Objective of Lecture Explain mathematically how a voltage that is applied to resistors in series is distributed among the resistors. Chapter 2.5 in Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Chapter 5.7 Electric Circuit Fundamentals Chapter 2.3 Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications Explain mathematically how a current that enters the a node shared by resistors in parallel is distributed among the resistors. Chapter 2.6 in Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Chapter 6.7 in Electric Circuit Fundamentals Chapter 2.3 Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications Work through examples include a series-parallel resistor network (Example 4). Chapter 7.2 in Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Voltage Dividers Resistors in series share the same current Vin Voltage Dividers Resistors in series share the same current From Kirchoff’s Voltage Law and Ohm’s Law : + 0 Vin V1 V2 V1 - V1 IR1 Vin V2 IR2 + V2 _ Voltage Dividers Resistors in series share the same current From Kirchoff’s Voltage Law and Ohm’s Law : + 0 Vin V1 V2 V1 - V1 IR1 Vin V2 IR2 + V2 _ V2 V1 R1 R2 V1 R1 R1 R2 Vin V2 R2 R1 R2 Vin Voltage Division The voltage associated with one resistor Rn in a chain of multiple resistors in series is: R Vn S n Vtotal R s s 1 or Rn Vn Vtotal Req where Vtotal is the total of the voltages applied across the resistors. Voltage Division The percentage of the total voltage associated with a particular resistor is equal to the percentage that that resistor contributed to the equivalent resistance, Req. The largest value resistor has the largest voltage. Example 1 Find the V1, the voltage across R1, and V2, the voltage across R2. + V1 - + V2 _ Example 1 Voltage across R1 is: V1 R1 R1 R2 Vtotal V1 3k 3k 4k 20V sin 377t V1 8.57V sin 377t + V1 - Voltage across R2 is: V2 R2 R1 R2 Vtotal V2 4k 3k 4k 20V sin 377t V2 11.4V sin 377t Check: V1 + V2 should equal Vtotal 8.57 sin(377t)V = 11.4 sin(377t) = 20 sin(377t) V + V2 _ Example 2 Find the voltages listed in the circuit to the right. + V1 - + V2 - + V3 - Example 2 (con’t) Req 200 400 100 Req 700 V1 200 / 700 1V V1 0.286V V2 400 / 700 1V + V1 - + V2 - V2 0.571V V3 100 / 700 1V V3 0.143V Check: V1 + V2 + V3 = 1V + V3 - Symbol for Parallel Resistors To make writing equations simpler, we use a symbol to indicate that a certain set of resistors are in parallel. Here, we would write R1║R2║R3 to show that R1 is in parallel with R2 and R3. This also means that we should use the equation for equivalent resistance if this symbol is included in a mathematical equation. Current Division All resistors in parallel share the same voltage + Vin _ Current Division All resistors in parallel share the same voltage From Kirchoff’s Current Law and Ohm’s Law : + 0 I in I1 I 2 I 3 Vin Vin I1 R1 _ Vin I 3 R3 Vin I 2 R2 Current Division All resistors in parallel share the same voltage + Vin I1 I2 _ I3 R2 R3 R1 R2 R3 R1 R3 R2 R1 R3 R1 R2 R3 R1 R2 I in I in I in Current Division Alternatively, you can reduce the number of resistors in parallel from 3 to 2 using an equivalent resistor. + Vin _ If you want to solve for current I1, then find an equivalent resistor for R2 in parallel with R3. Current Division + Vin _ Req R2 R3 where Req R2 R3 and I1 I in R2 R3 R1 Req Current Division The current associated with one resistor R1 in parallel with one other resistor is: R2 I1 I total R1 R2 The current associated with one resistor Rm in parallel with two or more resistors is: Req I m I total Rm where Itotal is the total of the currents entering the node shared by the resistors in parallel. Current Division The largest value resistor has the smallest amount of current flowing through it. Example 3 Find currents I1, I2, and I3 in the circuit to the right. Example 3 (con’t) Req 1 200 1 400 1 600 109 1 I1 109 / 200 4 A I1 2.18 A I 2 109 / 400 4 A I 2 1.09 A I 3 109 / 600 4 A I 3 0.727 A Check: I1 + I2 + I3 = Iin Example 4 The circuit to the I1 right has a series and parallel combination of resistors plus two voltage sources. + V1 _ Find V1 and Vp Find I1, I2, and I3 I2 I3 + Vp _ Example 4 (con’t) I1 First, calculate the total voltage applied to the network of resistors. + + V1 This is the addition of _ two voltage sources in series. Vtotal 1V 0.5V sin( 20t ) Vtotal I2 I3 + Vp _ _ Example 4 (con’t) I1 Second, calculate the equivalent resistor that can be used to replace the parallel combination of R2 and R3. Req1 R2 R3 R2 R3 400100 Req1 400 100 Req1 80 + + V1 _ Vtotal + Vp _ _ Example 4 (con’t) I1 To calculate the value for I1, replace the series combination of R1 and Req1 with another equivalent resistor. Req 2 R1 Req1 + Vtotal Req 2 200 80 Req 2 280 _ Example 4 (con’t) Vtotal I1 Req 2 1V 0.5V sin( 20t ) I1 280 1V 0.5V sin( 20t ) I1 280 280 I1 3.57 mA 1.79mA sin( 20t ) I1 + Vtotal _ Example 4 (con’t) I1 To calculate V1, use one of the previous simplified circuits where R1 is in series with Req1. R1 V1 Vtotal R1 Req + + _ Vtotal or V1 R1 I1 V1 0.714V 0.357V sin( 20t ) V1 + Vp _ _ Example 4 (con’t) To calculate Vp: Vp Req1 R1 Req1 Vtotal I1 + + or V p Req1 I1 or V p Vtotal V1 _ Vtotal V p 0.287V 0.143V sin( 20t ) Note: rounding errors can occur. It is best to carry the calculations out to 5 or 6 significant figures and then reduce this to 3 significant figures when writing the final answer. V1 + Vp _ _ Example 4 (con’t) Finally, use the I1 original circuit to find I2 and I3. + V1 R3 I2 I1 R2 R3 I2 or I2 _ Req1 R2 I1 I 2 0.714mA 0.357mA sin( 20t ) I3 + Vp _ Example 4 (con’t) Lastly, the I1 calculation for I3. + R2 I3 I1 R2 R3 V1 or _ I3 Req1 R3 I1 or I 3 I1 I 2 I 3 2.86mA 1.43mA sin( 20t ) I2 I3 + Vp _ Summary The equations used to calculate the voltage across a specific resistor Rn in a set of resistors in series are: Rn Vn Vtotal Req Geq Vn Vtotal Gn The equations used to calculate the current flowing through a specific resistor Rm in a set of resistors in parallel are: Im Req Rm I total Gm Im I total Geq