When students enter English, I go to my seat, (Remember

When students enter English,
 go to my seat, (Remember KAHFOOTY and voice level)
 read the directions on the board***
 begin the warm up activity
Class Helpers
 pass out folders,
 pass out any papers (as directed by instructions on board
or teachers), and
 make sure all laptops are on the correct desk.
***If there are no directions on the board, I should choose one poem in my folder
and find words/phrases I like. Then, I should use these to write a poem or journal
response. (Write on a sheet of paper and leave this writing in your folder. Include a
title and the date.)
Sample #1: From the poem, Possum Crossing, I chose the word exasperated and the
phrase coffee-gurgling. Here is a possible journal response:
This morning my alarm beeped 30 minutes later than usual. Once I fully
awoke and realized I might be late for school, I rushed to find my clothes and school
bag. Walking out the door, I looked for my keys. Completely exasperated, I
growled at my son to help me find the keys. He quietly asked, “You mean the keys in
your hand?” I stomped out to the car. A few minutes later, my son turned to his
coffee-gurgling mom and again quietly asked, “Better?”
“If I make it to school on time, I’ll be fine.”
Sample #2: This poem is a haiku with words collected from other poems: the
drum, Where I’m From, Facing It, Marcus Millsap, Thumbprint
Rhythm glistening
Brushstrokes of a red-winged bird
Unique whirls wheels whorls