TRANSITION INTO ADULTHOOD FOR STUDENTS WITH TBI Bonnie Todis, Ph.D. Center on Brain Injury Research and Training Overview Transition under IDEA Quantitative Findings of PSO Project Employment outcomes for students with TBI Post-secondary education outcomes Community integration outcomes Qualitative Findings Educational Interventions Typical Youth Transition Childhood Adulthood School Activities Relationships Quality of Life Adult Identity Employment Independence Relationships Quality of Life TRANSITION Youth Transition Goals Childhood School Activities Relationships Quality of Life ALTERED Development Sustains TBI Return to previous or optimal childhood Adulthood Adult Identity Employment Independence Relationships Quality of Life Impact of TBI in Adulthood Road through Adulthood Employment Independence Relationships Quality of Life Sustains TBI Return to previous or optimal or acceptable lifestyle Transition Services IDEA A coordinated, results-oriented set of activities for a child with a disability. Based on the individual child’s Needs Strengths Preferences Interests Transition Services IDEA Post school activities include: Postsecondary education Vocational education Integrated employment Including supported employment Continuing and adult education Adult services Independent living or community participation Transition Services IDEA Instruction Related services Community experiences Development of employment and other adult living objectives When appropriate acquisition of living skills functional vocational evaluation Transition Services IDEA Begin no later than age 16 Students on IEPs are eligible to receive special education services through age 21 Once a student graduates with a regular diploma, he is no longer eligible for transition services Eligible for disability-related supports from other agencies Our Questions: What are the transition experiences of students with TBI? How does high school prepare them for transition? What are their transition outcomes? What factors are associated with positive outcomes? What factors are associated with negative outcomes? What is transition like for students and families? Transition Services IDEA Mandated, but not fully funded Students with TBI are under-identified for special education and transition services Transition services are highly variable district to district disability to disability severity of disability POST-SECONDARY OUTCOMES PROJECT (PSO) Project PSO 8-year study of transition outcomes Funded by OSEP and NIDRR 90 students in Oregon and Washington Recruited at exit from high school Rolling recruitment over 2-3 years School districts VR PSO Participants 77% had severe injuries 2/3 were identified for special education Half were injured while in high school Mean time since injury 7.7 yrs (range: 019) 2/3 male Project PSO Purpose: Systematic tracking of quantitative data on transition outcomes Methodology: In-person/phone interviews with young adult, parent 6-12-month intervals PSO Survey Domains Education and training Education accommodations Satisfaction ratings Employment history & plans Type of work, pay, hours Employment supports & accommodations Living/rent arrangements Sources of community support Satisfaction ratings Community integration & activities Social relationships Health issues Life satisfaction RESULTS Life Transition Planning 48% 50% 2% No Yes Don't know At initial interview Written Transition Plan 2% 37% 61% Yes Bonnie Todis, Ph.D. Center on Brain Injury Research and Training No Don't know . cbirt org At initial interview Person Who Helped Plan Transition Family member School Staff Community Trans Program Voc. Rehab Other Don't know 0 5 10 15 Count 20 25 At initial interview TRANSITION OUTCOMES Two level longitudinal growth model: Measurement occasion nested within participant Level 1: Repeated measurement occasions γij = β0j + β1j timeij + eij Level 2 : Participants β 0j = γ00+ γ00Xj + δ0j Level 1 = Outcomes at times 1 – t Level 2 = participant characteristics β1j = γ10+ γ11Xj + δ1j β 0j = intercept of group j β 1j = slope of TIME of group j * (time for participant ij) eij = residual for measurement i within participant j γ00 and γ10 are intercepts (of initial status and rate of change) γ01and γ11 are slopes (regression coeff) predicting β 0j and β 1j from variable Xj. Xj= Level 2 person variables (gender, age@injury, severity, etc.) cbirt org . Advantages of modern longitudinal methods are that we can: Use data with different #s data points and waves of data, can use all cases, and multilevel data structures [meas occasion within person within community] Evaluate changes over time [within-person variance]: Does employment increase, decrease, stay same over time? Model the effects of participant characteristics as predictors [between-person variance]: gender, age at injury, severity Test cross-level interactions of person variables(L2) with time (L1) : Does gender(L2) effect rate of change in employment over time (L1)? Key advantages: Flexibility and use of multi-level data Employment Outcomes Ages 19-25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (n = 54) (n = 74) (n = 85) (n = 86) (n = 84) (n = 75) (n = 55) Employment 20 (37) 36 (49) 44 (52) 42 (49) 37 (44) 35 (47) 33 (60) Male 17 (46) 23 (49) 34 (60) 34 (59) 29 (52) 26 (54) 26 (74) Female 3 (18) 13 (48) 10 (36) 8 (29) 8 (29) 9 (33) 7 (35) <20 hrs/week 11 (55) 18 (53) 13 (32) 14 (35) 11 (31) 10 (30) 9 (29) ≥20 hrs/week 9 (45) 16 (47) 28 (68) 26 (65) 25 (69) 23 (70) 22 (71) Age Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes 19-25 Percent Employed 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 19 20 Age in Years 21 22 23 24 25 Closer Look: Employment at Age 25 60% employed 74% of males, 35% of females Hours per week Mean 21-30 No one worked more than 30 hrs per week Employment Outcomes by Gender 80 70 60 50 Males 40 Females 30 20 10 0 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Employment at Age 25 Wages Mean $8.22 per hour No difference between males and females Type of Job 81.3% in menial, unskilled, or semi-skilled categories The rest in skilled (11.3%) clerical/sales (5%) or technicians (2.5%) None in the top 3 categories Comparison with Typical Peers EMPLOYMENT RATE PSO Sample WAGES PER WEEK HOURS PER WEEK $161-232 60% (male) $124-418 TYPE OF JOB 25.5 hrs 57% 0% menial/unskilled management/pro 35.8 hrs 36% 19% menial/unskilled management/pro (female) Typical Young Adults 68% $485 (male) $418 (female) • Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor, January 19, 2007 Factors Predicting Employment Hierarchical Linear Modeling Results Family SES: Those with higher SES were less likely to be employed at the beginning of the study, more likely to be employed over time For every unit change in SES there was a 3.3% increase in the odds of employment and a .7% increase in the rate of change in employment over time. Factors That Impact Employment Work category by time sex age at Over injuryTime Work Category Sexand and Age Injury Job Category bybySex Age atatInjury Type of work category high=professional Clerical, sales 5.00 SEX = 0,AGEINJ3 = -5.985 SEX = 0,AGEINJ3 = 2.897 SEX = 0,AGEINJ3 = 5.119 SEX = 1,AGEINJ3 = -5.985 SEX = 1,AGEINJ3 = 2.897 SEX = 1,AGEINJ3 = 5.119 Skilled 4.00 manual labor Later age) Avg age Earlier age Semi-skilled3.00 Later age Avg age 2.00 Unskilled work Menial service Females 1.00 Males Earlier age 0 1.00 Bonnie Todis, Ph.D. Center on Brain Injury Research and Training 2.00 TIME 3.00 4.00 Factors That Impact Employment Wages er time atat injInjury ury and sev erity Wagesov Over Timebybyage Age and Severity Later injury 10.98 AGEINJ3 = -5.985,SEVERE = 0 AGEINJ3 = -5.985,SEVERE = 1 AGEINJ3 = 5.119,SEVERE = 0 Mild/Moderate AGEINJ3 = 5.119,SEVERE = 1 9.72 Wages Early injury Later injury Severe 8.46 Early injury 7.20 5.94 1.00 3.50 6.00 8.50 11.00 Time Bonnie Todis, Ph.D. Center on Brain Injury Research and Training Factors That Impact Employment Hours Worked per Week Severity: M/M work > # Hrs. Gender: Males> #hrs. 21 – 30hr Hours Per Week For both genders: Earlier age at injury = work fewer hours/week 16-20hr Males Males Females 11-15hr Females Mild/Mod Bonnie Todis, Ph.D. Center on Brain Injury Research and Training Severity Severe Factors That Impact Employment Job Happiness by Severity and Age at Injury 3.54 how happy are you Very3.35 Happy Early age Avg age 3.17 AGEINJ3 AGEINJ3 AGEINJ3 AGEINJ3 AGEINJ3 AGEINJ3 = = = = = = -4.211,SEVERE = 0 -4.211,SEVERE = 1 2.575,SEVERE = 0 2.575,SEVERE = 1 4.296,SEVERE = 0 4.296,SEVERE = 1 Severe Later age Early age Happy 2.98 2.80 -8.00 Unhappy -6.00 -4.00 time -2.00 Avg age Later 0 age Mild/ Moderate POST SECONDARY EDUCATION Post-Secondary Education Outcomes Ages 19-25 Age 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (n = 54) (n = 74) (n = 85) (n = 86) (n = 84) (n = 75) (n = 55) Education 15 (28) 26 (35) 34 (40) 22 (26) 26 (31) 18 (24) 14 (25) Male 7 (19) 17 (36) 20 (35) 11 (19) 15 (27) 7 (15) 6 (17) Female 8 (47) 9 (33) 14 (50) 11 (39) 11 (39) 11 (41) 8 (40) n (%) Post-Secondary Education Outcomes Ages 19-25 Comparison with typical young adults ages 18-25 (Pew Research Center, 2007) 60 40 20 0 Nondisabled PSO Sample Comparison with Peers Non disabled young adults 18-25 46% enrollment (Pew 2007) 54% female (2005) NLTS2 45% reported continuing to postsecondary ed within 4 years of leaving high school. 32% community colleges 23% vocational/tech 14% 4-year Factors That Affect Enrollment Higher family SES, shorter time to enrollment Females more likely to enroll Those injured later were more likely to enroll. For every year increase in age at injury there was a 12.3% increase in likelihood of enrollment. Independent Living Outcomes Ages 19-25 20 21 22 23 24 25 (n = 54) (n = 74) (n = 85) (n = 86) (n = 84) (n = 75) (n = 55) Independent Living 12 (23) 26 (36) 28 (35) 37 (44) 35 (41) 37 (49) 29 (53) Male 7 (20) 13 (28) 18 (33) 22 (39) 22 (39) 24 (49) 20 (57) Female 5 (29) 13 (48) 10 (37) 15 (54) 13 (45) 13 (48) 9 (45) Bonnie Todis, Ph.D. Center on Brain Injury Research and Training Age 19 n (%) Post-Secondary Independent Living Outcomes Ages 19-25 Percent Enrolled 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 19 20 Age in Years 21 22 23 24 25 Comparison with Peers Non-disabled peers 18-25 40% live with parents (Pew) NLTS2 ages 17-21 25% have lived independently at some time since high school (65% of these lived in a college dorm or military housing). Factors That Affect Ind. Living Age at injury: Those injured earlier take longer to achieve independent living status. For each year older at injury, there is a 12.7% increase in odds of achieving independent living. Qualitative Component Qualitative Component Purpose: Access perspectives of youth with TBI and their parents on the transition experience Identify specific factors that promote positive outcomes Investigate the details of transition services Qualitative Methodology Methodology: Unstructured recursive interviews Participant observations with young adult Interviews with knowledgeable others 1-to-6-month intervals Qualitative Findings Thematic Categories High School Experiences Employment Post-Secondary Education Community Integration What Happens in High School? Students not identified for special education: Tested at or above grade level Injured junior or senior year, “helped” to graduate on time Helped to Graduate: Academic “My mom worked at the school and all the teachers loved me, so I didn’t have to do anything, they just passed me. All I had to do was come to class. They knew what had happened to me and they felt sorry for me. They thought I was a great kid. Did they do me a favor? Yes and no. I don’t think it was that great for going to [college], but yes, because I don’t think I would’ve graduated.” ~Kristi Not identified for SpEd No transition services No IEP Graduated No access to disability services postgraduation Usually tried to follow pre-injury plan Receiving SpEd Services Students identified for special education: Not identified TBI Two-track system Rarely received good transition services Themes: Two-track System College Prep Focus on graduation requirements Learning problems not like those of LD Often need social and life skills training Minimal transition services Two-track System: Academic Typical transition plan activities: Write a resume Take an aptitude test College visitation and meeting with disability services coordinator No time for life skills Students with TBI often don’t fit in What kids need NTLS2: Needs Life Skills % Two-track System: Life Skills 3 to 4 years of in-school work experience supported employment life skills (bus training, social skills, independent living self-advocacy Little academic work No diploma Two Track System: Life Skills “The teachers in my life skills program keep forgetting that I haven’t been this way my whole life. And I remember when I wasn’t this way. I can’t talk very well. I can’t walk very well. But I’m still smart. I know a heck of a lot…More than I should!” ~Mary, injured age 9 POST SECONDARY EDUCATION Themes: Pre-injury Plans Those injured in high school, and their parents, tended to pursue preinjury plans for transition. This often included college College was extremely challenging for many participants Themes: Is it worth it? “Will I be able to perform the job I am preparing for? I can’t sit here in my parent’s house forever until I pick out the perfect career. I have to go try.” ~Jack Strategies and Supports Some participants modified their plans Some developed effective strategies Some accessed effective supports Critical Features of Success Parent advocacy Linkages with campus/community supports Achievable short term goals Manageable environments Community college Live at home or in small group On-going support Employment Employment Themes Got job through Life Skills Family connections Infrequent promotion Frequent job changes/unemployment Uneven performance Inappropriate behavior Impulsivity/poor judgment Employment Successes Al: stable cleaning business Jed: tire store Jay: team trainer Critical Features of Success Parent advocacy Life skills training (work experience, social skills, money management) Communication, training for employer On-going family support Community Integration Community Based Services Pressure on families to access services when they are offered Whether the young adult can benefit or not Example: Section 8 Housing Critical Features of Success Family nearby Spouse Living with family Supported living Promising Transition Practices Promising Practices From young adults with TBI and families From transition research Strategies Community College vs. 4-year college Modify timeline Access supports Reframe challenges as opportunities Live the life you have now Strategies: Acceptance “Every day is different. Some days I can remember things, some days, not. I just take it as it comes, try not to get stressed about it.” Strategies: Reframing “Don’t think of it as, ‘I’ve been working on a 2-year degree for 5 years.’ Think of it as doing something good for your brain, everyday.” Strategies: Manageable Goals “I just try to take things as they happen and have little plans instead of big ones. I wish I didn’t have the problems with school that I do, and that I could have more of a plan. I wish I could do that, but because I can’t, then I just do what I can.” Evidence-Based Practices Student-Focused Planning Student Development (life skills instruction, career and vocational curricula) Interagency Collaboration Family Involvement (advocacy training and counselors) Program Structure (program policy and evaluation) Not Validated for Students with TBI Of 131 studies examining effectiveness of these transition practices 6 involved students with TBI 10 participants out of a total of over 1500 TBI Transition Tool Kit Pilot study through MCH State Improvement Grant Developed and piloted in Central Oregon Evidence-based transition practices Adapted for students with TBI Training for TBI School Team members Development and Training NIDRR Development Project: Defining Success IES Personnel Prep Development Grant with YTP Give transition professionals info about TBI and Transition Strategies Provide consultation, community of practice, resources Todis B. & Glang, A. (2008). Redefining Success: Results of a qualitative study of post-secondary transition outcomes for youth with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 23(4), 252-263. Todis, B. Glang, A., Bullis, M., Ettel, D., & Hood, D. (2011). Longitudinal Investigation of the Post-High School Transition Experiences of Adolescents with Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 26(2), 138-149.