Warm up 1.How are igneous rocks formed? 2.What is the difference between extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks? 3.What are barrier islands? Characteristics of Soil • Physical and Chemical weathering creates rock fragments called Regolith. • Soil is the part of the regolith that supports life. Soil Profile = all the layers that make up the soil in an area • Soil forms in layers called horizons • Mature soil has at least three horizons: A (topsoil), B (subsoil), and C (weathered bedrock). Soil Composition • Soil has four major components: •Mineral matter (broken down rock) (45%) •Organic matter, called humus (5%) •Water (25%) •Air (25%) • Why is the term “lunar soil” a misnomer (a poorly chosen name)? Think about it for 30 seconds and then talk to your table or partner for 60 seconds. Soil Formation 5 Factors that are most important in the formation of soil are: The source of mineral matter in soil. The more time it has to form the thicker it will be. AN D • a hot, wet climate may produce chemically weathered soil Differences in temperature and precipitation influence rate, depth, and type of weathering on the soil. •a cold, dry climate might produce mechanically weathered soil • Plants -are the main source of organic matter in soil •Microorganisms -play a role in decomposing organic matter (dead plants and animals) •Burrowing animals -mix the mineral and organic matter Soil Textural Triangle • The percentage of sand, silt and clay will tell you the texture name Example: • 30% clay • 10% sand • 60% silt • …….is Silt Clay Loam Bill Nye • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVdSPZLh5s Snowball Fight 1. Create a test review question 1. Write it on a piece of paper 1. Ball up the paper into a snowball 1. When Mr. Hundley says “Go,” FIGHT! Review Day – Build Your Own Test! • On one sheet of paper – Build your own Unit 3 test! – It must be AT LEAST 20 questions long. – Questions can be short answer, multiple choice, diagram drawing, or true/false. – BE NEAT! Someone will have to take this. • On another sheet of paper – Write out the answer key to your test. – Make sure you answer EVERY QUESTION correctly and neatly – this means drawing diagrams or answering short answer questions if you asked them. Review Day – Build Your Own Test! Step 1: Do your best to take another student’s test! Step 2: When Mr. Hundley says so, go find that person to use the answer key to grade the test you just took. Step 3: What holes in your knowledge did you find? What do you REALLY need to study before the test tomorrow? Warm up 1. How many soil horizons are in mature soil? 2.What is the technical term for a layer of weathered rock? 3.What are the four components of soil? Riddle: What starts with "e" ends with "e" and contains only one letter? Unit 3 Test! • Make a “Share Sheet” for the test – Rocks/Rock Cycle – Weathering (Mechanical/Chemical/Rates) – Soil • Everyone must make a share sheet • I will choose ONE of your table’s sheets that you will be able to use Soil Extra Credit • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ego6LIIjbY