
Childhood/Early Childhood Department Lesson Plan
Date of Lesson: 5/3/09 – 5/8/09 Time: 10:00–10:50 a.m. Length of Lesson: (3) 50 minute periods
Curriculum Area: Science Content Area: Life Science
Title of Lesson: The Human Digestive System (continued)
Age/Grade level: 5
Teacher’s Name: Judy Stoddard
1. Learning Objectives
a) Students will be able to identify the liver, gall bladder, small intestine, large intestine,
pancreas, appendix, rectum, and anus as components of the digestive system and the
function of each.
b) Students will be able to locate the liver, gall bladder, small intestine, large intestine,
pancreas, appendix, rectum, and anus on a diagram of the human anatomy.
2. New York State Learning Standards
MST Standard 4: Science The Living Environment
Living things are both similar to and different from each other and from nonliving things.
Key Idea 1:
1.1e Cells are organized for more effective functioning in multicellular organisms.
Levels of organization for structure and function of a multicellular organism include
cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems
1.1g Multicellular animals often have similar organs and specialized systems for
carrying out major life activities.
MST Standard 2: Information Systems Students will access, generate, process, and transfer
information using appropriate technologies.
ELA Standard 1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding.
ELA Standard 4: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction.
3. Materials
 transparency showing unlabelled human digestive system (see attached)
 overhead projector
 permanent markers (for initials on cups)
 2 see-through glass or plastic cups, 240 ml (8 oz) in size (for each group)
 dish detergent (for hand dish-washing)
 small amount of vegetable oil
 water
 2 stirring rods or spoons (for each group)
 “Breaking Up is Easy to Do” worksheet (1 for each group)
 On- line Digestive System Quiz (see attached)
 Digestive System person (along with cut out parts and definitions) for Learning Center
 Answer key for learning center
 Digestive System Quiz (see attached)
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4. Lesson Process
(A) Engage/Introduction (20 minutes)
Teacher will use the overhead projector to engage students’ prior knowledge by showing an
illustration of the human digestive system. The teacher will have taught about the mouth,
esophagus, and stomach prior to this lesson. The teacher will ask the students to identify these
parts and to label the appropriate lines on the overhead. For assistance in spelling, the words will
be listed on the easel pad at the front of the room.
The teacher can ask questions such as, “What does the mouth do to aid in digestion?”, “Where
does the food go after we swallow it?”, “Can you tell me what happens to the food once it is in
your stomach?”
(B) Explore/Learning procedures relating to objectives (1 hour 20 minutes - some of the
time is simultaneous with the conclusion time)
The teacher will explain that the class will be conducting an experiment. This experiment is
called Breaking Up is Easy to Do. It is to show how bile breaks down fat in the liver. However,
the teacher will not reveal what digestive organ the experiment represents until after the
experiment is complete. (While the students are waiting for the results of the experiment the
teacher will go over the function of the liver along with some other digestive system parts.) The
teacher will hand out the “Breaking Up is Easy to Do” worksheet
Students will be in groups of 2 or 3 (heterogeneous groups).
The teacher will go over the worksheet directions with the students. The teacher will remind the
students of the importance of safe behavior during experiments (no throwing water, watch out
for classmates as they move around the activity area, etc.). Students will fill out the worksheet
up through step #8. (student to student) At that point the students are to leave their cups at the
back activity table and return to their seats for the lesson.
After an hour the students will return to observe their experiments and fill out question #9-12.
When the class returns to look at the water, oil, and dish detergent in the cups they will see that
the dish detergent breaks the oil into smaller pieces. Groups will share their results with the class
(student to teacher) “Breaking Up is Easy to Do” will be handed in upon completion.
Differentiation: As the groups are heterogeneous, students will work to the best of their ability to
contribute to conducting the experiment. All learners can assist with getting supplies, marking
cups with initials, getting water and oil, making predictions. Writing tasks can be shared as
much as possible.
C. Explain/Conclusion (60 minutes – Some of the time will overlap with the Explore time)
While the class is waiting to finish the observation, we will continue to talk about the digestive
system. Students will watch a 4 minute, animated movie at about the digestive system. Students
will take out the human digestive system diagram, which is the same as the overhead. The
students started filling out this diagram in the prior lesson. The parts of the digestive system not
yet discussed will be defined and labeled on the overhead as students add the information to their
diagrams. New words will be added to the easel list of digestive parts. Each student will write
the digestive definitions for each part in their science journal as the teacher writes the
information on the overhead. Also, words, such as, bile and villi will be defined and added to
their science journals.
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New Vocabulary
gall bladder
small intestine
large intestine
solid waste
Differentiation: For students who need assistance with note taking, the teacher can make copies.
(D) Extend, Expand, or Elaborate
Go to: (See attached)
This is a digestive system multiple choice and true/false, 10 question quiz. Answers can be
corrected until they get the right answer. There will be no scores recorded. Students are to sign
their name on the sheet next to the computer when they complete the quiz.
Differentiation: This quiz is good for all level learners as the students can answer until they come
up with the correct answers. For those who need assistance with reading, another student, aid, or
teacher can work with the students.
(E) Evaluation/Assessment
a) Learning outcomes of previous lessons related to this topic:
Students will be able to explain the definition of molecules, cells, peristalsis, enzymes,
and acids.
SWBT explain nutrients and the purpose of the digestive system.
SWBT identify the location of the mouth, esophagus, and stomach within the human
SWBT explain the function within the digestive system of the mouth, esophagus, and
b) Focus of assessment in this lesson
Students will be able to identify the liver, gall bladder, small intestine, large intestine,
pancreas, appendix, rectum, and anus as components of the digestive system and the
functions of each along with related vocabulary.
SWBT locate the liver, gall bladder, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, appendix,
rectum, and anus on a diagram of the human anatomy.
c) Methods of assessments used in this lesson
informal – participation in experiment and class discussions
on-line quiz on Digestive System (done/not done)
formal – “Breaking Up is Easy to do” worksheet (attached)
Digestive System Quiz (attached)
d) Differentiation of expected outcomes
i) Students with learning disabilities – “Breaking Up is Easy to Do” worksheet
will be done with partners. Students will be expected to contribute to the best of
their ability. Students with difficulty writing can have their partners write down
answers as they dictate. All group members will receive the same grade. All
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students can help with experimental part of assignment unless physically
handicapped. Digestive system quiz can be read to students, if necessary.
ii) Gifted or talented students can add more detail to the “Breaking Up is Easy to
Do worksheet for the required explanations.
e) Lesson modifications
i) Students with learning disabilities – Copies of the digestive system components
diagram can be given to students with all parts labeled. Notes of digestive system
terms and functions can be copied for students who need assistance. On the
digestive system quiz multiple choice questions can be paired down to 2 or 3
choices. Students can give answers orally, if necessary, for other responses.
ii) Gifted or talented students – students be more detailed in explanations on the
“Breaking Up is Easy to Do” worksheet. If these students have extra time
additional terms, such as epiglottis, pharynx, duodenum, can be researched.
5. Assessment of lesson (attached)
6. Student work (attached)
7. Learning center
The learning center is a summary of the digestive terms and functions (8) learned in this section
of the unit. The students will arrange and label the main digestive system parts discussed in
Answer key can be checked after learning center is completed.
Differentiation: For students having difficulty learning the information, the answer key can be
used as an aid. Also students can be assisted in reading the definitions.
8. References
Needham, F. (Ed.). (2005). Sciencesaurus. Wilmington, MA: Great Source Education Group