Name__________________ Skeletal System Laboratory Using Long Bones ObjectiveUsing chicken long bones the students will be able to observe and compare real bones to the model of the human or animal skeleton. IntroductionBones are made up of proteins and extracellular minerals such as calcium and phosphorus to give them hardness. The diaphysis or shaft of a long bone is hollow; this hollow space is called the medullary cavity. The wall that enclose the cavity is the endosteum and it is covered with a layer of compact bone. The soft tissue found in the medullary cavity is yellow marrow (yellowish fat). When the body’s energy levels are low this fat can be converted into usable energy. The epiphysis or ends of the long bone are not hollow; they are filled with spongy bone. Red marrow fills the spaces of this tissue. The job of the red marrow is to produce new blood cells (Wiley & Sons, 1993). The head of a bone is covered in cartilage to allow smooth movements. Bands of cartilage where bone growth occurs are called epiphyseal plates. MaterialsSkeleton model, Textbook, Chicken long bones, Vinegar, Dissecting trays and kits, Scissors, Paper towel, Scalpel Background Information; 1. Label the picture. 7 6 4 8 5 2. 3. 4. 5. What is the epiphysis of a long bone?________________________________ What is the diaphysis of a bone? ___________________________________ What is the space inside the diaphysis called? _________________________ What is the function of red marrow? 6. What is the function of yellow marrow? 7. What are the 5 functions of bone (from notes)? 8. What happens at the epiphyseal plates of a long bone? 9. What do you think would happen to an individual if these plates were damaged? 10. The long bone of the chicken that you will be examining is commonly called the drumstick. Look at the diagrams of the chicken and find the name of this bone. What is the name of the big bone we will be looking at?____________________________ 11. You will also note from the diagrams that there is another bone right next to this long bone. It also has a counter part in the human, but in the chicken it is much shorter. What is the name of this bone?_____________________________________ Activity and Questions1. Look at the skin covering of the long bone. Notice the texture. What do the bumps on the skin relate to?________ What does the skin feel like?_______ 2. Pull the skin up and over one end of the bone and then cut it off. You are now looking at the pinkish muscle. Does the muscle seem to be attached to the skin? ______ How? _________ Look for the tendons. Grab one and follow it to the bone. Notice how it is attached to the muscle. 3. Draw a picture of the muscle with several tendons attached to the bone. Take time to make detailed drawings. 4. Carefully remove as much muscle and remaining skin as possible. See if you can find the fibula bone. It is much smaller compared to the tibia in the chicken than in the human. Draw a picture of the fibula and tibia of your sample. 5. Notice the cartilage at both ends of the long bone. Draw cartilage on the proximal end of your tibia long bone. (Which end of the bone is the fibula attached?)___________ 6. Directly beneath the fibula, you should see a small opening into the tibia. It is very tiny. You may notice that a small blood vessel is coming out of this opening. See if you can gently pull it out using your forceps without breaking it. Add this opening and blood vessel to your drawing above. 7. Now, carefully try to remove the cartilage from both ends of your long bone. Notice what the ends of the bone look like. Aren’t they somewhat rough and porous looking?______ What kind of bone is this, compact or spongy?________ How does the color of the bone on the ends compare to the color in the shaft?________________________________ What does the color indicate?________________________________ 8. In the box below make your final drawing of the long bone. Draw the epiphysis and diaphysis with the correct color and texture. Use colored pencils. Label the following parts: diaphysis, epiphysis, blood vessel, cartilage, tendon, part of a muscle, fibula, compact bone, spongy bone, red marrow and yellow marrow. 8. Using the skeleton model in the book and what you know about the human long bone, how is your chicken bone similar and different to the skeleton model long bone, exterior characteristics only? Make a Venn diagram to compare and contrast. 9. CLEAN UP CAREFULLY. Put all of the bones in the vinegar container. Put all of the meet in the large zip lock bags. WIPE DOWN THE TABLE AND DISSECTION TOOLS AND TRAY. BRING EVERYTHING TO THE FRONT. WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP AND WATER!!!!