
Dr. Mohamed Ahmad Taha Mousa
Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Embryology
a. Identify different components of the oral cavity
b. Describe the relationships of salivary glands to its
surrounding structures
Lips: They are two folds surrounding the oral
- It is formed by orbicularis oris muscle
covered by mucous membrane.
Mouth cavity: It extends from the lips to the
- It is divided into the vestibule and the mouth
cavity proper.
A. Vestibule: It lies between:
- Lips and cheeks  Externally.
- Gums and teeth  Internally.
- The cheek is made up by the buccinator
muscle and is lined with mucous membrane.
- The duct of the parotid gland: It opens into
the vestibule of the mouth opposite the upper
2nd molar tooth.
B. Mouth cavity proper: It has roof and floor.
- Roof of mouth: It is formed by the hard
palate in front and the soft palate behind
- Floor of mouth: It is formed by the anterior
2/3 of the tongue.
- The duct of the submandibular gland opens
onto the floor of the mouth on either side of
frenulum of the tongue.
- The sublingual gland projects up into the
floor of the mouth producing the sublingual
- Numerous ducts of the gland open on the
summit of the fold.
Sensory innervations of the mouth:
Roof: Greater palatine and nasopalatine
nerves from maxillary division of the
trigeminal nerve.
A- General sensation by lingual nerve (branch
from mandibular division of the trigeminal N).
B- Taste sensation by the chorda tympani nerve
(branch from the facial N).
Cheek: Buccal nerve (branch from mandibular
division of the trigeminal nerve).
Teeth: Deciduous teeth: There are 20 deciduous
Permanent teeth: There are 32 permanent
Tongue: It is a mass of striated muscle covered
by mucous membrane.
Mucous membrane of the tongue: It is divided
by a V-shaped sulcus (sulcus terminalis) into
anterior 2/3 (oral part containing papillae) and
posterior 1/3 (pharyngeal part containing
lingual tonsils).
- The apex of the V shaped is the foramen cecum
Muscles of the tongue: It divided into two types
A- Intrinsic muscles: They consists of
longitudinal, transverse and vertical fibers.
B- Extrinsic muscles: It includes genioglossus,
hyoglossus, styloglossus and palatoglossus.
- Nerve supply: All of intrinsic and extrinsic
muscles are supplied by hypoglossal nerve
except palatoglossus muscle is supplied by
pharyngeal plexus.
Blood supply: - Lingual artery, facial artery,
and ascending pharyngeal artery.
- The veins drain into the internal jugular vein.
Lymph drainage: Submental, Submandibular
and deep cervical lymph nodes
Sensory innervations:
- Anterior 2/3: General sensation by lingual
- Taste sensation by chorda tympani nerve.
- Posterior 1/3: Glossopharyngeal nerve
(general and taste sensation).
The Palate
- It forms the roof of the mouth and the floor of
the nasal cavity.
- It is divided into two parts:
A. Hard palate: It is formed by:
- Palatine processes of the maxillae.
- Horizontal plates of the palatine bones.
B. Soft palate: It is a mobile fold attached to
the posterior border of the hard palate.
- Its free posterior border presents in the
midline a conical projection called the uvula.
- It is composed of muscles, palatine
aponeurosis and covered by mucous
Mucous membrane: It covers the upper and
lower surfaces of the soft palate.
Palatine aponeurosis: It is a fibrous sheet
attached to the posterior border of the hard
Muscles of the soft palate: It includes tensor
veli palatini, levator veli palatini,
palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus and
musculus uvulae.
Nerve supply of the palate:
Sensory: - Greater, lesser palatine and
nasopalatine nerves (from the maxillary
division of the trigeminal nerve).
- Glossopharyngeal nerve also supplies the soft
Motor: - All muscles are supplied by cranial
part of the accessory nerve via the pharyngeal
plexus except tensor veli palatini supplied by
mandibular nerve.
Blood supply of the palate:
- Greater palatine branch of the maxillary
- Ascending palatine branch of the facial artery.
- Ascending pharyngeal artery
Lymph drainage: Deep cervical lymph nodes.
Parotid gland
Definition: It is the largest salivary gland and
it is composed mostly of serous acini.
Site: It lies in a deep hollow below the external
auditory meatus, behind the ramus of the
mandible and in front of sternocleidomastoid
Parts of the glands: The facial nerve divides
the gland into superficial and deep lobes.
Parotid duct: - It emerges from the anterior
border of the gland and passes over the lateral
surface of masseter.
- It opens in the vestibule of the mouth
opposite the upper 2nd molar tooth.
Relation of parotid gland: It is pyramidal form.
- The concave superior surface (base): It is
related to external auditory meatus,
temporomandibular joint and auriculotemporal
- Apex: It overlaps the posterior belly of
- Superficial surface: It is covered by skin and
superficial fascia containing great auricular
nerve and superficial parotid lymph nodes).
- Anteromedial surface: It is related to masseter
muscle, posterior border of the ramus of the
mandible and medial pterygoid muscle.
- Posteromedial surface: It is related to:
- Mastoid process, sternocleidomastoid and
posterior belly of the digastric.
- Styloid process and its associated muscles.
- Carotid sheath containing (internal carotid
artery, vagus nerve and internal jugular vein)
and it is separated from the gland by the styloid
Structures within the parotid gland:
1. External carotid artery: It is the deepest
structures in the gland and it divides into
maxillary and superficial temporal artery.
2. Retromandibular vein: It is formed by
union of the maxillary and superficial
temporal veins.
- It is superficial to the external carotid artery.
3. Facial nerve: It is the most superficial.
Nerve supply:- Parasympathetic secretomotor
supply from the glossopharyngeal nerve 
tympanic branch  lesser petrosal nerve
relay in otic ganglion  
- Sensory supply: By auriculotemporal nerve.
Blood supply: It is supplied by the external
carotid artery.
- Veins drain into the external jugular vein.
Submandibular salivary gland
Structure: It is consists of a mixture of serous
and mucous acini.
Site: - It is situated in the digastric triangle.
Relation : -Inferior surface: It is covered by
skin, superficial fascia containing (platysma,
facial vein and cervical branch of the facial
nerve) and deep fascia.
- Lateral surface: It is related to submandibular
fossa on the body of the mandible.
- Facial artery grooves its posterosuperior part
then it lies between the lateral surface of the
gland and mandible.
- Medial surface: It is related to:
- Mylohyoid muscle, mylohyoid nerve and
- Hyoglossus, lingual nerve, submandibular
ganglion and hypoglossal nerve.
- Styloglossus, stylohyoid ligament and
Submandibular duct: It emerges from the
anterior end of the deep part of the gland then it
opens into the mouth at both sides of the
frenulum of the tongue.
Arterial supply: It is supplied by facial and
lingual arteries.
Lymphatic drainage: It drain into the deep
cervical lymph nodes
Nerve supply: - Parasympathetic secretomotor
supply is from the facial nerve via the chorda
tympani and the submandibular ganglion. The
postganglionic fibers pass directly to the gland
- General sensation by lingual nerve.
Sublingual gland
Structure: It has both serous and mucous acini,
with the latter predominating.
Site: It lies under the mucous membrane
(sublingual fold) of the floor of the mouth,
close to the frenulum of the tongue.
Sublingual ducts (8 to 20 in number): It
opens into the mouth on the summit of the
sublingual fold.
Arterial supply: It is supplied by facial and
lingual arteries.
Nerve supply: - Parasympathetic
secretomotor supply is from the facial nerve
via the chorda tympani  relay in the
submandibular ganglion  Postganglionic
fibers pass directly to the gland.
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