
Games Make It Fun
Why play games instead of worksheets?
 Games are fun.
 We all learn differently.
 Helps collaborative students be part of the class.
 Studies suggest it increases learning.
 Energizes us.
 Builds relationships.
Bingo is a fantastic game to review
Vocabulary, important dates and
Also names of famous people.
Free Printable templates are available
on line from many sites. My favorite is
Microsoft Excel Games. Google it and
Begin the fun. Laminate the cards and
clues and use them year after year.
Games can be played on line if your
school has the computers or IPads.
Jeopardy is one my
classes favorite
review games to play.
There are many
online game makers,
but watch for a
charge. Microsoft
Excel games has a
similar version called
Big Board Game. The
template can be
drawn on the board
Divide the class into 2 groups. Give a question
to team A. All students who think they know
the answer stand up. Team B calls on one of the
Standing students to answer. It they answer
Correctly, Team A receives the number of points
Equal to the number of students standing. If
they miss the question, Team B receives the
I write numbers on the board representing the
questions and they choose one. Difficulty is
 Each student writes down 3
statements about the content being
studied. Two statements should be
untruths and one true statement. Go
around the room and students read
their statements. Each student gets
points based on how many people
they fool with their statements.
 You can elaborate on what makes
the statements incorrect to address
misconceptions on the topic.
Draw a football field or (baseball)
on the board or on the computer.
Divide class into two teams.
Questions should be organized ,
based on difficulty, and arranged
by 10 yards, 20 yards, 30 yards and
40 yards
Flip a coin to see which team goes
first. Start on the 20 yard line and pick
a question. If they get it correct, they
move down the field the number of
yards on the question.. If it is incorrect,
it is a fumble and the other team
recovers if they answer correctly. If
they are incorrect, it is consider
second down.
They have 4 downs to get a touch
 I pick the 10 most important
questions to review with. Each
student in the room gets out a piece
of paper to answer the question.
After the first question, they pass
the paper to the left. I continue with
the questions and the students pass
the paper after each answer.
 This gives everyone a chance to earn
some bonus points. Each question
is worth ½ of a point with a total of
5 points max.
 This is a classic game. Divide
class into teams. Ask a question,
if student answers correctly
they get to shoot a small Nerf
ball into the trash can for an
extra point. If they miss no extra
point and question passes to the
next team
 Line students into a single line
around the exterior walls of the
room. Randomly chose a
student to answer a question. If
they answer correctly, they can
bump the person to the left or
right off the wall. The student
who is bumped will sit down
and is out of the game. If the
question is answered
incorrectly, the student is
disqualified and sits down.
 Afterwards, the students
wad the paper up. When
the teacher signals, the
snowball fight begins. It
continues until teacher
calls time.
 Students will group
Divide class into 2 groups. Each
group is given some scratch paper
to write a review question on.
together and answer all the
questions on the snowballs
that landed on their side.
Team with most points
 This game is patterned after Trivial
Pursuit. Using an old board from
Trivial Pursuit, develop six
categories of questions to represent
each color
 Use bottle tops as place markers
and beads to represent a piece of
the pie.
 Play by Trivial Pursuit rules
 This takes time to develop, but
great for a year end review.
 Every teacher has one student
who thinks they know
everything. So why not let them
prove it.
 One student competes against
the whole class. Alternate
questions. All students must
participate. When you miss , you
are out.
 Only do this if the student is
willing. Never try to embarrass.