May 7 - SUNY Canton

Non-Academic Assessment Committee Meeting
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Attending: Molly Mott, Terry Waldruff, Shawn Miller, Peggy Levato, Jennifer Waite, Sarah Todd, Pat Hanss, Karen
(1) Shared Middle States Accreditation Findings
a. Accreditation Reaffirmed:
i. SUNY Canton
ii. SUNY Oneonta
iii. SUNY Buffalo State
b. Warning Removed and Accreditation Reaffirmed:
i. SUNY Delhi
c. Follow- Up Reports:
i. SUNY New Paltz
ii. SUNY Morrisville
iii. SUNY Cobleskill
v. SUNY Downstate Medical
vi. SUNY Plattsburgh
vii. SUNY Albany
(2) Discussed our Comprehensive Survey (which is a local version of the SUNY’s Student Opinion Survey). IR
(Sarah) sent the survey to all students in April and will be collating the results soon. It was suggested, and
committee agreed, that the College should include additional questions on other areas (Veteran’s, IR, etc.). It
was furthered recommended that this survey be mandatory for students to complete (this recommendation will
be made to CUSP; additionally, it was noted that the College Catalogue should include verbiage on mandatory
student participation). Currently, the list of mandatory surveys via UCanWeb is being reviewed; it is possible
that the Career Services Survey of graduates will be dropped from the list as the results are not used. SUNY’s
SOS will be given next year; while SUNY Canton Comprehensive Survey will be given in the off years.
(3) Discussed the Communication Subgroup: The Academic and Non-Academic Committees formed a subgroup
to investigate the best way for the campus to communicate and post assessment data. Currently, we have a
repository on the web the College created for the Middle States visit and each area has an assessment link on
their webpage to upload specific data. The subgroup is discussing if the College should continue with this path
for communicating assessment data or explore other options. Currently the academic side has developed a grid;
the non- academic side needs to be folded in to the grid as well.
(4) Scorecards
o Supervisors were reminded to share the following information with their staff:
Scorecards (2013-14 Outcomes and 2014-15 Goals and Objectives) are due June 30th,
2014. Please submit via ANGEL>Non-Academic Assessment Repository>Content. Digital
drop-boxes are set up for each division, so all you need to do is upload your scorecard to themeveryone has access to the ANGEL shell.
All scorecards will be reviewed by NAAC early July during our annual workshop (details on
times and locations will be forth coming). Thank you! Please let me know if you have any
(5) Task Stream Update:
a. 20 units from the Academic and 20 units from the Non-academic areas will be included. Molly will
reach out to the non-academic side for a list of those units (areas) participating.
(6) Ambassador program
Terry’s comments: We had a division meeting last week and I handed out our training guide to the group and
went over a few things in it. There were a few questions and I stressed that I was available if anyone had
questions, comments or concerns after the meeting. A few people expressed an interest in setting up a
meeting, but so far no one has contacted me. People seemed appreciative that there was someone to go to with
questions and for assistance.
Sarah’s comments: I participated in 4 trainings and they all went very well. One of the important things I think
we (or I at least) need to keep in mind is the need for follow up after the initial meeting. In all of the meetings I
have attended, the individual has stated the interest and need in developing or redesigning an assessment. I
think it is important for me to set a reminder for 2 weeks after the meeting to see if they need any help getting
started, if they have been moving forward on any of the things we discussed, or if they have any new
Johanna’s comments –Meetings helped people think about what they wanted to do in more measureable ways
and encouraged areas to brainstorm about their goals and objectives. The discussions actually went beyond the
scope of the meeting to include generating ideas for future initiatives.
The committee hoped that in the future there would be a cross-over in training between the non-academic and
the academic side.
(7) Upcoming:
a. Self-assessment survey will be sent the week of May 19th
(8) Next meeting will be June 4
 Outcomes
 Create next year’s goals and objectives (which will include feedback from the self-assessment)
Thank you!