Rajesh Yadav
Indian Cost Accounts Service
CA, CS & PGPPM from IIM Bangalore
Deputy Commissioner (Finance)
No. of KV
Students enrolled
Student exempt from fee
Student liable to pay fee
Students paid fee through 14976
Fee amount (Rs crores)
% age of student
deposited fee
Everything in this world can be seen as you
wish to, good or bad; simple or complicated;
easy or difficult.
It is not how things are, it is about how you
look up to them and how you look up to them
is all up to you.
I salute all of u for achieving success rate of
more than 95% in all previous four phases. It
would not have not been possible without
your dedication, support and positivity.
New Admission- All admission of class-1 & other
classes through out year will route through UBI
Re Admission- Fee Collection will be done
through out year by UBI and Re admission cases
will also route through UBI.
Arrear of fee- Fee of previous quarter not paid
till last day of quarter will be automatically
reflected as Arrear in next quarter Fee challan.
Advance fee- Student can now deposit fee for full
financial year in advance.
Issue of TC- Transfer certificate will be issued
through Portal.
Maintenance of provisional Admission Register.
Allot serial admission no provisionally to student as
should have allotted to student in normal course.
Feed student data in UBI Portal.
Verification of student data to be done by Principal.
No Editing permissible subsequently.
Generation of fee challan.
Subsequent to fee deposit, make entry in
Admission Register.
If fee is not deposited, then delete student record
from UBI portal and allot provisional admission no
to some other student.
Editing in student record can be done in
subsequent quarter.
Class Xth student, whose result is awaited to be
shifted to dummy section of Class X.
Class X student to be promoted to different
stream of class XI after declaration of CBSE result
of class X and as per their eligibility.
Student data will freeze after promotion &
finalization of stream of class XI of student.
Fee will be applicable for allotted stream in first
quarter. If later on student opts for another
stream, then he/she will be permitted to change
stream, but fee will change from next quarter
Same fee challan will remain valid for
complete quarter.
Additional Rs 100/- becomes payable on
account of Re admission charges.(other than
quarterly fee + late fine upto end of fee
collection month).
Funds/Fee collected during subsequent
months(other than fee collection month) will
be transferred on 2nd of next month.
Re admission charges collected by the bank
will be reflected in fee receipt.
Student can pay fee during complete quarter,
however, if student fails to pay fee during
quarter, then it would be reflected as Arrear in
next quarter fee challan(qtrly fee+fine+Re admn)
Students who want to pay fee in advance, may
please convey to respective class teacher and
class teacher would compute fee accordingly.
Fee in advance will be reflected in Quarterly fee
and fee will not become payable for the student
in forthcoming quarters for whom fee is received.
Fee challan will be modified accordingly and will
mention quarters for which fee is paid.
In student data, mother name is required to
be filled up by concerned class teacher.
Transfer Certificate will be issued by just
giving command in principal USER ID.
The data of student till student studied in KV
will remain available in the reports(MIS).
Student data will be deleted for the
subsequent to issue of TC.
The obsolete data will be deleted suomoto.
All column in student data to be filled up by class
teacher barring Aadhar Card and Email ID, which
is not mandatory right now.
Verification of each student in first quarter and
thereafter complete class can be verified in single
go by class teacher/Principal for subsequent
second/third and fourth quarter.
Editing if any required in student data may be
completed before 15th September.
Seeking certificate of exemption from student
well in advance.
No editing is permissible after start of fee
Result declaration on 25th March.
TC to be issued between 25th March-31st March.
Promotion/demotion and transfer to be finalized before
31st March.
CS-54 needs to be signed by class teacher & Principal and
to be kept in record for record purposes.
Non disbursement of fee challan from 1st October.
Computer classes to be organized for Students to
familiarize them about process of fee challan generation.
Completion of student verification on or before start of
quarter for which fee is to be collected.
Facilitating parents at remote location about having
debit/Credit card.
Link to be provided to UBI Portal from KV website
Manual fee collection not permitted.
No casual approach in verification of student data
. Serious implication.
UBI official may be invited to give presentation to
parents on online fee collection.
Principals should also view different reports on
UBI Portal and bank account detail.
NO TDS will be deducted on interest amount.
FAQ, Fee structure and online fee collection link
may please be seen on KVS hqr website
Fee of Project Vidyalayas
Promotion of student
Re set to entry stage
Transfer to another section
Fresh admission to be entered under “New
Admission of student during second quarter
Fee Exemption issues.
Refund of double fee (Online/POS)
Generation of fee receipt(delay cases)
Accuracy in filling up employees detail in salary
Correct PRAN no to be filled up(Del. dummy no)
Name of Employee(As per PRAN In bold letter).
DDO Reg.no to be mentioned against employee
PRAN allotted, but money not deducted
All NPS subscribers name not appearing
Uploading legacy & Arrear contribution.
Awareness campaign for NPS Subscribers.
DA arrear is part partial of salary and specific
%age of same is also to be uploaded on NSDL
“आज आप जहााँ भी है या कल जहााँ भी होगे
इसके ललए आप ककसी और को जजम्मेदर नही
ठहरा सकते, इसललए आज चन
ु ाव कररयेसफलता और सपने चाहहए या खोखले बहाने...”.
 Never
expect things to happen, struggle
and make them happen. Never expect
yourself to be given a good value, create
a value of your own.
U all the Best