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Henry 1
Meredith Ashley Henry
1008 Townes Ct.
Birmingham, AL 35242
Phone: (205) 612-5560
University of Alabama at Birmingham; Birmingham, AL; 2012 to present
Degree: PhD (Anticipated May 2016)
Major: Developmental Psychology
Villanova University; Philadelphia, PA; 2008-2010,
Degree: M.S.
Major: Psychology
Selected Honors and Awards:
 Full tuition scholarship
 Presidential Award for Service to the School (2 consecutive years)
Samford University; Birmingham, AL; 2004-12/2007
Degree: B.A. with University Honors
Major: Psychology; Minor: French
Selected Honors and Awards:
 Graduated Summa Cum Laude
 Presidential Scholarship
 Member of Honors Program
 Dean’s List
 Psi Chi
 Phi Kappa Phi
 Study Abroad in London and France
 Senior Honoree, “Hanging of the Green” service—honor unique to this institution; 14 seniors
selected based on GPA and school leadership
 Teal Award—honor unique to this institution; Psychology department’s highest award, given
each year to the graduating senior the faculty feel has the most potential for significant
contribution in the field.
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Youth Development Lab, Lab Manager
08/2013 to present.
Supervisor: Sylvie Mrug, Ph.D.
My duties as lab coordinator include a variety of tasks related to the day-to-day operation of the lab, as
well as mentoring undergraduate student members of the lab. I am responsible for training new students
on the study protocols and for helping them with their personal research projects.
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University of Alabama at Birmingham, Youth Development Lab, Research Assistant
08/2012 to present.
Supervisor: Sylvie Mrug, Ph.D.
The Youth Development lab conducts several longitudinal studies investigating mechanisms of risk for a
variety of problem outcomes in childhood and adolescence. As a research assistant, I call and schedule
participants, prepare materials for subject interviews, conduct interviews, collect biological specimens,
compile and format data for analysis, and use collected data to address a variety of research questions.
Drexel University, Research Assistant
Supervisor: Lauren Rosenberger, Lab Coordinator, under Kirk Heilbrun, Ph.D.
This was a 5-year study evaluating the effectiveness of the sports-mentoring program SquashSmarts in
improving adjustment outcomes for middle and high school at-risk students in the inner-city area of
Philadelphia. My duties included administering a variety of assessment measures to subjects in 7th-12th
grade, scoring measures, entering data, and helping to file documents for IRB Continuing Review.
Villanova University, Children’s Language Lab, Research Assistant
Supervisor: Pamela Blewitt, Ph.D.
Dr. Blewitt and several of her students conducted a variety of projects to assess language abilities of
preschool aged children. My primary duty including coding children’s conversation according to lab
For more detailed information regarding teaching experience and to review my personal
philosophy of teaching, please visit .
PSYC 101-03: General Psychology (4 credit hours, 40 students): Spring 2015, Samford University
Position: Instructor
Course Description:
This is the introductory psychology course, designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the
scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. Topics include neuroscience, sensation and
perception, learning, cognition, development, personality, behavior disorders, psychotherapy, and social
psychology. This course is a prerequisite for all other courses in psychology.
Duties and Responsibilities:
I was the instructor for this course. As such, I was responsible for preparing all lecture materials,
assigning work outside of class, preparing students for exams, and grading. I also added team-based
learning activities to the previous syllabus.
Note: I also taught this course for 26 students in Fall 2014.
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PY 716L-2B: Lab for Applied Statistics (1 credit hour, 13 students): Spring 2015, UAB
Position: Teaching Assistant
Instructor: Edwin Cook III, Ph.D.
Course Description:
This course is designed as the laboratory supplement to PY 717, Applied Statistics. Students use the
statistical program SAS to reinforce materials presented in course lectures and to solve a range of
research problems.
Duties and Responsibilities:
I was responsible for grading all lab homework assignments. Students were graded based on their use of
appropriate coding, their interpretation of statistical results, and their written presentation of the
findings. I also hosted a designated "work day" each week, during which time I was available in the lab
to help students with any issues they were having with their assignments or the course material as a
Note: I also served as the TA for 16 students in this course in Spring 2014.
PY 215: Research Literacy in Psychology (2 credit hours, 58 students): Spring 2015, UAB
Position: Teaching Assistant
Instructor: Martinique Waters, Ph.D.
Course Description:
This online course provides an overview of the scientific process and teaches students to read and
evaluate scientific reports from popular media to primary literature, emphasizing the importance of
being a good consumer of information. The course also teaches students to write scientifically, following
accepted formats such as APA.
Duties and Responsibilities:
As the teaching assistant for this course, I was responsible for grading all online discussion posts (one
per week), along with assisting the instructor with grading the students’ final research papers.
Note: I was also the TA for this course in Fall 2014.
PY 315: Methods of Psychological Research (4 credit hours, 31 students): Fall Spring 2015, UAB
Position: Teaching Assistant
Instructor: Martinique Waters, Ph.D.
Course Description:
This course provides an overview of scientific methods used to investigate psychological phenomena,
including correlational methods, quasi-experimental methods, and experimental methods. It considers
issues related to problem definition, hypothesis formation, measurement, causal inference, validity, and
reliability and includes a strong emphasis on writing, quantitative analysis and questions of ethics and
civic responsibility.
Duties and Responsibilities:
As the teaching assistant for this course, I was responsible for grading article reviews as students created
the theoretical bases for their studies. In addition, I assisted them with running statistical analyses and
interpreting the results in light of their hypotheses.
Note: I was also the TA for this course in Fall 2014.
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PY 716L-73: Lab for Intro to Statistics (1 credit hour, 13 students): Fall 2014, UAB
Position: Course instructor
Course Description:
This course is designed as the laboratory supplement to PY 716, Intro to Statistics. Students are
introduced to SAS, a statistical computer program, and instructed in using SAS to conduct a number of
statistical analyses.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Through the use of lecture and laboratory exercises, I taught students how to effectively use SAS.
Topics covered included importing data into the program, running descriptive statistics, assessing
correlations, performing multiple iterations of the t-test, and one way analysis of variance. In addition to
showing students how to run these analyses, I also instructed them on how to interpret the results in light
of the research questions being asked and how to effectively communicate those findings in writing.
Note: I also served as the TA for 13 students in this course in Fall 2014.
PY 212: Developmental Psychology (3 credit hours, 30 students): Fall 2014, UAB
Position: Course instructor
Course Description:
This online course examines change throughout the lifespan in social relationships, emotional
functioning, language, cognition, and other psychological domains. The student is introduced to major
theories of development, and learns about the interaction of social and cognitive factors in development.
The course explores the interaction of the developing person with the environment, along with
individual and cross-cultural differences in patterns of development, as well as research issues in
developmental psychology. Students are expected to integrate their personal experiences, knowledge of
psychology, and their observations of human development with the content of this course
Duties and Responsibilities:
As the instructor of this course, I was responsible for creating all lecture materials, effectively presenting
material to students, preparing students for exams and other assessment, and grading all materials.
Note: I was also the TA for the online section of this course for 101 students in Summer 2014,
supervised by Maria Hopkins, Ph.D.
PY 214: Elementary Statistics and Design (3 credit hours, 42 students): Summer 2014, UAB
Position: Teaching Assistant, Guest Lecturer
Instructor: Olivio Clay, Ph.D.
Course Description:
This is a required course for undergraduate psychology majors. Descriptive and inferential statistics are
discussed with an emphasis on applying the same in behavioral science. Special attention is paid to
interpreting results of hypothesis testing as they apply to drawing conclusion regarding a specific
Duties and Responsibilities:
My duties in this course included grading all exams, offering one-and-one and small group help on
homework assignments and test preparation during office hours, creating novel materials for and leading
a series of Supplemental Instruction and Exam Review sessions, and guest lecturing on selected topics
Note: I also served as a TA for180 students in this course during Fall 2013, under the supervision of
Bulent Turan, Ph.D.
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PY 101: General Psychology (3 credit hours, 160 students): Spring 2014, UAB
Position: Teaching Assistant
Instructor: Bridgett Kennedy, Ph.D.
Course Description:
This online elective course for undergraduates provides a general survey of topics in the field of
psychology. Subjects covered include learning, motivation, perception, personality, physiological
psychology, comparative psychology, abnormal psychology, social psychology, clinical psychology,
child development, and individual differences.
Duties and Responsibilities:
My duties for this course included grading of online discussion posts and fielding of student questions.
Discussions were graded for content, clarity and accuracy of opinions expressed, and effectiveness of
the writing (e.g., spelling, grammar, etc.).
Note: I was also the TA for this course in Fall 2013.
PY 108: Human Sexuality (3 credit hours, 122 students): Spring 2014, UAB
Position: Teaching Assistant
Instructor: Bridgett Kennedy, Ph.D.
Course Description:
This online elective course for undergraduates provides a foundation of knowledge of the biological and
psychological bases for human sexual behavior. Topics covered include the genetic, hormonal, and
learning bases for development of sexual and sex-related structures and of psychosexual identity and
behavior, adult sexual structures and behavior, conception control, pregnancy, lactation and parentalism,
drugs and reproduction, and sexual pathology and variances.
Duties and Responsibilities:
My duties for this course included grading of online discussion posts and fielding of student questions.
Discussions were graded for content, clarity/accuracy of opinions expressed, and writing effectiveness.
Note: I was also the TA for this course in Fall 2013.
Registered for Stats Camp Summer 2015 workshop on Structural Equation Modeling in M Plus
Attended the National Forum hosted by the Center for the Integration of Research Teaching and
Learning (CIRTL). Participated in 2 days of workshops designed to promote discussion and
propose solutions for addressing the changing needs of education, with a focus on meeting the
needs of a changing student demographic and appropriately incorporating technology into the
classroom. (Spring 2015)
Received CIRTL Scholar certification. (For more details, please visit; Spring 2015)
Completed CIRTL’s Teaching as Research Capstone course (Spring 2015)
Received CIRTL Associate certification. (For more details, please visit; Summer 2014)
 American Psychological Association of Graduate Students research awards, 2015
 Association for Psychological Science Student Research Awards, 2014 & 2015
 UAB Ost Undergraduate Research Competition, Judge, 2013 & 2015
 Villanova University, Editor, "CONCEPT: A Journal of Graduate Research", 2009-2010
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American Psychological Association
American Psychological Association of Graduate Students; Campus Advocacy Representative
American Psychology-Law Society
Association for Psychological Science; Campus Representative
Society for Research in Child Development; SECC Teaching Committee Representative
Alpha Lambda Delta
Delta Epsilon Iota
Golden Key Society
Psi Chi
Phi Kappa Phi
Henry, M. A. & Mrug, S. (2015). “Puberty Moderates Effects of the Parent-Adolescent Relationship on
Adolescent Internalizing and Externalizing”(in preparation).
Henry, M.A. (2010). A moral vocabulary? Exploring the link between moral emotion label knowledge
and moral judgment in preschool-aged children (Master’s thesis). Villanova University,
Villanova, PA.
Fang, K., Henry, M., Sconyers, H., & Goldstein, J., (2008). Effects of perceived religiosity on judgments
of social competence toward individuals with mental illness. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate
Research, 13(4), 191-197.
Henry, M.A. (2007). Effects of previous case priming and defendant remorse characteristics on
sentencing judgments in teen court environments (Undergraduate psychology thesis). Samford
University, Birmingham, AL.
Henry, M.A. (2007). Tired of being the scapegoat: Defending the psychologist’s place in insanity plea
proceedings (Undergraduate honors thesis). Samford University, Birmingham, AL.
N’tcha, S., Okoro, G. C., Willis, A. S., Henry, M. A., & Mrug, S. (2015, May). Religiosity and
Substance Use among Urban Youth: Attendance and Meaning as Distinctive Predictors. Poster
presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY.
Henry, M. A. and Hopkins, M. (2015, April). Effects of Targeted Troubleshooting Activities on Student
Confidence in a Statistics Computer Lab: A Pilot Investigation. Poster presented at the annual meeting
of the Center of the Integration of Research Teaching and Learning, College Station, TX.
Henry, M. A. and Mrug, S. (2015, March). Puberty Moderates Effects of the Parent-Adolescent
Relationship on Adolescent Internalizing and Externalizing. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of
the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.
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Henry, M. A. (2014, November). 8 Things I’m Pretty Sure I’m Sure About Studying
Psychology. Invited address presented at the induction ceremony for the Samford University chapter of
Psi Chi, Birmingham, AL.
Thai, C., Henry, M. A., & Mrug, S. (2014, April). Does Parenting Prevent Hopelessness in Low Income
Youth? Poster presented at the OST Undergraduate Research Competition, Birmingham, AL.
Hirsch, V., Henry, M. A., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2014, April). Bullying, Academic Performance, and
High School Dropout in Adolescence. Poster presented at the OST Undergraduate Research
Competition, Birmingham, AL.
Thompson, C., Henry, M. A., & Mrug, S (2014, March). Pubertal Timing and Tempo: Associations
with Friends’ Behavior in Early and Middle Adolescence. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the
Society for Research in Adolescence, Austin, TX.
Adams, J., Henry, M. A., & Mrug. S. (2014, March). Peer Victimization and Support of Sexual
Minority Children from Preadolescence to Early Adolescence. Poster presented at the biennial meeting
of the Society for Research in Adolescence, Austin, TX.
Henry, M. A. & Mrug, S. (2013, August). Puberty Moderates Effects of the Parent-Child Relationship
on Adolescent Delinquency. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Honolulu, HI.
Henry, M. A. & Mrug, S. (2013, May). Puberty Moderates Effects of the Parent-Child Relationship on
Adolescents’ Internalizing Symptoms. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for
Psychological Science, Washington, D.C
Henry, M. A. & Blewitt, P. (2011, March). A Moral Vocabulary? Exploring the Link between Moral
Emotion Label Knowledge and Moral Judgment in Preschool-Aged Children. Poster presented at the
biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Society for Research in Child Development, Graduate Student Travel Award, 2015
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Graduate School Travel Award, 2013
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Psychology Department Travel Award, 2013