VOLUNTEER NEEDED! A person to take minutes!! And please remember to fill out your questionnaire if you have not done so already!! The 9/12 Project INTRO! 9 Principles, 12 Values If you believe in 7 of the 9 THEN JOIN US!! OUR SIOUX FALLS 9.12’ER’S MOTTO!! TO UNITE!! TO EDUCATE!! TO ACT!! Health Care Rally We received 140 names at our booth! How many are here? Health Care Rally John Hagerman (VP canidate) Abe Lincoln with evil twin Reese Baier CURRENT EVENTS H.R. 1207 FEDERAL REASERVE TRANSPARENCY ACT OF 2009: This bill would repeal special audit protections for the Federal Reserve. ---This bill has a lot of support but it is in committee and essentially dead. Head of house finance committee is non other then our “favorite” politician BARNEY FRANK. AND, on the senate side the head of the finance committee is the another “great” one CHRISTOPHER DODD......hmmmm. H.R 1966--Cyberbullying Prevention Act –Be careful what you e-mail, or post on facebook/myspace it might hurt someone's feelings! Kennedy Hate-Crimes Bill. S. 909 –According to this all men were NOT created equal. Homosexuals and other minorities are more important then you! THE BIG ONE CAP AND TRADE H.R. 2454 American Clean Energy and Security Act Home inspections to make sure your house is “green” enough. Mandatory energy upgrades of your home before you sell it. --INSANE! This will destroy an already hurting housing market. Energy tax will hurt business, cause even more job losses and make the cost of everything go up! Tell Tim Johnson to vote NO! on the largest tax bill in American history. WE MUST KILL THIS BILL IN THE SENATE!!! Obama has 32 CZARS!! All of these have staff, offices and get a fat government salary! 1. Af-Pak (Afghanistan-Pakistan) Czar: Richard Holbrooke 2. Bailout Czar: Herb Allison 3. Border Czar: Alan Bersin 4. Car Czar: Ron Bloom 5. Climate Czar: Todd Stern 6. Cyber Security Czar: vacant 7. Drug Czar: Gil Kerlikowske 8. Economic Czar: vacant 9. Energy Czar: Carol M. Browner 10. Faith-based Czar: Joshua DuBois 11. Great Lakes Cleanup Czar: Cameron Davis 12. Green Jobs Czar: Van Jones 13. Guantanamo Closure Czar: Daniel Fried 14. Health Reform Czar: Nancy-Ann DeParle 15. Health Infotech Czar: David Blumenthal 16. Middle East Czar: George Mitchell 17. Non-Proliferation (WMD) Czar: Gary Samore 18. Pay (Compensation) Czar: Kenneth Feinberg 19. Persian Gulf & Southwest Asia Czar: Dennis Ross 20. Regulatory Czar: Cass Sunstein 21. Science Czar: John Holdren 22. Stimulus Accountability Czar: Earl Devaney 23. Sudan Czar: Scott Gration 24. TARP Czar: Elizabeth Warren 25. Technology Czar: Vivek Kundra 26. Terrorism Czar: John Brennan 27. Urban Czar: Aldolfo Carrion, Jr. 28. “TAR” Czar (tobacco) and others soon to come! 29. Domestic Violence Czar? 30. ?? 31. ?? 32. Science Czar The “Hindrance” Package (Stimulus) $18,000,000 to revamp the stimulus tracking website $3,000,000 so turtles can safely cross the road in Florida $100,000 for the Wyoming Toad Recovery Program. Which will setup captive breeding areas---only thing stimulated there will be the toads! Any others? Election of Officers President -- GARY DYKSTRA Vice President -- JOHN HAGERMAN Secretary -- Sheila Simmons Treasurer --Steven Prange JOHN HAGERMAN BOOK REVIEW & RECOMMENDED READING! JANICE OELTJENBRUNS PRINCIPLES OF LIBERTY EDUCATIONAL SERIES ABOUT THE 5000 YEAR LEAP WE HAVE 9 SMALLER GROUPS ESTABLISHED TO MEET MORE OFTEN & TO HELP US ALL BECOME MORE EDUCATED & INVOLVED AS TO WHAT IS GOING ON INSIDE OUR GOVERNMENT!! BUDGET & ECONOMY: JAMES STEFFEN 310-6743/ UNAJIMMY@YAHOO.COM TAX REFORM: GARY DYKSTRA 334-5875/GARYD198@YAHOO.COM GOV REFORM: Adam and Carmen Meyer 370-9842 orangegirl44@gmail.com RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS: REESE BAIER 376-9938/BAIER@SIO.MIDCO.NET ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: NICK CABLE 254-4404/NICKC@NICKS-GARAGE.COM CONSTITUTIONAL STUDIES: JANICE OELTJENBRUNS 323-9478/JANICETHEMENACE59@YAHOO.COM HOMELAND SECURITY: MARK WEETS 201-1932/MJWEETS@YAHOO.COM ENERGY & OIL: JOHN HAGERMAN 351-7591/HAGERMAN26@SIO.MIDCO.NET Budget & Economy: JAMES STEFFEN 310-6743 UNAJIMMY@YAHOO.COM TAX REFORM: GARY DYKSTRA 334-5875 GARYD198@YAHOO.COM GOVNERMENT REFORM: Adam and Carmen Meyer (605)370-9842 orangegirl44@gmail.com RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS: REESE BAIER 376-9938 BAIER@SIO.MIDCO.NET ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: NICK CABLE 254-4404 NICKC@NICKS-GARAGE.COM CONSTITUTIONAL STUDIES: JANICE OELTJENBRUNS 323-9478 JANICETHEMENACE59@YAHOO.COM HOMELAND SECURITY: MARK WEETS 201-1932 MJWEETS@YAHOO.COM ENERGY & OIL: JOHN HAGERMAN 351-7591 HAGERMAN26@SIO.MIDCO.NET Good Websites for Info. www.drudgereport.com www.foxnews.com www.wnd.com www.the912project.com What can you do? • INVITE & BRING 10 PEOPLE TO THE NEXT MEETING. GET THE WORD OUT ABOUT 9-12 !! • JOIN ONE OR MORE OF THE “KITCHEN TABLE” GROUPS • THINK OF QUESTIONS TO ASK OUR CANDIDATES • READ 5000 YEAR LEAP AND OTHER BOOKS • EDUCATE YOURSELF AND OTHERS ON CURRENT EVENTS • HAND OUT GARY’S LETTER TO EVERYONE YOU CAN. • LET YOUR REPRESENTATIVES KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT EVERY ISSUE!! UPCOMING EVENTS August 8th Door to Door Kick off party. Saturday Potluck at Heidi and Brett’s place 26915 465th Ave Tea, SD 57064 We will coordinate our door to door effort by each district area. Sioux Falls District Map Re-cap Get 10 people to come to August 8th party Stay informed and educate yourself. Thank you for coming!!