Political Science 173

Science 5W
Political Ideologies
Communal vs. Individual
“The partnership arising from [the union of]
several villages that is complete is the city. It
reaches a level of full self-sufficiency so to
speak; and while coming into being for the
sake of living, it exists for the sake of living
well.” – Aristotle, The Politics, Book I.
Political Compass
American Politics a Mix
A Less Serious Compass
What Informs Our Political Beliefs?
Informed by Moral Foundations
Recommended Readings
Recommended Readings on Classical Liberalism
Locke’s Second Treatise in Two Treatises of Government
(Cambridge Text) by John Locke
Liberalism: The Classical Tradition
by Ludwig von Mises
Rights of Man
by Thomas Paine
On Liberty
by John Stuart Mill
The Federalist Papers
by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay
Recommended Readings
Recommended Readings on Modern Liberalism
Letters to a Young Contrarian
by Christopher Hitchens
What Government Can Do
by Benjamin I. Page and James Roy Simmons
Rendezvous With Destiny
by Eric F. Goldman
The Good Society
by Walter Lippmann
A Theory of Justice and Political Liberalism
by John Rawls
An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States
by Charles Beard
The Good Society: The Humane Agenda
by John Kenneth Galbraith
New Republic Magazine
The Huffington Post
Recommended Readings
Recommended Readings on Conservatism
Letters to a Young Conservative
by Dinesh D’Souza
Conservatism: Dream and Reality
by Robert Nisbet
The Conservative Mind
by Russell Kirk
by Jerry Z. Muller
Revolt Against Modernity
by Ted V. McAllister
The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America
by George H. Nash
Keeping the Tablets: Modern American Conservative Thought
edited by William F. Buckley and Charles Kesler
National Review Magazine
Recommended Readings
Recommended Readings on Libertarianism
The Road to Serfdom
by Friedrich A. Hayek
The Libertarian Reader
by David Boaz
Libertarianism: A Primer
by David Boaz
The Ethics of Liberty
by Murray N. Rothbard
Anarchy, State, and Utopia
by Robert Nozick
The Future and Its Enemies
by Virginia Postrel
Reason Magazine
The Volokh Conspiracy
Recommended Readings
Recommended Readings on Conservatism
Letters to a Young Activist
by Todd Gitlin
Marx: Selected Writings
edited by Lawrence H. Simon
The Marx-Engels Reader
edited by Robert C. Tucker
A People’s History of the United States
by Howard Zinn
by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri
Against Capitalism
by David Schweickart
by Walter Benjamin
The Nation Magazine
What is Your Ideology?