advance surface creation, New, Merge, Trim, Extend, Transform, Draft, Area offset, Draft offset, Use quilt( conversion of surface to solids ) Assembly Introduction to Pro-E Assembly, Introduction to Principal of Top down, Bottom up assembly, Assembly constraints, packages, Zones Envelopes, Creation of Part assembly mode, Skeleton model, advanced utilities, simplified representation, exploded view, animation. Drafting Introduction to drafting, With /with out templates, formats, placing views, Placing dimension, Calling up Different model, Tolerances, Notes, Bill of materials etc. Project Work Solidworks (Mechanical) SolidWorks Prerequisites: Mechanical design experience; experience with the Windows™ operating system. Description: SolidWorks Essentials teaches you how to use the SolidWorks mechanical design automation software to build parametric models of parts and assemblies, and how to make drawings of those parts and assemblies. Lesson 1: SolidWorks Basics and the User Lesson 2: Introduction to Sketching Lesson 3: Basic Part Modeling Lesson 4: Modeling a Casting or Forging Lesson 5: Patterning Lesson 6: Revolved Features Lesson 7: Shelling and Ribs Lesson 8: Editing: Repairs Lesson 9: Editing: Design Changes Lesson 10: Configurations Lesson 11: Using Drawings Lesson 12: Bottom-Up Assembly Modeling Lesson 13: Using Assemblies Project Work Unigraphics-nx 7.5 (Mechanical) INTRODUCTION Product realization process Brief history of cad/cam development Definition of cad/cam/cae GETTING STARTED IN UNIGRAPHICS Opening unigraphics and files Printing, saving and closing part files Unigraphics-nx7.5 interface Coordinate systems Important commands/dialogs FORM FEATURES Overview Types of features Primitives Reference features Swept features Remove features Exercise FEATURE OPERATIONS Overview Types of feature operations Feature operations on models Exercise DRAFTING Overview Drafting of models Exercise SKETCHING Overview Sketching for creating models Exercises FREEFORM FEATURE Overview Freeform feature modeling Exercise ASSEMBLY MODELING Overview Terminologies Assembly models Mating conditions Impeller assembly Exploded view of impeller assembly Exercise MANUFACTURING Getting started with manufacturing module Creating operation and parameter setting Program generation and verification Operation methods Post processing 1. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Introduction to FEA Project Work ansys (Mechanical/civil ) Project Work Staad pro v8i (Civil) STAAD Pro V8i Prerequisites: Mechanical design experience; experience with the Windows™ operating system. Description: STAAD.Pro is the professional's choice for steel, concrete, timber, aluminum and cold-formed steel design of low and high-rise buildings, culverts, petrochemical plants, tunnels, bridges, piles and much more!.STAAD stands for Structural Analysis And Design. It is one of the software applications created to help structural engineers automate their tasks, to remove the tedious and long procedures of the manual methods. STAAD Pro training provides an overall look over STAAD Pro. It covers the steps to be followed to produce the structural analysis and design of concrete and steel. This STAAD Pro course also focus on the different results generated from the program, and how to read them, view them, and finally generate the necessary reports from them. The topics covered in this course are: Slab, Wind and Moving loads Introduction to Structural Engineering Introduction to STAAD.Pro V8i Model generations Assigning loads Assigning loads Creating Load Combinations Concrete Design Column and Beam design RC Designer Water Tank Design Slab Design One-way Slab Two-way Slab Staircase Design Shear wall Design Bridge Deck design using STAAD.Beava Seismology Response Spectrum Analysis Steel Design Pushover Analysis Foundation Designs Isolate, Combined, Strip, Mat and Pile Cap Report Generation Project Work Embedded System (Electrical/ Electronic) Project Work PLC/SCADA (Electrical/ Electronic) Project Work Solidworks Electrical (Electrical/ Electronic) The Specialised Short-Term Computer Courses Offered By MCEI Duration – 3 Months 2hrs/5days 1.Certificate Course in Office Automation (CCO) Introduction to Information Technology Fundamentals of Computers Basics of Operating Systems ( Windows XP ) MS Office ( Word, Excel, Power Point ) Internet & Email 2.Certificate Course in Computer Programming (CCCP) Operating System (Windows XP) Programming Concept & Techniques Programming in C, C++ Introduction to HTML 3.Certificate Course in Computer Application & Financial Accounting (CCAFA) Fundamentals of Computers Operating System ( Windows XP ) MS Office ( Word, Excel ) Fundamentals of Accounting Tally Voucher & Ledger Creation, Alteration & Deletion 4.Certificate Course in Financial Accounting & Tally.ERP 9 Fundamentals of Accounting Tally.ERP 9 Voucher & Ledger Creation Inventory Invoicing, Billing VAT, TDS, TCS Excise, Service Tax Filling of e-Tax Return Auditing Real A/c Project 5.Certificate Course in Web & Multimedia Designing (CCWM) Fundamentals of Computers Internet Java or A.S.P.Net Web Page Designing and Pagemaker Web & Multimedia Designing Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw Mangalam Computer Educational Institute,(MCEI) also provide project based Industrial Training . The following technologies are available for Industrial Training. 1. .NET 2. Java/J2EE with AJAX, Hibernate and Spring. 3. Oracle-10g (OCA & OCP) with Linux 4. PHP 5. Web Development 6. Linux We are also offering SPECIAL ONE DAY FULL TIME TRAINING PROGRAMME in ms Office(word, excel, power point) and internet etc with Refreshment Facility. Facilities which make us unique: Experienced Industry-best Faculty imparting finest training to the students. A.C Equipped Labs. Regular Practical’s & updations in syllabus according to upgradation in I.T. Personality Development Programme for Students. Participation in New Innovations. Motivation of students towards Information Technology through Presentation & Seminars in colleges. Mangalam Computer Educational Institute(MCEI) 3/71, Vivek Khand (Near ICICI Bank, Manoj Pandey Chauraha), Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010(UP) Cont. 0522-4028005, 9415012990