Thesaurus Activity third grade

Thesaurus Activity-Version 1
Name _________________________ Date _____________________
What is a thesaurus? A thesaurus is a special reference book that assists
us with finding the perfect words to use. It helps us find synonyms for
words we may use too often. This increases our vocabularies!
How is a thesaurus organized? A thesaurus is organized similar to a
dictionary, in alphabetical order. Start with a word to look up and you will
find several more words that have a similar meaning.
Directions: Look up the following words with your partner. For each word,
write down 2 synonyms you found listed for the first word.
1. good: ____________________, ____________________
2. cold: ____________________, ____________________
3. sad: ____________________, ____________________
Now, use one of the new words you found to write a sentence. Be ready to
share your sentence with the class! 
(Developed by Dana Lott to use with Scott Foresman Roget’s Children’s Thesauraus copyright 2000)
Thesaurus Activity-Version 2
Name _________________________ Date _____________________
What is a thesaurus? A thesaurus is a special reference book that assists
us with finding the perfect words to use. It helps us find synonyms for
words we may use too often. This increases our vocabularies!
How is a thesaurus organized? A thesaurus is organized similar to a
dictionary, in alphabetical order. Start with a word to look up and you will
find several more words that have a similar meaning.
Directions: Look up the following words with your partner. For each word,
write down 2 synonyms you found listed for the first word.
1. nice: ____________________, ____________________
2. huge: ____________________, ____________________
3. hot: ____________________, ____________________
Now, use one of the new words you found to write a sentence. Be ready to
share your sentence with the class! 
(Developed by Dana Lott to use with Scott Foresman Roget’s Children’s Thesauraus copyright 2000)
Thesaurus Activity-Version 3
Name _________________________ Date _____________________
What is a thesaurus? A thesaurus is a special reference book that assists
us with finding the perfect words to use. It helps us find synonyms for
words we may use too often. This increases our vocabularies!
How is a thesaurus organized? A thesaurus is organized similar to a
dictionary, in alphabetical order. Start with a word to look up and you will
find several more words that have a similar meaning.
Directions: Look up the following words with your partner. For each word,
write down 2 synonyms you found listed for the first word.
1. laugh: ____________________, ____________________
2. see: ____________________, ____________________
3. fair: ____________________, ____________________
Now, use one of the new words you found to write a sentence. Be ready to
share your sentence with the class! 
(Developed by Dana Lott to use with Scott Foresman Roget’s Children’s Thesauraus copyright 2000)