AP Physics I 2015-2016 Course Syllabus Instructor: Deidre Higgins (deidre.higgins@corbin.kyschools.us) Prerequisite: Algebra II Textbooks/Materials: Giancoli, Douglas C. Physics: Principles with Applications. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson, 2009. Course Website: http://chsphysics.weebly.com Additional Materials: You will need a 3-ring binder, pencils, notebook paper, and a green or purple ink pen. A graphing calculator and any additional needed materials will be provided. Expectations for Students: Students should complete all assignments thoroughly and on time, and be attentive and participate in class. They should understand that doing so is vital to doing well on tests and for overall success in the class. Students should be respectful of others, the classroom, and the materials they are given at all times. All rules established by the school’s code of conduct will be followed. If a student must be absent, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what he or she missed and make up the work in a timely manner. Students should come to class prepared. Repeatedly failing to report to class with appropriate materials will result in a referral to the principal’s office. When working in a group, all members of the group are expected to work cooperatively and contribute to the group’s outcome. Each student will be assigned a TI-Nspire CAS graphing calculator for use throughout the school year, with the following expectations: o Students are to use only the calculator assigned to them. o Students are responsible for their calculators and are to use them appropriately. o Any student who misuses a calculator will face consequences which may include a write-up, loss of calculator privileges, and/or paying for a replacement. Cell Phone Policy: o All cell phones and other electronic devices are to be placed in the designated area upon entering the classroom and are to remain there until class is dismissed. Phones are not to be outside this area at any time, unless given permission by the teacher, regardless of whether or not they are in use. o If a student has an emergency and needs to use a telephone, they may notify the teacher or the office. o If a student has a phone out during class without permission, the phone will be confiscated and turned into the office on the first offense. Upon entering the classroom, each student should place phones in the appropriate location, then have a seat and quietly begin work on the class opener activity. Most importantly, keep a positive outlook, give your best effort, and if you have questions or need help with anything, ask! Grading: Final grades for each trimester will be calculated by dividing the number of points earned by the number of points possible. Types of assignments include: Tests – 100 points each Tests follow the format of the AP exam, including types of questions and timing. Half the test will be composed of multiple-choice questions and half will be composed of free-response questions. Scores will be based on a square root curve. After the exam, students will be given an opportunity to correct the problems they missed for partial credit. Quizzes – points vary Quizzes may be given between unit tests. They may include a variety of questions and are based on in-class material and homework. Homework – 25 points each Homework will be assigned regularly. Students have the responsibility to complete and correct their work using the class website. Their original work should be done in pencil and corrections should be done in green or purple ink. Completed and corrected homework for the week will be turned in each Friday at the beginning of class. If all assignments have been turned in, the lowest homework grade will be dropped at the end of the trimester. Labs – points vary Lab activities will be completed throughout the year to demonstrate and reinforce the content covered. Students may be asked to work individually or in small groups. Activities may range from a simple activity to a formal lab report. Points assigned will vary depending on the details of the particular activity. Also note the following policies concerning grading: Retest Policy: A student may retake any test or quiz one time. However, the maximum grade possible is 60% of the original number of points assigned. AP Score Policy: Any student who passes the AP Physics 1 exam at the end of the school year will have their final grade for each trimester raised by one letter grade. Course Outline: AP Physics 1 is a year-long, algebra-based course, designed to follow the outline of a typical introductory college physics course. Students are to engage in inquiry-based learning to develop critical thinking and reasoning skills as they cover the following topics: Kinematics Dynamics: Newton’s Laws Circular motion and universal law of gravitation Simple harmonic motion: simple pendulum and mass-spring systems Impulse, linear momentum, and conservation of linear momentum: collisions Work, energy, and conservation of energy Rotational motion: torque, rotational kinematics and energy, rotational dynamics, and conservation of angular momentum Electrostatics: electric charge and electric force DC Circuits: resistors only Mechanical waves and sound Additional information concerning the AP Physics 1 course outline can be found at www.apcentral.collegeboard.com.