COPY DATE, TOPIC & OBJECTIVE ON PG. 42 Date: 12.14.15 Topic: Ch 4 Quiz Discussion Another Look at the Science Fair Objective: 1) To discuss responses to the Ch. 4 quiz 2) Update your science fair project document Ch. 4 Quiz Correction Deadline, Monday, Dec. 21st 2015 Ch. 4 Test, Tuesday, Dec. 22nd 2015 COPY& ANS.DO-NOW, COPY EXIT TICKET & HW ON PG. 41 Do Now: Update TOC 1) Rate your performance on the Ch.4 Quiz. How could you have improved your performance? 2) What are the steps of the Science Fair Project was most time consuming? What does your preliminary result(s) look like? HW: 1) Signed Science Project Paperwork. 2) Update Science Fair Project document. Share with Dr. B. Exit Ticket: What are the steps you still need to work on for your Science Fair project document? COPY DATE, TOPIC & OBJECTIVE ON PG. 44 Date: 12.15.15 Topic: Another Look at the Science Fair & Science Fair Project Ideas Objective: 1) Read related pages in the BSCS Textbook for suggested & related Science Fair Project ideas 2) Update your science fair project document Ch. 4 Quiz Correction Deadline, Monday, Dec. 21st 2015 Ch. 4 Test, Tuesday, Dec. 22nd 2015 COPY& ANS.DO-NOW, COPY EXIT TICKET & HW ON PG. 43 Do Now: Update TOC 1) Read Science fair experiment options slip handed to you as you walked in. 2) What steps of the Science Fair Project was most time consuming? What does your preliminary result(s) look like? HW: 1) Signed Science Project Paperwork. 2) Update Science Fair Project document. Share with Dr. B. 3) Read Essay “Making Exchanges throughout the body” (Pg.228-230) and answer related worksheet. Exit Ticket: What are the steps you still need to work on for your Science Fair project document? COPY DATE, TOPIC & OBJECTIVE ON PG. 46 Date: 12.16.15 Topic: Regulating the internal environment (Circulatory System) Objective: To understand the homeostatic mechanisms of the circulatory system, and its structures/functions via video, text & discussions Ch. 4 Quiz Correction Deadline, Monday, Dec. 21st 2015 Ch. 4 Test, Tuesday, Dec. 22nd 2015 COPY& ANS.DO-NOW, COPY EXIT TICKET & HW ON PG. 45 Do Now: Update TOC 1) Write down 5 things you know or think you know about the circulatory system 2) Write down one question you have about the circulatory system. HW: 1) Signed Science Project Paperwork. 2) Update Science Fair Project document. Share with Dr. B. 3) Read Essay “Disposing of Wastes” (Pg.231-233) and answer related worksheet. Exit Ticket: Use your concept map, notes and labeled diagram to describe the flow of blood throughout the body. Circulatory System Transports blood, gases – CO2 and O2, hormones, nutrients, and wastes to maintain homeostasis The Circulatory System Composed of 4 parts: 1. Heart 2. Blood (types A, B, AB, & O) 2. Blood Vessels 3. Lymphatic System Parts of the heart • Atria = two upper chambers. • Ventricles = two lower chambers. • Heart valves separate atria and ventricles. –Prevent blood backflow –Heart murmurs – valves that do not close properly –Make the “lub dubb” • Right side: –Receives blood from the body through the superior and inferior vena cava –pumps blood containing high levels of CO2 to the lungs (through the pulmonary artery) The Heart • Left side: –Receives blood from the lungs (through the pulmonary veins) –pumps freshly oxygenated (O2 )blood to body through the aorta and descending aorta. COPY DATE, TOPIC & OBJECTIVE ON PG. 48 Date: 12.17.15 Topic: Regulating the internal environment (Circulatory System) Day2 Objective: To understand the homeostatic mechanisms of the circulatory system, and its structures/functions via video, text & discussions Ch. 4 Quiz Correction Deadline, Monday, Dec. 21st 2015 Ch. 4 Test, Tuesday, Dec. 22nd 2015 COPY& ANS.DO-NOW, COPY EXIT TICKET & HW ON PG. 47 Do Now: Update TOC Based on the diagram, describe 3 things you notice about the circulatory system. (ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES) HW: Complete Forms 1A and 1B for the Science Fair Project (20 points!!!!) Exit Ticket: Use your concept map, notes and labeled diagram to describe the flow of blood throughout the body. Gas Exchange Occurs CO2 is exchanged for O2 The heart pumps blood high in CO2 to the lungs Blood high in CO2 is pumped back to the heart Lungs Heart Body O2 diffuses into the Cell CO diffuses out of the Cell Blood high in O2 is pumped back to the heart The heart pumps blood high in O2 to the cells of the body 2. Blood is made of 4 parts: a.Plasma –Makes blood liquid –contains water, dissolved proteins, glucose, clotting factors, minerals, hormones and carbon dioxide b.Red Blood Cells ** do not contain a nucleus*** - Contains Iron containing Hemoglobin that binds to Oxygen - Made in the bone marrow What is Anemia? Blood Types c.White Blood Cells (WBCs) –Fight Infections • Part of the immune system –Made in bone marrow d.Platelets –Fragments of cells –Makes Clots - stop the bleeding –Why is this important for homeostasis? –What is Hemophilia?? 3. Blood Vessels –Arteries (thick, strong walls) carry oxygenated blood –Arterioles –Capillaries (exchange w/ cells) –Venules carry deoxygenated blood –Veins 4. Lymphatic System • Made of vessels and lymph nodes. • Lymph Nodes contain WBC’s and filter pathogens from the blood Why do Dr.’s squeeze your neck? Wrap Up and Summary • Use your concept map, notes, and labelled diagram to describe the flow of blood throughout the body. COPY DATE, TOPIC & OBJECTIVE ON PG. 50 Date: 12.21.15 Topic: Regulating the internal environment (Urinary System) Objective: To understand the homeostatic mechanisms of the urinary system, and its structures/functions via video, text & discussions Ch. 4 Quiz Correction Deadline, Monday, Dec. 21st 2015 Ch. 4 Test, Tuesday, Dec. 22nd 2015 COPY& ANS.DO-NOW, COPY EXIT TICKET & HW ON PG. 49 Do Now: Update TOC 1) Write down 5 things you know or think you know about the urinary system 2) Write down one question you have about the urinary system. (ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES) HW: Study for Ch. 4 Test Exit Ticket: Summarize everything you learnt today in 3-5 sentences. Urinary System Videos wSnw Nephron Structure and Function E • • • • The Urinary System 2 kidneys – made of nephrons which are the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney A ureter for each kidney- carries urine from kidney to the bladder Urinary bladder- holds urine until it is eliminated Urethra- carries urine to the outside world 27 Main Functions of Urinary System 1. Kidneys filter blood to keep it pure –Toxins –Metabolic wastes –Excess water –Excess ions 2. Dispose of nitrogenous wastes from protein digestion from blood –Urea 3. Regulate the balance of water and electrolytes, acids and bases 28 Nephron is the functional unit of a kidney Making urine Urine - waste product made of water, urea, and salts 1. Filtration Blood is filtered through the kidney 2. Resorption Most nutrients, water and essential ions are returned to the blood 3. Secretion A way of maintaining pH balance in the body If the wastes aren’t eliminated, then there isn’t room for fresh food and oxygen in living cells. 32 Urethra – not all things are equal Tube that moves urine out of the body is shorter in females (1.5 inches vs. 8 inches) To prevent Urinary Tract Infections Women must: • Urinate when urge occurs • Drink adequate clear fluids • Wipe front to back • Urinate after intercourse 33 Wrap Up and Summary • Summarize everything you learnt today in 3-5 sentences.