Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten
Sexual Variations and
Paraphilic Behavior
Copyright ©2008 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
What Are Sexual Variations?
• Sexuality can be expressed in a variety
of ways
• Atypical sexual behavior is statistically
uncommon behavior
• Most variation is not identified as a
psychological disorder
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What Is Paraphilia?
Characterized by recurrent or intense sexually
arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors
lasting at least 6 months involving:
1. Nonhuman objects
2. Suffering or humiliation of self or partner
3. Children or other nonconsenting people
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• The paraphilic behavior is predominant
in their life
• Distinction between sexual variation and
paraphilia is sometimes a difference of
degree, not kind
• Majority of diagnosis involve males
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• Behaviors tend to be compulsive and
• May lead to legal and interpersonal
difficulties, it may seem irresistible
• Vocabulary and categories change
across time
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Judgments of Sexual Behavior
• Nymphomaniacs
• Satyriasis
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Highly Sexual Women
• Historical term: Nymphomaniacs
• Desires sexual stimulation to orgasm 67 times per week
• Self identified
• Sexuality an important part of their life
and identity
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Noncoercive Paraphilias
• An important aspect of paraphilias is
whether they involve coercion
• Noncoercive paraphilias regarded as
victimless and relatively benign
• Noncoercive paraphilias are consensual
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Important Distinction
• Consensual variation is not paraphilia or
a disorder
• Paraphilia is not the same as
consensual variation
• Consensual variation and noncoercive
paraphilia may be the same
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Sexual Variation: Domination
and Submission
• Consensual sexual role-playing: one person
dominates and the other submits
• Also known as sadomasochism (S&M)
– A form of fantasy sex carefully controlled by
shared and elaborate scripts
– Power is central element
– Not considered paraphilic as consensual
• Most widely known form is bondage and
discipline (B&D)
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Domination and Submission
• Top and Bottom
• Dominatrix
• Illusion of harm is
• Humiliation can
occur in many forms
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Noncoercive Paraphilias
• Fetishism: sexual attraction to an
object which is required or preferred for
sexual arousal
• Partialism: exclusive attraction to
particular body parts
• To meet APA definition of fetishism as a
disorder, one must not be able to have
satisfactory sex without the fetish
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Noncoercive Paraphilias:
• Wearing of clothing associated with
other gender for sexual arousal
• Different from transsexualism
• Many value transvestitism as an
important part of their life
• Most men who engage in this practice
are heterosexual and masculine in
gender role
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Coercive Paraphilias
• Zoophilia: animals are preferred sexual
outlet even when other outlets are available
• Voyeurism: nonconsensual observation of
others for the purpose of sexual arousal
– Video voyeurism
• Exhibitionism: exposure of genitals to a
nonconsenting stranger
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Coercive Paraphilias
• Telephone scatalogia: non-consensual
telephoning of strangers; often involves
obscene language
• Frotteurism: touching or rubbing
against a nonconsenting person for the
purpose of sexual arousal
• Necrophilia: sexual contact with a
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Coercive Paraphilias
• Pedophilia: recurrent intense sexual urges
and sexually arousing fantasies involving
sexual activity with a prepubescent child
• A person with pedophilia must be at
least 16 years old and at least 5 years
older than the child
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Other Sex Pedophilia
• Pedophilia in which the sex of victim
and perpetrator are different is more
common than same-sex pedophilia
• Most convicted perpetrators are male,
most victims female
• The fact that a child is vulnerable is
more important than gender
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Pedophilia and Relationships
• Majority of pedophiles know their victim
and their family
• About half of pedophiles are or have
been married
• Most common activities: fondling and
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Coercive Paraphilia:
Female Pedophilia
• Few reported cases of females with
• Stereotypes of female nurturance may
hamper recognition of pedophilic
• Male child victims may not recognize
the event as abuse
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Sexual Sadism and Sexual
• Sadism: urges or fantasies of intentionally
inflicting real physical or psychological pain or
suffering on a partner
• Masochism: recurring sexual urge or fantasy
of being humiliated or caused to suffer
through real acts, not simulated ones
• Autoerotic asphyxia: a form of sexual
masochism linking strangulation with
masturbatory activities
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Origins and Treatment of
• Paraphilias are likely the result of
social/environmental, psychological,
and biological factors
• Difficult to treat, relapses often occur
• Multi-faceted approaches that include
enhancing social and sexual skills may
assist recovery
• Prevention has been shown to be best
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