
The Adventures of Huckleberry
Chapters 29-31
By: Brendan Ryan
Sean O'Donnell
Basic Events
Chapter 29
New Wilks brothers arrive
Investigation of frauds
o Unable to retrieve gold
o Fail handwriting test
o Tricked by tattoo test
Find lost gold in coffin
Huck escapes with Jim
Duke and king find them
and board raft
Chapter 30
King becomes angry at Huck
for leaving
Duke defends Huck
King and duke argue if either
hid the inheritance; king lies
to end debate
Able to restore trust
Basic Events, Cont.
Chapter 31
• Group refrains from entering towns for
• Perform multiple fruitless scams
• King and duke contemplate about next job
• Arrive at Pikesville
• Huck tries to escape
• Jim sold by king and duke
• Huck struggles over right/wrong
• Huck begins rescue mission
• Harvey/William Wilks- New brothers of Peter Wilks; arrive
late due to luggage mistakes and William's broken arm
• Levi Bell- Lawyer, uses handwriting test on frauds, gives
Huck advice about lying
• Doctor- Aids in investigation of frauds, not tricked by Huck's
• King/Duke- Pretend to be real brothers of Peter,
miss out on Peter's fortune, sell Jim
• Huck- Plays along with the King and Duke,
struggles with right and wrong, goes to rescue Jim
Chapter 29, Quote 1
"Set down, my boy; I wouldn't strain myself if I was you. I
reckon you ain't used to lying, it don't seem to come in
handy, what you want is practice. You do it pretty awkward,'"
(Twain 178).
Analysis: When Huck is trying to talk about how he is from
England and what he knows, the lawyer picks up on his lies
because he himself is from England. He makes this
comment to show that Huck is lying about being from
England. This shows how Huck, throughout, has not been
an exceptional liar, but has been successful from the
trustworthiness of the Southerners.
Chapter 29, Quote 2
'"He can't write with his left hand,' [...] 'If he could use his right
hand, you would see that he wrote his own letters and mine
too,'" (Twain 179).
Analysis: The new William apparently has a broken arm. This
limits his ability to prove himself. In this case, he cannot write
to prove that his handwriting matches the handwriting of the
letters written from the Wilks brothers to Peter Wilks. This
makes them look more guilty because they have conveniently
placed problems that reprieve the need for them to prove
Chapter 30, Quote 1
"Leggo the boy, you old idiot! Would you 'a' done any
different? Did you inquire around for him when you got
loose? I don't remember it." (Twain 184).
Analysis: The duke is defending Huck from the king's
accusations of leaving them. He talks about how the king
would have also abandoned them, had he been been in
the same situation. This shows how the king and duke
have no particular interest in Huck or Jim's welfare, but are
merely using them for transportation.
Chapter 30, Quote 2
"Yes, sir! I know you do know because you done it yourself!"
(Twain 185).
Analysis: The king is accusing the duke of stealing the money
and hiding it in Peter Wilks' coffin so he could take it for himself.
He is angry because he thought that the slaves took it and that
he had no chance of retrieving it. He cannot find any other
explanation as to how it got there, so he immediately points
towards the duke. His greed drives him to make false
accusations about those around him.
Chapter 31, Quote 1
"'All right, then, I'll go to hell'- and tore it up." (Twain 191).
Analysis: Huck was unsure whether he should rescue Jim
because of how society would view him. He was brought up to
not feel compassionate towards a slave, but part of him knows
that this not right, so he decides to save Jim. Even so, he
believes that this is a sin, so Huck is clearly confused about
what is right and wrong.
Chapter 31, Quote 2
"'We never thought of that. Fact is, I reckon we'd come to
consider him our n____; yes, we did consider him sogoodness knows we had trouble enough for him. So when we
see the raft was gone and we flat broke, there warn't anything
for it but to try the 'Royal Nonesuch' another shake. And I've
pegged along ever since, dry as a powder-horn. Where's that
ten cents? Give it here.'" (Twain 193).
Analysis: The duke is able to lie to Huck about why he sold Jim.
He and the king had the nerve to sell Jim without asking Huck,
keep the money to themselves and waste it. To make it worse,
he makes Huck give him even more money. The true motives
of the king and duke become apparent here.
• Greed can lead to dangerous situations.
o The King and Duke pretend to be relatives of Peter Wilks
to steal inheritance from his real family. However, they are
unable to keep up the lie and, once caught, are almost
killed by an angry crowd.
• Lying can keep problems from escalating.
o The king and the duke are arguing about who put the gold
into the coffin. Realizing that the debate is going nowhere,
the king finally gives in and says he was the one who put
it in. Even though he took the blame over something he
didn't do, he managed to retain their relationship.
• Pretend you are Huck; • What do you think of
Huck's dilemma in
how would you have
Chapter 31? How (or
reacted when the
has) his view on race
Duke and King found
changed since the
you and took over the
beginning? What about
raft again? Do you
his relationship with
think it was wise for
Jim? Will he regret this
Huck to let them back
Works Cited
The Duke Went for Him. N.d. JPEG file.
Huck, the duke and the king in disguise. N.d. Allmovia. N.p., n.d. Web.
27 Nov.
2011. <>.
PPT Background. Abstract Blue Template Background. 24 Sept. 2011.
JPEG file.
Striking for the Back Country. N.d. JPEG file.
The True Brothers. N.d. JPEG file.
Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Upper Saddle River:
Hall, n.d. Print.