Electric Circuits Lecture 2: Sources and Resistances By Sheharyar Zahid More on series resistances • Keeping KVL in mind, it states that the voltage rise must equal the sum of the drops in the following circuit [1] Parallel Resistances • For the Case of parallel resistances, we already know • Now for this special case of two parallel resistances we can also use the following formula to make our analysis easier [1] Parallel Resistances • If we do a simple calculation we will see that the overall resistance is decreased • This is because now current has more paths to flow through • Also note that if one of the resistances is much larger then it can be ignored as the formula will show you Potentiometer • Consider a resistor that has a linear response • The resistance can be varied if we change ‘l’ - the length of the resistive element (recall the expression for resistivity) • Such a device which can be made to vary its resistance by the use of its ‘l’ along with a metal contact is called a potentiometer • Essentially it is just a ‘variable’ resistance Various symbol conventions for a potentiometer are displayed >>> [1] Voltage Divider • A voltage divider does just that, it divides the voltage • Function of this circuit is to take an input voltage (Vi) and provide a scaled down output voltage (Vo), since we know how the series resistance drops voltage we can say (Pg. 65) [1] Voltage Divider • Also called voltage attenuator as we can see this is used to drop the voltage hence attenuate it • A two resistor voltage divider requires that the resistances be in series (i.e. carry the same current) and share a simple node • If any other elements are connected to the shared node then we can no longer apply the given voltage divider formula • Vo preserves the nature of Vi, i.e. AC will output AC and DC will output DC • Vo is also (theoretically) linearly proportional to Vi • Try an example from Franco pg. 66 Voltage Gain • A relationship can be established between the output and input, [1] • We can see that the gain depends on the ratio of the resistors • The choice of resistors will effect current and the power absorbed by the divider Variable gain attenuator • Incorporating a potentiometer we can devise a variable gain attenuator [1] • Can be used to control the volume of audio devices Current Divider • Produces an output current in response to an input current [1] • R1 and R2 share the same node therefore they are in parallel and have a common voltage drop. The current divides in the two resistances in an inversely proportional manner. Current gain • We can also find the current gain of the divider by expressing the equation as [1] • Output is a fraction of input and is proportional to it • Current gain depends on the ratio’s of the resistances • Equal resistances split current equally (but practically, two identical resistors can not be the same, why?) • The larger R2 is than R1, the lesser the output current will be and vice versa, if R2 >> R1 then output current will tend to zero Resistive Bridge • Consists of 2 voltage dividers (also called bridge arms) with a common source Vs [1] • Now using the voltage gain formula on slide 8 we can derive an expression for output voltage [1] Try example on pg. 72 of Franco [1] More on the resistive bridge • If the resistance ratios on each arm are identical i.e. [1] • Then output voltage = zero and the bridge is balanced • A Wheatstone bridge is a resistive bridge with a variable resistance • Used in null measurements when one resistance connected is unknown. Measurement is taken when output goes to zero [1] Resistive Ladders • Look at the ‘Resistive Ladder’ below [1] • Using the knowledge you already possess it can be seen [1] An R-2R Ladder • If we take the resistive ladder and set resistances equal to R and 2R, we get an R-2R ladder that gives progressively diminishing (halving) current and voltage levels [1] Some Applications • The Wheatstone bridge is used in instrumentation applications • The R-2R ladder is used for making DAC’s – you will study about DAC’s and ADC’s in a later course Practical Voltage Source Model • We have already discussed how practical voltage sources have internal resistances [1] • V=Vs only when there is no current (i) • The i-v characteristic can be modeled by [1] Practical Voltage Source Model [1] • It behaves like an ideal V source with a series resistance • Compare this to the i-v characteristics of the ideal V source Practical Current Source Model • Similarly a practical current source will exhibit a similar behavior • The internal resistance is modeled as being in parallel because of how current divides in parallel (no current will divide in series) [1] …About the i-v graphs • We are assuming something in these i-v graphs, can you guess what it is? [1] • It has to do with the uniformity of the gradients …. The proportionality! • For the voltage source we are assuming that the drop in voltage is linearly proportional to the load current • For the current source we are assuming that current falls linearly proportional to the load voltage Important Tasks! • Do all the examples in the Franco book up till page 88 and page 92-95. They are very easy and you have studied everything you need for it. Quizzes can happen anytime • NEXT WEEK WE WILL BEGIN: CIRCUIT ANALYSIS References [1] Franco, S 1995, Electric circuit fundamentals, 2nd Edn, Saunders College Publishing