522_Mid & Final Lectures Chen & Holden

Evaluation Planning; forms of
Evaluation; evaluation Stages—
Chen and Holden-Zimmerman
Mario A. Rivera
PA 522
School of Public Administration
Practical Program Evaluation: Assessing and
Improving Planning, Implementation, and
Effectiveness–by Huey-Tsyh Chen
Chen’s approach (Chapter 3): Chen proposes a taxonomy
of program evaluation, one built around the program stage
that is the desired focus of the evaluation, as well as
around the desired purpose of the evaluation (for either
program improvement or program impact assessment).
Program Planning Stage. The first of the four stages is the
program planning stage. This is the very beginning of
program evaluation. Stakeholders at this stage—for
example, program designers and managers, other program
principals, and clients or beneficiaries—are developing a
plan that will serve as a foundation for specifying,
organizing, and implementing a program at a future date.
Chen—Second Stage, Implementation
 Implementation
Stage. Program evaluation has, for much of its
history, focused principally, and narrowly, on outcomes.
Evaluation practice, however, suggests that program failures
are often essentially implementation failures. Consequently, the
practical scope of program evaluation has gradually broadened
to include process evaluation, i.e., evaluation of implementation
process, or processes. Focus on process is necessary when
looking for explanations for shortfalls in program results.
 The current view is that a much of implementation failure can
be traced back to poor program planning, and to poor program
design and development. Evaluators can make important
contributions to programs by assessing these developmental
steps. Consequently, there needs to be concern with the entire
programmatic arc in evaluation: program planning, articulating
program theory (theory of change), assessing implementation,
and outcomes assessment.
Chen—Third Stage, Mature Implementation
Mature Implementation Stage. This stage follows initial
implementation at a point when the program has settled
into fairly routine activities and tried-and-true ways of doing
things. Rules and procedures for conducting program
activities are now well established. Stakeholders are likely
to be interested in the following: determination of the
sources of immediate problems, accountability (generation
of data reassuring to those to whom stakeholders are
accountable), and continuous program improvement.
 Even in maturity, a program is likely to have problems such
as client dissatisfaction with services. Identifying and
resolving these problems is key to improving a program.
And, as a program matures, stakeholders may think more
about accountability, requiring concerted effort the direction
of performance monitoring and reporting.
Chen—Fourth Stage, Program Outcome
Outcome Stage. A fourth stage of program growth is
known as the outcome stage. Following a period of
program maturity, stakeholders inside and outside the
program want to know more or less definitively
whether the program is achieving its goals.
An evaluation at this point can serve any of several
evaluation needs, including merit assessment and
fidelity assessment (how well the program has
functioned, whether it was implemented as planned,
and how closely it has come to projected outcomes).
However, Chen reminds us in his writings that there
needs to be an adaptation of fidelity assessment to
program evolution—the fidelity-adaptation approach.
This even pertains to mature, well-settled programs.
Evaluation Phases, Purposes & Types
Design-phase or Developmental
Helps ensure that programs are well
conceived, well designed (e.g., in reference to
well-established best practices)
Formative and/or Process Evaluation
Formative evaluation helps improve the
program implementation and management.
Process evaluation focuses on assessment
of program operational and management
process(es). Evaluations can be both at once.
Summative or Outcome or
Impact Evaluation
Helps determine whether and to what extent a
program has worked, by gauging its
demonstrable effects (results, outcomes)
Further Defining Evaluation Phases and Types
 Design-phase/Developmental Evaluation: Conducted before or
early in program implementation, testing evaluation plans, change
models (rationalse), action models (implementation plans), etc.
 Formative Evaluation: designed to determine (especially during
later developmental phases of an intervention): (1) the feasibility of
program implementation; (2) the aptness of change and action
models; and (3) the short-term social, behavioral, or other impacts
of an intervention. Focused on program improvement.
 Process Evaluation: Designed to ascertain the degree to which
replicable program procedures were implemented with fidelity by
trained staff according to an articulated program plan; “black box,”
systems-based evaluation. Assesses program process(es). If also
meant to inform and improve these, it may properly be called a
formative evaluation as well. However, “formative” and “process”
evaluation are too often used interchangeably, blurred.
 Outcome or Impact (Summative) Evaluation: Intended to assess
the feasibility, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of a program
intervention in producing significant, long-term benefits for a welldefined population. Results-oriented evaluation for accountability.
Chen’s Evaluation Strategies classification; Holden
& Zimmerman on evaluation planning
Chen proposes four evaluation strategies that correspond to
program phases as just discussed: (1) assessment strategies
(judging the results or performance of an intervention effort);
(2) developmental strategies (judging the planning and early
implementation of the intervention); (3) theory-elucidation or
“enlightenment” strategies, which aim to make explicit the
underlying assumptions and change models and action models
of an intervention (often at early program stages); and (4)
partnership strategies (ways of involving stakeholders, as well
as other organizations in strategic and operational
collaboration, and ways of evaluating such engagement).
 The distinction is based on the purpose or objectives of the
evaluation, and what aspect of a program is under scrutiny.
More than one of these efforts could be undertaken in one
evaluation, probably at different stages of the evaluation.
 Both Chen and Holden stress evaluation planning, a projective
process that occurs prior to carrying out an evaluation.
Holden & Zimmerman
Planning for evaluation involves:
1. Stating the purpose of the evaluation
2. Understanding a program’s organizational and political context
3. Determining the uses of the prospective evaluation
4. Working with stakeholders to identify primary and secondary
evaluation questions
5. Ensuring stakeholder’s buy-in for the evaluation
Holden and Zimmerman developed a model called
Evaluation Planning Incorporating Context, or EPIC, which
aims to engage stakeholders, describe the program, and
focus the evaluation plan. It provides a way to address issues
in the pre-implementation phase of program evaluation. There
are five steps in the model, namely assessing context,
understanding the organizational and political environment,
defining relationships, determining level of evaluation,
gathering reconnaissance, specifying evaluation uses, and
validating evaluative perspectives.
Evaluation Planning Incorporating Context
(EPIC)—Model Overview & Review
The EPIC model provides a heuristic (or set of rules, or
rules of thumb) for evaluation planning rather than a
specified set of steps that are required for all evaluations.
Some parts of the model may be more or less applicable
depending on such issues as the type of evaluation, the
setting of the evaluation, the outcomes of interest, and
the sponsor's interests. Therefore, the EPIC model can
be used as a kind of instruction guide to prepare for a
program evaluation.
However, the EPIC model as such is not in particularly
wide use. Evaluation practitioners do ordinarily undertake
evaluation planning (distinct from but often connected to
program planning), following similar steps, however.
Holden: Importance of Evaluation Planning
For Holden & Zimmerman, planning the evaluation is key to
building evaluation capacity. Planning an evaluation involves
anticipating what will be required to collect information,
organize it, analyze it, and report it, in short what will be
involved in administering the evaluation
 Everything from the articulation of evaluation questions to
data-collection strategies should (to the extent feasible) be
undertaken collaboratively with stakeholders and program
partners. Examples of questions: Have critical program
activities occurred on time and within budget? Why is site A
performing better than site B despite identical programs?
 A cogent evaluation plan presupposes a strong program plan
 Things evaluator would need to know:
Which activities were viewed as critical?
 Program time frames, budget by activity
 When each activity began/ended
 Total cost of each critical activity
EPIC Model Sequence
in evaluation
Focus Evaluation:
(Specify evaluation
questions, Assess
feasibility, Prioritize)
Describe the Program:
(Theory, History, Evolution)
Engage Stakeholders: (Identify and
Invite stakeholders, Define roles,
Establish group process)
Gather Reconnaissance: (Specify
evaluation Uses, Validate Perspectives)
Assess Context: (Understand organizational and
Political Envrionment, Define Relationships,
Determine Level of Evaluation)
The Holden text incorporates the CDC Program Evaluation
Framework, which stresses the continuous nature of
Ensure use
and share
lessons learned
the program
Focus the
Gather credible
Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health– MMWR, 1999
Holden & Zimmerman, Chen, & Role-sharing
As stated in the reading Role Sharing Between Evaluators
and Stakeholders in Practice, and as Chen stresses,
program evaluation has moved away from traditional
“objective observation” and now strives to engage stakeholders more fully in the evaluative process. The Vancouver
case suggests that sharing roles between evaluators and
project leaders, peer educators, and others was the norm
among study participants but varied by their orientation and
role. There was some tension and confusion due to this
role-sharing, the kind of cross-functionality which is likely to
obtain most markedly early on in a collaborative process
(and often in Community-based Participatory Research).
Role sharing requires strong communications skills on the
part of evaluators. When these skills are absent, roleconfusion prevails. There needs to be role clarification then.
 How did role-sharing characterize the education evaluation
case study in Holden & Zimmerman?
Holden & Zimmerman—education evaluation
The INEP’s initial phase (1999-2002) involved adapting and
testing the curriculum with community stakeholders. INEP
was housed in the Rocky Mountain Prevention Research
Center (RMPRC), where a resource teacher and staff were
available during parent events and evaluation activities. After
2002, funding by the USDA allowed for continued support for
INEP teachers, specifically staff assistance to shop for food,
perform food preparation, organize teaching materials, and
clean up after lessons.
 The INEP Public School Organization engaged teachers,
principals, the district superintendent, the school board, and
the State Board of Education. A district health coordinator
knowledgeable about the program provided a critical link
among agencies to provide the program with greater
visibility. All of these actors became involved in the
evaluation in varying degrees, so that role-sharing clearly
obtained in both program implementation and evaluation.
The education evaluation’s challenges
Evaluators had to determine whether desired curriculum
adaptations had taken place, whether unanticipated changes in
program and context could be expected to alter evaluation
findings, and, in general, whether the program was effective.
 It is difficult to measure changes in eating behavior. And there are
many different barriers to healthy eating, particularly socioeconomic status. You can teach children good eating habits and
good food choices but some families are unable to afford healthy
foods, or there may not be readily substitutable healthy foods for
cultural staples (such as tortillas and other starch-heavy staples),
or such changes may not be culturally sensitive or desirable. This
was not a culturally-responsive evaluation—culturally unaware.
 Another problem is the burden placed on the teachers to carry out
these programs even though they are overextended already.
 The evaluators also noticed that there were many barriers to deal
with in order to obtain necessary permissions to conduct research
in public schools. It is essential to understand the political
hierarchy of the system and the legal-regulatory requirements
involved, in order to gain required approvals.
Planning a Service Program Evaluation
Mari Millery was called in by the Leukemia and Lymphoma
Society (LLS) to plan and conduct a pilot study for its
Information Resource Center (IRC). In Planning for a
Service Program Evaluation, Millery discusses the steps
she took in the planning stages of the program evaluation.
The goal of the pilot study was to enhance patient
navigation through the IRC by way of an intervention
program. Both management and the evaluation team
wanted to see the short-term results of this pilot study
before fully launching the intervention program. One shortterm goal was to ensure the feasibility of the program
before implementation. Ultimately, the evaluation team and
LLS wanted to produce positive impacts on the patients’
level of care and quality of life. Millery’s was an instance of
a developmental (or design-phase) program evaluation.
Planning a Service Program Evaluation
Chen stresses the importance of developing a program
rationale concurrently with the development of a program
plan. The program rationale can be to correspond closely to
the change model for the evaluation, while the program plan
is a key element of its action model. The main purposes of
the program rationale are to define a target group as well as
to specifically explain why those in the target group were
selected—for instance, in reference to a needs assessment.
Program rationales provide support for three main tactics
necessary for the proper planning of a program evaluation:
(1) establishing a foundation for planning, (2) effective
communication, and (3) adequately providing for the
evaluation of outcomes. A program rationale will serve as a
guide that evaluators can follow throughout the planning
process; it will also support effective communications
between evaluators and stakeholders.
Planning a Service Program Evaluation
Chen also discusses strategies and approaches for
articulating program rationales. He begins with a
background information provision strategy whereby
evaluators gather relevant information on things such as
the characteristics of the target group, community needs,
previous evaluative studies, and so on.
In this context, Chen points out the value of both needs
assessment and formative research. A needs
assessment serves to identify, measure, and prioritize
community needs. This in turn can aid in the process of
goal-setting and target group selection, as well as in the
subsequent steps of engaging stakeholders, specifying
the program’s change and action models (or program
theory), and focusing the evaluation. In all, needs
assessment provides the basis for program rationale.
Planning a Service Program Evaluation
Chen’s approach parallels the EPIC model for organizing
program evaluation efforts. Both entail: 1) assessing
context; 2) assessing the need for the program—its
rationale, and how the evaluation is to be used; 3)
engaging stakeholders; 4) describing the program; and 5)
focusing the evaluation.
Under either approach, it is important to begin with an
understanding of the organizational and political context of
the given program, so as to understand in turn why the
program is deemed necessary, and how it is to be
implemented. Gathering reconnaissance is a critical step in
the EPIC model which specifies how the evaluation will be
used, and which should be consistent with prior needs
assessments and with evaluation planning in general. The
community service evaluation particularly stressed the third
step in the EPIC Model, engaging stakeholders.
Chen’s approach
The “conceptualization facilitation” approach is a key topic
in Chen’s discussion of program rationales. Subtopics
include whether to use a facilitative working group and
whether to rely on an intensive interview format in
assessing stakeholders’ backgrounds and preferences.
Noting the frequent tendency of stakeholders to set high,
unachievable goals, Chen stresses the need to set realistic
short- to long-term program aims. Short-term objectives
serve as a kind of grading sheet by which program staff
and evaluators can note and measure tangible successes.
 A pitfall to be avoided, according to Chen, is confusing
objectives with action steps. Here he is distinguishing
between the program rationale (or change model) and
program implementation plan (action model). Clarification
and consistency of program goals is necessary to avoid
creating incompatibility among goals and objectives.
Chen’s approach
Chen describes program plans as “blueprints for the actions
prescribed by program rationales.” In chapter five, How
Evaluators Assist Stakeholders In Developing Program
Plans, Chen moves from the ‘why’ to the ‘how’ part of
helping clients with program planning. Concerns range from
recruiting and training implementers to formulating research
 Chen emphasizes the importance of a simple, clear, and
realistic program rationale in order to develop an effective
program plan and then an evaluation plan. Unnecessarily
complex and over-detailed program rationales expose
evaluators to complications in the evaluation planning stage.
Checking program rationales against best practices among
similar organizations and programs is one way to streamline
and validate these. One should fully explore how these
successful efforts may serve as templates for the focal
Chen & the Service Program Evaluation case
An action model framework can help the evaluator in
facilitating the development of a new program plan, as seen
in Millery’s work. An action model is a means to ensure that
there are no gaps or inconsistencies in the action plan over
against implementation. In other words, it serves as a kind of
“proofreading” tool for evaluators during planning stages. It is
also a check on how various program activities work together
in actual implementation.
 Chen describes a formative research approach in the context
of a background-information provision strategy. The two main
purposes of this approach are (a) to formulate research
questions and (b) to gather data to answer these questions.
The action model can help evaluators determine which
questions should be researched, gaining insight into the
program in order to develop a cogent evaluation plan.
Chen & the Service Program Evaluation case
Chen specifies six steps for planning an evaluation, which one
can compare to Millery’s/EPIC approach to evaluation planning:
1. Assess, enhance, and ensure implementing organization’s
capacity. Parallels Preskill and Boyle’s Evaluation Capacitybuilding (ECB) Model as well as the EPIC model.
2. Delineate service content and delivery procedures
3. Recruit, train, and maintain the competency and commitment
of, program implementers
4. Establish collaboration with community partners
5. Ecological context: seek external support
6. Identify, recruit, screen, and serve the target population
With regard to the implementing organization, Chen indicates that
technical expertise, cultural competence, and manpower need to
be considered. Technical expertise can determine the readiness
of the implementers to carry out the necessary interventions and
to help with the evaluation. Cultural competence provides them
with effective methods of communication with clients.
Chen & the Service Program Evaluation case
 The
program plan should be specific about services provided
(the intervention protocol). A clear explanation of program
services and how they are to be provided is also necessary
(the service delivery protocol). According to Chen, the best
method of providing for apt intervention and service delivery
protocols is one-to-one interaction with program principals.
 Consistent with Chen’s approach, in conducting the Service
Program Evaluation Millery was able to work one-on-one with
colleagues in an agency that greatly valued evaluation and
was willing and able to provide her with essential information
about organizational and program staff capacity, recruitment
and training protocols, and incentives for program participants.
 Chen stresses the importance of collaborative networks for
both the implementers and evaluators of programs. In Millery’s
case, she was evaluating the work of a large health services
provider that was well connected with similar organizations and
had experience with them. Millery built on and amplified these
collaborative relationships in carrying out the evaluation.
Chen & the Service Program Evaluation case
If one uses Chen’s approach as a checklist, Millery was a
very thorough evaluator. To begin with, she sought to provide
a program rationale in addition to the program plan. Initially,
when she responded to the request for proposals (RFP), LLS
outlined for her the idea of patient navigation and desired
outcomes. However, according to Millery, LLS “did not
explain where the concept of patient navigation originated or
whether there was a theoretical or conceptual framework
behind it,” so Millery proceeded to fill these gaps in further
discussion with LLS principals.
 Chen stresses the importance of gathering background
information on both the agency and the program staff. Millery
did this in several ways. At the outset, she researched the
history of the agency, its code of conduct and mission
statement, and so on. She studied the organizational
structure of LLS and consulted LLS staff. Also, she was able
to become familiar with the politics surrounding the relevant
advocacy issues. She also found previous evaluative studies
on which to build her own.
Planning a Service Program Evaluation
In assessing the context of the program, Millery studied the
organizational infrastructure of LLS. Specifically, she
focused on how the IRC is structured as a department
within LLS. She also familiarized herself with LLS’s
management model, which turned out to be much like that
of a private sector organization. This information was vital
in order to for her to be able to understand how evaluation
findings were to be developed and used.
Through background research, Millery was able to draw up
a preliminary list of questions that would guide her initial
conversations with LLS management. She categorized
these questions by their relevancy and priority. An example
of a question that would be asked early on: From where
does the funding for this evaluation study come? Another
was: Why specifically target clients in Wyoming?
Planning a Service Program Evaluation
Millery requested that LLS explain the specific services
provided by IRC (the intervention protocol) and also how they
were to be provided (the service delivery protocol). According
to Millery, “it is much easier to start planning for a study when
the evaluator has a clear picture of how the service is
provided.” Consistent with Chen, Millery wanted to be certain
that service delivery processes were laid out clearly in order to
avoid having any gaps in either program plan or action model.
 Millery had the advantage of working with well-trained
professionals who supported the evaluation. She had little to
do when it came to Chen’s third step: Recruiting implementers
and training them was not an issue. However, Millery did have
to define the relationship she had with IRC staff as well as
with LLS supervisors who were in charge of overseeing the
program evaluation, i.e., role clarification. She had a great
deal of one-on-one interaction with program staff and
management, an important part of evaluation planning.
Planning a Service Program Evaluation
Consequently, Millery and LLS supervisors agreed on a single
liaison between herself and the LLS board of directors. This
simple relationship helped Millery avoid any complications—
specifically, role abmiguity or confusion—that might arise from
multiple and complex relationships with LLS principals. Millery
also considered the importance of maintaining staff confidence.
She made it a point to individually interview each program staff
member and make it clear that the evaluation strictly concerned
the program rather than the staff. It was to be a programperformance evaluation, not individual performance evaluation.
 Like Chen, Millery valued collaborative networking and
partnership. She sought out organizations that provided services
similar to those provided by LLS. In fact, she was able to find
information on previous survey studies performed by both LLS
and these other organizations. This information not only helped
her formulate research questions, but it also helped her specify
program determinants (mediators and moderators) that were
germane to program implementation and evaluation processes.
Planning a Service Program Evaluation
Why Wyoming residents only? LLS managers explained that
Wyoming did not have a local chapter and therefore the
residents of that state could benefit most from the enhanced
IRC (phone) services, so that these would be evaluated in
Wyoming in lieu of direct-contact chapter services.
 In focusing the evaluation, Millery’s methods mirror those of
Chen. After her initial research of background information on
LLS, formulation of research questions, examination of
collaborative networking, and clarification of roles and
relationships with program managers and staff, Millery was
able to better gauge the program’s (strategic and
operational) goals and objectives and, correspondingly,
establish the evaluation’s goals and objectives. From there,
she was able to determine the feasibility of the evaluation
and the evaluability (evaluation readiness) of the program.
Chen & the Service Program Evaluation case
Chen stresses the importance of establishing a program
rationale (program theory, or change and action models) in
delineating the rationale of an evaluation. Millery helped the
LLS evaluation team members clearly define the rationale,
or change model and intended purposes, of their partnered
 Chen likewise stresses the differences between a change
model and an action model. Millery was able to articulate
the why and the how of the evaluation in the planning stage
in relation to program theory, both the program’s theory of
change and its implementation model. This effort in turn
allowed her to gauge implementation fidelity and success.
 Consistent with Chen, Millery engaged stakeholders in the
program evaluation to the maximum extent possible—
stakeholder involvement was central to the evaluation. It
also helped build evaluation capacity in the organization.
Chen & the “Media Evaluation” case
 This
case involves an effort to bring about behavioral
change through social marketing. The Truth® campaign
media evaluation demonstrates how fidelity evaluation can
be effective in assessing social marketing initiatives.
 Chen describes the Fidelity Evaluation Approach as a major
evaluation method well-fitted to a mature implementation
stage. Fidelity evaluation is principally a process evaluation
approach that gauges the degree of congruence between
program change and action models (program theory), on the
one hand, and the program intervention as implemented, on
the other. Target population fidelity evaluations assess
whatever element of the change and action models are of
special interest to stakeholders. Since outcomes are of vital
interest to stakeholders funding or otherwise supporting the
program, fidelity evaluation is also concerned with program
impacts, and specifically impacts on intended populations.
Planning for a Media Evaluation
Health communication may be defined as a complex of
techniques and initiatives intended to inform, influence, and
motivate individual, institutional, and public audiences about
important health issues.
Social marketing is a vehicle for health communication that
seeks to influence social behaviors, not to benefit the
marketer but to benefit the target audience and society as a
whole (Kotler et al., 1971, in Holden p. 124). Social
marketing is the systematic application of commercial
marketing concepts and techniques so as to achieve
specific behavioral goals for a social good. It attempts to
prompt healthy behaviors in a population by using some of
the proven marketing techniques used to promote
commercial products (Kotler et al., 1996, in Holden p. 124).
Media Evaluation case
Media campaigns, and media evaluations, are based on
social marketing theory and behavioral theory, including
theories of exposure, messaging, communication, and
behavior change (Hornik, 2002, in Holden p. 124).
 Media evaluation may be divided into process and outcome
evaluation methods, as follows:
1) Process evaluation helps to assess whether the target
audience has been exposed to a campaign’s messages
and whether the target audience reacts favorably to the
messages [as delivered] in real-world circumstances.
2) Outcome evaluation helps to determine the effects of
messages on health behavior and determinants of
behavior, such as health knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs.
Media evaluations often capture process and outcome
data simultaneously to offer the immediate formative
feedback that can enhance the campaign effort. (Evans et
al., in Holden p. 124)
Media Evaluation case
When (1) immediate reactions to media messages, (2)
longer-term recollections of these, and (3) associated health
outcomes are correlated, process and outcome evaluation
efforts are brought together.
 As a result of the Master Settlement Agreement between
tobacco companies and 46 states, the American Legacy
Foundation initiated the national truth® campaign in
February 2000. From 2000 to 2002, annual funding for the
campaign averaged $100 million per year. National media
purchase was employed by the campaign, as opposed to a
randomized exposure design, for two primary reasons. First,
it was considered that the campaign could not ethically
assign some media markets to low or zero exposure, given
the documented successes of the predecessor Florida “truth”
campaign. Second, a national media purchase was roughly
40% cheaper than a market-to-market purchase, which
would have been necessary to randomize exposure.
Media Evaluation case
truth® campaign evaluation used data from the 1997–2002
Monitoring the Future annual spring surveys, which were
designed to monitor alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use among
youths in the United States. The survey, funded primarily by the
National Institute on Drug Abuse and conducted by the
University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research, was a
self-administered questionnaire, involving about 18,000, 17,000,
and 16,000 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students a year,
In-school surveys such as the National Youth Tobacco Survey
(NYTS) and Monitoring the Future (MTF) are more appropriate
for measuring substance use because they are selfadministered without the presence of parents or others who
could motivate youth to provide socially desirable responses to
substance questions. With its large national sample and
coverage of major media markets where the truth® campaign
was advertised, MTF became the cornerstone of evaluation
planning efforts to assess the campaign’s impact on youth
smoking behaviors. (Evans et al., in Holden p.129)
Chen’s target population fidelity evaluation
Chen’s target population fidelity evaluation looks at
programs’ contact with their target populations. Chen
writes, “Programs must reach sufficient numbers of clients
from the specified target population in order to be effective”
(Chen p.169).
 To conduct a target population fidelity evaluation,
evaluators need to ask three main questions. First, how
many clients were served by the program during a specific
period? Second, how many of the clients served come from
the target population? And third, upon determining how
many clients served come from the target population,
based on that number, the evaluator’s next question elicits
a judgment call about a program’s performance: Does the
number of clients served justify the program’s existence?
Chen and the truth® campaign evaluation
Chen indicates that the evaluator must remain aware of the
distinction between clients recruited and clients served.
This was the case with the truth® campaign evaluators. In
its first year, the campaign reached three fourths of
American youths and was associated with campaignrelated changes in youth attitudes toward tobacco and the
tobacco industry. (Siegel, 2002, in Farrelly p.431)
All survey-based analyses have limitations. Measures of
youth smoking prevalence are self-reported and may be
subject to social desirability bias so that youths are less
likely to report smoking in areas with high exposure to the
campaign than in areas with lower exposure. This would
lead to an overstatement of the campaign’s effects.
However, some studies have found that underreporting of
smoking by youths is actually minimal.
Chen and the truth® campaign evaluation
“Results also rely on repeated cross-sectional surveys, not
repeated measures on the same students, which weaken
the strength of causal inference” (Messeri et al., 2002, in
Farrelly p.430). Evaluators included youths surveyed before
2000 as well, so that students in the 1997–1999 surveys
served as an unexposed [cross-sectional] control group.
 For the purpose of the truth® campaign, the second
component of target population fidelity evaluation that must
be addressed as, “Is it possible that the estimated truth®
campaign effects may have been due to other unmeasured
youth-focused prevention activities (e.g., in-school
substance abuse–prevention programs, the national
antidrug campaign by the Office of National Drug Control
Policy, other media-borne messages, secular trends in
social behavior) that were correlated by chance with the
truth® campaign exposure”? This is the attribution question
in causal analysis (Chen).
Chen and the truth® campaign evaluation
Following a socio-ecological model (Glanz et al., 1997, in
Farrelly p.431) that recognizes multiple levels and types of
influence on health behaviors (in particular, intrapersonal,
interpersonal, community, media, policy, economic), evaluators
controlled for a wide array of potential confounding influences.
 Considering the Media Market Level: Low-exposure markets
tended to be more rural, White, and less educated, and have
lower incomes—all factors associated with smoking—than
markets with high campaign exposure. Failing to control for
these factors (high pre-treatment smoking rates coupled with
low exposure to truth® campaign messages) could lead to a
spurious negative correlation between campaign exposure and
smoking prevalence. Evaluators statistically modeled possible
correlations between preexisting media market smoking rates
and the subsequent campaign dose. (Heckman et al., 1989, in
Farrelly p.431). This controlled for average market-level
smoking rates, effectively making each market its own control
group. Evaluators also included direct, local media market–
level measures of potential confounders.
Chen and the truth® campaign evaluation
Chen’s third and ultimate component of target population
fidelity evaluation asks, “Does the number of clients [and
distribution of clients] served justify the program’s
existence”? Findings suggest that the truth® campaign may
have had the largest impact among 8th-grade students,
which is consistent with evidence from Florida that indicates
the Florida truth campaign led to declines in smoking rates
and that smoking rate declines were greatest among middle
school students (grades 6 through 8) from 1998 to 2002.
(Farrelly et al., p.427)
 In addition to being consistent with previous findings, this
study improves on previous research by reaching
generalized conclusions about the effects of antismoking
campaigns for youths across the U.S. and by implementing
a pre/post quasi-experimental design that controlled for
potential threats to validity, such as secular trends in
smoking prevalence, the influence of cigarette prices, state
tobacco control programs, and other factors.
Chen and the truth® campaign evaluation
This result was confirmed in multivariate analyses that
controlled for confounding influences and indicated a ‘doseresponse’ relationship between truth® campaign exposure
and current youth smoking prevalence.
The evaluators found that by 2002, smoking rates overall
were 1.5 percentage points lower than they would have
been in the absence of the campaign, which translates to
roughly 300,000 fewer youth smokers based on 2002 US
census population statistics. (Farrelly et al., p.428). That
was the actual impact attributed to the campaign.
In sum, the truth® campaign was effective, demonstrably
associated with significant declines in youth smoking
Truth Campaign impact (marginal impact equals projected
smoking rates without program versus rates with program)
Chen and the truth® campaign evaluation
The evaluators found that implementers were consistent—
i.e., faithful to the socio-ecological change/action model
underlying the program—in their execution of the program,
and this model therefore became the efficacy test in the
evaluators’ assessment of the campaign. The program also
made consistent use of social marketing theory (involving
vectors of exposure, messaging, communication, and
behavior change).
 Therefore, program fidelity in the sense of close theoryimplementation correspondence was high, as was target
population fidelity. Consistent with the Results-mapping
approach (Reed, et al.), the truth® campaign was impactful
in both the quantity (extent) and quality of results attained.
1. Evans, W. D., Davis, K. C., Farrelly, M. C. (2009). Planning for a Media
Evaluation. In Holden, D. J., Zimmerman, M. A., A Practical Guide to Program
Evaluation Planning, pp. 123-142.
2. Farrelly, M. C., Davis, K. C., Haviland, M. L., Messeri, P., & Healton, C. G.
(2005). Evidence of a Dose—Response Relationship Between “truth” Antismoking
Ads and Youth Smoking Prevalence. American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 95,
No. 3, pp. 425-431.
The contribution/attribution challenge
Attribution for outcomes always a challenge
A credible performance story needs to address attribution
Sensible accountability needs to address attribution
Complexity significantly complicates the issue
Attribution is based on the theory of change (change
model) of the program, and it is buttressed by evidence
validating the theory of change,
Attribution is einforced by examination of other influencing
Contribution analysis builds a reasonably credible case
about the difference the program is making. Attribution
determinations are based on analyses of net program
impact (program contribution).
Outcomes not controlled; there are always other factors at
Conclusive causal links don’t exist
You are trying to understand better the influence you are
having on intended outcomes
Need to understand the theory of the program (program
theory), to establish plausible association
Something like contribution analysis can help
Measuring outcomes
Linking outcomes to actions (activities and outputs), i.e.
attribution: Are we making a difference with our
Accountability for outcomes
In order to be accountable, we need to credibly
The extent to which the expected results were achieved
The contribution made by activities and outputs of the
program to the outcomes
The learning or other behavioral/social changes that
have resulted, and, therefore
The soundness and propriety of the intervention means
Contribution analysis:
There is a postulated theory of change
The activities of the program were implemented
The theory of change is supported by evidence
Other influencing factors have been assessed &
accounted for
The program very likely made a net contribution, to be
gauged against the counterfactual: What would have
occurred, plausibly, in the absence of the program?
Theory of change: Truth Campaign Change Model
A results chain with embedded assumptions and risks is
An explanation of why the results chain is expected to work;
what has to happen
These two elements comprise the Change Model
Reduction in smoking
Anti-smoking campaign
Assumptions: target is reached (national
media coverage), messages are heard,
messages are convincing, commercialcampaign techniques are effective, nonsmoking as rebellion concept works, other
major influences are identified and their impact
considered and measured.
Risks: target not reached, poor message in
some contexts, lack of randomization
introduces validity issues, attribution difficulties
Other influencing factors
Literature and knowledgeable others can identify the
possible other factors (direct and indirect influences)
Reflecting on the theory of change may provide some
insight on their plausibility
Prior evaluation/research may provide insight
Relative size compared to the program intervention
can be examined
Knowledgeable others will have views on the relative
importance of other factors
Chen: Program Theory and Fidelity
Theory-driven program evaluation
All programs have implicit theories
Program modeling (e.g., via logic models) helps make
implicit (or tacit) theory more explicit and therefore
subject to scrutiny
Implementation fidelity
Preserving causal mechanisms in implementation
Scaling up
Staying close to projected, intended outcomes (What of
positive unintended outcomes? Or negative unintended
Chen: Program Implementation and Fidelity
Intended model:Implemented model (is program implemented
as intended—focused on program action model)
 Normative theory (induced positive behavioral/social change
that is intended—e.g., changing smoking behaviors)
 Causative theory (theory of change, change model)
 However, models too often substitute for reality (they should
not—a kind of “formalism”). Dangers of reification
 Models can support:
 Assessment of “evaluability” (is the program ready to be
evaluated, or how to ready a program for evaluation—based
on the work of Joseph Wholey)
 Client needs and resource assessments
 Program development, refinement, capacity-building
 Monitoring and evaluation
Chen: Program Implementation and Fidelity
Formative and process forms of evaluation are undertaken to
assess whether the program is proceeding as planned, the
fidelity of implementation to program design (Chen), and the
degree to which changes need to be made.
 Summative evaluation is conducted to asses whether planned
outcomes have been achieved (fidelity of outcomes) and what
impacts (intended and unattended) have occurred.
 Context for evaluating fidelity—it may become evident that the
program has strayed from its design but for good reasons,
making for better outcomes; if so, make all of that explicit.
 Considerations for conceptualizing fidelity
 Multilevel nature of many interventions
 Level and intensity of measurement aligned with need
 Capacity for monitoring fidelity
 Burden of monitoring fidelity
 Alignment with desired outcomes
 Program
theory can be either descriptive or prescriptive
 Descriptive theory specifies what impacts are generated and
how this occurs. It suggests a causal mechanism, including
intervening factors, and the necessary context for program
efficacy. Descriptive theories are generally empirically-based,
relying on best practices in the practitioner and academic
literatures. Description here includes causative sequences.
 Prescriptive theory indicates what ought to be done. It
specifies program design and implementation, what outcomes
should be expected, and how performance should be judged.
 Comparison of the program’s descriptive and prescriptive
theories can help to identify, diagnose, and explain
implementation difficulties—the two should be consistent.
 Logic modeling is largely limited to normative theory–what is
expected to happen. However, we need both normative and
causative forms of theory. Both are required to explain how
project outputs are expected to lead to a chain of intermediate
outcomes and, in turn, eventual impacts, based on program
observations. Causal logic models incorporate both kinds of
theory—depicting both actual and expected program elements.
Causal logic models
A causal logic model
clarifies the theory of
how interventions
produce outcomes.
Multiple methods and techniques
establish the relative importance of
causes of changes in outcomes
Over time, the relative influence of a program
decreases over against exogenous factors & actors
Endogenous Actors
Determinants of Success (Mediating & Moderating Variables,
or Mediators and Moderators): Mediators are intervening
variables (intervening between the intervention effort and
program outcomes), while moderators are contextual factors
that constrain or enable those outcomes—Chen, page 91.
(following from
the intervention)
Chen pp.240-241; Action Model for HIV/AIDS education
Action Model (which along with the Change Model=ProgramTheory)
Implementation (interventiondeterminantsprogram outcomes)
Mediating Variables
Instrumental variables inherent in
program design. E.g., openness to
learning and change regarding sexual
behaviors may well be either presumed
or actively fostered by the program, since
this cognitive factor would be considered
a key variable intervening between
program intervention(s) and behavioral
change(s) among program subjects
Moderating Variables
Often, less than positive: e.g., lack
of partner support, social and
economic variables such as poverty,
education, prejudice. However, may
be positive: e.g., the incidence of
help from supportive networks—
support groups, family and friends,
reinforcing messages, social and
institutional and cultural supports
Impacts on individual subject(s) of the intervention, with
“impacts’ defined as the aggregate of comparative net outcomes
Logic Model
A graphic representation that
clearly identifies and lays out the logical
relationships among program conditions
(needs), resources/inputs, activities,
outputs, and outcomes or impacts.
Welfare-To-Work Logic Model
Inputs Activities/Outputs
Short-term to Intermediate Outcomes
Outputs for
Strategy 1
Strategy 1: Improve Hard Skills of
Clients to Fit Hiring Needs of the
Current Economy
Increase % of clients with adequate hard
skills for standard employment
Increase % of clients completing
continuing education coursework
for high-wage career advancement
Strategy 2: Improve the Soft Skills of
Clients to Aid in Job Placement and
Increase % of clients with appropriate
soft skills
Strategy 3: Enhance Day Care Access
Decrease % clients w/out day care access
Strategy 4: Enhance Access to
Decrease % of clients w/out transport
Strategy 5: Decrease Barriers
Presented by Physical Disability
Increase % of employers offering
“integrative” workplace for people with
# of clients trained for
standard employment
# of clients trained or
completing degree in
high-wage employment
Activities for
Strategy 1
# of training courses
# training
# employer surveys
# career counseling
sessions provided
# employers offering
continuing education
Increase SelfSufficiency in the
Community through
Increased Employment
Decrease in Welfare
Ratio of TANF funds to
wages paid to #clients
# unemployment rate
# unemployment rate for
Increase SelfSufficiency
% of community
achieving a selfsufficient wage; % of
clients achieving selfsufficient wage
Logic Model & implicit/explicit program theory
A good logic model clearly identifies Program Goals,
Objectives, Inputs, Activities, Outputs, Desired Outcomes,
and Eventual Impacts, in their sequential interrelation.
 Program theory specifies the relationship between program
efforts and expected results (cf. theory-driven and utilizationfocused evaluation—Chen). Causal logic models specify the
connections among program elements with reference to a
specific theory or theories of change and of action; in some
instances, they may just provide if-then linkages.
 A logic model helps specify what to measure in an
evaluation, guides assessment of underlying assumptions,
and allows for stakeholder consultation and corrective action,
for telling a program’s “performance story.”
 Partnered, collaborative programs involving a number of
agencies or organizations have more complex causal chains;
it is a challenge to capture and assess these in evaluation,
as indicated in the following two slides.
Multi-agency Monitoring &Evaluation Logic
Agency 1
Agency 2
Agency 3
Adapted from Milstein & Kreuter. A Summary Outline of Logic Models: What are They
and What Can They Do for Planning and Evaluation? CDC 2000
Complex effects chain in partnered
Attribution difficulties;
transparency &
accountability challenges
1, 2, 3,
Identifying Design and Data Collection Methods
in Evaluation Planning
Involve client and stakeholders in deciding necessary
information to best answer each key evaluation question
 Evaluation designs specify the organization and structure and
resources needed for data collection and analysis
 Causal designs: (quasi)experimental designs
 Multiple regression, ANOVA, t-tests, or other statistical
methods are applied in order to answer evaluation questions.
 Descriptive designs: describe (case study), analyze the
program, show a trend (time series), assess public opinions
(cross-sectional), illustrate a process (“thick” description)
 Commonly used in needs assessment and process
evaluation research
Evaluator and stakeholders examine each question
carefully to identify any important research design issues
Most evaluations involve multiple research designs or
combination of methods—hybrid evaluation designs. This
is also called “mixed-method” evaluation, involving the
triangulation of both methods and data
Important to discuss early to see if:
 Focus groups are available, appropriateness of random
assignment, time available for collecting data, access to
data sources such as program files, training needs that
may be indicated for staff, cost, etc.
 Intensive interviewing, semi-structured interviews, or other
methods are feasible.
 Is the design “doable?”
Identifying Appropriate Information Sources
Once information requirements are agreed upon, the
sources of the information must be specified; the following
questions are key:
Using existing data as information source
Does necessary information already exist in a readily available form?
Preferable to use it
Commonly used information sources
Who will have information or access to it?
Who will be able to collect those data?
Program recipients, deliverers, persons who have knowledge of the
program recipients, public documents/databases, file data, reports,
position papers, grant proposals
Policies that restrict information sources
Are there policies about collecting data from clients or program files?
Confidentiality, anonymity, privacy, IRB protocols
Identifying Appropriate Information Sources
Using existing data as information sources
 Does necessary information already exist in a
readily available form? Preferable to use it
Commonly used information sources
 Program recipients, deliverers, persons who have
knowledge of the program recipients, public
documents/databases, file data, reports, position
papers, grant proposals
Policies that restrict information sources
 Do policies exist concerning collecting data from
clients or existing files?
 Confidentiality, anonymity, privacy, IRB protocols
Identifying Appropriate Information Sources
Client and stakeholder involvement in identifying
The evaluator, by training and experience, often can
identify key sources of information
Client groups will be able to identify sources of
information that may be missed by the evaluator
This is one area where evaluator-client and evaluatorstakeholder collaboration yields helpful answers and
makes for a sense of shared ownership of the evaluation
Identifying Data Collection Methods, Instruments
Data collected directly from individuals identified
as sources of information
interviews, surveys, rating scales, focus groups,
Personal Products:
 Tests, narratives, survey responses
Data collected by independent observer
Narrative accounts
Observation forms (rating scales, checklists)
Unobtrusive measures; participant observation
Data collected from existing information
 Public documents
Review of organizational documents
federal, state, local, databases, Census data, etc.
client files, notes of employees/directors, audits,
minutes, publications, reports, proposals
Program files
Original grant proposal
Position papers
Program planning documents
Correspondence, e-mails, etc.
After identifying for methods, it is important to
review adequacy of techniques
Will the information collected provide a comprehensive
Are the methods both legal and ethical?
Is the cost of data collection worthwhile?
Can data be collected without undue disruption?
Can data be collected within time constraints?
Will the information be reliable and valid for the
purposes of the evaluation?
Determining Appropriate Conditions for
Collecting Information
Examples of issues around data collection:
Will sampling be used?
How will data actually be collected?
When will data be collected?
Specifying sampling procedures to be employed
Sampling helps researcher draw inferences about the
population in the study
Sampling is useful when it will not diminish the
confidence of results
Sample size must be appropriate; too small a sample is
of limited value, and over-large, unfeasible
Specifying how/when information will be collected
Who will collect data?
For interviews, focus groups: Might characteristics of
the evaluator or evaluators influence data collection?
For instance, cultural distance.
What training should be given to people collecting
the data? Striving for consistency across
In what setting should data collection take place?
Is confidentiality protected?
Are special equipment, materials needed?
When will the information be needed? Available?
When can the information conveniently be collected?
Determining Appropriate Methods to Organize,
Analyze, and Interpret Information
Develop a system to code, organize, store, and
retrieve data
For each evaluation question, specify how collected
information will be analyzed
Identify statistical and other analytical techniques
Designate some means for conducting the analysis
Interpreting results
Share information with clients to gain perspective on
potential interpretations of the data, and to ensure
completeness and correctness of the data collected
The evaluation plan should allow for the generation
and recording of multiple or conflicting interpretations
Interpretations should consider multiple perspectives
Determining Appropriate Ways to Report
Evaluation Findings
What is the appropriate way to report findings?
Audience, content, format, date, context of
Suggested Questions (Chen)
Are reporting audiences defined?
Are report formats and content appropriate for
audience needs?
Will the evaluation report balanced information?
Will reports be timely and effective? Purposes?
Is the report plan responsive to the rights to
information and data ownership of the audiences?
Evaluation Plan Checklist—outline
The following is a checklist of the primary
components of a typical evaluation plan; plans
should be tailored to specific requirements,
beyond this checklist:
Introduction and Background
A description of the project, strategy or activity
that you are evaluating
Questions that you think need answers in order
to understand the impact of your work and to
improve the evaluation effort
Program Outcomes and Measures
The desired outcomes of the project or program effort
about to be undertaken or already underway, and the
measures that you will use to indicate that you are
progressing toward those outcomes. The evaluation
plan often articulates desired program outcomes
(objectives) more fully and clearly than program
documents. This is one way that evaluations can play
a formative role.
Methodology and Approach
Methodology or techniques (e.g., surveys, use of
agency records, focus groups, key informant
interviews, pre- and post-tests, etc.) that you will be
using to collect the measurement data
Data Collection Management and Work-plan
The data sources (e.g. administrative data sources, respondent
groups) that will be used, how data will be managed, and who will
be responsible for data collection, data “clean-up,” quality-control
of data collection, and eventual “ownership” of the data. These
controls and disposition of ownership question were major
concerns with the NARCH program.
Proposed Products
An evaluation report or several reports, an executive summary, a
PowerPoint presentation to program principals, grant proposals,
handouts, press releases? Who will receive them—intended
audiences? (The contractor and funding agency and other key
actors may wish to have distinct reports). How will these products
be used? Are various uses to be sequenced in particular ways?
Evaluation Research Questions
Most evaluation plans are prepared annually for multi-year programs; the
following retrospective and prospective questions often arise:
1. Planning and Implementation:
Was program planning adequate? Was the implementation carried out as
planned? How well? Were there process or implementation barriers?
2. Opportunities: What anticipated and unanticipated opportunities for
the generation of information obtained? Did advisory groups, IRBs, focus
groups, and other key respondents function as expected? Were
information and resources provided as planned—as to types, quantity,
and timing? For instance, in the Native American Research Centers for
Health Program, data collection went well, but collection of data from six
different sets of project Principal Investigators was often delayed or not
available in the right format or containing the information expected.
3. Participation and Utilization: How many and what key stakeholders
participated? Were there unexpected barriers to participation?
4. Developmental/consultative role for the evaluator: If there are
serious shortcomings in any of these areas, should the evaluator become
involved in redressing them? Questions about the proper evaluator role.
Evaluation Research Questions
5. Satisfaction: Are/Were participants satisfied? Why? Why not?
6. Awareness: What is the level of awareness of the subject in the
target community? Has awareness increased?
7. Attitudes, norms: What is the perception of an activity or service
(example: cancer screening)? Have perceptions changed?
8. Knowledge: What does the target population know about an issue
or service (example: substance abuse awareness)? Do they now
know more about it? Are they more engaged? For example, in the
NARCH Program, parent-facilitators were trained in two communities
to develop and implement a family-based curriculum for their lateelementary-school children, and depth semi-structured interviews
indicated a very significant increase in awareness and buy-in on their
9. Behavior: What do people do (example: display a willingness to
undergo cancer screening)?
10. Capacity: Has community institutional capacity increased? E.g., in
the NARCH program, development of IRB capability.
Outcomes and Measures
What are the stated goals and objectives of the program? For
NARCH they were drawn from the NIH, and entailed (1)
Reducing historic mistrust between tribal communities and
university researchers, (2) reducing health disparities
between Native communities and the American population at
large, and (3) reducing under-representation of AI/AN in the
health professions.
How do goals and objectives connect to one another?
What are the specific program intervention strategies to attain
these goals, objectives? You may need to have a strategic
planning retreat or two with clients to define these.
How do goals and objectives connect to strategies. Examine
assumptions as you link the two.
How will progress toward goal attainment be assessed – what
indicators or measures will tell you how you are doing? Short
term and long term and the time-frames for each. Define
indicators and measures in dialogue with clients and
beneficiaries, stakeholders.
Methodology and Data Collection Approach
 Specify
the data collection methods for each measure
(which links back to indicators and objectives and
goals, and inputs and resources, in a logic model).
Specify both qualitative and quantitative measures, and to
what extent you will use mixed or hybrid approaches.
 What specific types of data will you collect, from what
sources? Who are the respondent groups to reach?
 What will be your timeline for collecting the data?
 What systems (computerized or paper) are in place to
collect, manage, and store data? If none, what is your plan
for addressing this gap?
Data Collection Management and Work Plan
 What are the tasks (e.g., designing assessment tools such
as surveys, building necessary relationships to obtain
 What is the interplay to be between program
implementation protocols and the sequencing and content
of the evaluation?
 Who is responsible for instrument design (usually the
evaluator) and for data collection, analysis, and
presentation (evaluator in concert with client)?
 How long will it take to collect, analyze and prepare to
present the information?
 How much will it cost?
Data Collection Management and Work-plan
Projecting the Time Involved:
 Project/Account for preparation time and
implementation time for focus groups, interviews, and
site visits.
 Logistics of arranging space, transportation, and
compensation (if any) for participants, etc.
 Participant recruitment, invitations, follow-up
 Instrument development and training/practice (for
facilitators, if other than the evaluator)
 Obtaining data from programs or administrative/public
sources can be time consuming
 Plan for research time, follow-up time in response to
data requests, clarification after receipt, etc.
Data Collection Management and Work-plan
Projecting—in the Evaluation Plan—time Involved in Data Collection:
A day of data collection often requires a day of analysis; as a rule of
thumb, at least two hours of analysis for a two-hour focus group
Build time for review and feedback from other stakeholders into the
preparation of products phase
Allow for flexibility in your projection of time involved for general project
management, meetings to discuss the data collection and analysis, and
unintended or unexpected events
Projecting the Cost Involved:
Your costs—time invested, for instance—as a consultant. It’s not
uncommon for contracts to be priced per deliverables in their totality and
not per-hour, while still allowing for separate billing for travel and other
extraordinary costs; this has significant advantages for evaluators.
Direct costs (mailing, copying, telephone use for data collection)
Incentives for participation (NARCH used $20 gift cards);
Costs for conducting focus groups (food, space, transportation)
Presentation materials—usually the evaluator’s responsibility as pertains
to her or his own presentations.
Evaluation Products and Deliverables
These are to be specified in the Evaluation Plan:
Evaluation Reports –principal product; annual, semi-annual, end-ofproject
Other Products: quarterly reports, reports to boards, separate reports
to client and funding source, press releases, position papers, etc.
Audience/Purpose: Specify the various audiences corresponding to
each of these
These presuppose an articulation early in the report of key Evaluation
Questions, which connect back to program goals and objectives,
indicators and measures, type of evaluation (design or developmental,
process or formative, impact or summative). They also connect with key
stakeholder and program principal questions. For example: What would
I want to know as a program manager, funder, board member,
community member? What would I want to read to be able to
understand the issue? What would I need to know in order to take
action? In what ways does the evaluation address program
accountability and responsibility? In order to carry all of this out well, you
need to engage principals and stakeholders, hold community forums
(also opportunities for satisfaction surveys), circulate drafts.
The Evaluation Management Plan (Work Plan)
The final task in planning the evaluation is
describing how it will be carried out
An Evaluation Management Plan or Work Plan is
often essential to help with implementation and
oversight of the project
Who will do the evaluation?
How much will it cost?
Will it be within budget?
How does the sequencing of tasks define these
Can evaluators count on continued support from top
management, for instance in mandating timely and
usable reporting of data by program principles?
Agreements and contracts
 Potential problems that arise during the
evaluation can be more easily resolved if client
and evaluator share a firm understanding
 A well-documented agreement prior to
launching the evaluation study concerning
important research procedures (and caveats,
e.g., as to data availability) is essential
Contract and form samples may be found at: