English II Name: Themes in Sophocles' Antigone Directions: Find

English II
Themes in Sophocles’ Antigone
Directions: Find three quotes that help to emphasize each of the following themes in Sophocles’ play Antigone.
Make sure that you explain the theme in your own words, identify the speaker, transcribe the quote
correctly and cite the appropriate page number. (The first two are completed for you so you have an
example to follow)
Theme: Man’s Law versus God’s Law:
This theme is present in Antigone because there is a conflict between which law characters believe is right.
Antigone believes God’s Law overrules man’s laws, whereas Creon believes following the law is of the
utmost importance.
Quote 1: Antigone: “Because it was not Zeus who ordered it, nor the nether gods…” (6)
Quote 2:
Quote 3:
Theme: The Dangers of Excessive Hubris
Quote 1:
Quote 2:
Quote 3:
Theme: Gender – The Role of Women
Quote 1:
Quote 2:
Quote 3:
Theme: Anarchy versus Citizenship
Quote 1:
Quote 2:
Quote 3:
Theme: The Threat of Tyranny
Quote 1:
Quote 2:
Quote 3: