P R E S E N T E D B Y :
P A T R I C K W . G A G N O N
A S S I S T A N T V P O F S A F E T Y &
The information we are discussing today could potentially trigger distress.
If this occurs, please feel free to step out of training and seek support from a CA, RC, or Counseling
Provide a safe and secure environment for the entire
University community.
IMPORTANT: community awareness of our policies and services.
Review the web for all the services provided by this department.
76 Park Street –
The Diana B. Torrey ’82 – Health and Counseling Center
Dispatch Center –
4 Emergency Dispatchers staff our dispatch center 24/7/365
Our dispatchers monitor:
emergency phone lines
fire alarm panels access control alarms blue phone activations and yellow call box activations surveillance video systems.
Dispatchers contact Officers by 2 way radio or cell phone.
Safety & Security Officers –
10 Safety & Security Officers that provide 24/7/365 patrol and emergency response services.
NOT Police Officers and do not have arrest authority. If the police are needed, we will notify the Canton Village Police to respond.
Officers respond to violations of NYS Penal Law, Student
Handbook violations, fire alarms, access control alarms, and intruder alarms.
Officers conduct investigations and work closely with our community partners:
Canton Village Police, Canton Fire & Rescue, St. Lawrence County
Sheriff’s Department, SUNY Canton University Police and the New
York State Police.
Student Safety Team
15-20 students dedicated to providing safety patrol assistance to the Safety & Security Officers
Patrols campus walkways, roadways, and campus buildings
Provides Safe Walks as requested
Reports incidents to dispatch for officer response, maintenance response, or for documentation purposes
Performs non-emergency transports to Canton Potsdam Hospital and various doctor’s offices
First Response Team
12-15 students dedicated to providing emergency medical services
Performs patrols of campus walkways, roadways, and campus buildings
Reports incidents to dispatch for officer response, maintenance response, or for documentation purposes
Safety & Security provides safe walks from any university affiliated or owned property to another university affiliated or owned property.
Safe Walks consist of a personal escort by a Safety &
Security Officer or Student Safety Team Member.
To request a safe walk any time, call 5555 from a campus phone or 315-229-5555 from an outside line or cell phone.
Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act" (originally the
Campus Security Act)
We must provide:
Policy disclosure
Records collection and retention
Information dissemination
We must provide campus community and the public with accurate statements of current policies and practices regarding:
Procedures for students, staff, and faculty to report criminal actions or emergencies occurring on campus – CALL 229-
5555 or 5555.
Security of and access to campus facilities
Campus law enforcement authority
At St. Lawrence University – Safety & Security Officers
We are not Police Officers and do not have authority to arrest
• Safety & Security Department Web Page
• Annual Security Report / Annual Fire Safety
• St. Lawrence University Student Handbook
Colleges/Universities are required to keep campus
records of reported crimes and to request records from area law enforcement agencies.
If a College/University maintains a campus
police or security office, they are required to keep a daily crime log that must be available during business hours, to public inspection upon request.
*required to provide campus community members with information necessary to make informed decisions about their safety, and must disseminate information in several ways.
*Provide a “timely warning” of any Clery Act crime that might represent an ongoing threat to the safety of students or employees
*Provide access to crime log during normal business hours
*Publish annual security report and annual fire safety report.
*Make both reports available to all current students and employees, and inform prospective students and employees about the content and availability of the report.
*Inform the campus community where to obtain information about registered sex offenders
*Submit crime statistics to Department of Education through a web-based data collection system.
If St. Lawrence University experiences a limited
emergency related to weather, crime, accident or other cause, these guidelines direct our communication:
Those directly involved with an emergency will receive personal, direct information as immediately as possible.
The campus community is informed promptly and updated regularly through these methods, depending on the nature of the emergency:
Email to campus email addresses
Posting on the University’s main Web page www.stlawu.edu, directed to the Emergency Alert web page for details.
If St. Lawrence University experiences an emergency that poses danger to the campus-wide
community, we’ll activate these communications:
Message(s) sent through broadcast text message to cell phones via NY ALERT system. (Title “SLUALERT”)
Posted on our Web site home page, FACEBOOK pages, and SLU Twitter account
Message(s) sent through the campus email system
Message(s) sent through the campus voice mail system
Safety & Security Patrol vehicles public address systems
In compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act and the Clery Act:
St. Lawrence University will immediately investigate any report of a
missing resident who is enrolled at St. Lawrence University and residing in university-owned housing.
If a member of the University community has reason to believe that a student is missing, the Office of Safety and Security should immediately be notified.
If all attempts to locate or establish contact with the missing student are unsuccessful, the University will contact the Village of Canton Police Department immediately and report the student as a missing person.
Each resident is required to identify the name and contact number of the individual(s) who are a primary contact to be notified in case of an emergency or in the event that the resident is reported missing.
Safety & Security Web Page:
Student Handbook:
Name and Number
• Name and Number
Campus police
Non-police security staff responsible for monitoring campus property
Individuals and offices designated by the campus security policies as those to whom crimes should be reported
Officials of the institution with significant responsibility for student and campus activities
Reporting to Safety & Safety Staff Members, Athletic
Coaches, Administrators, Student Life Deans Offices, and other responsible staff/faculty:
Official Report
Listing of CSAs and Responsible Employees can be located in the Annual Security Report on the
Safety & Security webpage.
Annual Security Report / Annual Fire Safety Report
Crime Statistics / Crime Definitions
Safety & Security Web Page http://www.stlawu.edu/safety-and-security/crime-information
NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services Web Page http://criminaljustice.state.ny.us/
St. Lawrence County Sheriff Department Web Page http://www.co.st-lawrence.ny.us/Departments/Sheriff/SexOffenderWatch
SLU’s Title IX Coordinator is Lisa Cania, Vice
President for Community and Employee Relations, lcania@stlawu.edu
, 229-5656
For any questions regarding next several slides on sexual misconduct prevention and response, contact
Lisa Cania or
Deputy Title IX Coordinators:
Pat Gagnon, Security and safety
Macreena Doyle, Human Resources
Shelly Roiger, Intercollegiate Athletics
Federal legislation from 1972
Prohibits discrimination based on gender in education programs and activities that receive federal funds.
Sexual misconduct is the most egregious form of gender discrimination.
Sexual misconduct violates University policy.
When sexual or gender misconduct is reported, the University must consider best ways to:
Enhance safety
Stop behavior
Prevent retaliation
If reporter does not want the University to know:
Mental health counselors
Medical staff
Athletic Trainers
If reporter does want the
University to know and possibly* act:
Dean of Students staff
Security and Safety
Title IX coordinator
Full list on website
Renewal House in
Canton (rape crisis center)
Reachout of
St. Lawrence County
Canton Police
New York State Police
The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim, or when the victim is incapable of giving consent.
Sexual intercourse includes, but is not limited to, vaginal or anal penetration by a penis, tongue, finger or object, or oral copulation by mouth to genital contact or genital to mouth contact.
Fondling--The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental incapacity.
Incest--Sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
Statutory Rape--Sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent (in NYS, age 17).
Taking non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another
Sexual voyeurism (watching a person undressing, using the bathroom, or engaging in sexual acts without the consent of the person observed).
Taking pictures or recording another in a sexual act, or in any other private activity (such as allowing another person to hide in a closet and observe sexual activity, or disseminating sexual pictures without the photographed person’s consent).
Exposing one’s genitals or breasts in non-consensual circumstances or inducing another to expose his or her genitals or breasts.
Engaging in sexual activity with another person while knowingly infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or other sexually transmitted disease (STD) and without informing the other person of the infection.
Administering alcohol or drugs (such as “date rape” drugs) to another person.
Threatening to reveal sexual orientation or identity.
Abusive behavior, including threats, verbal and/or emotional abuse, and physical assaults between adults in an intimate and/or sexual relationship.
The “intimate” relationship may be characterized as a series of sexual encounters, dating, “hooking up”, or similar interactions.
Examples of abusive actions range from physical acts like hitting, shoving, or restraining to threats designed to control the victim’s behavior.
Some examples of threatened actions would be turning friends against the victim or committing suicide or hurting pets.
Domestic Violence: Physical violence between spouses or former spouses, cohabitating romantic partners or individuals who were formerly cohabitating romantic partners, individuals who share a child in common, or others in a family relationship.
Stalking: Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her own safety; or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional duress.
Consent is:
Words or actions that provide clear consent
Consent is NOT:
Lack of resistance
Based on prior relationship or prior conduct
Able to be given if incapacitated by alcohol, drugs, or sleep
Online training for all first-year students either during Orientation (athletes, transfers, London FYP) or in a FYP class
Online training for all students
On-going in-person and online training for
Responsible Employees and General Employees
New course opens January 2016
Those whose jobs (or roles) allow them to retain confidential information learned in the execution of their job, either by operation of law or University policy*
Mental health counselors, medical professionals, clergy, athletic trainers*, Advocates*.
If a victim reports to a Confidential Employee (or Advocate), the
University generally will not know.
*May be required to disclose information in litigation or OCR investigation.
Those whose jobs require them to report sexual violence or any other misconduct to the Title IX coordinator or other appropriate University official
Generally, faculty are not considered “Responsible Employees” unless in administrative or authority (study abroad directors, even for short-term assignments) roles.
Their knowledge is the institution’s (if they know, we know and must act)
About 100 people.
They MUST act.
They MUST advise students of their obligation to report.
Assist with safety and medical needs first
Understand survivor’s requests
Provide support services
Consider interim measures: ex: change of residence, “no contact” orders
Offer equitable process to both people
Investigate to the extent possible
Provide investigation report to Review Board of faculty/staff
Those involved do not confront one another
Notify both people of outcomes
Provide for appeal
If you wish an informal response (no investigation), we will
Advise you of your rights
Carefully consider your request for informal response and conduct no investigation, if sanction could be less than suspension.
If we decide we must investigate, safety for you and/or others is primary consideration
If you wish a formal response, we will:
Advise you of your rights
Assign investigators
Conduct thorough and prompt investigation
Follow our policies for determination, and sanction if appropriate
Advise your advisor about role
Card access control system requiring our community members to pass their access cards to enter all residential buildings and several of our academic and administrative buildings.
The access control system detects propped doors or forced entry and an alarm activates at both the door and at the dispatch center.
Summary of Rights of Way
At signalized intersections, pedestrians crossing with
the light have the right of way over vehicles turning across their paths.
At other marked crosswalks and at intersections, pedestrians have the right of way. Vehicles in both lanes must slow down or stop to let them cross.
Pedestrians crossing at random mid-block locations must yield to all vehicles. USE THE CROSSWALKS!
Must use crosswalks and sidewalks whenever they are safely available. When sidewalks are unavailable, pedestrians must walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible.
Should wear light or bright colors and/or reflectors, or by carrying a flashlight.
Must yield the right of way to any pedestrian on a sidewalk, or one who is crossing the road with a guide dog, or with a white or metallic cane.
It is illegal to pass a vehicle that has stopped for a pedestrian in a crosswalk.
Bicycles must follow the same rules of the road as motor vehicles, including stopping at stop signs, signaling turns and stopping for pedestrians in crosswalks.
Fire Drills will be conducted twice per semester.
Cooperate with Safety & Security, Canton Fire Department and Canton Police.
Failure to evacuate or tampering with any fire alarm system components will result in a $250 fine.
Report fires and/or fire safety violations to Safety &
Security immediately.
The New York State Legislature adopted the following legislation regarding firearms on campus:
Section 265.01(3): “Any person who knowingly has in his possession a
rifle, shotgun, or firearm in or upon a building or the grounds, used for educational purposes, of any school, college or university without the written authorization of such educational institution, is guilty of a Class A
Misdemeanor, and is guilty of a Class D Felony if he has previously been convicted of any crime.”
Section 265.06: “It shall be unlawful for any person age sixteen or older to knowingly possess any air-gun, spring gun, or other instrument or weapon in which the propelling force is a spring, air, piston
or CO2 cartridge in or upon a building or grounds, used for educational purposes, of any school, college or university, without the written authorization of such educational institution.
In accordance with this law, rifles, shotguns, BB guns, pellet guns, hunting bows, knives, swords, martial arts weapons, sling shots
and other weapons, as well as ammunition associated with these weapons, are prohibited on campus. Unusual or special exceptions are made only with the permission of the director of safety and security.
Violations result in referral to the Student Judiciary Board or Human
Resources, confiscation and possible loss of item in violation, and may be subject to arrest in accordance with Section 265.01(3) or Section 265.06 as described above.
Open Container
1 st Offense is $250-$500
2 nd Offense is $500-$1000
3 rd Offense is $1000-$1500
Public Urination
1 st Offense is $250-$500
2 nd Offense is $500-$1000
3 rd Offense is $1000-$1500
Safety & Security 5555 or 229-5555 (Official)
Sexual Misconduct: www.stlawu.edu/sexual-assaultresources
Advocates Program 244-5466 (Confidential)
Health and Counseling Center dial 5392 or 229-5392
Canton Village Police 911 0r 386-4561 (official)
Canton Potsdam Hospital 265-3300 (confidential)
Canton Rescue Squad 911 0r 5555 (confidential)
Assistant Vice President Patrick Gagnon
Office 229-5555/5609
Email: pgagnon@stlawu.edu